
Lust's Game: Gotta Lewd Them All(Hiatus)

What would you do if you were reincarnated? The answer of many would be to go on an adventure, try to find a way back, or live to their fullest among other possible responses. He was the kind of person to live to the fullest, but what that meant for him was, to build the greatest harem, become the strongest, and finally master as many powers as he could get his hands on. For most of his life nothing much happened and he was just your average teen bordering on young adult trying to get life on track at least one bit. Until the day of his death came as he went out with some classmates and died in an incident. Reincarnated into a new world with special eyes and now in the body of a futa, the real journey began.

LustLover · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 2-New Family

It felt odd to look out the window as the sun could be seen slowly rising. Everything about this moment felt surreal, as I looked down and saw my now four hands before touching my forehead which now had very small mounds that according to my new paternal figures were growing horns made me both excited and anxious about what was to come.

It had been 17 years since I was first born in Armoniaus, this planet full of fantastical things, the kind of which I had only read about or seen in some other entertainment medium. My fiction-fuelled brain couldn't let me fully accept this world as something I could ever be a part of, but the body I now have is a big piece of evidence, as well as the system. However, I just recently gained the memories of my past life... With recently, I mean yesterday... Apparently, today is my 18th birthday.

The good part of this was that even without my memory being what you would call fully active, I still had access my status screen and was aware of where I stand. In Armoniaus, according to the bits of information, I could get from the system after waking up. People here can get experience points like in a video game, but unlike in a video game, it's not just killing that warrants some, though killing is among the most profitable methods of acquiring exp. Though most people of this world aren't aware of how it works, as they don't have the concept of levels and or video games.

Anyway, each level has a cap of 5 for every stat, and basically people in this world, if they want to make the most out of their abilities, before leveling up, have to actually train to master all their stats to the maximum of each level, but since the average person gets a 0 increment per level on a normal basis and a 2 increment per level on best case scenario, most people can't fully abuse the system... Especially since they are not aware of it.

Apparently, even high-tier warriors only tend to get a 4 increment per level, only those at the highest echelon of nobility and royalty being able to capitalize on their knowledge to get the full 5 increment per level, and in Armoniaus one stat point of difference is a lot. Doing that for multiple levels makes it basically impossible for the rest of the world to ever catch up to the top dogs in nobility and royalty.

Not that I should be worried about that considering my family and upbringing are basically a bad joke of destiny, as I was born in a family of slaves. Just great! Well, at least we're not criminal slaves, I guess... Enough of thinking about that for now, I have to focus on finding proper training to boost my stats up to the maximum. Since as of right now, I'm still off.


[Name: Letia Ishtar Kedar

Species: Lust Being | Sub-Species: Lust Wanderer

Age: 17 years old

Sex: Hermaphrodite(Futa)

Job: None

Class: None

Lv: 0

Exp: 5/5

Titles: Reincarnated Individual, The Apostle Of Omni-Lust


Hp: 100% | Mp: (-)/0

Strength: 3/5

Vitality: 3/5

Agility: 3/5

Magic: 0/5

Willpower: 3/5


Luck: UR

Dexterity: D+

Diplomacy: I

Influence: I-

Charm: H

Talent: D+

Magic Core: 0

Magic Circuit: 0

Divine Power: 0

Spiritual Power: I+

Profane Power: 0

Physical Power: 0

Psionic Power: 0

Racial Talent: Sex Drain

Abilities: <Lust Eyes EX>, <Ecstatic Touch EX>, <Lust Body EX>, <Dual Cultivation EX>, <Lust's Transcendent Rod EX>, <Lust's Sigil EX>, <GenderBend EX>

Magic: None

Extras: Total Lewdness System,

Inventory: Locked(100,000 points)

LP: 58 points]

If I don't take advantage of my knowledge and get all my attributes to 5 before advancing to the next level, I'll be too much of a waste. The problem is that no matter how hard I train, the numbers won't budge and stay stuck on 3. Not the mention magic which I have no idea how to initiate, and neither does anyone I can ask as slaves don't usually have access to much... I haven't even ever gotten close to a book that isn't tattered, almost unreadable, and meant for children since I was reborn.

My family knows magic exists but has no actual understanding of how to use it or how it works... Which is not unexpected since they were just like me born into this lifestyle... This makes my plans to dominate everything and rule as a harem God all the more turbulent to put it in an overly optimistic way... Plus, I still have to kill an apostle, and that bitch, Nadia.

My first step will have to be to get out of slavery, but that's easier said than done. Not only are we under the influence of enslavemt magical contracts, but we also have slave seals imbued on us. The difference is that the prior binds your soul and the latter binds your physical body to obey the orders of whoever is classified as the master in any of the bindings. Luckily, I guess only one individual can be classified as the master at a time... Unfortunately, while the transference of ownership seems to be something rather common, there's no information about how to break them.

What to do now? That's a question I've had for a while, I was mostly focused on improving my attributes and finding clues on how to break free of the two forms of slavery inflicted on me, but the results for both are unsatisfactory. In the end, my best choice is to keep trying to become stronger.

My worries about being a slave aside, my new family isn't all that bad. Possibly due to having to live in a harsh environment and having little to no agency, they use whatever bit of it they have to care for one another and do their best to provide for me and my siblings. Since our owners don't have to worry about us trying to escape, in some type of resistance, they let slaves like us run farms for them, and my family is one of the established farming slave families, due to that we have a relatively large house even if it is falling apart and made with cheapass materials... I mean the damn barn has better construction and materials, unfortunately, we are not allowed to sleep there.

Frikin cattle have better living conditions than us, I would know since I'm the one taking care of them! Whatever, back to my family, I live with my mother, grandma, and younger sisters. Apparently, my father and grandpa were borrowed by the military because of a currently still ongoing territorial conflict between Horwellne my country, and a neighboring country called Samthuria, so I've never met them.

On another note, I have two older siblings I never met as well, a brother and a sister that apparently got bought by a big magic academy for having magic talent, which is part of the reason I'm interested in magic... And though I would only be changing masters, the amount of freedom and access to the knowledge I would have there can't be compared to here, but my time is running out as they don't accept or buy students older than 18.

To sum it up, gaining magic is the most important thing right now, followed by improving my attributes to their limit... Oh, and I also shouldn't forget to get a better understanding of my stats and abilities. Even if I was the one to technically create my abilities, I still don't know exactly how they work...

"LETIA! I need your help!" Her voice echoed through the house as I was pulled out of my thoughts and brought back to my new reality.

Leaving my room, I went to my sister's room and found her sitting on one of two beds, looking at me with baggy and tired eyes as soon as I entered the room. Similarly to me, she was wearing a worn-out dark brownish shirt, which was accompanied by a long skirt in the same state having almost lost all the purple on it.

That aside, she had luxurious long white hair, light blue eyes, greyish purple skin, a small nose, and similarly small lips. Below her face hidden in her clothing was a luscious body with beautiful curves.

"I'm here, what did you want? Are you in pain? Or do you need me to get you something" I couldn't help but ask as it always made me feel sorry for her to see her sitting on her bed all day, unable to leave on her own.

"I want to... I need to... It's just that errghh... You know I..." She stumbled on her words unable to finish the sentence, and me having seen this happen many times, already had an idea of what she wanted to ask, but it would be awkward if I turned out to be wrong in my assumptions, so I opt to let her say it herself. She probably wants to use the bathroom.

"I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!" After fighting her shyness for what felt like a few minutes, she finally said it, well, more so shouted it but the result is the same, and it seems my suspicions were correct.

My dear sister right here needs help to move around, and usually, it would be our mother's job to help her throughout the day, since grandma herself doesn't have an easy time moving around due to her back problems. Unfortunately recently it seems mother has been afflicted by some sort of disease as she now gets exhausted doing half of what she used to and has a hard time carrying anything above lightweight with her legs being especially weak.

Due to that, I'm now responsible for half the house chores together with taking care of e the cattle and going to the market in the village nearby to sell our products like milk, wool, meat, some fruit, and vegetables, none of which could be called the best in the area or our specialty, but there's not much that can be done about that, it's not like I dealt with farming or anything related to it in my past life anyway.

Oh, right, back to my sister, I'm also the one having to help her throughout the day. It was that or her taking care of her business in the room for someone to clean later, and honestly, I don't think anyone sane would choose the latter option. Though mom is still the one who bathes her once a week.

"Ok, you don't have to shout. Grandma is probably still sleeping at this time of day. Anyway, how would you rather be carried?" I responded calmly.

"I want to be carried like... Like... Like a prin- No! Like a potato sack." She wasn't let herself choose what she wanted before retconning herself into submission because of our familial bond.

"Hum, ok. Just don't complain about it later." I retorted as she had the habit of doing so, even though I let her choose, the main reason I even began asking her every time being her complaints.

Lifting her up with two of my four arms, I put her on my left shoulder before leaving for the bathroom, and as I carried her, I could feel her heavy breathing on my neck as I felt her squirm as much as she could without her legs.

[You have performed a lewd act. You have gained 3 LP, and a 15 LP bonus due to your familial connection.]

This was part of the problem with my skills... With <Ecstatic Touch EX> more specifically, as it doesn't care about will activate whenever there is direct skin contact with me. Normally I could have easily solved this by wearing more clothing, but I'm not living in conditions that allow for something like that, so I'll have to make do...

Once there, I put her down, and help her remove her undergarments properly positioning her on the toilet. Using whatever strength she had in her arms she held onto my arms unable to use her legs to balance herself. During the process, she would let out low moans here and there, but due to my how my ability works, my family is already aware that touching me has that sort of effect, though they think it's some sort of curse.

A few seconds went by and nothing, as I could feel the nervous Lera, trembling in embarrassment and excitement, failing to calm down to use the toilet. As soon, as fluids could be seen falling into the toilet, and it wasn't pee or number 2, it was instead something Lera would refer to as her love juices, while her breathing only got worse.

[You have performed a lewd act. You have gained 6 LP, and a 30 LP bonus due to your familial connection.]

"46 silver coins." I said.

"What?!... What do you mean?" Lera questioned as I randomly mentioned an arbitrary amount of money, in between breaths her focus was taken from how she was feeling.

"That's a rough estimate of how much I could make if I sold your legs in the black market." I answered nonchalantly.

"YOU! How could you just say something like that to your beloved younger sister?! Do you have no conscience?!" As she got worked up and lost focus, the dam opened and it just flowed into the wooden toilet. Luckily for me, Lera was not very good at holding it in, since as soon as she gets distracted, the yellow river just flows.

"Sorry about that, but you should be thankful. Now we don't have to stay here for hours again." I apologized as I helped her up after she cleaned herself and put her underwear back on.

"Now, you're going to give me a piggyback ride as an apology!" Lera declared while blushing.

Not going her a verbal response, I simply put her on my back instead. She clings onto my neck with the bit of strength she has, before she began sniffing my hair. I don't say anything and just take her back to her bed, but as soon as I did so, her body squirmed more than before, and I could feel her underwear get soaked with love juice.

[You have performed a lewd act. You have gained 9 LP, and a 45 LP bonus due to your familial connection.]

Nothing was said about the incident since it had become a common occurrence, as of the movement I became responsible for carrying her to the bathroom, and she's actually quickly becoming more resistant, as she used to cum at least 14 times in the beginning or at least that's the memory I have from the autopilot times.

"Thanks, onii-chan, I know it must be a pain to deal with me, but you never complain and... That means a lot to me." Lera expressed with a tomato-red face, and the continued heavy breathing.

"You're making too much of a deal of it, this is like what? The 174th time I did this since mom got sick. This is nothing, you're my sister, if I can't even do this much then I wouldn't be doing my job right. Anyway, you better get some more sleep, the baggy eyes don't suit you." I replied.

"But sleeping's all I do! Can't I go around with you cleaning the house? Just today, please! Being here is sooo boring!" She pleaded with puppy eyes despite being clearly affected by being in contact with me.

"I'll ask mom about it and we'll see how it goes." Ignoring her puppy eyes, I responded.

"Nooo! There's no way she's gonna say yes. She thinks that if I breathe too much air I might break something! Just sneak me out, I'll never ask you for anything ever again!" She insisted and put her puppy eyes on maximum overdrive with no mercy.

"Let's do this, today is not the best day since tonight we'll have to blow out my candles. I'll think about it tomorrow." I attempt to dissuade her.

"Omg! It's today?! I'm so sorry! Happy Birthday, onii-chan! I'm so so sorry! I'm such a terrible onee-chan! I couldn't even remember something so basic..." Lera berated herself and even hit her own head as she did so.

"Calm down, it's not really your fault, you had no way of knowing what day today was, and even if you did, it's not a big deal, I would usually forget myself and the ones reminding me would be you or mom." I stopped her before trying to calm her down.

"Fine... You're right, today's not a good day for that. Have a great day and see you when it's time to celebrate." She responded.

"Thanks. I'll try and get you a souvenir. See you later." I say before turning to leave.

"Now that you said that, you better." I heard her comment.

As I was leaving I looked at the other bed and saw my still sleeping other sister. She should be waking up in 3 months... My family in this world really is something else.

Once I was out of the room. "LETIA! Get here, now!" I could hear mother's voice as she called out to me. The typical day in my new life.

Following the general direction of her voice, I was able to find her after searching for a bit.

Entering the kitchen, I found my mother holding a wooden plate with 3 honey sluns on it, which are honey-filled slime carcasses heated up in an oven.

Inside was a purple-skinned woman with long silvery-white hair, bright yellow eyes, small lips, and a similarly small nose below her face having a curvy body, her left arm being bigger than normal while her right arm was normal-sized. Finally, on her lower back, a long snake-like tail could be found, easily reaching the ground because of its size. When it comes to clothing she was wearing a worn-out beige dress.

"Happy Birthday, my dear! I'm sorry I didn't wake you up like I usually do, but I had to get up early to visit the market and get your favorite dessert. The last four years I couldn't afford to give you anything special even though it was your birthday, so now that you're becoming an adult, I wanted to at least get you something. It doesn't make up for it but I hope you at least like it." She congratulated me despite her obviously fatigued state, something that has been becoming more prevalent since she got sick. Unfortunately, we don't have the funds to go to a doctor, and I don't know any real medicine.

Before I answered, I walked toward her and gave her a tight hug. She's been working herself to death to keep things working.

"Thanks, mom. You're the best." I couldn't help but say so seeing her state.

"Aww, sweaty, thank you, but you might want to ease your grip a bit, I'm not as strong as I used to be, your sluns might fall on the ground." She patted my head with her free hand as she told me, and at the same time I could feel her body slightly squirm at being in physical contact with me, but she didn't push me or try to make me let go. Even if the weirdest part was me getting used to having breasts, I could feel them press against her.

Honestly, now with my <GenderBend EX> ability, I should be able to change back to being male, but how would I explain that to them? It's not like I can just pop up without my chest and different figure, without them noticing. I'll think about it later.

[You have performed a lewd act. You have gained 30 LP, and a 150 LP bonus due to your familial connection.]

Hearing so, I grab the plate from her hand with one of my hands without letting go of the hug, which I receive back from her.

"Ok, we still have a lot of work to do today. I'll go ahead and start, you can join when you're done eating. Oh and don't tell your sister about it, she'll get all jealous if you do." She said before winking at me and then letting go of me with her breathing already getting a bit heavy, she was going to leave the room.

"Wait, mom. I want to eat these with you. Consider it my birthday present for the next few years." I extend the plate towards her.

"... Fine, but I'll only eat one. These things are sweet enough for three of my lifetimes." She sat down on one of the chairs nearby and I sat beside her.

She took a bite of the honey slun. "Honestly, how do you eat these things so casually?... It's so overly sweet, I almost feel like I can't finish an entire one. Meat sluns are so much better, if only they weren't so expensive." She complained.

"I mean, they are sweet, but I don't think they are nearly that sweet, especially when compared to sugar sluns." I retorted.

"No, no. Stay away from those things! Only lunatics and the homeless eat those disgusting death sluns! You heard me, young man?" She warned.

"Yes, mom. You don't have to worry, I'm not stupid." I responded.

"Good. Now I have to get ready to stay away from sweet things for the rest of the year, I'm already slowing down because of this sickness, it'll be hell if I've gained weight by the time your father is back." She expressed.

Chuckles left my mouth before I said. "I don't think that's possible even if you tried to mom, I mean, with the amount of work you do daily, it just wouldn't add up."

"That's sweet of you, honey, but all it takes is a bit of a wrong diet for a while and I'm far gone." she insisted.

"Anyhow, it was nice to take a little break. Thanks, sweetheart. Now I've got to get back to work. Join me when you're done." Mother kissed me on my forehead which send some sort of pleasure shock wave through her body as she had to hold on to my shoulders to avoid falling, before leaving the room.

I looked at the last honey slun and picked up the plate deciding to take this to Lera instead of a souvenir considering mother didn't take me to the market with her as I had expected.

As soon as I entered the room, I found Lera aggressively fingering herself, and seeing me she was paralyzed for a second, before taking a deep breath, putting on her underwear before calmly positioning herself like it never happened.

[You have performed a lewd act. You have gained 1 LP, and a 5 LP bonus due to your familial connection.]

"Oh, onii-chan, you're already back! Are we going to celebrate earlier than usual? Did you bring my souvenir? Oh and by the way, How's mom?" Lera threw a bunch of questions at me with a smile on her face.

"Not necessarily. Mom went to the market without me, so I don't have your souvenir, but I have a honey slun for you. As for mom, she's tired but still kicking." I replied as I handed her the wooden plate with the honey slun on it.

"Yes! My favorite! Ok, I'll forgive you this time, but next time I want my souvenir." She declared.

Once that was done, I moved on to my daily tasks. I started by helping mom clean and organize. Moving on from that, I checked on the animals and crops, which took a big chunk of the day.

Having done all that, I had to go get water from a well nearby. Getting home and putting that in its place, I decided to go check on grandma.

Resting on a double bed, was a tall woman with long green hair, bright yellow eyes, and the rest of her face covered by a veil. She had six arms and dark skin, similarly to the other two her body was curvy and well accentuated. As for her clothing, she had a worn-out top and a see-through long skirt leaving her underwear visible.

"Grandma, how are you feeling? Is your back bothering you?" I asked.

"No honey, I'm fine. I should be asking you how you're handling all the extra work?" Grandma instead questioned me.

"It's nothing, I can take care of it." I responded.

"Come here, it's great to see you all grown up and taking care of things. I'm sorry you have to deal with so many unless ladies like us, but know that I'm very proud of you." She touched my face and it clearly did something as I could see her nipples harden through her top.

[You have performed a lewd act. You have gained 10 LP, and a 50 LP bonus due to your familial connection.]

"It's nothing like that... After all, you're all very important to me... And my dreams will be made greater cause I have you all with me." I expressed with a smile, that would not be seen as pretty if she knew what I was thinking of doing, after all, it would be a pity to not make the most of my abilities after being put in such an opportune situation.

Our conversation continued for a bit more, and then I finally went back to my room.

Time to properly check my status so I can formulate a proper plan before it's time to blow out my candles.