
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Võ hiệp
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59 Chs

CH 41: 1st R5 Job, Corruptor

(A/N: Guys, the concept of XP is removed from the story from now on, alright? The leveling up and such remains, it's just the needed amount of XP for each level. Because believe me, that makes things complicated. Just ignore that part, and everything else, including the Talent Stats is the same. I'll see if I can edit the previous chapters.)


"H-hey, honey, welc-come back!" Serilda smiled shakily, thick white substance and hair beside her lips and on her cleavage. Hurtez, looking at his basically naked mother and the actual naked boy beside her, looked like he had seen a ghost.

Face pale and sweating, the hurt Hurtez looked like he was going to pass out :"M-mom? W-what's... going on...? W-who is... he...?" Awkwardly, Serilda put her hand on her cheek with a bashful smile :"H-he's Alistair, honey. Y-you know, the little dragon that was with the girls! And we'll, I-I was just helping him take a shower, since he's too young to do that. Like how I help you take your showers, but this... ahahaha, it took a bit younger for... reasons."

'That shouldn't be possible. That shouldn't be possible at all!' Hurtez's blood boiled :'I had made sure to put very detailed instructions using my Corruption that she's not allowed to get close to any guy but me, much less get naked with them!

Why?! Why is this happening?! Nothing had ever gone wrong with my Skills until these bitches showed up out of nowhere! First, my Skills were failing with Leah, and now with mom! And why is this dragon a fucking guy?! Obviously, he should have been a cute loli like in the common tropes of isekai!'

Poor guy didn't know that the world he was in wasn't one to follow cliches. Looking at his mother's appearance and Alistair's huge dick's condition, leaking with leftover cum and decorated with lipstick marks, his heart sank in horror :'O-oh god, p-please don't tell me...'

Shock sinking into his heart beating a mile a second, it turned into anger :'No! NO, IT CAN'T HAPPEN!! I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN NTR OTHERS! NO ONE CAN NTR ME!!' Bloody eyes glaring daggers at the smirking dragon, he flinched when the noiret's hand behind Serilda moved and caused a moan to escape her before she covered her mouth.

She pouted at the boy :"A-Alistair, don't do that..." Causing Hurtez heart to tighten on itself at the coquettish tone. Looking at her eyes filled with something unfamiliar, his heart was filled with anxiousness :'N-no, I have to stop this... I have to stop this before it's too late!'

Clenching his hands hard enough to draw blood, Hurtez looked at Serilda seriously, almost angrily :"Mom, that's enough! Don't get close to him again!" Which weirded Alistair out. Because he had never seen somebody talking to their mom like that in real life without fearing for the worst ass whooping ever approaching.

However, weirdly enough, Serilda didn't get angry. Instead, she looked absentminded for a moment before Alistair noticed their eyes. Hurtez's eyes were glowing an almost unnoticeable pink light, which caused a pink light to appear in Serilda's eyes. But something happened that shocked not just Hurtez, but also him.

[Passive Skill: Mind-based Skills Immunity]

The dragon felt something in his mind quite literally expand and envelope the two, before Serilda's eyes returned to normal. Hurtez's eyes widened in shock as he groaned in pain and a hand moved to his head, seeming to be hit by a drawback.

As for Alistair, it all clicked, and caused him to smirk devilishly :'Oooh, so that's how it is~.' Shaking her head in confusion, the MILF scratched her aching head before coughing :"Hurtez, honey, you should mind your manners in front of guests. A-anyway, I'm going to go and get changed."

As she walked away hurriedly while Hurtez stood there like a statue, Alistair's eyes suddenly lit up in a black and dark purple fire before his tail snapped like lightning. And before Hurtez could even react, it slammed against the back of his head. It didn't knock him out or hurt him, but Hurtez felt a stinging sensation in the middle of his hair, as if something had pierced into his flesh there.

[Abyss Incarnate E-Class Stats: 479,000

Exploding Fur Lv 2 (SS): Standby]

"Ugh! What the-" He groaned, but was suddenly slammed against the wall with a hand around his throat. Not managing to react or even see the movement as Alistair tightened his hold threateningly, his eyes still holding that burning black fire :"Try some shit, and see if I won't rip your head off right here and now."

More than his logic, it was his fear that made him comply. Although a disgusting pervert and a waste of atoms, the Intelligence Stats in his new life weren't for show. An opponent that could toy with him, a wielder of a R5 Job, was definitely someone simple. Although he was a dragon, Hurtez hadn't expected him to be able to manhandle him so easily.

He struggled against his hold, but didn't try to break free. The claws digging into his neck were warning him of how close he was to his second death. Alistair grinned evilly :"Do you know what I just did to you with my tail? It's one of my fur strands, which can explode thanks to a special Skill of mine. And do I need to explain how easily it can obliterate you into smithereens in less than a second?"


[Exploding Fur Lv 2 (SS) [15/50]: A Skill Alistair developed when training with Natasha. Thanks to his Intelligence Stats, imagination and knowledge of social media, developing Skills can come as pretty easy if he puts his mind into it.]


A shiver ran down Hurtez's spine :"W-why? Why are you doing this? I've never met or done anything to you, have I?" The dragon chuckled lowly, before snarling :"Why? Because I fucking hated you the moment I saw you, that's why. You'd be surprised at how far I'd go in making someone suffer just because I hate them."

"W-what?!" His eyes widened, anger appearing in them for the stupid reason he had just heard :"Y-you're doing all this for-" But stopped when Alistair's hand squeezed :"Don't you fucking raise your voice on me, bitch.

You think my reason is stupid? Believe me, my hate is completely justified against someone like you. I'm not going to stand here and argue with you, I treasure my time. But let me tell you one thing since I don't like beating around the bush."

Closing the distance, he whispered into his ear with a devilish smile :"I'm going to make your life hell. I'm going to make you suffer a fate that everyone will pity. And I'll kill you in the end, and you can't do jack shit about it. Do with that knowledge as you please, but believe me, you can't do anything."

He shoved him aside, causing him to fall, before walking away. His wings covering his privates as he looked back :"Oh, by the way, don't try to take out that fur of mine. If you do, it'll explode the moment you try to pull it out. Pretty nifty, right? Hahahaha."

As Hurtez sat on the floor, angry but helpless, he felt like crying :'Why?! Why does it have to happen to me?! I finally get reincarnated, escape from that cursed life into an amazing new one, but this happens?! A fucking dragon shows up and it all crashes?!'

But he held it back. He couldn't give up. Not when he had given such an amazing chance :'No, no, I won't let him succeed! I won't let him take everything from me! Just you wait. I'll pretend to be docile, but I'll be sure to kill you the moment I get the chance.'

'Is definitely what he's thinking lol.' Alistair chuckled, looking at the hair strand he was holding with a mocking smirk :'Now let's see what makes you an MC, shall we?'

Putting the hair strand he had ripped out of Hurtez in his mouth, he swallowed it. But what he felt was unlike anything he had until now. His toes curled and his fingers flexed from the pure energy that began to course through him from within, his veins glowing lightly wherever the energy moved through.

He gritted his teeth with a cheek-splitting grin as his eyes glowed pink :'Now this is what I'm talking about!!' Moments later, he leaned back on the chair, tired from the transformation he went through.

Wearing a dopey smile, he summoned his Status Screen after picking an apple on the table and biting it :"Let's see what we got- oooh, dear god..."



R5 Job Lv: 0 -> 22 {+22}

Stats: 0 -> 110,000

R5 Job Personal Lv: 0 -> 22 {+22}

Stats: 0 -> 110,000

Total R5 Lv: 0 -> 44 {+44}

Total Stats: 0 -> 220,000


[Abyss Incarnate Sacred Skills]

SS: Abyss Incarnate's Fury x0 -> x2 {+2}

Abyss Incarnate's Fury (SS): AOE-type Skill where the Stats and Skills of all allies/enemies in a 10,000,000km radius is increased/decreased by 100,000%/45%.



R5 Corruptor Job: The user can manipulate the powers of corruption to take a variety of effects on themselves or others. The user may take control of any darkness in the hearts of others to make them into their servants. The user can even become stronger with the darkness and corruption of others by just being around them. The user can even influence the corruption in a means of combat purposes, energy attacks, or corruption techniques. Corruption has 5 levels on each being, and the higher the Corruption Level, the higher the influence of each Skill on a target.



Corruption: Through long periods of contact, the user can affect the target's personality and mental health in any way they want. The period can be shortened by special contacts and the state of the target, such as during sex or when they are in a vulnerable state of mind. The higher the Corrupted Level of a person, the more they will be influenced.

Symbiotic Corruption: The user can use the powers of their target(s). The higher the Corruption Level, the higher the power they can use. Each Corruption Level increases the usable power of the target(s) by 20%. 20% at Corruption Level 1. 40% at Corruption Level 2. 60% at Corruption Level 4. 80% at Corruption Level 3. 100% at Corruption Level 5.


[Corrupted Targets]

R2 Lv 74 Chef, Serilda (30+) [Corrupted Lv 5]

R2 Lv 32 Farmer, Leah (19) [Corrupted Lv 5]


(A/N: I had thought of making their Corruption Lv low, 3 of something, since he's pretty young. But then I remembered that it's a R5 Job and it would be weird if it took 8 years to take the Corruption Lv to just 3.)

"Holy fuck..." The apple fell from his hand. Looking at the Stats and Skills he had just earned, his heart was filled with shock. But after the shock, it was the excitement that appeared. The twisted, insane excitement :"Oh, this is gonna be fun~."

"What's gonna be fun?" Natasha suddenly asked, entering the house with Serenity :"Pardon the intrusion." They announced their arrival loudly, which Serilda heard from another room :"O-oh, welcome, girls! Just give me a second and I'll be there!"

Alistair, putting away his evil grin, smiled and picked up the fallen apple :"Hey, Nat, Serenity." Before looking at the dirty apple with pity :'Waste of a good apple. Damn.' And burning it into dust.

"Yo." Natasha gave an upward nod, while Serenity looked at him with confusion :"Who're you?" Wearing a serious look, he saluted while seated :"Agent Alistair reporting for duty."

Serenity's eyes widened :"No way! Al?! That you?!" He spread his arms dramatically, playfully stoic and proud as he looked at the sky :"The one and only."

Looking impressed, she took a seat in front of him :"Damn, I didn't know you could already shapeshift! You're one hell of a dragon, you know that?"

Alistair smirked smugly, crossing his arms :"Tell me something I don't know, Serenity." Causing her to smirk and reach out to pinch his cheek :"And pretty cheeky for a little guy, huh?"

"Hehehe, you already know." He giggled, smiling at Natasha who sat next to him :"Hey, Natty. So is everything solved with the village chief's? There weren't any problems there, right?"