
Lunar is Rising

A girl who lives in an ordinary town/city surrounded by a wall to protect them from the outside. when one day her whole life comes crashing around her and she has to find the things which were taken from her.

Lady_Shadow_5498 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 3- Happy Birthday?

Luna opened the shop door going inside, everyone had gone home, after she said that she wasn't feeling very good. Jason had been sweet and walked her all the way to the door to make sure that she got home okay. "Mom, Dad I'm home!" As Luna walked around she noticed that there weren't any customers in the store she was a little confused and thought that maybe it was dead, but she looked back at the door. The sign that told customers that they were open or closed said closed. Confused, Luna went to the back looking for her parents and her brother. "Mom! Dad! Lucas!" She went to the workshop room where she would normally find her parents talking but no one was there. And it was a mess as well as if someone was in a hurry. Even more confused and starting to panic slightly, Luna went around the store looking for her family only not to find them. After searching the entire shop Luna went to the door that led to the house and went up the stairs to the kitchen area. All the lights in the kitchen were off and the doors were shut and windows were all covered with their blinds. More confused she called out again "Mom! Lucas! Dad! This is very funny!" She said as she reached the light switch and turned the lights on. The Light blinded Luna for a moment but she heard a bunch of people in the room "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUNA!" Which made her head hurt a little. When the light stopped blinding her, Luna saw her family as well as her friends and their family around the table that had a giant cake on it with the words Happy 16th Birthday! written on it. Surprised but also happy Luna went and hugged her Mom and Dad. "Thank you!" Her parents smiled at her happily! "Of course. Anything for our little moon." Her father said patting her head. Lucas came over and gave her a hug and also gave her a little box with a red bow on it. "Happy Birthday Luna!" Smiled as she opened it to find a pair of earrings with silver leafs. And Green gems on them. Lucas walked away after giving here another hug. Looking around Luna saw Russ running around the room playing chase with the twins' younger siblings and her brother Lucas talking to Bria who was blushing quite a bit. And the twins were talking to Luna's Uncle Ivan and watching him pull out an assortment of items he had in his pockets. Jason's parents were talking with Bria's as well as the twins' parents too. Jason came up to her "Sorry I didn't warn you a little bit ahead of time we wanted to surprise you. How are you feeling? We know you said you didn't feel good earlier." Luna smiled. "I feel a lot better now thank you." The twins' father came up to them. "How are you doing Luna?" Smiling, Luna replied. "I'm doing good, Officer Lune's. How about you?" Officer Lune's smile grew. "Please call me Steven! No need for formalities. I'm doing quite well. Nothing too exciting except a few ranbunkchus kids and a few sighting in the woods from the hunters. But everything is else has been calm for the most part." Luna giggled, "That's good to hear!" Jason coughed. " Oh sorry didn't see you there lad! How are you? And what might be your name?" Officer Lune's asked. Jason blushed slighty from embarrassment. "My name is Jason. And I'm fine thank you." Officer Lune's seemed pleased abouy something a he eyed Jason up and down. "Well that is good to hear. Are those your parents over there?" Jason looked at his parents who were conversing with the others. "Yes Sir!" Officer Lune's stroked his chin in thought. "That's good. Good folk you got there." Jason smiled, "Thank you sir!" Officer Lune's clapped him on the back. "Are you a ladies man? Because if you aren't I can garentee that a lot of girls would probably swoon for you with that smile of yours." Jason seemed to turn as red as the tomatoes on the table. Suddenly there was singing and the candles on the cake had been lit. "Make a wish, little moon!" Her mother said bringing the cake close to her. Luna looked around her and closed her eyes. What would I want to wish for when I already have everything I need or want. The thought of the green glow came to her mind but shoving the thought to the back of her mind she blew out her candles. Everyone cheered and started to chat and eat cake. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and after the party everyone started to clean up and started to go home. Luna saw Bria was still talking to her brother that is until Russ tackled Lucas with Puppy kisses making Lucas fall in the process. Laughing, Luna continued to go and help clean up the rest of the party when she turned and bumped into her Uncle Ivan, almost falling over herself. Luckily her uncle caught her, "Woe there! Slow down a little there, little light!" Her Uncle said as he steadied her. "Sorry I got distracted by Licas getting toppled over by Russ." She giggled. Iling her uncle reached into his pockets looking for something. "I have something to give you!" Uncle Ivan pulled a red velvet bag out of one of his many pockets and handed it to her. Taking the bag she opened it and found a key on a necklace. "Oh it's so pretty!" Luma exclaimed as she traced the entrict designs on it. "It's from us as well!" She looked up to see her parents standing next to her uncle. They looked a little sad as they looked at the thing she was holding. "The bag is the real gift from me. I found it on one of my hunts." Her Uncle said as he pulled out a letter and gave it to her mother. "Also here you go Rosemay!" Her mother took it gingerly. "Thank you Ivan." Her Uncle nodded his head before heading to the door. "Wait what does this key go to?" Luna said as she put it around her neck." Her Uncle turned around and looked at her Parents "That is for you to find out little moon." Her father said as he hugged her mother. Nodding his goodbyes her uncle left. Her mother reached into her pocket and pulled out a little blue bag and handed it to her. Luna opened it to find a ring that she had always admired but had never asked about it. "Is this your ring?" Her mom smiled. "Yes! It was my mother's and her mother's before her and her before her. It goes back many generations." Luna admired it in the light and tried to wear it but it didn't quite fit. "I'll put it on the chain with the key so I can wear it tomorrow." Luna said putting it back into the bag. Luna went and gave her mom a hug. After everyone left and the party was cleaned up Luna headed to her room with Russ not very far behind. Luna went to to her desk and stuck her presents she had just received into the drawer next to the dog biscuits and her school book on mythology. Luna grabbed the things she would need to get ready to go to bed and headed to the bathroom thinking she would braid her hair. As Luna was headed there she realized that she had left her ribbon that she usually would use to tie her hair in the herb room. "Russ stay." She said pointing to his bed that was never moved back out. Russ whined but obeyed. Going towards the stairs to go down in the store she passed her parents bedroom and heard her parents talking. "When are we going to tell?" She heard her father say. "I don't know, just not yet! Please let's not talk about this tonight." Her mother said. "But we have to Rose! What happens if she finds out about it from someone else?" Confused, Luna leaned in to listen a little closer. "But she won't know no one else knows except the family! I just can't do it Adam." She heard her mother sob. She heard her father comfort her mother. Luna went down the stairs thinking about what she just heard. What weren't they telling her? She went down the stairs and down the hall towards the herb room when she saw the glow. Heart speeding up she walked a bit faster as if it would leave at any second. Opening the door she saw the glow coming from where it did last time. She crawled under the table to where she found the little door again apparent. She reached the door knob and again found it locked. Frustrated, she sighed and felt the chain around her neck start to heat up. Pulling the chain up she saw her key and realized that it was the perfect size and shape for the key hole on the door. Her heart racing, Luna put the key to the door and put it in the keyhole and slowly turned it and heard a click and the door Cracked open. Taking a deep breath, Luna opened the little door as soon as she opened it the light disappeared. She opened the door wider to find two boxes inside with an envelope on top of the bigger box. As Luna went to grab the boxes she heard a crash and heard crackling and smelt smoke as if something was on fire. Startled, she hit her head on the counter above her and she jumped. Luna closed the little door locking it again and scooted out from under the counter rubbing her head to see what was happening. She heard screams and Russ's feet outside the door. Russ ran into the room and shut the door behind him on his hind legs. "What are you doing here russ what is that noise outside?" Luna asked as she went to open the door again to see what the screaming outside was but found that the door was locked. "What the heck?" She said in frustration as she juggled the doorknob trying to open the door. Suddenly she felt something hit her and make her fall on the floor. She felt something heavy and fluffy on top of her and heard more screaming and things falling outside the door. "Russ, get off me! I can barely breathe. And you know you're not allowed down in the shop you'll get your dog hair all over the medicine" Luna grasped out from under the dog. The dog let out a groan and stubbornly stayed on top of her. Luna continued to hear the screams and things falling and breaking outside. It sounded as if Something fell in front of the hallway that led back to the shop and also the room Russ and Luna were in. Starting to panic she tried harder to get out from under Russ. "Russ, get off now!" She said sternly. The dog seemed to sigh and finally lifted himself off of her and went to the back where some of the herbs were kept. Standing back up. She reached for the door and tried to open it again but found it still locked or rather jammed. She heard more screams from outside this time they sounded like her parents and Lucas. "Mom, Dad, Lucas!" She heard more screams! "MOM!" She shook the knob more and heard more screams. "DAD!" She started to yank on the door knob trying to force it open."LUCAS!" She heard Russ bark behind her. She whipped around only to get a face full of dust. Coughing she tried to wave the dust out of her face and started to feel a little lightheaded. She saw that Russ had purple flowers in his mouth that he had shook everywhere. "Russ! Bad dog!" She said as she fell to her knees feeling heavy. She felt the world start to spin around her and the screaming start to fade to the background as she laid down. She saw Russ drop the flowers and come towards her before her vision began to go black and the noise disappeared. "Russ, mom... dad... Lucas…" Muttered as the world faded and then went completely black.