
Luna to Luna

Softballgal4life · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

Water splashed up on my legs as I raced through the muddy puddles. The rain poured down on me, drenching my white fur and wind whipped past my ears while rain drops streamed off my pelt. The sun had just set and I had made my way out of the abandoned cave. The rogues chasing me would start up their chase again and I didn't want stick around to welcome them. They had been after me for a few weeks now and they were slowly catching up. Hopefully the rain had thrown them off my scent for a bit.

My nose picked up a rabbit that had not taken shelter for the night yet. I slowed my pace and as quietly as I possibly could I stalked up to my prey. At the last second a twig snapped under my weight and the rabbits ears shot straight into the air. Without wasting any time, I lunged at my meal. My teeth clamped around the rabbits neck and a crack sounded out. I sat down on my haunches and ripped into the flesh.

Suddenly the scent in the wind changed, I licked my jaw momentarily before my paws where hitting the ground again. This time faster than ever. Howls echoed across the valley.

Shit. Apparently the rain hadn't done anything and they where closer than I had anticipated. Much closer.

My paws drummed on the forest floor while my ears tried to pick up on how many wolves there where. After a beat I realized that their numbers had definitely increased. Last night I had to outrun five, tonight the rogues had at least tripled their group which meant that it narrowed my odds. Now I only had one option.



I dragged my hands down my face and growled. I was beyond pissed. I had finally fixed up the budget crisis for the medical staff but the whole ordeal with Axel had made me furious. And unfortunately for me, when I'm mad I can't think straight. So what should have taken a few hours had taken almost all night and I could see the sky starting to change colour.

I slammed my fist down on my desk, leaving an dent near the front. My mind was in a jumbled up mess but at least my feet where working. They lead me to the stairs and carried me toward the door. As soon as I was outside my skin turned a darker shade and  fur started to sprout, in no time I was sprinting through the forest. My black paws kicking up dirt as I went.

I let out an ecstatic yelp as I blurred into the dark shadowing comfort of the trees.


It was nearing morning now and I had managed to keep a good pace ahead for the whole night, but now my energy was draining and the adrenaline still pumping through me wouldn't be enough to keep me going for much longer. The rogues that thirsted for my blood didn't seem tired in the slightest, if anything they seemed even more determined. Their howls had started to sound even more victorious which meant they knew I wouldn't be able to go for much longer. I could feel my paws growing heavier and heavier as I ran and my throat burned from the lack of water.

Suddenly a furry body came flying at me. While lost in my thoughts I had failed to notice that one of the wolves had caught up to me and had pounced. We landed in a heap of claws and fur and wrestled to the edge of a cliff. I managed to rip a chunk out of the rogues side and I felt the blood drip down my snout. I scrambled to my feet and tried to run but the others had caught up. Teeth sank into my neck and I felt more in my leg. They shook their heads and I heard a ragged crack. Unbearable pain shot through my hind leg and I whimpered.

As they scraped and bit more and more I could feel my body drain. No longer able to stand and the world was blurry. I howled one last time as a desperate cry to the moon goddess for help.

The most wonderful smell filled my nose and I knew that I was passing over to the afterlife. It smelt of pine trees on a winters day with the early blooming snowdrops.

I opened my eyes so I could see the vibrant colours of the forest one last time but was instead met with a growl that would've scared the life out of me if I wasn't already so close to death. In front of me stood a terrifying wolf. It was pure black with not a single speck of grey, white or brown. It's eyes glowed as red as the sun rising around us and worst of all, it looked pissed.

The wolves that were attacking me turned their full attention to the red eyed wolf that stood at the edge of the cliff. The colours of the rising sun seemed to bounce off of its pelt and onto the valley behind it.

The ground vibrated and a loud roar ripped through the area. It took my foggy mind a moment to realize that it was a growl. One rogue charged but the black wolf didn't give it a chance. It immediately cut it down and clamped it jaws around the rogues neck, promptly tearing its throat out. Enraged the rest of the rouge wolves raced forwards. One by one the red eyed wolf ripped them down. Howls and whimpers rang out from the dying wolves. The snaps and cracks of broken bones and the thumps of the ones that had been thrown of the cliff, finally hitting the bottom of the valley.

In seconds the only wolves that where left where the black wolf and the leader of the rogues and me. The leader seeing that he was clearly outmatched turned tail and disappeared into the trees. The final remaining wolf started to sprint after him but quickly stopped and turned around. It walked up to me and sniffed my blood covered pelt.

It snorted and rubbed its head against me, demanding me to shift. Exhausted , my body gave in. I twitched then was suddenly very cold. After feeling safe my adrenaline was now completely gone. My eyes began to close and the last thing I felt was being picked up my warm flesh.