
Luna Omega

What do you do when you finally find your mate? Any sound werewolf would howl in content and rush to claim her. I wanted to do that too. But here is what: neither was I sound at that time, nor was I ready for the hell of a surprise she gave me. Not only was she married to another but also bore him two pups. A perfect family of four. So what did I actually do you ask? I killed that man and the two little sins she committed. Don't worry! She is finally where she belongs. But not as the luna, but the omega. I guess my surprise was better. --------------------------- Note: This book has bloodshed, killing, violence, abuse, torture, cursing, and smut. I advise you not to read if you are triggered by certain sensitive topics. Kindly do not report if you do. I have already warned you.

Doominmywillow · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Unfortunate Transformation

Tamari's Pov:

I was cleaning his room today. Believe it or not but his smell actually calms my wolf. From my wolf I remembered I haven't shifted in a while. I finished everything quickly and went to the trees nearby.

After making sure no one was there, I transformed into my wolf. My pure raven wolf, different from the color of my hair. The only unfortunate thing about it was the omega mark. It was also visible on my wolf. I guess some scars never will go. Just then, I heard movement and decided to follow it. On closer inspection, it was a rabbit. I guess lunch was early today.


"Do not sleep, my starling

Sleep, my doe

She is wrapped in curtains

Laid in snow

She will bury you inside her fur

Do not sleep

She waits for you to sleep

Do not sleep

She waits for you to sleep

My breath you breathe

It will carry you

My breath you breathe

It carries you

Do not sleep

She waits for you to sleep

Do not sleep, my starling

Do not sleep," Mother hummed. (Hannah)

" why you hum that mother?" I asked lying with my head on my mother's lap.

"My mother used to sing it for me" she told me while running her fingers through my hair and her back rested with the tree.

" It's scary" I whined, " I won't sing it to my children."

She laughed. " It's strengthening," she clarified.

" Why? Shouldn't you tell me to sleep peacefully?" I asked.

" Yes! But you are not human. The thing many people do not understand is that we wolves are more vulnerable. We hunt but we are also hunted. There is a price to be a wolf in this world, and no matter how much I protect you, there will be a time when you will be on your own. And being a wolf would be your greatest weakness." I frowned but then she smiled and added, "But it can also be your strength. So my darling! I want you to be your strongest then." She kissed my forehead.

I jolted awake on hearing a howl. I guess I might have dozed off at some point. It was dark now and the moonlight didn't add much to it either. Just as I was about to shift to my wolf I heard footsteps behind.

" Tamari! Thanks to the moon I found you." It was Jenna and there was a man with her.

" Yeah I kind off dozed off, Sorry!" I replied.

" We have to go back right now! The Alpha is hysteric. We thought you ran away." She panicked.

" I didn't run away! I was hear the whole time." I told her.

" We don't have time lets head back. I informed the Alpha we found you, hopefully he would be calm by then." The other guy stated.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"This is Adam! The other Omega I was telling you about." Jenna told.

His gaze widened on noticing me and then he returned to a neutral expression. "We should head back quickly!" He was rude.

I nodded and we rushed.


When we were near the pack house she asked through the mind link, " Are you sure you were there the whole time?"

" Yes! Why would you even ask that?" I was curious.

" The scouts searched the forest two times and they didn't find you. I sort of sneaked out to find Adam. He took great convincing but finally agreed to accompany me, when I vowed that you were not stupid enough to try to escape."

"I was right here, in the open" I told.

"I know! I saw it. It's just unbelievable how the scouts couldn't find you," she huffed.


There was a crowd gathered at the entrance of the pack house, with a very angry and stressed Alpha standing with his gazed fixed on the path we emerged from. " Where were you?" he growled. Without even giving me a moment to gather myself, he ran toward me. Jenna tried to protect me but he pushed her aside with so much force, she fell far away. And with the other arm he engulfed me. Sniffing my neck to my chest, and then my hair, to calm his wolf. Then his eyes changed as he remembered something. I saw betrayal and then blood rushing to his face, "Where were you?" he screamed.

" In...In the forest" I stammered. I was terrified.

" Liar! We searched everywhere." And he took my by the neck with enough pressure to halt all movement.

" I won't ask again! Tell me where were you?" He asked again.

" I sw... Swear!.... I wanted..to shift. Was in the fo..forest" I tried to speak with the chock-hold.

" And who gave you the permission to SHIFT?" he raised a brow.

" Every omega is allowed to shift once in a week." I answered as he loosened the hold a little.

" Every Omega! But my little mate, You are not just an omega. You are a betrayer of this pack. And you do not have those privileges," he growled.

" As punishment, you will not shift until I say so! And that is not until you ask for forgiveness." He declared.

" My wolf will die if I won't shift!" I shouted.

" That is good! You don't need your wolf anyway," he scoffed and pushed me away. On noticing that I suffered the fall, he turned and walked away.


I cried myself to sleep. It's not like I don't every night, but today I understood that he not only wants me to suffer but also my wolf.

I wonder how can his wolf let him hurt me like this? Is his soul so tainted that even his conscious agrees with it. Sometimes I think it is better for me to kill myself. That will not only relieve my off my hardships but it will also unite me with my children.

Oh my children! My beautiful children. I still hear their giggle sometimes while working in the kitchen. I often anticipate Maven rushing in the kitchen any time asking for me to make his favorite chocolate chips cookies, or Cynthia crying my name to help find her sapphire pendant she always loses while practicing hunting with her father. And then Tim! How he used to run his fingers through my long hair ever night after brushing them. He used to give every frail equal care and attention. He never let me cut my hair after our marriage so they reached my hips.

My brown locks that shinned golden in the sunlight. He was very delighted when both of our kids were brunettes like me, and even had a bet about it when I would expect the third time. But unfortunately there would never be a third time. In-fact even the first and second are no more. I wiped the tears still trailing my cheeks and breathed out.

I have decided that I would kill myself because that is the only thing his wolf will never let him do, no matter how much he loses himself. A mate can not kill it's mate, it is against it's very nature but that was also about hurting which he clearly did.


And that raps for today!!

Please give your feedback regarding her reaction to everything. Do consider that she is vulnerable and scared. I know she has lost everything but she suffered a great psychological setback and her reaction will be different than a regular person.