
Luna Omega

What do you do when you finally find your mate? Any sound werewolf would howl in content and rush to claim her. I wanted to do that too. But here is what: neither was I sound at that time, nor was I ready for the hell of a surprise she gave me. Not only was she married to another but also bore him two pups. A perfect family of four. So what did I actually do you ask? I killed that man and the two little sins she committed. Don't worry! She is finally where she belongs. But not as the luna, but the omega. I guess my surprise was better. --------------------------- Note: This book has bloodshed, killing, violence, abuse, torture, cursing, and smut. I advise you not to read if you are triggered by certain sensitive topics. Kindly do not report if you do. I have already warned you.

Doominmywillow · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Unfortunate Prison

Warning: ⚠️⚠️Extreme Graphic Content with mention of different torture techniques. Skip the first portion if you are uncomfortable.⚠️⚠️

Tamari's Pov:

I woke up to an unfamiliar surrounding. It felt like a cell of some sort. It was cold, dark, and lonely. The only source of light was a small window at the top corner with metal rods covering it. It was small but still enough to let the cold air into the cell.

I shivered and the sound of steel around my arms, neck, and ankles caught my attention. I was shackled in silver, that explains the burning and weakness I was feeling. The cold floor on my almost naked body didn't give much relief either. It only added more to my vulnerability. Someone had removed the summer dress I was wearing, leaving me in an almost torn camisole and panties. I tried to scream but my dry throat and the tight collar was only making matters worse. I didn't expect there to be any water, so I didn't bother looking.

Resting my head on the brick wall behind, I try to calm the rising panic attack . I was claustrophobic; so, tight spaces and immobility were traumatizing. I tried to remember the happy moments, thinking of my family. But that word alone opened a floodgate. The events that have occurred in the last 24 hours wreck havoc in my mind.

I tried pinching myself, wishing it was all a nightmare but my arms didn't have the strength to move at all. Maybe this is all a misunderstanding. With a new hope I plead to whoever can hear me, "help someone please!!" I shout , I cried but no one answered. I carried this on until my voice gave out, my resolution broke, and I blacked-out.


I wake up with a splash of water greeting me. This has been the norm for a few days now. I don't even know how many days it has been. Every morning a masked man splashes a bucket full of water to wake me. It is also the only bath I get, then leaves after throwing a piece of bread and a bottle of water, at my feet. I tried every method to talk to him, but he never answers. Instead, he slapped me once when I caught his leg: cautioning me never to touch him again. Even with his mask, I know he is not my mate or the other guy who took Cynthia. He is a werewolf though, I can smell that even with my weakened senses.

I get flashing of that unfortunate day running like a movie in-front of my eyes all the time. I get no human interaction apart from my jailer. Often when I cry to much, I get a beating. It was not too extreme at the beginning but the last one was brutal. The jailer wiped me with a leather belt. I don't remember how many because I lost consciousness after fifty-two. Put it was painful and that made me learn, since that what he was aiming for. Every two days they inject me with something that leaves me too hazy to remember anything, but I feel a new presence at that time. I call them my encounter sessions. I don't know what they do to me after but my body is always aching the next day. I don't want to know either, my list of traumatic experiences is already to long.


I wake up expecting the water dump, but nothing happens. It's just the sun, illuminating the cell. I guess summer is near because it isn't that cold at night in the cell either. I hear footsteps and I anticipate my jailer but instead an old women enters the cell. She must be in her late 50s and is wearing a plain white summer dress. She has her nose covered with a handkerchief, mainly because of the smell and odor. She addresses the cell and my state in disgust. For a second I see a look of sympathy on her face but it quickly vanishes. "Aron! Take off the binds, and bring her to the pack-house." She calls my jailer, who follows her orders without any emotions.

Initially when the chains come off I feel the relief from carrying a ton of bricks. But then, I feel the needles picking from the burns from the silver, as the skin where the binds were also peels away with them. Aron picks me up bridal way, on noticing my inability. He exits the cell, climbs a set of stairs and then follows the lady. She leads us out in the open grass field surrounded by vast forests. It takes us a few minutes to reach the pack-house: a huge 3 story cabin. I think we got in through the back entrance because it's the kitchen we are in. The smell of food makes me feel nauseous, luckily we don't stay there for long.

We reach the infirmary, where Aron literally throws me on a stretcher with disgust. The old lady whispers something to the doctor who gives a shocked expression and then looks at me. He then motions to one of the nurse who injects me with something and I fade out.


I feel a light nudge on my face. "Tamari! I love you. Don't worry I'm always with you," I hear Tim.

"Tim!" I open my eyes but there is no one. " Tim! Where are you?" I shout and a nurse rushes in.

" Calm down! There was no one else here. You just had a bad dream. How are you feeling now?" She asked.

" It can't be! It felt real. He was here" I exclaim.

"As I said you had a nightmare. It's natural in your condition Luna," she comforts me.

" How long have I been here?"

" Six weeks in the cell. 5 days in the clinic" she states.

" What did you give me that I was out for so long?"

" Your wounds were terrible so we induced you into a minor coma, You will recover in a few days."

" Why am here? Why didn't he kill me?"

" Who?"She asked.

Before I could answer the old lady entered and raised a brow on noticing me awake, "What were you talking to her about Jenna?" She asks the nurse still looking at me.

" Miss Olivia! I was just telling Luna she would be okay in a few days" she looks scared.

" Well aren't you cozy with her! Do you want me to tell the alpha?" She threatens.

" No Miss! I'm sorry" she apologized.

" Take off the iv. Alpha wants to see her. Bring her upstairs to change," Olivia orders.

" But her wounds aren't fully healed yet," she tries to reason.

" Do you think I care? Just do what you are told!"She orders.

" Yes! Of course" she bows her head slightly and Olivia leaves.

" I am sorry to do this but I cannot defy the Alpha's order. I wish I could have helped you but I'm just an omega. I can't do much," she was remorseful and started taking of my iv, being extremely careful with my bandaged bruises.

" I appreciate your concern, but you do not have to worry about me. Just do what ever that monster tells you to do. Other wise you would end up just like me," I state.

"How can I not worry?" She asked politely with a smile. "You are my Luna after all. It may look like that no one cares but we have all waited for you."

"You all must be disappointed then," I scoffed.

"Yes! But not on you. On our Alpha." She gave a sad expression, " I'm Jenna by the way! I work as a nurse for the pack doctor."

"Tamari!" I gave her an assuring smile and then she helped me walk out of the infirmary.


Note: So this was the second chapter.. give it a like please!!