
Luna Omega

What do you do when you finally find your mate? Any sound werewolf would howl in content and rush to claim her. I wanted to do that too. But here is what: neither was I sound at that time, nor was I ready for the hell of a surprise she gave me. Not only was she married to another but also bore him two pups. A perfect family of four. So what did I actually do you ask? I killed that man and the two little sins she committed. Don't worry! She is finally where she belongs. But not as the luna, but the omega. I guess my surprise was better. --------------------------- Note: This book has bloodshed, killing, violence, abuse, torture, cursing, and smut. I advise you not to read if you are triggered by certain sensitive topics. Kindly do not report if you do. I have already warned you.

Doominmywillow · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Unfortunate Morning

Tamari's POV:

I woke up with warmth around me. It was the best sleep I had gotten in years. I felt air tingling my face and the floor underneath me vibrating. I squinted my eyes to adjust to the light and saw myself laying on him, with my head on his chest. Bare chest if I correct myself. My collar was off but my hair were sprawled open which I found him unconsciously sniffing, in his sleep. I remember to put them in a braid last night, so I know who is responsible. I tried to get up, but he tightened his hold. I exerted a little force and he growled, "Mine." On no retaliation from my end, he calmed down.

I couldn't believe his audacity! How could he think I would ever let him touch me like this. Although my wolf needed this but even she agrees that the sorrow he gave me are unforgivable. He should have no expectations from us.

Since he wasn't getting the hint, I decided to wake him how he deserves. "Wake up! Let me Go!" I harshly patted his cheek." He moved a little so I raised my voice a little more, " I said wake up you bast*d..let me be!" He opened his eyes and on reflex tightened his hold.

When I moaned in pain did he realize and released me. I immediately got off him and the bed. "How dare you touch me without my permission?" I shouted.

"Don't raise your voice at me! Just because I didn't teach you a lesson yesterday doesn't mean I would take the same sh*t from you today," he commanded angrily.

" I don't care! You hurt me , you abused me but now you don't get to play mate with me. You understand!" I pointed at him.

I was anticipating a comeback but instead he started laughing. He kept on laughing and ended with wiping a non-existing tear from his eye, "You are so funny mate. It's cute that you still don't realize the situation you're in."

"Oh trust me I know! You made it quite clear in-front of the whole pack," I countered.

"No! That.. that was nothing," he smirked. " But if you won't stop, you would make me do something even I am afraid to say out loud," he sneered.

"You cannot do anything worse than what you already did to me! What more do you possibly want from me?" I screamed painfully.

He gave me non expressive face and answered, " Your obedience! That is all I want from you." He then took my hands in his, with him sitting on the bed and me standing. " I just want my mate. The one the moon made for me. I want her," he whispered slowly and then trailed his finger from a strand of my hair, falling at my face, to my lips, "her kisses" my cheeks, "her smile" my neck, "her mark" my left bosom,"her soul" and then looked me in the eyes, "even her tears."

"What about love?" I asked sadly.

"I don't believe in love!" He sneered.

"Then good for you! Cause that is one thing I will never give you. Do you know why! Because I already gave my heart to Tim and that is something you cannot forcefully take either," I smirked.

He growled and stood up, gripping me harshly by my neck, "You will not take his name. If I heard you taking that human's name again, I will cut your tongue! You understand," he was chocking me and I couldn't breath. Left with no other choice I decided to surrender for now. I nodded and he left me.

It took a moment for me to compose myself. I was breathing harshly. He looked unbothered and left for the bathroom in anger.


It was still early morning when I entered my sleeping quarter but everyone was already up.

" Luna! I was so worried the whole night. Are you okay? Where were you?" Jenna rushed to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"I'm fine. I was with him" I told her.

" Wait you slept with the Alpha?" Patricia said joining us.

"No we didn't sleep sleep. I mean we did sleep but nothing happened." I tried to clarify.

They both laughed. "But weren't you hell bent on defying him?" Asked Juan.

"Oh I still hate him! Things got out of control since he chained me to the bed. But I would have chewed his hand off if he would have done anything inappropriate" I explained.

"oh kinky!" Laughed Juan.

I blushed to a deep shade of red. The situation sounded so wrong. "Even if you would want him, we wont judge you Luna! You are, after all mates" smiled Jenna. She was such a positive ray of sunshine.

"I guess it was his wolf!" said Patricia,

"The wolf gets crazy for his unclaimed mate. He must had a-lot of self restraint not to mark you! What did you tell him?"

" I told him I hate it and want nothing to do with him." They were all shocked by my declaration.

"Well I hope you get what you want," teased Juan.

" Come lets start making the breakfast they are all gonna be here soon," Jenna said dragging me to the kitchen with her. The rest followed.


"What should we make for breakfast?" I asked Jenna. Although everyone lived in their respective homes but it was a law of this pack that breakfast and dinner amongst leaders was done together at the pack house everyday. It included The alpha, beta, gamma and their families. Others were included according to need but space was always available if anyone wanted to join. Jenna told me this.

"How about some pancakes?" She offered.

" Okay! I'll make the batter and you set the tea and plates meanwhile." I told her. It took us 2 hours to prepare everything and at exact 9 am, everyone was at the table. The Alpha sat at one end with his beta I presume on the right and Gwen beside him. Alpha's left seat was empty and the gamma sat after that, followed by Lily, and so on. There were a lot of other people at the table too. Most which I don't know off.

"If you are wondering about the empty chair, it's for the Luna," Jenna smiled. " It's always been like this since he became Alpha. No one is allowed to sit in that chair."

" Shame! It will always remain that way," I scoffed.

She gave me a sad look but Olivia came out of no where and dropped a tray of kettle into my hand," take it to the table and serve.

Not wanting to prolong this any longer I took off to the breakfast table. But as soon as I entered everyone stopped whatever they were doing. I ignored the uneasy feeling and start filling up the tea cups one by one. Gwen gave me a sad smile noticing me working and Lily gave a small wave. I was pouring tea for her when she said, "I wonder who made these pancakes? These are delicious."

"Did you make them Tamari?" Asked Gwen. I gave her a short smile as a response but didn't say anything. I didn't feel like chit chatting with the assh"es gaze burning on me. Everyone was done and I didn't feel like pouring tea for him. So, I kept it silently beside him and was turning to leave when he called, "Tamari! You forgot something I guess." With great discomfort clearly showing on my face, I turned and started filling his cup. He tried to catch my gaze but I didn't spare a look. Suddenly the hot tea spilled on my hand but before I could act, big warm hands engulfed mine. " Bring ice!" He shouted and continue dabbing my hand with a napkin which he had somehow dipped in cold water. He wouldn't let me withdrew my hand and had it in a strict hold. " Call the pack-doctor immediately," he shouted and the beta was mind linking him.

"It's okay! I'm fine. You don't need to call him", I pulled my hand back and told him.

" Nonsense! Your hand is clearly burned. It will scar and it will be there your whole life," he tried to reason.

"Oh I don't mind," I mocked. "At least it not as terrible as this one." I showed my omega one, and he was speechless. Everyone was speechless. "Don't act like you care." And then I went back to the kitchen.


Looks like Kal cares!!!