
Luna Omega

What do you do when you finally find your mate? Any sound werewolf would howl in content and rush to claim her. I wanted to do that too. But here is what: neither was I sound at that time, nor was I ready for the hell of a surprise she gave me. Not only was she married to another but also bore him two pups. A perfect family of four. So what did I actually do you ask? I killed that man and the two little sins she committed. Don't worry! She is finally where she belongs. But not as the luna, but the omega. I guess my surprise was better. --------------------------- Note: This book has bloodshed, killing, violence, abuse, torture, cursing, and smut. I advise you not to read if you are triggered by certain sensitive topics. Kindly do not report if you do. I have already warned you.

Doominmywillow · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Unfortunate Mate

Tamari's Pov:

Pinewood and grass...It's the most amazing smell I have ever smelled. Where did it come from? It's so faint and yet sharp at the same time. It's driving my wolf crazy.

"Tamari! What's wrong with you today?" asked Tim annoyed with me twisting and turning on the bed.

"I don't know! I guess my wolf is a little restless."

"Is it something to worry about? You know you can talk to me about anything! I know I'm not a wolf like you and the kids, but I'm your husband and I live to see that smile on your face everyday." He kissed my temple.

"Of course Tim! My wolf gets a little antsy when she doesn't go for a run that often. Look! it's almost morning. I'll take the kids with me too." I tried to hide my anxiety and smiled looking outside our bedroom window. We lived in a cabin secluded in the forest. We had no contact with either the human or werewolf world. We thought it was best for the kids this way. Tim went to the human village once or twice a year, apart from that we had no other interaction with outsiders.

"You can take Cyntia, leave Maven with me. I need to teach him spearing." He then went back to sleep since it was still early.

I sighed and went downstairs to prepare breakfast. I wish that I knew that it would be the last time I would hear his loving words.


"Mommy! What was wrong with your wolf today?" Cyntia asked as soon as we shifted back to our human form. Now on our way home.

"Nothing to worry love! She had been like this since last night," I told her truthfully. She was exceptionally smart for a seven-year-old and it was impossible for me to ever lie to her. She just has the ability to tell. I often wonder how well she took things. Not only was she understanding, but she was also extremely protective of Maven, perfectly being the elder sister. Tim sarcastically calls her Maven's second mom.

On the other hand, Maven was the total opposite. Although he was only a year younger than her, he was irresponsible and extremely naughty. His anger and ego were huge, I guess that was a werewolf thing. Since both of them were still young to shift, a couple of months ago I started taking them with me on my runs so they can observe and learn about shifting. We didn't live in a pack, and Tim was human. So, they looked up to me for all werewolf teachings.

"Is something bothering her?" she asked. Didn't I say she was smart?

"Why would you say that?"

"Your wolf kept on deviating from the trail. Something was distracting it," she claimed.

"I smell something! But I can't detect what it is or where it's from," I explained.

"Do you really want to find it?" She asked.

"Maybe! It smells mouthwatering . But I don't know what it is."

"Just like berries!" she exclaimed.


"Yes! When you smell berries you just want to eat them. But you don't know if they are sweet or sour. They smell so tempting. I remember my tummy hurting so bad, after the ones I ate last time." She pouted.


"That is what daddy calls them," she laughed.

"And what else does he say?" I smiled on her antics.

"Simple! Not to go for something you do not know the nature of."

Boy was this child's analogy so perfect. But unlike her, I was about to get poisonous berries.


I wanted to take Cynthia's advice and let go of this temptation, but this time it wasn't me running after it. The smell was getting stronger as we were getting closer to our cabin. The strongest I have ever smelled, and then I saw its source: rugged muscles, huge frame, a rough beard, and forest green eyes. Everything about him screamed savage, if the blood on him was not enough proof. A beast that's what he was.

"Daddy!" screamed Cynthia and she ran to his side. She crouched and grabbed someone who was lying on a pool of blood. Not just someone, but her father, Tim. My husband! I was shocked and wanted to get to him but my feet felt cemented.

"Mommy check on daddy! Why isn't he moving?" Following her voice, I finally registered the state Tim was in. Claw marks all over him and a big hole in his chest. Blood seeping all around him. He was lying in a puddle of it. The sight was horrifying. It felt like a nightmare. Someone had clawed out his heart. Where is his heart? I looked around but instead of his heart, I found a something even more horrendous. I found my boy with his neck snapped at an impossible angle, laying on the patio. I was not able to comprehend what was happening. How can someone do this? Why would someone do this?

I was holding my boy in my arms, still too stunned to cry. I carried his fragile body over to Tim and laid him beside the other. Cynthia screamed noticing Maven in a similar state. I guess she finally figured they were both no longer with us. Dead would be the word we taught her by demonstrating animals, never by humans.

"Were you looking for this?" a raspy voice interrupted my thought, with a bloody palm holding the heart of my husband in front of my face. My heart was frantically beating and it felt like it was about to jump out of my chest.

I had no words. The moon knew how hard it was for me to even think at that moment. Nothing made sense. I stupidly extended my hands for him to pass the organ to me. He crouched to my level and brought his bloody palm holding the heart near me, but instead of handing it over, he squeezed it so hard that most of the blood swept out, splashing over my face, hands, and chest. He then crushed the remnants of it under his foot, destroying all hope I had to at least keep the remaining part of Tim safe.

Then like a fuse his persona changed, as he crouched back right in front of me and gently took a hold of my chin. His hands were still bloody but sparks flew when he touched, calming me. Mate my wolf chanted but I shrugged his hand off of me. He then looked with pity at the lifeless body of my pup: Maven, and whispered, "If it makes you feel any better, it was a quick death for him."

That was where I lost it and my wolf was beyond hysteric. This beast had not only attacked her home but had killed her family and was now challenging her motherhood. With my claws and canines elongated, I lept for an attack on him. But he was already prepared and easily dogged it. I breathed heavily, ready for another attack when he smirked,"Ah ah ah! I wouldn't do that if I were you!" He motioned for me to look behind and I saw a man holding Cynthia with a dagger to her throat.

"Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to do? Aren't you my mate?" I screamed with tears sliding down my eyes. I didn't realize but I was shaking terribly.

"Finally! At least you admit it, Mate. But you see this has everything to do with you. If you would have been faithful and would have waited at your pack like a good girl, none of this would have happened. So the only person to blame is yourself. But since you messed up, I had to fix everything up. It's my duty being your mate after all!" He smirked and walked closer to me. He swiped my tears with his thumb, "Now now! there is no reason to cry. Everything is just how it's supposed to be. Only one problem left." He then signaled at his man who held Cynthia.

"No!" I shouted. "Please don't kill her. Let her go you monster." I tried to get to her but he held me tight, with my back to his chest.

The other man took a screaming Cynthia away into the forest. But before I could have fought, I felt a pinch on my neck and everything turned black.


Hi! Everyone.

This is my first werewolf book. I tried to write something different than the traditional stories you find on Wattpad. Next chapter in a few days. Do vote <3