
Luna of Rogues

A she-wolf whose pack got disrupted and destroyed turned rogue. Realizing how werewolves treat rogues like her, she made sure that even as a rogue, no one can disrespect her. Searching and finding rogues all over the place and soon, she made her own pack, a pack of rogues.

lorr_seeve · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs


I saw everything. Everything that was once peaceful and full of laughter was now replaced by dead bodies of people and wolves.

Fire spreading and smoke covering the atmosphere was my view. Seeing my mother still fight them while holding my father's wound in the chest.

Trying to stop the blood, my father said, "Help your mom, dear. She needs you. Please."

"So do you. Everyone does." I said, while trying to stop my tears.

We didn't deserve this, I didn't deserve this. I'm still an eleven year old child and I saw everything.

How they slaughtered every one of our members and laughed while they were suffering on the ground. Mercilessly killing them.

"Go to your mother. Now." My father ordered. He used his alpha voice on me to let me know that it was a command not a request.

Crying, I left my father lean against a tree and tried to help my mom but I couldn't find her.

I could say that I was skilled in hand to hand combat because my mother taught me in such a young age. Six years old. And I think that's why my father is letting me out to help my mother.

Trying to find her, a wolf not from my pack locked eyes with me with the intent to kill me. I was scared but shook it off. It charged towards me and I swiftly missed it and poked its eye with a twig.

If someone's trying to kill or hurt you, don't hesitate to do the same, dear.

My father's voice echoed in my head and I tried to grab my dagger hidden behind my back but it looked like it dropped while I was avoiding the wolf because it was not behind my back.

After searching it quickly and finding it, I tried grabbing it but my feet getting bitten my the wolf, dragging me away from the knife.

I shouted and tried to push it with my feet and realized that it already had an open wound on its side beside its bleeding eye.

I put my bare foot inside the open wound making it wimp and crouching away from me, growling.

With it getting away from me I grabbed the knife and got into a defensive position when someone shot an arrow right through the head of the wolf.

My mother appearing on the right, I rushed over to her and hugged her but she quickly broke it.

"Aim for the head or heart. How many times do I have to tell you this? They won't die just because you cause pain, you'll just anger them more!" My mom shouted.

"Will you not ask me if I'm fine? Or even dad?" I didn't need lecturing. Not now. Not when all of us were falling apart.

She scanned me up and done and looked at my bitten calf, worry etched in her eyes for a slight moment before looking at me, her eyes saying 'you're fine'.

"Your father will be okay." She mindlinked him. She continued, "But I want you to go, away from here. They'll hunt everyone and were already outnumbered. Go and well be right behind you."

I frowned.

"What about our members? What about the pack house? What about father?" I asked.

"Worry about yourself. I'll handle your father. The pack house is already turning to dust and most of our members have already fled or died." She replied.

She looked right behind me and shot her last arrow at the person.

"GO!" She yelled.


Tired, afraid, hungry, angry, sad. Running away and away from the pack house not realizing how big our territory was, I wanted to go back and hear my father say, "Everything will be alright." Like he always does when problems arise.

But this time it was different. So different. It was a problem that I knew was out of my father's and mother's hand. They were the Alpha and Luna of the pack yet they can't do anything anymore but to fight or surrender.

Running more and more but stopped when I heard multiple footsteps coming outside our territory. They were going to bump into me. So I had no choice but to go back to the pack house since they were surrounding me.

Trying to hide my scents while going back, I thought the fire was going to stop but it spread so much that nearby trees were also on fire.

Looking for my father and mother but failed but what caught my attention was my surrounding.

Seeing it, I slowed on my pace and tried to find any people or wolves from my pack but I only saw them, dead.

All that were standing, victorious. Victorious in killing the strongest pack of them all. They killed my family. Them.

The Scovian Pack.