
Luna of Rogues

A she-wolf whose pack got disrupted and destroyed turned rogue. Realizing how werewolves treat rogues like her, she made sure that even as a rogue, no one can disrespect her. Searching and finding rogues all over the place and soon, she made her own pack, a pack of rogues.

lorr_seeve · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs



I walked into my office with my Beta behind me.

"Are the incoming rogues have a place to stay here?" I asked.

Another 766 rogues were found and recruited to be part of the pack.

"Yes. It would be in the forest for now, Luna(r). The cabins that we are constructing are still in production for one week." Beta Grayson replied.

I nodded.

"What about the incident at the east border?" I asked.

A rumor was spread that a rogue was actively killing werewolves that was part of packs and that the rogue was from my pack.

"False accusation, Luna(r). It's not a rogue from our pack."

"Is there more?" I asked.

He shook his head and gestured him to leave.

He left and I sighed. More and more rogues were coming and we were running out of territory.

I needed to think.


Noise and chatter was all I could hear in the Pack House and when I went in to view from the top of the stairs, all of them stopped.

The place was filled with rogues, some were dirty, some were clean and some were hungry.

Putting a straight face, "Welcome to the Pack House, rogues. Welcome. This will be your new place from now on. I am your Luna, Luna(r) Indigo."

I looked at all of them.

"Change into some new clothes and wait for further announcements."

I was about to leave them when a man from the crowd raise his hand to ask a question.

"Why is there (r) at the end of Luna?"

Hesitating for a bit, I spoke.

"Those (r) are labels for people like me. I'm not just a Luna to a pack but I, myself is a rogue and that (r) represents rogue."

"You can still call her Luna if you want." My Delta, Katy, said.

I looked at her and she just winked at me.

Another raised their hand and I turned my head to their direction.

"Where will we be staying? I don't think this Pack House is big enough for all of us." A girl questioned.

I looked at Grayson.

"You'll be staying at the West Forest for now. Multiple tents, portable bathrooms are located everywhere there." Grayson answered.

Those tents were big enough for 5 rogues per tent but since there were so many tents, they could share however they want.

"How long will we stay there!? It's winter!" Someone shouted within the crowd. And the crowd erupted in 'yeah' 'right'.

Soon, they were crazy noisy. And I hated it.

I growled angrily and loudly that everyone in the house heard it and silence fell.

"Just because you are new here doesn't mean that you can act like rogues." My voice laced with anger.

They felt the authority I had over them.

"You keep acting like this, you will not earn your place here."


"I didn't earn my spot here because I acted like a rogue. I acted how I wanted to be treated."

After all those years.

"Lead them to the forest, Katy." I mindlinked my Delta.

"See ya later, Indi." She waved.

"All of you, please follow me." Katy led them out of the House and into the West Forest.


Katy's POV

I led them into the forest and I must say, super windy today. The forest was slightly covered in snow making it a little bit colder than usual.

"Please, find a tent that suits your taste of location. Some are near the Pack House and some are near the river." I smiled.

There was a lot to handle. Many of them scattered deep into the forest and remembered to remind them the border's territory.

A girl, a little bit younger than me, approached me.

"Yes? Any problems?" I smiled.

"Problems? No, no." She laughed. "I just wanted to ask a few questions about this whole rogue, pack, everything you know, I was hoping I could ask you, as Delta." She asked.

"Go ahead, ask me."

"Is it possible for a rogue to be in packs? Weren't we called a rogue because we are not in a pack anymore?"

"All of us thought that being a rogue was the end of your werewolf life but there could actually be more than that. Luna(r) Indigo made that possible. We aren't really a pack but we decided to call ourselves one because we are so many." I tried to explain.

"What is the name of this pack?"

"The Ploreta Pack, also known as the Rogue Pack." I joked.

She laughed.

"What are the rules in being in this pack?"

"One, follow Luna(r) Indigo's order. Two, you cannot act like a rogue inside the territory." I stopped.

"That's it?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I mean there are only two rules in this territory and we are rogues. I just thought there would so much laws." She smiled.

"I guess that's the fun in being a rogue."

We smiled before she continued.

"Why is there no Alpha?"

"You become a rogue either because you lost your Alpha, Luna, and Pack or sometimes because you lose your mate. I don't know much about Luna(r) but I heard she became a rogue because she lost her pack."

"But she can still have her mate, right?" She asked.

"Once you've become a rogue, no. Rogues can't have mates. That's how the rogue world works."

She agreed on that.

"Are all of us that are new going to be tested?"

"Yes. We're going to see how strong your rogue skills are and how much you can control your rogue instincts."


Indigo's POV

I looked at the papers and saw our territory getting smaller with the number of people flooding in here. We had to take more territory now.

I sighed.

"Grayson, call all of the warriors and those in rank. Meeting room in 5." Mindlinking my Beta, I organized the papers I was holding.

Made my way into the room and already saw some people seated as their ranks and position.

Me being the Luna, I stalked my way to the top seat and sat down.

After a couple of minutes, the all of them were here.

"Let's start."

"We've noticed that too Luna, but what can we do? We're occupied with the rogues right now." Gamma Soyer said.

"It's winter too, Luna(r). We'd be at a disadvantage." Josh , my lead warrior, added.

"They would be at the disadvantage." I looked at Josh.

"We're rogues." I said.

"Right, our werewolf abilities have heightened more than them. We'd be less cold and we can attack at night." Aileen, my lead hunter, agreed with me.

"We need to act now. We need the space for the rogues so we can widen our range." I tapped my fingers.

"And maybe, we can make a few more rogues with the pack were going to attack." Mia, one of the spies, smirked.

Most agreed.

The lead warrior, lead hunter and the seips(spies) worked together to form an attack.

We agreed on what we had to do, the lead warrior, Josh, had to talk about the mission to the warriors in troops, and Aileen, to the rogues attacking in wolf form. Mia, relaying their task to the other seips(spies).