
Luna of Rogues

A she-wolf whose pack got disrupted and destroyed turned rogue. Realizing how werewolves treat rogues like her, she made sure that even as a rogue, no one can disrespect her. Searching and finding rogues all over the place and soon, she made her own pack, a pack of rogues.

lorr_seeve · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs


The attack was planned two weeks from now and all of the warriors, werewolves and seips(spies) were training more.

Today was the day of adding members from the rogues.

Evaluating their skills and how they can control themselves. Those that aren't reckless are the qualifications in being a member.

"Luna, they're gathered in the Clear, waiting for you." Grayson mind linked.

"I'll be there," I replied.

Walking my way to the front door, I could already hear the cheers and shouting from the Clear.

The Clear is a place in the middle of our forest and its trees were cleared, making a circular playground for challenges and fights.

I went to the Clear and saw that the rogues were all sitting outside the Clear, beside some trees.



First, solo fight. A rogue will get the chance to pick their opponent in the match and will fight till they surrender or die.

Second, team fight. The rogues will be given a chance to make a group of 15 teammates and fight their group opponent together.

Third, speed. All of the rogues are to find ribbons in the whole forest of the territory and whoever finds 5 ribbons, find their way back to the Clear, will be set for the next round.

Fourth, stealth. Rogues are known to be loud and noisy. In this round, we will see how quiet but quick in attacking the rogues are.

Fifth, attack. Uncontrollable rogues are to be released in the territory and whoever gets to kill 3 rogues, is qualified in this pack.

"Those are the rounds, let's go!" Katy shouted.

After the first match, some surrendered but four rogues died.

The second match was hectic and crazy but luckily, none died.

"Wait, wait. Shouldn't those who surrendered in the first round be eliminated? We are never going to end if we keep letting them play." A man whom I assumed won the two rounds.

"As I said, we are going to evaluate and analyze your skills and see who did their best in all rounds." Katy tried to explain, again.

Some complied while some refused to follow it. They didn't want those who surrendered to play again.

Imagine if you were in their shoes.

I said to them, in my head.

"That's why you're here. You're fighting for your place when you know where you should be. You know you're not supposed to be here, you are strong not like others." I said.

"But everyone thinks that way. They think they're the strongest, so what makes you different?"

I looked at the man who spoke.

They had to show it.

After another two rounds, we saw more and more competent rogues.

They were eager to be part of this.

"Well, saved the worst for last." I smiled.

All of them were scattered throughout the forest and soon the beasts were going to be released, our kind.

"Let 'em out." I mind linked the warriors holding the lock to the cage.

All of the members backed away when they opened it.

Nobody was there, until, stomping and growls were heard from the cage. Without warning, all of the beast rogues were fighting for their lives to get out of the cage and they eyed the forest.

Standing there, they locked eyes with me. Murderous eyes but they knew I was the one who locked them up, myself.

Then they looked at all the members, knowing that they can't escape us.

They sniffed the air and smirked. They smelled new ones.

"If you can kill them, do it. They're going to do the same to you." Never breaking eye contact.

Most laughed and slowly approached the forest while others ran to the wilderness.

A rogue, shirtless, full of scars on his back went my way.

"You know, letting me out and not killing you, you should be grateful. I can tear you to pieces right now." He laughed.

"No, you should be." Eyeing his body.

"If it was me, I would've killed you the day I caught you, but Grayson said that we could use you." I laughed.

"Look where we are." I tilted my head.

His smile disappeared, trying not to show his anger, and he ran to the forest, dying to kill someone.

Suddenly, I sniffed something odd on the opposite side of the Pack House.

"Go and watch them. Bring seips with you." I ordered Grayson.

I went to the opposite side of the house immediately and never forgot to guard up.

When I reached the side, I was faced with a little boy adding wood to the fire he made. Seeing me, he stood up and bowed his head.

I started to make my way to him.

"It's super col-" He was cut off when I brushed past him and kicked the woods of the fire, and the fire burning out.

"Wait! No! Do you know how hard that was to make? It's cold here." He whined.

"No fires. This side of this house is made of wood."

I examined him.

"Why aren't you with the others?" Sighing mentally, I grabbed the back of his clothes, dragging him.

He tried to shake his way out of my grip but I wasn't loosening it.

"Please! Wait! I don't want to join them, please." He started to cry.

I made him face me directly with my dark red eyes. I was getting mad.

"Then why are you here?"

"My mom told me to." He replied.

"So? If you're here because of your mom why don't you join her?"

"Because she said that I could die." He choked on his tears.

"Obviously. This isn't your place then, leave." Pointing at the wilderness.

"I don't want to leave my mom. Please." He pleaded.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing his clothes with one hand and dragging him to the west side of the Pack House.

"Where are you, Katy?"

"I'm watching the rogues right now! Ooh! " She exclaimed.

"Leave that to the boys, come here."

"Alrighty, wait a minute."

It hasn't been a minute and she was already here.

"What's up?" Tucking her messy brown hair.

I showed him the boy.

"Oh my! He's so cute! Where'd you find him?"

I pointed my head in the direction, 'there' and she looked there and silently said, 'oh'.

"Do to him as you please. Kill him, abandon him or return him to his mother. Just make sure you won't make a mess." I said to her.

She saluted, "Yesh Shir!".

She laughed and I smiled.

"Let's go pretty boy." She held his hand and went to the Pack House.

Many houses were located everywhere in the forest. They were for the rogues who have families and those who didn't, had a smaller house, fit for two people.

How did they have families when they can't have mates? Well, you can still fall in love without the mate bond.

Two rogues falling in love, a different type of mate bond we're talking about.

A bit crazier, madder, and scarier.

But all of the members had to promise one thing, they can never fall in love with werewolves that were not rogues.

It's not for their safety, but for the rogue's safety. Werewolves these days love to hunt and kill rogues.

Although, the odd smell which I thought was the fire I had put out, was still burning.

I went back to the place of the fire and saw that it had spread to a nearby small tree.

And I remembered it.



I knew now how this world was so cruel to people like me. They feared me, fought me, and tried to kill me.


Because they know I'm stronger. They knew I could easily overpower them and the only way to stop me was, well, kill me.

But they couldn't.


They wouldn't.

I dare them.

I set the small Pack House, that I saw earlier, on fire, with all their people locked in it.

I saw the trees surrounding their small house catching fire too.

If they were just a little nicer. If.

I felt no remorse, none. I was aware that it was bad but it felt right, it felt good.

I was adapting to the rogue life. But I controlled it.

I had it all under control.

But I knew I could never be the best when they look at me as the worst.

I needed some help, with my kind.


I kicked the tree away from the other trees so that they wouldn't catch on fire too and rolled the burning tree on the ground, using the snow to make it die.

Once it burned out, I carried it to a place where it wouldn't be a bother.

"Luna? Luna, a rogue has already killed seven rogues but still won't stop killing. What should we do?" Grayson's voice echoed in my head.

"Stop him."

"We've tried when he's already killed four, but he won't listen."

"Get him and throw him in the cage."

"Capture the man." He mind linked all of the members, making me hear it too.

I walked near the Clear and saw the man almost inside of the cage.

"Stop." I stopped them from putting him in the cage.

I wanted to test him.

"Let him go." I mind linked the warriors holding him.

They hesitated and slowly let him go.

"They said you've killed seven when they told you to kill three."

"I wanted to show you how strong I am. Different from all of them." He was the one who was against the rogues playing when they've already surrendered.

"I know. I heard. But, can you go inside there?" Pointing at the dark cage.


And he didn't even look at the cage.

"Go inside." I used my Luna voice.

"No." He was getting mad.

"Look at you, you're waste." Everyone examined him.

Instead of feeling insecure, he got angrier than before and started snarling at me.


Saying that he tried to claw me but I grabbed his hand and made direct contact with him.

"Kill yourself." I smirked, tilting my head.

"No!" His eyes turned red, dark red.

I tried not to show the shock I felt but everyone was surprised and got scared of the man.

They were just like mine, but he was out of control.

The rogue side got the worst out of him.

"Kill him." I mind linked the warriors.

But everyone was shocked.

I looked at them and rolled my eyes. Grabbing the dagger, I cut his throat.

He choked and slowly fell to the ground. The white snow turned red around him.

Grayson's POV

"Kill him." She commanded.

But it was the first time we saw someone having dark red eyes other than the Luna.

Having dark red eyes meant that the rogue side has completely taken over you, making you uncontrollable, vicious, and unaware.

Until Luna(r) Indigo changed that. Her rogue side tried to overpower her but she knew how to control it. No one knows how she did it.

Rumors say that she had control over her rogue side when she was just a child, fifteen tears old. 2 years ago.

But it seemed that she already had control before she was fifteen. Knowing that because I was with her when she was eleven years old.

When we both found each other.


The house was on fire.

Everything was on fire.

I held my breath when I saw them crying for help.

I wanted to help them but I didn't know how to.

I avoided every fire I saw and went for the door, trying to unlock it. It wouldn't budge and the fire was slowly devouring me.

My view was getting blurry and all the smoke I've inhaled made me dizzy.

I tried to walk out, hearing the cries of my members. But there was nothing I could do.


I ran far away from the house before completely welcoming the darkness.

I fainted.

I smelled the smoke, making me cough and waking me up.

I was laying on the dirt and looked behind and saw the house was still on fire.

"NOO!!" I ran to the house but it exploded.

I was thrown to the ground, bumping my head to a tree. Because of the impact, I felt the blood run down my back and went unconscious, again.

I was hurt. I felt every part of my body hurting, they were aching. Dried blood covered the whole back of my head.

That's when I felt it.

I screamed.


It hurt so much.

Not physically, but I felt the last heartbeat of my Alpha and Luna.

The bond broke.


I lost my pack.

And I became a rogue.

It hurt so much. The pain that started in my heart ended passing every inch of my body.

But even though I felt every pain, I couldn't ignore the presence I sensed.

The presence was near me.

I didn't hear anything but I felt someone. They inaudible but their presence made it loud.

Tears were running from my eyes when I tried to stand but failed.

They hurt so much.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my chin so hard that I thought I would have a broken jaw.

My eyes landed on fiery, dark red eyes.

They were full of hate, anger, and danger.

Her messy hair, hair face splotched with dirt, her clothes that were almost burnt, and her jeans, full of blood and almost looked like shorts because of the damage.

"You're a rogue, huh?" She asked.

How would she know that?

"Your eyes are turning red." As if she could hear my thoughts.

"Just like mine."

I felt it.

She felt it.

The authority she had over me.




"Burry the bodies near the border and come back before the sun dies." I commanded the Day Watchers.

Day Watchers were rogues that were responsible for things like that and guarding the territory at the day. And the opposite of them is the Night Owls. They guard when the night's born.

I went inside the Pack House and was greeted by Katy, playing with a kid.

"Did he come here alone?" I asked Katy.

"Uhm, I think not. Indigo said that I can kill him, abandon him or return him to his mother. Just don't make a mess." She smiled then returned her attention to the boy.

I shook my head, smiling.

Indigo said that we don't have to call her Luna when there's barely anyone.

"Where is she?"

"She hasn't come back. I think she's still near the Clear. Or not." She doubted.

I went out and into the forest.

Indigo's POV

The moon was finding its place now that the night's out.

It was bright and kind of irritating. I hid under a tree and it covered me from the moon's brightness.

I smelled my surroundings when I felt a presence and relaxed when I found out it was Grayson.

"What're you doing here?" He asked.

"Nothing. The moon is just trying to get on my nerves today." I joked.

He laughed, "Where were you a while ago?"

"Somewhere." I looked at him.

"Anywhere." I continued.

"Everywhere." I smiled.

"Now that I think about it, using colors as our fake name is so lame." He said.

I laughed.

"It was your idea. All of it."

"Wait, no. You liked the idea and pushed me to come up with your name." He replied.

I laughed again.

"It's nice." I said.

"What's nice?" He asked.

"Here. Peace, no noise." I closed my eyes.

"Right, after those crazy fights." He agreed.