
Luna of Rogues

A she-wolf whose pack got disrupted and destroyed turned rogue. Realizing how werewolves treat rogues like her, she made sure that even as a rogue, no one can disrespect her. Searching and finding rogues all over the place and soon, she made her own pack, a pack of rogues.

lorr_seeve · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs



"Alright. Now that everyone is gathered, we will reveal who are officially in the pack." Grayson said in the Clear.

All of the rogues were inside the Clear, listening to the announcement.

"452 out of 766 rogues got in, and they are Bea, Lance, Tracy, Rica, Donny,..." And the list went on.

"What happens to those who didn't get in?" A girl asked among the crowd.

"They can either stay here and practice until you are ready or leave. Find another place to stay. Your choice." Grayson answered.

None of them left.

All of them were to be given a home once the cabins or houses that were being made were done.

But for now, they had to sleep in tents.

"Those who got in, train with the others. We'll attack soon." Katy reminded them.

"Luna?" A man came up to me when most went to the training grounds.

"What?" I asked.

"How can we like mind link you when we're from different packs?" He asked back.

"You were in a pack." I told him.

He looked confused.

"You were in a pack. But now you're in mine. Once you start to accept me as your Luna and once I see how you respect me, that's when the bond connects." I explained.

He understood.

"Thank you, ...Luna(r)?" He wasn't sure.

I laughed mentally.

"Go train."



The attack was going to happen tomorrow, and the new rogues were afraid.

They were unfamiliar with attacking, they always had to hide and be cautious as a rogue.

But this time was the opposite of what they always do.

01:12 AM

I was outside, with biker shorts and a bra under this cold weather that got worse. But it wasn't bad.

I kept practicing my shot with the bow and arrow, hitting the bullseye every time.


I got hold of a good bow and arrow and all I did when I had time was practice.

I'd carve some wood in the center and pretend that it was the middle, trying to aim at it.

6 months have passed and all I've been doing is searching for my parents and practicing, and trying to survive.

Werewolves that I encountered either wanted to kill me or sexually assault me.

The best I could do was kill them.

During those months, I improved my skills at shooting arrows and being quieter.

Being a rogue, my senses were heightened more than a mere werewolf. So everything that a werewolf wouldn't hear, I would.

Maybe that's why I became more cautious than ever. They wouldn't hear a thing from me.

After those people attacked me, that felt like it never ended.

I could still feel them, my parents, they were alive. But I didn't know how to mind link them, I wasn't trained. They said that I could be trained until my brain was strong enough.

Living in the wilderness, I adapted very quickly.

One day, I woke up after a nap and saw that it was night. I was hungry.

Looking for fish near the waters, with a better vision at night, I saw some, not near me.

I went near them and got ready to stab the fishes when all of a sudden pain from my heart, then my mind, and then my whole body was on fire.

But the pain in my heart was worse.

I tried to get out of the water quickly and tried to lean on something, a tree.

I could feel it.

My parents bond.

It was breaking. The connection was falling apart.

I growled so loud because of the pain.

I cried.

Then, I couldn't feel them anymore. The Alpha and Luna were gone.

"No, no, no."

It was the only thing that kept me from feeling alone, all alone.

My only hope.

But I felt them disappear, their heartbeats stopped.

"Please, please, please, please." I whispered, trying to believe if I did, they would hear me.


"PLEASE!" I shouted.

I couldn't stop crying.

They were gone.

My sorrow lasted not very long as it was replaced by anger.

How could they leave me?

They left me.

And I needed to vent my anger on someone or something.

Or both.

Remembering the small Pack House I saw 6 months ago at the end of the river, I looked at the waters.

Those who lived there were the very people who tried to kill me and chased me. The people who shot an arrow in my hand.

I looked at my left hand which was healed but left with a scar.

The people who poked my legs with a spear. Those who grazed my shoulder and put a knife in my calf.

I laughed.

What perfect timing.

I just learned how to make a fire.



I didn't realize that I was staring at the target for so long.

I put the arrow and bow down and went to a wooden plank that was still and practiced my hand-to-hand combat.

It was one of the things I was confident that I was good at.

I was taught at a young age.

But this time, my hands weren't empty while practicing, they held knives and I trained myself more and more with it.

After more practice, I did a dropkick, fully destroying the wooden plank.

"Ugh." I looked at the sky and saw that it was pitch black.

Some houses had lights on far from here and it looked like the stars fell from the sky, surrounding me.

I sniffed the air and relaxed when I smelled the Night Owls were doing their shift.

I smelled them from so far away, that's how much my senses have heightened ever since I became a rogue. And it was just getting better.

It was 1:40 AM and I was getting tired and tomorrow night was a big day.

I went to the Pack House and didn't bother to change my clothing and lay on my bed.

3:36 AM

I woke up at around 3:30 AM and went to my bathroom and showered.

Did my things and picked an outfit. A black t-shirt and shorts.

The pack was supposed to wake up at 4 because they had to train early.

I got out of my room and tried to listen if there was anyone awake.


While waiting for all of them, I went and practiced my kicks on a block of wood and tried to destroy all of them.

Grayson's POV

I woke up at 3:40 AM and I finished doing my things, I went to the training grounds and saw Indigo.

She was trying to do every kick on every plank, and most of these planks were very high.

She sensed me and looked in my direction and stopped what she was doing.

"Where are they?" She asked.

"They're coming. Let's just wait."

I specifically reminded them not to be late and suddenly all of the rogues came.

I smiled internally.

"Let's get the day started!" Katy shouted.


All of us were tired. The cold weather though, made us not sweat so much.

The rogues were either practicing on their own or fighting with one another to see who is stronger.

Some were nervous.

But they knew that they had to do it. That was their only way to get what they wanted, be who they wanted, and know their place.

Indigo was watching all of us on the balcony while sipping coffee and Katy and I was fighting it out.

She was kicking and punching and all I could do was avoid it.

She tried to punch my left cheek but I swiftly avoided it but then noticed how that was just a distraction when I saw her other hand trying to punch me in the abdomen.

I avoided that too and got hold of her other hand twisted it. When she twisted her hand more, she made me twist my hand.

I let go and noticed her hand was twisted so much, she was hurt. But she didn't stop and her foot swept me off from standing.

I stumbled, my back hitting the ground.

She had a smug smile on her face but that disappeared when I hooked my hands around her feet, making her fall to the ground too.

I went on top of her and tried to grab hold of her hands but she locked her legs around my lower torso, bruising my sides.

Groaning, I turned to the side making her on top of me, and her grip on my torso loosened making her choke me.

I separated her hands off my neck and rolled backward. With her on my stomach, she rolled with me and her face landed first on the ground.

She looked at me angrily and I had the smug look this time but that also ended quickly when she kicked my face and brought both of my feet from the ground, trying to make me fall.

I avoided her and tackled her on the ground and this time, I got a good grip on her hands.

"Surrender?" I asked, with a smirk on my face.

"Never." Then she headbutted me.

I lost my hold on her and she got me in a headlock position, an imaginary knife in her hands located in my heart.

"Surrender?" She asked, with a smile.

She was choking me and I tried to wiggle my way out but I was on my knees.

I wasn't going to surrender.

I rolled forward and she fell trying to choke me more.

We got at a distance from each other and tried to fight more when suddenly, Indigo came.

"Enough of the practice. Eat and sleep now, you'll need it. Wake up at 4 in the afternoon." She said.

And all of the rogues cheered.

They haven't eaten and they were still sleepy when they came.

"And you two, I have something to tell." She looked at us.

Katy's POV.

I looked at Indigo, seated on her seat, while Grayson and I sat on the couch of her office.

"What is it that you needed to tell us?" I asked.

"I found something." She said, making Grayson and I look at her.

"The Frett Pack has something we need. Other than territory." She paused.

I looked at her curiously.

"They have guns, something that no pack has, even the strongest doesn't have it." She looked at Grayson.

"You didn't know about this?" She asked.

"No. How did you know about this?" Grayson asked.

"A spy saw something on the back of their guard and I looked into it and saw that they were guns." She replied.

"You went into their territory by yourself? You could have gotten killed! You should have had some company." I told her.

"It's fine, besides no one other than you two should know about this. We'll need to be careful, bullets fly faster than knives and punches." She warned us.

Indigo's POV

Most of the rogues went back to their places and rested but some still practiced.

I assumed that they were nervous.

I went outside and ran fast to our border as one of the Night Owls received a letter.

The moon was slowly dying and it was starting to get brighter.

As soon as I reached the border, the Night Owls were being replaced by Day Watchers and one of the Night Owls saw me and bowed down to me.

"Here's the letter, Luna(r)." She handed me a letter that was so thin.

"You can leave." I responded as she was waiting for me to let her go.

She ran so fast to her house, wanting to rest.

I opened the thin letter and realized it wasn't a letter, it was an invitation.

Luna Indigo,

We request the delight in your company as we celebrate the 166th Birthday of Alpha Vincent Harris. The party is located at the East Beach and we expect everyone to come before 11 PM, 25th of March.


Beta Mason

Raising my eyebrows after reading the invitation, I closed it with suspicion.

The party was less than two weeks from now.

I was never invited to any party because like what other people said, I was a rogue.

Not fit for occasions.

It was common for me to not attend but we could also take the risk.

Going to the kitchen of the house, I saw Katy playing with a child.

I was thinking if I should tell Katy about the invitation but then decided not to since we still had time to attend or not.

"You didn't do anything about him?" I asked Katy as I got water and pointed at the child.

"I gave him to his mother but he still found his way back to me. I guess he loves me so much." She laughed while pinching his cheeks.

I shook my head and looked at how happy they were.

I went my way and rested in my room.

I woke up after resting for 6 hours.

1:03 PM

The rest was much needed and it was very quiet outside as all of the rogues were probably resting at this time.

I took another shower, a cold one this time, and changed to a pair of black tank tops and shorts.

After drying my hair, I clamped it with a hair clamp and went outside and into my office.

There weren't any problems as of right now so my desk was empty and closed the door. But the houses that were being done before were now done and all I had to do was look at it and check if they are stable.

Grayson thought that the houses and cabins that were being made were going to be ready in one week but it took two weeks because of the sudden change in weather.

I went outside to the newly made houses that were scattered in the forest and Grayson came with me.

We checked every house and he stomped on the platforms and I tried to kick the walls to see if they were sturdy.

All of them withstood the kicks and stomps and the rogues that were sleeping in the tents moved into the houses.

They could still sleep and all of them went back to rest but those who woke up trained more with the others.