

I sat down quietly beside her and watched her stir the water in a circular motion. If she was pretending not to acknowledge my presence, I didn't mind. All I wanted was to be closer to her when she breaks down. The little ducks in the pond kept quacking and moving around the pond. One of the duck fell side ways and Lily immediately helped it back to it's original position. It was a beautiful scene to memorize and I wish it doesn't escape my memory. "My dad always loved the ponds." Her tiny voice brought my attention from my inner thoughts. She spared me a glance and a beautiful smile that didn't reach her eyes. I could see emptiness in them, so hallow. "He must have been a good man." I replied back with an honest smile. I was hoping to brighten her mood and get a real smile from her but she only looked away back to the pond. "He was. He taught me how to read from a young age. He made me see books as my companions. We used to compete who could finish a book in a day. " I smiled. " That sounds interesting. Who usually wins? " I asked. " Him. I wasn't fast then. Though I do try to reach the two or three last chapters at the end of the day. "She chuckles at the last part of her sentence. " What else did he teach you? " I asked. Getting to know her seems interesting even though it's a bad timing now, I wanted her to reminisce the good memories of him rather than her crying, she should be smiling. "He taught me knitting patterns, gardening and hunting. " she shook her head and laughed loud. I wondered what made her do that. But I'm glad my plan worked. "Dad used to design mom's knitted stuff even when she says she doesn't need a pattern on it. Dad would ask me to go get it; could be a sweater or a table cloth and Dad would start knitting patterns. They could be weird ones if he really wants to make mom really angry or it could be sweet designs which mom at the end falls in love with." Wow. I tried to picture the moment that Lily just told me and I could feel the beauty and love from it. I put my arms around her waist and drew her closer, then placed her head on my chest. She didn't say anything else neither did I. We just stayed in that position for a while and the only sounds heard were out heartbeats, bird songs and ducks paddle and quacks. "I miss him Nate. Everyday. Mom hasn't been the same since he left and I wish he could see that." She whispered and the next few seconds, I heard her soft gasps and she buried her face into my clothes. I felt a cord struck on my heart. I patted her hair trying to comfort her. I wish she could raise her head and let me kiss her deeply and tell her I love her and would always be here. Instead I let her cry as much as she wants on my shirt . Her scent imprinted on my entire body. We stayed like that for few minutes before she raised her head up.. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break down on you." She said as she flushed and hurriedly wiped her nose and eyes with the back of her hands. She looked away and tried to scoot too but I held my girl around her waist tighter. "You don't have to apologize for crying whatsoever. I'm here to be the clothes that soaks those tears away my pretty girl." I said to her. She shyly glanced at me and before she could look away, I placed my finger under her jaw to hold her face towards me. "I'm sorry babygirl. " I apologized sincerely to her. Her face contoured with confusion. "Why are you sorry?" " I didn't bother to get to know you more. I don't even know your favorite color or place, your favorite books you have read. I didn't get to ask you about your parents. I'm ashamed to say that the Alpha was the one who told me what this day is about to you." I stared into her eyes as I said those words. "I shouldn't have left you alone today when you needed me the most." " Nate. You don't have to apologize. We didn't create such atmosphere to talk about ourselves. You know I don't know you deeply too. We were more carried away by the pull we felt to each other." She said with a soft smile. " I want to get to know you well Lily. Let me know you, please allow me. " She chuckles. " You want to do it now? " she asked we a raised eyebrow. I almost nodded but then realized the situation at hand . " How about we go on dates. We get to ask ourselves all kinds of questions you know. " She stirred the water again and looked at me then back at the water . " No sex in the end? " she whispered. I laughed. She was worried about that. Well as much as I would love to have her right here in this pond, if she wants no sex dates I can do that. Whatever she wants. I nodded." You have my word . " "Will it be at night time only? " " Do you want both day and night? We can still do that. I will have my schedule rearranged to get us some time. " I said with a smile. She shook her head." Don't worry let's do the night ones" I smiled. She was being understanding and doesn't want to stress me but she doesn't know I don't care if I'm stressed or not. I could do anything to be with her and make her happy. "Whichever you want pretty girl." But I wasn't going to do nights only. In fact we are going to go on a date now and I have the perfect idea. I immediately communicated telepathically to Lake and Roman. Today has to be memorable for Lily.