

Lilliana's POV

The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the bedroom. I

slowly opened my eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep. As my vision cleared, I found

myself gazing at the peaceful, slumbering form of Nathaniel beside me. A strange flutter stirred

within my chest, a sensation I couldn't quite place.

Carefully, I studied his features – the strong jawline, the slightly parted lips, and the way his dark

lashes fanned out against his skin. There was an undeniable attractiveness about him, a

magnetism that drew me in like a moth to a flame. And yet, our relationship remained shrouded

in mystery, a puzzle I couldn't seem to solve.

Pushing aside the sheets, I slipped out of bed, my movements cautious not to disturb his rest.

The cool hardwood floor sent a shiver through my body as I padded across the room, grabbing

my robe from the chair and wrapping it tightly around myself.