

Lily's POV I wasn't still satisfied with what Lake told me, I wanted to see for myself. I was so curious and I knew it, I was becoming bolder by the day and not the shy quiet girl I used to be. When Nate came back, I was snuggled on the couch seeing a movie. The light wasn't favourable for me to read, so I had to watch a movie. He walked towards me, engulfing me in a hug, he smelled of dried sweet and the woods. It was refreshing for me. "Hey pretty" he said pecking me. I loved it whenever he called me pretty, I indeed felt pretty. " How was the day?" I asked, I really wanted to know and of course I wanted to start a conversation with him. " It was stressful but no complaints" he said with a smile. I smiled too, rubbing his shoulders to ease the stress, I know we haven't reached that level of intimacy but for the past weeks he's been really trying to tell me about his self. " Did you eat something?" I asked, I wanted to cook for him. He's literally been doing that every morning for me. " I did eat in the afternoon" he said. My expression changed quickly, it's almost 9 O'clock and he took only lunch??! " Hey, easy" he said with that beautiful smile. " I'll make something so we can eat, okay?" He was offering to cook for us after a long and strenuous day. " No, don't worry, I'll make us something. Go shower and it'll be ready" I said, he still had doubt written on his face. " Are you sure?" " I'll be fine Nate, just go. Don't worry about me, I won't break a bone" I said the last part smiling. He smiled too, gave me a peck and went to the direction of the room. I went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. I made vegetable stir fry with grilled chicken. I didn't have that in mind but I craved it as soon as I stepped into the kitchen. In less than twenty minutes I was done, yeah, there was grilled chicken already, I just had to microwave it and I was good to go. Nathaniel still wasn't done, I went in to see a nude Nathaniel trying to put on his clothes. I quickly closed my eyes backing him. He laughed. " I know you're still not comfortable with me but come on" he said. " Dinner's ready by the way, I came to tell you that" I said hurriedly. " I know that,you made stir fry with grilled chicken " he said proudly. " How did you know " " I have nose pretty, let's go I'm done ".he said putting his hands on my shoulder. I had already set the dinning table, we sat down and started eating quietly. After eating, we did the dishes silently and retired for the night. I snuggled closer to him, the nights are usually cold and aside the duvet he gives me warmth too. I drifted off to sleep almost immediately. "It's been long Lily" I heard the lady say. " Yes it's been so long guardian" I said looking at her, she was sitting beside me on the bed again. "The time is nigh to know you" she said solemnly. " To know me how?? Don't you know me? You said you're my guardian, so how do you not know me? " I queried, I was confused. " This is not about me, this is about you" she said. " Really?, Tell me what I need to know, don't keep me in suspense " I was getting worked up. " You'll meet her and your destiny would unfold before you" " Too many words of prophecies, what's going on?" I asked her. " I gave you the paper right??" She asked and I nodded. " Look into it more and await the next course of action, I'll be there to guide you through it" " Wait, does this have anything to do with the pro.." And she vanished, why does she have to always leave at the most important moment. I opened my eyes to realize that it was a dream, yet again. I laid there with my eye open, being a stranger to sleep. I decided to go read a book or to re-read the prophecy for the umpteenth time, it was crazy. I placed a hand on my stomach and felt another hand too. It was Nate. " How long have you been awake?" I asked surprised. " You were tossing, are you feeling hot? I could excuse you" he said ever so sweetly. " No, I'm fine. It's the baby, feels heavier by the day " I lied, hoping he'd buy it and not ask anymore questions. He hummed a reply and started caressing my stomach slowly. He nibbled my ear and I giggled, he smiled. He sucked on my neck slowly and gently, I'm sure he's giving me hickeys, marking his territory. I smiled and turned over facing him, I closed my eyes and placed my lips on his. He kissed me so gently, but I didn't want that. I bit his lips causing him to suck on my lips hard, his hands were all over me, squeezing my butt, breast and thighs. I let out a moan, the pleasure was unbearable, he caressed my thighs and he reached my middle, I voluntarily widened my legs to give him access but he closed my legs. I was panting and expecting, thrashing on the bed. " Easy tigress", not so fast he whispered. " Please " I whimpered. He continued sucking on my lips, he gave a gentle spank on my butt and I let out a loud moan. "Good girl" he whispered causing goosebumps. He caressed my stomach down to my middle, he shifted my panties and placed a finger. "You're so wet pretty" he said, it seems he was trying to control himself. He let his hands play with my clit, he was tempting me. "Please Nate" I begged again. I really needed this. He hummed and nodded, took off our clothes and positioned himself, sliding into me gently.