

Lillian's POV I was feeling happy and excited, I've been preparing for the mating ritual. I want to perform something exciting and unique for the Lycans. Nate has been busy these days and he practically comes home late and exhausted. I know they're working on a project but I haven't been filled in on what kind of project they're working on. I just hope everything works out as planned for them, for us too. I really wanted to know what they were working on, I made a mental note to ask Lake when she comes tomorrow. He came late last night looking exhausted, his attempt to shower and dress up quietly was futile as he kept making shuffling sounds. He got into bed and it creaked, his weight was something I marveled about. He kept turning and tossing , I saw him pick up my novel. I couldn't hold it in any longer I had to ask what he was doing while laughing, he looked embarrassed but managed to avoid the question. It was getting cold and I told him to come cuddle me which he did, he gave a peck on my lips and we drifted off to sleep hugging each other. The next morning, I woke up to find myself alone on the bed. He'd left again and as usual he'd prepared breakfast. These pregnancy hormones are really raging and it caused me to sleep for a long time. I dragged myself to the bathroom after eating, I was really tired and drained. I dressed up and I fell asleep again. I saw the lady who said to be my guardian seated again, this time by my side stroking my hair lovingly, while murmuring these words: In shadows deep, where whispers weave, The Chosen One, destiny's reprieve. A soul aflame, with purpose rare, Bearer of burdens, none can compare. Through realms unknown, a path unfolds, Inscribed in stars, a tale foretold. Champion of light, in darkness sown, A beacon of hope, in realms unknown. With eyes that mirror the cosmic dance, They wield the power, a fateful trance. The chosen threads of fate entwine, A cosmic symphony, divine. In every step, echoes resound, A destiny profound, destiny bound. Yet within the heart, a choice unfurls, For even chosen ones shape their worlds. Through trials fierce and shadows long, They rise above, triumphant song. Bearer of destinies, a cosmic sonnet spun, In the tapestry of time, the chosen one. " What does it mean??" I asked curiously. " When the time is right you'd know" after saying this she disappeared into thin air. I was left confused. I woke up to Lake banging the door and calling my name. I walked to the door and opened it rubbing my eyes. " Hey" I greeted. " Hello, pregnant lady," she said with a smile on her face. I smiled too. " I've been here for more than five minutes and as I didn't see you, I was scared, I had to bang the door, sorry I disturbed your sleep" she said. " It's fine", I said walking in with her. I've been feeling lazy today and I believe a companion would do justice to me. I recalled I wanted to ask her about the project but I decided to wait till when she's settled. She sat on the couch, turned on the television while I went to the kitchen to get some refreshments. We sat staring at the screen for a while, eating as well. "What's the project the Lycans are working on?" She chewed on keeping me in suspense, she took a sip of her drink, and faced me. " You mean Nate hasn't told you??" " He hasn't" " He's always been so forgetful" " I didn't ask either because I forgot as well," I said laughing. She laughed," Better don't forget this beautiful niece I'll be having". I laughed, we started arguing about the gender of the child. It seems she was trying to divert my attention from the project but I wouldn't let that happen. I was determined to find out, if she refused to say it, I'll find out myself. " About the project?" I asked again. " Oh! Yeah, a message has reached us that a war will begin on the twelfth moon, so we're working on a safe place, don't fret" she said. I was already scared, what if something happened to my Nate? Would I raise the child myself? Lake rubbed my shoulders to relieve the tension. "You don't have to worry, he has everything under control" she tried to reassure me. " Okay, does this have anything to do with me?" She hesitated before answering. "Not at all," she said. I knew she was lying. I just nodded and continued eating the biscuits. We watched the movie in comfortable silence. _____________ ______________ _____ Nathaniel's POV This is the second day of being to New York to continue the search. It was more tiring than yesterday and the people we'd contacted and were going to meet didn't know her either. We had to start afresh by getting new contacts, with the hope of being lucky this time around. We spent a lot of time doing that. "I'm hungry," Roman whined. We didn't have breakfast, though I made something for Lily, and I wasn't feeling hungry at this point, all I needed was to find Lillian's mother. We had to go get food at an eatery close by. It was getting late and we were heading back home, to the project site. I had to take a nap, I was really tired. Beneath a moonlit sky, shadows dance, Whispers of troubles, a fateful chance. Storm clouds gather, ominous and dark, In the symphony of night, echoes embark. Footprints linger in the sands of time, A prelude to challenges, a subtle sign. Silent warnings in the rustling trees, Foretelling tales of what fate decrees. Yet in the turmoil, a chance to grow, Through tempests faced, strength will show. Embrace the journey, though the path be tough, For in trials endured, we find enough. I heard a small voice whisper to me. It kept resounding in my head even when I was working on the project site