

Lily POV

I stared at his sleeping face. He looked peaceful with his cute long lashes resting on his face like feathers. I know how much resistance it took me not to caress his face. As I reoccur what happened few hours ago, I felt my cheek turn deep red. We spent the night loving ourselves. Nate was scared he would hurt the child but I kept telling him it's alright as though I have been pregnant before and I knew the do's and don'ts. My body wanted him and I didn't care what would happen, I just needed to have what I craved for. We stayed in each other's arms without saying anything until he slept off. I couldn't still sleep so I went down to the kitchen and took out a bottle water and a glass cup. Quietly, I poured the water. I didn't want to make sounds that would wake him up and have him come looking for me. I caressed my still flat tummy and wondered how it would feel when the bump is visible. Just in two months, I'm now an expecting mother. I used to daydream how my future would go like. I never daydreamed of being pregnant out of a one night stand. I laughed silently at the thought. " So Lilian, what do we do now?" I said to myself as I kept caressing my tummy. "I may not know how my life is turning out, the prophecy stuff and then Nate. I believe it might be fate or probably a dream that I would wake up from soon enough." I replied myself. I drank the glass of water and poured another. Surprised by how thirsty I was. "Should I prepare something to eat? I kinda feel hungry too" I kept talking to myself. I was talking in a low voice because I didn't want Nate waking up. As I tried to figure out what to eat, I heard the sound of a creaking door. I looked towards the kitchen door, no one . I felt a gush of strong cold wind breeze past me. Trying not to send images to my head, I tried to concentrate and think of something to eat. The sound returned again and when I was about to say who was there, I heard my name. "Lilly." I turned towards the direction of the voice. The window. Fear creeped into my body and I didn't know when I shouted at the top of my voice. "Nate!" I heard footsteps rushing and the door burst open and an alerted Lycan stood in front of me with a worried look. "What's wrong pretty?" He asked as he hugged me. He didn't let go and I was sure he had used his eyes to scan the whole room. "I kept hearing sounds and then I heard my name. That's why I freaked out and shouted your name." I said quietly. I didn't want the moment to end because I felt so safe in his arms. "It's okay baby. No one can ever hurt you. I will protect you and our child okay?" He placed a kiss on my head. I nodded. ,"Thank you. That means a lot. Maybe I'm just imagining things. You know hormones are crazy especially pregnancy hormones. I'm sorry I woke you up." I said sincerely. "Come on, let's go to bed. You need to rest." He led me out of the kitchen. This time he didn't carry me like he did at the pond and now I wish he did. I must really be going crazy. ****** Nathaniel POV I watched her giggle at what Lake told her. She seems calm and happy unlike last night. She couldn't sleep. She kept tossing around until I held her and she fell asleep. Whatever came to scare her, did a good job and I needed to find out what or who was that. "Hey brother. Was wondering if you still in your Mama's bosom." Roman said with a smirk. Sometimes I wonder if I would be punished, if I strangled him or threw him from a cliff. I knew he was taunting me about the fact that I told him yesterday that I was actually missing Lily's presence. "If you want to continue seeing this new day, you better hold your tongue brother." I replied him with a smile. He raised his hand in surrender as he sat down beside me. "How is she?" I shrugged. "She said she heard her name at the middle of the night. She screamed my name because she was scared. When we went to bed, she kept tossing around until she slept." Roman was silent for a bit. "I will need to talk to her about this. I will have to find out who was that or what." "Thanks man." He nodded and we sat silently while watching the warriors spar with each other. "When do we leave? The nurse said she has informed her about our visit." "Let's leave by noon. I need to fix a report for dad about the northern pack rogue attack." I looked at him. "they want our help?" I asked in disbelief. The northern pack were known for their strength. So them asking for our help is ridiculous. "I'm surprised too. Seems every pack now see us as a superhero." Roman said with disgust. I patted his back. "Relax. Your dad is in charge now. Until your turn to rule, just be the superhero for them now" "Definitely going to dissolve this partnership father is trying to build with some packs." He clenched his fist. "They're not even appreciative. Look at Lily's pack, haven't sent any feedback since then." I smiled and said nothing. Instead, I thought about the visit I was going to pay Lily's mother. What if she doesn't know too, how on earth are we to trace Lily's birth mother without description or direction. I pray it doesn't happen as I have just thought, because it would be like finding a needle in a bag of hay. Nearly impossible. Let's not forget Lily doesn't know yet. if she gets to find out from another source and we haven't found her mother, it will be hell. She probably would go out to find her by herself, which is dangerous especially the fact she's pregnant with a unique child.