
Luna's hated Alpha

Sophia has just lost her mother in tragic circumstances. And even though she has also just discovered that she is not human, discovering a mystical and frightening world, she has only one thing in mind. Getting revenge on the man who killed her mother and tragically her father a few years ago. Leaving her hometown, she will find herself in the man's city who happens to be its undisputed Master. But things never go as planned and what appears to be is not always true. What truths really lie behind the death of Sophia's parents and who really is this man she hates so much? Come and discover with Sophia the terrible secrets that Capital City hides and the reversals it will face.

MrSeo · Thành thị
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18 Chs

His name is Jessy

I walked like this behind the boy of my dreams. Yes I seem frivolous for a girl who just broke up besides my life itself is total darkness. But if I can have a moment to escape my harsh reality, then I'll be happy to do so.

The voice in my head seemed distressed by my fickleness but I sent it flying, I have the right to appreciate a beautiful boy and in this case this boy totally is.

He has fine and magnificent features, he is not as muscular and masculine as Chad, no he is a beauty like in the fantastic stories. His hair looks neat and his dress really makes me feel like I'm in the K-pop world.

For a beginning, I really like Capital City.

" So you come to a visit?"

His voice startled me and I looked at him a little embarrassed. If he knew I was thinking of him in a special way, I'm sure he'd take me for a psychopath.

"Ah no... I mean I came to find my family..."

He shrugged his shoulders before crossing a small alley.

" So why do you need a hotel if you have family here?"

I swallowed, ah if you're beautiful can you not be quick-witted? Why do you have to ask the right questions and in such a sensitive way?

Can't you follow the stereotypes that say the prettier you are the dumber you are? But no, it looks like you combine beauty and intelligence.

"Hm to tell you the truth it will be the first time I will meet them..."

I stopped doing the same to him as he looked at me a little lost.

" It's your family ? I mean you were separated or something like that?"

" Indeed and until recently I did not even know that I had family in Capital City. It also surprised me but hey, I'm starving can you drive me first where I can eat?"

" Haha feed you? Funny way to express yourself when you want to say that you have the slab."

Ah that's ok too , I wanted to use a swear word ; I know its use is stupid so beauty , don't overdo it.

He drove me further into the city, the place was now isolated from everything and I stopped in fear. Oh it's true what we often say. Do not follow strangers on the street. Where did this guy take me and why is it so dark?

" What are you afraid of? Shouldn't you be scared sooner?"

I stared at him in fear at his change in tone and mentally insulted myself for being so easily fooled.

I arrive in a new city and I let myself be carried away by the first comer just because he is handsome and totally my type. Where was my head? The sneering voice in my head has good reason to laugh, it couldn't be more silly.

I don't have a very large amount of cash on me and my credit cards are in a place I refuse to think about because I have to go to the bathroom to retrieve them. Well I don't have a cell phone on me and the minimum I took, that is to say a suitcase, didn't allow me to come with all my clothes. I also don't have any jewelry and valuables but just getting pickedpocketed when I arrive pisses me off. And if this pickpocket has such a beautiful and delicate face adds to my situation more pain.

" Come on, let's stop joking... you're taking me to eat something, aren't you?"

"I do not know where you come from my pretty but you are very naive. Maybe you come from a remote place in the countryside where everyone is nice and everything but listen here this is Capital City, the richest and most powerful city that exists, here the human beings are apparently so there are no good samaritans understood? How can a girl your age follow a complete stranger who offers to help her without asking for anything in return? Aren't you even borderline stupid? Ah frankly I come, I approach you and you follow me without asking questions? Or is it my pretty face that seduced you?"

He smirked as I glared at him. He got me, it's okay, no need to insult me ​​either.

" Well I understand I was totally stupid well , what do you want from me now? I'm warning you I'm very poor and I don't have any valuables so you picked the wrong fish sweetie."

He chuckled and I mentally slapped myself for finding him exquisite even in this situation. The voice in my head nodded to that fact and I felt pretty crummy.

" It's not just your goods that can be useful, you know... You can be profitable yourself."

I froze as I trembled at his words. He intends to sell me? It's not possible as soon as I arrive I come across a trafficker? Why does my luck suck so much? I shifted slightly before feeling it on me already.

How did he do that?

The voice panicked before telling me to beware as this was no ordinary human.

Once I heard that, I frowned, isn't he an ordinary human? So that would mean he could be a lycanthrope? Or another creature?

I gulped before biting my lip deciding to push my luck.

"Are you a lycan?"

He suddenly stopped his thin eyebrows furrowing without ruining his beauty in any way. He retracted before crossing his arms.

"Who are you?"

Bingo, he's a lycan, so it would be easy for me to ask him directly.

Sorry my luck you don't suck.

Between lycanthropes I'm sure he must know where the Shield of Rain are.

"My name is Sophia Carpenter, and I am looking for my family, my grandfather is the Alpha of the Shield of Rain."

This boy looked stunned for a moment before grabbing my mouth and pulling me further down the alley.

" Shit are you stupid or what? Never say it like that if you don't want to be killed. Shit you were lucky to run into me otherwise you would have died right there."

I did not understand then that the boy was looking in all directions, seeming to seek if someone was following us.

" What's happening ?"

He sighed before placing his hand on his forehead.

" In Capital City, the pack of Shield of Rain has been destroyed, which means that all its members are hunted down by the other packs and that its refractory members are not allowed alive in this city."

" I don't understand...."

" Shield of Rain no longer exists and its members unless they have sworn allegiance to other packs under the authority of Soul Moon are hunted down and killed. The pack you seek is missing and its Alpha is dead."

" It's impossible... I..."

"Well, that's what everyone thinks. Ah you say you're his granddaughter? So you are the daughter of..."

" Samantha..."

" I would never have thought to hear this name again... It is almost taboo among the last survivors of the pack... I introduce myself I am Jessy, one of the only ones to have remained faithful to our Alpha who is your grandfather... André. If you really are Sam's daughter then follow me where our pack or what's left of them has managed to find refuge."

I followed Jessy as he took my bag leading me to what was left of my family. What could have happened that this family my mother was telling me about had to hide like this? And why does the name of Soul Moon always appear when misfortune strikes my family?

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