
Luminescent skies elemental awakening

In a world reshaped by "The Celestial Shift" in 2050, Kyle, a 16-year-old discovering his latent elemental powers, joins forces with others gifted with similar abilities. Guided by ancient prophecy and facing a corrupted elemental guardian known as The Master, they must uncover their true potential and prevent catastrophe from enveloping their world.

Sarthak_singh1 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

The shadows of destiny

In the starting of the chapter we see the shun hitting Kyle with his full force and then throw the Kyle into the volcano and then Kyle dies after this Kyle woke up from his sleep he is in shock he say that " oh what's happening The dream I have seen before. " After this he see that It's morning now.

TODAY ( 10:00 AM ) :-

Kyle get up and started doing his workout he did

Crunches - 100 rebs

Bicycle crunches - 100 rebs

Mountain climbing - 200 rebs

Plank - 20 minutes

Lungi - 100 rebs

Squats - 100 rebs

And many more. When Kyle was working out, Rin suddenly appears there, and seeing Kyle like that, she immediately closes the door and she started blushing and says, 'I thought Kyle didn't have a good body, but he actually does.' Just then, Kyle opens the gate and say " why are you here? this is my room you know that rin ".

In the reply rin say " So..Sorry, Kyle I just came to see if you are awake or not ". Kyle reply " why you came to see me that I awake or not ? "

Rin says " Because a note has come from the academy stating that Jinin has also formed his team and he has challenged your team to a fight. "

Kyle reply in shock " what , how that jinin make team before I make the team oh man ".

Shun comes and see that Kyle is shirtless and rin standing face to face he say " I am sorry I think I came on the wrong time ".

After seeing shun Kyle goes in his room and wear his dress and tell to rin and shun "We will soon go to Secure Academy and see who the members are in Jinin's team, and also see who sent us this notice. By then, you guys should also be ready. Oh, and shun, there will be many girls there, so you understood what I mean, right?" After saying this Kyle wink to shun and rin in frustration say " Kyle, You will not improve ".

2 hours later:-

Kyle telling about jinin to his team that what is the personality of jinin,what is the main power of jinin means all things about jinin when the Kyle explaining this shun interrupt and say " So, what is the proof that how strong is jinin and his team give me the answer Kyle ".

" Okay This conversation dates back to 2052 when Jinin and I were training at the academy. Jinin had told me that if I wanted, I could stop the upcoming celestial shift alone, but I still needed a lot of training. I had also told him that he shouldn't consider himself so strong, but he didn't improve. He challenged me to a 1v1 battle, and being someone who never backs down, I accepted the challenge.


On the day of the match, Jinin and I were facing each other. He launched a direct attack on me, but I was only defending and trying to understand his fighting style. However, I couldn't grasp his fighting style because he knows more than 10 fighting styles and has mastered them all. I thought he could only do normal attacks, so I used my basic technique, Wind Barrage, against him. But I didn't know that his elemental powers revolve around lightning. He unleashed a very powerful attack on me, which left me severely weakened. So don't think that Jinin is weak. Yes, at that time, I didn't know about lightning powers In reality, actually Jinin comes from a very weak clan, and they never support him or listen to him. Even his mom and dad never supported him. He grew up alone and trained himself. His dream is to become a national-ranked officer. "

After saying this shun realises that jinin is very strong then he thinks, he say " his background is very dark " rin agree with shun say " you say right shun he is very dark ".

But after this shun say to Kyle that " So if you were severely weakened, how did you recover? Who healed you?" In the reply Kyle say to shun " Nice question so the answer is rin recovered me from the injury ".

After this, Kyle decided that they would go to Secure Academy and see who the members of Jinin's team are.

When they locked the door of shun's home some creatures attack on them but this time they are ready they kicked out the creatures and then move on to the secure academy.


When they reached secure academy they found jinin and his team Kyle say to jinin " Yo, jinin I've been heard that you make you team already Is this is true " in the reply jinin say to Kyle that " Yes, you are right Kyle it is true I make my team already let me introduce you to my team :-

1.Jinin: The leader of the team, possessing exceptional combat skills and strategic thinking.

2.Sora: A telepathic empath, skilled at reading and influencing the emotions and thoughts of others.

3.Takumi: A strategic planner and tactician, adept at analyzing opponents and formulating effective battle strategies.

4.Luna: A skilled healer and support specialist, proficient in providing medical aid and magical assistance during combat.

5.Kai: A master of elemental magic, specializing in controlling fire and using it as a powerful offensive force in battles.

These are my team members what do you think about it Kyle and his silly team mates ".

" Wow, this is great so now I will introduce you to my team members

1. Kyle orion - me the leader have all elemental powers.

2. Rin Okinawa - smart Healer she can use wind nature.

3. Shun Takahashi - A skilled fighter from his clan have full control on fire nature.

This is my team jinin " Kyle say to jinin.

" Alright, let's start to fight bro " " Okay jinin ".


In the beginning, Jinin's team launches a direct attack on Kyle's team, but they don't retaliate because Kyle had instructed, "Don't attack until I say so. Just analyze the fight, and stay as far away from Jinin's attacks as possible because I couldn't defend against them. How will you survive?" According to the plan, they refrain from attacking while Jinin's team persists in their assault. Suddenly, Kai appear before Kyle, and says, "Do you think only you can use elemental powers?" Saying this, he unleashes his elemental magic on Kyle, but Kyle dodges it. Shun was eager for Kyle to give him the order to engage and for him to enjoy the fight, but Kyle wasn't giving any orders. Then Jinin jumps into the fight and attacks Kyle. Seeing this, Rin and Shun hesitate. Just then, Jinin's team attacks Kyle's team as they weren't receiving any orders to counterattack. At that moment, Kyle raises a finger, signaling to attack, as he had thoroughly analyzed the fight. Hence, Shun and Rin unleash their powers and continuously attack Jinin's team. Meanwhile, Kyle jumps into the fray and delivers a powerful elemental kick to Kai, saying, "You were talking too much." Then Kyle attacks Jinin, landing a strong blow, but Jinin seems unaffected and kicks Kyle, causing him to stagger. This time, Kyle shocks Jinin by using lightning and lands a powerful attack, knocking Jinin out in one shot. Meanwhile, on the other side, Rin single-handedly takes down two members of Jinin's team while Shun engages Kai in a fierce battle. Due to Shun's relentless attacks, Jinin's team loses. After the fight, Kyle tells Jinin, "You know the punishment for losing in the academy, death. But I won't kill you. I'll give you another chance to train your team and fight again. This time I will challenge you to fight with me 1v1 so,tell me whenever you are ready ".

After saying this Kyle and his team left the academy and start finding new team members for the team

" How did jinin's team defeated by our team when his team had more members than our team Kyle ? " Rin ask to Kyle

" The answer to this could be simple, as Jinin's team might not have prepared well or analyzed our team's current powers before the fight. Alternatively, it's possible that we only analyzed the fight, which is why we won. " Kyle replies to rin


When they reached home, shun takes his sword and went to protect village, and rin was very tired so she directly went to bed and sleep on the other hand Kyle takes of his shirt and started doing his workout he did

Sit-ups - 100 rebs

Pushup - 100 rebs

Crunches - 100 rebs

Bicycle crunches - 100 rebs

Plank - 30 min

Mountain climbing - 400 rebs

Squats - 200 rebs

He did this very well and after this he full of tiredness and after doing his workout he went to bed and sleep.

Everyone is sleeping but shun not cause he wants to protect the village from any obstacles

When does the shun doing his job he see that one man steals the purse of lady started running fast but instead shun comes and give a punch to that man and return the purse to lady

Lady say " Thank you thank you very much "

Shun say " No problem this is my job " .

After this in the home of shun Kyle wale up and walk to the room of rin he see that rin is in sleep in cute way after seeing this Kyle thinks " Oh my god how cute . I want you to tell something but not now this is not the time "

After saying this Kyle get closer to rin and he kisses him on the forehead and say " I love you " .

After the kiss Kyle went to his room but In the room of rin, rin didn't sleep she is pretending to be asleep means she heard what does Kyle say and kiss she say (softness) " Really he kissed me I know that he loves me "

After saying this she smiled and went to sleep.


(Scene opens to a tranquil village at dusk. Shun is seen patrolling the streets, his focus unwavering. Suddenly, he hears a faint sound coming from an alleyway. He cautiously approaches, ready for any threat. As he nears the source of the sound, he discovers a wounded figure lying on the ground.)

Shun: (approaching cautiously) Who's there? Are you okay?

(The figure groans in pain, struggling to sit up. Shun rushes to help, recognizing the face beneath the bruises.)

Shun: (shocked) Kyle? What happened to you?

Kyle: (weakly) Shun... it's Jinin. He's back... stronger than ever.

(Shun's expression darkens as he helps Kyle to his feet.)

Shun: We'll deal with Jinin together. But first, let's get you patched up.

After this we see the shadow which we seen in the last chapter he say " Not jinin but me only me can defeat you and your team Kyle Orion"

Shun see the shadow and he is in shock he say " What the fuck is this a shadow can talk ".

Like it ? Add to library! I am only 11 year old

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