
Luminescent skies elemental awakening

In a world reshaped by "The Celestial Shift" in 2050, Kyle, a 16-year-old discovering his latent elemental powers, joins forces with others gifted with similar abilities. Guided by ancient prophecy and facing a corrupted elemental guardian known as The Master, they must uncover their true potential and prevent catastrophe from enveloping their world.

Sarthak_singh1 · Kỳ huyễn
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Elemental Awakening: The Prophecy Unveiled

In the starting we see that in the year 2050 there is an event happend name " the celestial shift " which effect the gravitational force of the earth after this scene comes in the present day.


In year 2054 We see the main character name " Kyle Orion " he has 5.10 feet height and he has piercing green eyes and short spiky black hai. He is in hurry right now because he is late for his shift in his headquarter.

First time we see the headquarter of Kyle he is running like an cheetah when he enter in the headquarter he see that he is early after this moment he say " Oh,Man I think my watch is working on wrong time holly shit "

and for the first time we see the another character of story name " Rin Okinawa " she is 16 year old and 5.6 feet tall she have beautiful brown eyes and long silver hair she is childhood friend of Kyle and she is love interest of Kyle. She say to Kyle that " Why are you in hurry Kyle? Tell me what happened I think you are tired " Kyle say " oh really you didn't see that I am tired "

After that the rival of Kyle name " jinin" come and say that " hey, Kyle long time no see yo " in the reply Kyle say " oh really but I will see you everyday here " in the the reply

Jinin say " Oh I see that " jinin thinking " how can I beat this man he has more impressive feats compared to me ".

After this the bell rings and there is an announcement happened in the the announcement the chief say " Everyone Listen ther is one more celestial shift going to happening in the year 2050,all the S rank officers must come in the main headquater quickly "

After listening all the S rank officers goes in the main headquater and in the headquarter

Samu the chief say to all S rank officers " You already have heard that there is one more celestial shift going to happening tell me what do you think what is good to for save our world "

Everyone started answering but Kyle didn't " What happened why you didn't answering " samu says to Kyle " No.. Nothing happened chief " " tell me what happened " .

In the answer Kyle say " I think that we need to make a team which has a potential for stopping celestial shift event, but I think you couldn't accept my request "

" What a great idea Kyle that's why everyone calls you the prophecy " samu says

" Thank you sir " after saying this samu give order that every S rank officers would make the team to stop the event celestial shift in the next 5 days.


Kyle call rin for joining his team at first rin blussed but she accepted the offer of Kyle and she say " Where does you go first to find team members Kyle " " I don't know " Kyle say to rin.

They will decide to go on west to find the new member of the team when they passing through the village some creatures attack on them.

" What the hell they are " rin say to Kyle " I don't know " Kyle replies.

From the gang of the creature one try to attack on rin this time we see the power of rin first time her power is telekinesis means move things with the help of their mind.

Rin throw the creature to other direction and after this attack the creature got explode. Every creature got scared of rin and started running from the place but Kyle comes in the centre of their group and then release his power with the help of his power the creatures got explode.

But this explosion have immense amount of fire so the village got destroyed and villagers got dead by the explosion.

By this explosion one man woke up he has 6.0 feet height, red fiery hair and fiery nature he dress up and take up his sword run for the safety of village.

" What the hell do you did Kyle do you know " rin says to Kyle in the reply Kyle say " I don't know what happened with my power but I release my only 5% power then how ".

When the Kyle saying this, that man direct jump between Kyle and rin on which spot does the man landed ground got damaged.

They got shocked by the entry of that guy Kyle say " W.. Who are you ? " Man didn't answer and he give a strong kick to Kyle by his left leg.


After this kick Kyle got injured,when man take a step to rin. Rin got fear of that man she is stepping back when she turned around he found the man,mean the man have impressive speed compared to rin.

The man try to punch rin but then he get disappeared from the front of rin,rin got shocked actually Kyle kick the man with his speed, after the kick the man becoming unconscious.

Kyle started to do streching infront of the man and say " Yo, man I think you are very egoistic but I didn't realise that you are also dumb ass. Listen don't underestimate me I am also cool as you " .

After this the man stand up and say " Are you mad ? Do you really think that I am dumb ass and you are cool ha ha ha Don't be mad h "

After saying this Kyle didn't realises that his jacket caught by fire and Jacket started burning.

But the man also didn't realise that this Kyle is not real Kyle he is an image.

Me :-

( If you want to understand this I will tell you. You know that when there is an object in speed the object contains many positions so the Kyle uses one position from his speed ok I hope you will understand this woh whoah whoah did I give the lecture I am sorry let's get back to to the point ).

After this Kyle moving in fast pace this time we see the speed of Kyle but this is not okay to stop the man reflexes.

Suddenly the man grab the throat of Kyle and say " Wow, this is your speed I don't think that this is good you need to focus " when the man saying this Kyle gives him a strong kick and say " focus "

The man In anger say that " Do you say that I didn't giving my focus on the fight No way " and the man started to use his elemental powers to stop Kyle's attack he gives these punches to Kyle

Jab ( full potential )

Upper cut ( full potential )

Kyle becoming weak after these kick he can't handle the power of the man he say " Stop please listen to me hey you don't listen me ".

The man gives a strong punch to Kyle and then the dust surrounded by the man blow up and rin started coughing.

When the dust clear rin and the man becomes shocked cause Kyle stopped the hand of the man and say in fatigue " I don't say this one more time don't underestimate me " . His eye started glowing in white blue light.

This is for the first time we see Kyle using his elemental powers In the fight he uses

Flying barrier ( wind force )

Earth split ( earth force )

And the man's power fire manipulation ( fire force )

After the attack the man also become tired and say " Wait, young bro who are you ? " In shock Kyle say " I am S rank officers " " I say who are you " the man says after this Kyle say " I am the S rank rank officers Kyle Orion from secure academy ".

After listening this the man bowed his head and sat down and say " I am sorry sir " rin seeing this, she whispered in the ear of Kyle " why he bowed his head and sat down " Kyle didn't answer.

" Tell me who are you ? " The man removes his mask and reveals his face to Kyle and rin.

After this The man takes Kyle and Rin with him to his home.

8:00 PM today :-

Kyle say to the man " you didn't tell me who are you " the man takes Kyle at his room and say " I am shun Takahashi " in the reply Kyle say " Takahashi I think that I will Heard this word before you tell me your name " shun say " yes I think you heard my father's name kimuba Takahashi " " Yes I heard that name " Kyle say.

Then Kyle say " why are you doing this job " int he reply shun say " because this is the job of my clan to save this village before me my dad do this jo but when he died I will take his spot and started to doing this job, this job is very frustrating for mine I want a peaceful life but I didn't get " " I can give you the peaceful life " Kyle say to shun " how " shun say in the reply Kyle say " You also heard that there is an one more celestial shift going to happening in the year 2055 so I decided to make team to stop the event So, my thought is you can join my team for peaceful life " " what is the guarantee that my life became peaceful life " shun say to Kyle " beleive me I will make your life peaceful then you thought ".

After saying this shun say " okay I accept your offer friend Kyle ".

Post credit scene:-

Kyle and Rin, exhausted after the intense battle with Shun Takahashi, find themselves in a secluded area outside Shun's home.

Rin: "Kyle, that was intense. I never imagined we'd encounter someone like Shun."

Kyle: "Yeah, he's definitely powerful. But there's something about him... I can't shake the feeling that there's more to his story than he's letting on."

Suddenly, a mysterious figure emerges from the shadows, their presence imposing yet enigmatic.

Mysterious Figure: "You're correct, Kyle Orion. Shun Takahashi's story runs deeper than you realize."

Kyle and Rin turn to face the figure, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Kyle: "Who are you? How do you know about Shun?"

Mysterious Figure: "All in due time, Kyle. But know this: the path you've chosen is fraught with peril, and the secrets you seek may lead to consequences far beyond your imagination."

As quickly as they appeared, the mysterious figure vanishes into the darkness, leaving Kyle and Rin to ponder the cryptic warning.

Rin: "What do you think that was all about?"

Kyle: "I'm not sure, Rin. But one thing's for certain: our journey is far from over.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. This in my first novel I think I did very much . I wrote this novel single handedly. ありがとうand 謝謝大家 and धन्यवाद and my other friends

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