
Luminance: Radiance

This is the story of a young man thrown into the world of the Stars.

KaizenYume · Kỳ huyễn
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Luminance: Radiance

Introduction: The Decisive Victory

"Yaaaaaaaaaaa!!" A powerful deep guttural shout of victory reverberated across the valley.

Covered in Blood, the triumphant Brigadier leader Hans III held the decapitated head of Bah. Hans was covered in the neon glow of Spirit blood, the blood dripping off his iridescent yellow robes, stained and mucky while runes flashed and glowed across his robes and hands. His robe was special, the Mark of One, his priesthood. The hood was glowing with circular patterns covering his head protecting him from the elements and magic and was fully translucent from within, so nothing blocked his view.

The battlefield was glowing a deep blue magma, an overflow of Radiance. Skies screamed deep red with thunderclouds scattering a web of wiry arcs thrown throughout the sky. Hundreds of strikes of Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, Red struck the ground in precise locations of 5-10 strikes, ripples of lighting bundled in clumps smashing into the ground.

A whirlwind of static Electricity filled the air. Like the air was alive, resonated and connected to each being as one Pulse. Hans held Bah's decapitated head up to his face and the eyes suddenly opened and stayed fully opened and frozen. A sneer drew across the bloody glowing face and a laugh behind the face was felt. "You haven't kill me Hans. I'll strike you down and all you hold dear. Only I hold the keys to unite the worlds…" a long pause and the eyes lost their light and the face went slack.

The head dropped back to being emotionless... Hans spoke in a deep rumbling voice, "I'm transporting the head back to the Pillar. We've won. Let's clean up what's left." The jewel pinning the front of his robes glowed blue and down the valley thousands of blue lights glowed and faded in response. The Shangdi marched forwards clearing away the fleeing combined Armies of the South.

Hans looked ahead to see the rippling thick mane of a lone Werewolf standing 30 paces away looking at him. The tree line was a thousand paces away, not nearly close enough for the werewolf to get away from Hans range and the Werewolf knew that too. The Werewolf stood on its hind legs giving it death howl and surged forwards, its eyes focused on its suicide run. Hans felt a twinge of respect for its final, hopeless stand then let that feeling go just as quickly.

Reaching into his cloak he pulled out his two daggers laced in platinum. They had a natural indigo glow to them and the Indigo changed to silver as the werewolf neared. Time to dance the way of the blade. Hans mind cleared and his focused sharpened down to this moment. Everything became clear and a calm alertness filled his body as he relaxed into Frog stance. The werewolf activated an enchantment with guttural incantations and faded into a wisp, its grey body shifting to the color of the background as it vanished from view.

Hans sharpened his sight on the enemy ground prints. Placing his two daggers together the metal mended and sealed together, adhering, combining and stretching into a thin long sword. With his other hand he formed signs and whispered three oaths. Fah, Do, Bi. Radiance formed, centered at his heart and filling his body, exiting his 6th Chakra, the Third Eye opened, and he could See. There are snipers from the tree line, seven total, their bodies glowing a bright blue.

Throwing out six rods in every direction, the rods floated in midair, runes forming a tight pentagram around his body. Each rod's seal activated, and the pentagram grew to an intense purple glow forming into a dome hugging Han's body just as he watched seven Lux lines blast across the expanse, smashing into his Radiance barrier. The werewolf's claws had grown by a foot as it suddenly appeared and clawed at the barrier. The claws penetrated the barrier and torn rivets into Hans' back. When the Werewolf's fingertips reached the barrier, it pulled back in pain, angry burned finger tips screamed from cauterized flesh, while the slightly glowing claws left marks across Han's back and robe. The robes runes flicked weakly and were barely showing.

Touching his pin gem, he whispered in hoarse voice, "Aid."

Five, six, ten lights lite up in the sky, responding nearby and there was a loud crack as four groups appeared instantly nearby in formations, one team of five off to the right and front already have formed a pentagram barrier while the other two behind and to the left had massed a large orb with their hands. The pentagram team moved to cover the two others. One person unfortunately appeared a dozen feet directly in front of Hans, an unfortunate risk with coming to Aid using approximate jumping.

Eight lines of light shot towards what remained of Hans' barrier, "They're gaining reinforcements as well," Han's thought. The energy was too much for the person to defend against. The newcomer's barrier flickered, and the yellow robe collapsed, their robe turning brown, the soldier's radiance dissipating. Three more of the Order arrived at full running leap, two landing directly where the fallen robe was, and they quickly threw up a barrier while fleeing to the back lines with the body. The last newcomer formed a barrier next to mines and we linked into one. Ten Lux lines hit the two-man barrier and it flickered for a moment.

The Orbs were vibrating and crackling ready. The two teams launched them towards the tree line, abruptly the Lux lines ceased striking and Hans could see the Pulse Lines of the snipers fleeing. The Yellow orb hit the tree line, a bright light shifted across the entire length and everything alone the length was incinerated. The second part was just as deadly.

Everything on fire was sucked like a vacuum back to the original landing spot and crushed. Several unlucky snipers didn't run fast enough, and their arms and legs were torn from their bodies as the gravitational forces lumped all the trees, shrubby, plants, bodies and left a 20-pace wide hole in the ground.


"Commander Hans, area Falcon is now secure. We will complete cleanup of the area and report back to you. We have recordings of the entire event. I'm glad it's over sir."

It came from Sir Gawain. A young 22-year-old relatively new recruit. Only one year and he's already proved himself more than able to handle any situation. That's why I assigned him near me. His parents were superstitious enough to give him the name of Gawain, they thought it might protect him and give him strength. So far, it has yet to be proven wrong.

I surveyed the lands, the new world we had become and the new cycle of life that was becoming now. Never in my life have I ever thought we would ever get to this point. Freedom. While temporary I'll take it. "It's time for a vacation." I breathed. "It's time we leave it up to the Watchers for results. I'm going to retire."

The greatest coordination of military might with the efforts of nearly the entire Order focusing all their power into one location had led to the supposed end to one of the greatest threats to freedom the worlds had ever seen.


My first time trying! Please be gentle! I'll do my best to upload weekly! Thanks for reading!

KaizenYumecreators' thoughts