
LUMINA: The Story We Once Told

[[TRIGGER WARNING]] In the midst of a peaceful city, Lumina and Umbra's lives are shattered by a sudden terrorist attack. Orphaned and gifted with extraordinary powers, they embark on a perilous journey to safety. Along the way, they unravel family secrets, face enigmatic adversaries, and discover their true potential. Set against the backdrop of a country-side city, Arcadia, with a blend of nature and technology, the siblings navigate a world where the extraordinary and the ordinary collide. A tale of love, sacrifice, betrayal, revenge, and the indomitable spirit of two siblings destined for greatness. Lumina, a journey into a world where powers awaken, destinies unfold, and a new chapter begins.

kenan_sc · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

The Unraveling Tears

The sweetness of the ice cream lingered on their tongues as Lumina, Umbra, and their parents exited the cheerful ice cream shop. The world outside was bathed in the soft, golden light of the evening, and laughter echoed from children playing nearby. For a moment, it felt as if nothing could mar the happiness of this day.

They approached their car, a sleek and comfortable vehicle that had been a part of countless family adventures. Elara and Orion exchanged smiles, the worry from Lumina's recent accident momentarily forgotten. However, as they all settled into the car's plush seats and prepared to head home, a sudden, ear-piercing sound shattered the tranquility. The city's alarm blared, its urgent wail cutting through the air like a knife. Orion's hands tightened on the steering wheel, and Elara's eyes widened with fear as they exchanged a glance laden with concern. They knew this alarm all too well, for it was a war alarm. Lumina and Umbra, innocent and young, looked at their parents with wide, frightened eyes, the remnants of their joyous ice cream outing melting away like a distant dream.

"What's happening, Mom? Dad?" Lumina's voice quivered with uncertainty.

Orion glanced back at his children, his face grave. "We need to get home quickly. It's not safe out here."

The car sped through the streets, racing against time. Outside, the city's once-vibrant atmosphere had transformed into one of chaos and confusion. People rushed in all directions, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty. As they approached their home, thick plumes of smoke filled the sky, and the distant rumble of explosions echoed in the air. The world that had been so peaceful just moments ago had plunged into turmoil. Elara turned to her children, her voice steady but filled with maternal warmth. 

"Listen carefully, Lumina, Umbra. We're going to stick together, no matter what happens. We'll find a way to stay safe."

Umbra, though frightened, nodded with determination, while Lumina clutched her mother's hand, her eyes shining with a mix of fear and resolve. The sudden alarm had shattered the tranquility of their lives, but it had also ignited a newfound strength within their family, a determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead together. Tears welled up in Lumina's eyes as the chaos of the city and the war alarm overwhelmed her. She couldn't comprehend why the world had suddenly turned so frightening and uncertain. Her cries filled the car, echoing the fear and confusion in her heart. Umbra, typically stoic, watched the ominous plumes of smoke rising above the city with an uncharacteristic sense of unease. The dark clouds seemed to converge behind the distant "Hill of Jin," an eerie sight that sent shivers down his spine. Orion, their father, parked the car hastily beside the familiar building that housed their apartment. Time was of the essence, and they needed to seek shelter quickly.

Elara, their mother, her voice gentle but resolute, leaned over the backseat and began unbuckling Lumina and Umbra. "It's going to be okay, my darlings. We'll get inside, and you'll be safe."

Lumina clung to her mother, her sobs gradually subsiding as she sought comfort in her embrace. Umbra, his gaze still fixed on the rising smoke, allowed himself to be led out of the car, his expression a mix of worry and curiosity. With Lumina and Umbra in tow, Elara and Orion rushed toward the entrance of the apartment building. The world outside was in turmoil, but within the walls of their home, they hoped to find a sanctuary amidst the storm. Inside their familiar apartment, Lumina, Umbra, and their mother, Elara, were momentarily safe from the chaos that had engulfed the city. The walls of their home provided a semblance of security, but the uncertainty of the situation loomed heavy in the air.

Elara, her voice reassuring but tinged with worry, quickly embraced her children before leaving them in their room. "Stay here, my loves. Your father and I need to unlock the basement for shelter. We'll be back soon."

As Elara hurriedly joined Orion to fetch the basement key, Lumina and Umbra found themselves alone in their room, gazing out of the window. The view that once brought them so much joy now seemed different, filled with uncertainty and fear. Their young eyes focused on the five ominous plumes of smoke that had risen behind the "Hill of Jin." It was a sight that defied all reason and logic. Why was the world they knew unraveling before them? But then, something even more unsettling occurred. One of the five smokes began descending, slowly but steadily, toward their street—the street where most of the people had gathered, desperately running for safety.

Lumina's heart raced, and she tugged at Umbra's sleeve. "Umbra, look! One of those smokes... it's coming closer!"

Umbra, usually composed, felt a chill run down his spine. The sight of the descending smoke defied any explanation he could fathom. Something extraordinary, something beyond their understanding, was unfolding before their very eyes. They watched in trepidation as the smoke grew larger and lower, creeping ominously toward their street. The world outside their window had transformed into a surreal and menacing landscape, and the siblings could only wonder what other mysteries and dangers awaited them in this time of upheaval.

For the first time in their ten years of life, Lumina witnessed Umbra cry. He stood there, his usual composure shattered, his body trembling with sobs that seemed to come from the depths of his soul. Lumina, worried and scared herself, reached out to him, her small hand gently touching his shoulder.

"Umbra, it's going to be okay," she whispered, her voice quivering with concern. "We'll get through this together."

But her attempts to calm her brother only seemed to make things worse. Umbra's crying intensified, his sobs echoing through the room. It was a heart-wrenching sight, seeing the usually stoic Umbra so overwhelmed by emotion. Just as Lumina felt helpless, a sudden change in the outside world diverted her attention. She turned back to the window and gasped as the smoke, which had been slowly descending, landed in an instant. The entire street was enveloped in a thick, mysterious fog. As the fog cleared, a figure emerged—a man clad in high-tech armor that gleamed with light gray metal and accents of radiant purple. He wore a jetpack that emitted a soft hum, and the armor seemed to be equipped with advanced technology. Lumina's eyes were drawn to a necklace the man wore. Though it was difficult to see through the haze, she could make out a small photo attached to it. The image held an air of significance, a puzzle piece in a story she had yet to uncover. Umbra's tears, though still fresh, were momentarily forgotten as their attention shifted to the enigmatic stranger who had descended from the skies. The siblings could feel that this encounter marked a turning point, a new chapter in their lives.

The enigmatic figure in the high-tech armor wasted no time. With a swift, practiced motion, he pulled a gadget from his pocket and hurled it into the air. The gadget emitted a robotic-like sound, and in a blink, it transformed into a menacing metal sphere adorned with a mesmerizing display of purple LEDs. This ominous sphere bristled with an array of gun barrels that extended outward like deadly tentacles. A sense of dread hung heavy in the air as the siblings, their mother, and countless others watched in terror. It was a weapon the likes of which they had never seen before, a symbol of power beyond imagination. Elara, their mother, sensed the impending danger. Without hesitation, she bolted back into the building, her heart pounding with fear. She urgently called out to her husband, Orion, urging him to seek shelter inside. But before Orion could react, the lethal machine took aim with chilling precision. In a horrifying moment that unfolded in slow motion, Lumina saw her father, still standing beside their car with the door open, suddenly fall to the ground.

A single, deafening shot rang out, and Orion lay lifeless, his outstretched hand still clutching the car door. The deadly machine had claimed him with a single, devastating headshot. Lumina's world shattered in that agonizing instant. Her eyes welled with tears as she watched her beloved father, who had always been her protector and guiding light, fall victim to this unfathomable weapon. The street around them had become a harrowing scene of death and destruction. As grief and shock overcame them, Lumina, Umbra, and Elara realized that they were faced not only with an enemy of unimaginable power but also with a reality they could scarcely comprehend. Their peaceful world had been irrevocably shattered, and they were left to grapple with a terrible truth—their lives would never be the same again.