
Chapter 17: Camp Pt 3

The Next Day


After a hard and grueling day of improving their quirks, not by fighting Luffy all day this time, classes 1-A and 1-B were ready for a game to test your courage. Everybody was exhausted, except Luffy and the teachers, from training but were still pretty pumped for a change of pace. The moonlight enveloped the forest. The only people who didn't participate were Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari, who did not take this news lightly.

After a quick explanation of the game rules, the teams were decided. Tokoyami and Shoji; Bakugou and Todoroki; Jirou and Hakagure; Momo and Aoyama; Uraraka and Asui; Ojiro and Mineta; Iida and Koda; Luffy and Kirishima; Izuku.

"Something must be wrong right?" Izuku said as he recounted the teams, only to come to a single conclusion. *I'm Alone!* Izuku thought as he went into full panic mode.

"We were randomly assigned." Ojiro said in an attempt to calm him down. "It's not that anybody didn't want to go with you."

"Listen up Rubberbrain!" Bakugou said menacingly as he put a hand on Luffy's shoulder. "Trade with me! There's no way I'm doing this shitty thing with that bastard!"

"Aoyama!" Mineta said in a very creepy/pervy way which made Momo back away. "Please switch partners with me. I'll do anything you want!" Aoyama was seen frantically shaking his head.

"Revelry in the dark." Tokoyami said out loud as he prepared to enter. All in all, the mood was pretty cheerful despite the hard day of work, too bad it didn't last long.

"Oi Momo!" Luffy called out to Momo after getting out of Bakugou's grip. "I gotta ask you something!"

"Hey! Where the hell do you think you're going?!" Bakugou yelled as he tried to run after Luffy, but was stopped by Kirishima.

"Let it go, man." He said as he put a hand on his shoulder. "Let it go."

"Sure. What's up?" Momo was prepared for any type of crazy question Luffy was about to throw at her.

"What's your dream?" Luffy said with an unusually serious face, something that Momo didn't get to see very often.

"Dream?" Now, this was a question that Momo didn't really expect. "As in, what I dreamt last night? Or?"

"What? No! I mean your dream!" Luffy said it again in hopes she understood. "What's your dream Momo?"

"Repeating the question isn't helping." Momo said with a confused look on her face.

"Ugh! Look, my dream is to become the King of the Pirates." Luffy said, after an over the top sigh. "You get it now?"

"Oh, you mean a goal. Why didn't you just say so?" Momo said which irritated Luffy, and she had to hide a small smirk on her face from messing with Luffy.

"I did!" Luffy replied angrily.

"Sure, sure. I believe you." Momo said after stifling a laugh before adopting a serious expression. "My dream? Rather philosophical coming from you, Lu."

Luffy's face did not change from the serious one he bore. Because he didn't understand what she said or because he was waiting for an answer, I couldn't tell you. Probably the first one.

"I guess, becoming a hero." Momo said with a hand on her chin as she waited for Luffy's response.

"...That's it?" Luffy said with a tilt of his head. Until now, every dream he heard was much bigger than simply wanting to become something. And 'hero' was a pretty common job here, from what he understood.

"W-What do you mean 'that's it'?!" Momo was surprised at the lackluster response. What she was even more surprised about is the fact that it hurt her when Luffy said that. More than she cared to admit. Like an older sibling disappointing his younger one. "That's a perfectly good and reasonable dream to have!"

"No no, I mean it's a good dream and all." Luffy said as he put his hands behind his head and started to walk away. "I just expected more from you." Oof, that hurt.

"Wai–!" Momo was interrupted from calling out to Luffy by Pixie-Bob.

"Momo Yaoyorozu and Yuga Aoyama, It's your turn my little kittens!" The heroine said as she pointed at the entrance to the forest. Momo was still pretty stunned from what happened.

"Let's go, mon cheri!" Aoyama said to Momo as he put a hand on her shoulder. But was pretty surprised when he saw her face. "Mon Dieu! Is everything alright?"

"Umm. Yeah, let's go." Momo said as she pushed her feelings down and decided to focus on the trail ahead. But she just couldn't help but think about the situation as she got further and further in. And the more she thought about it, the angrier she got. *My dream? What's wrong with my dream?! A lot of people want to become heroes. So what? 'Expected more from you.' What is he? My father?!*

Aoyama backed away in slight fear when he noticed the expression Momo adopted.

*Pf! 'King of the Pirates'. That's not even a real thing! And-And he dares to lecture me about dreams?! H-he can't even count to ten! A-And he's just an idiot who lives in a fantasy world! A-And!...* After a quick deep breath. *Why am I getting so mad?*

10 Minutes later.

"...And then *Whoosh!* I flew straight into that pink bird's beak!" Luffy said as he gestured to the sky. "Turns out, it was way bigger up close! Shishishishi!"

"Man, I don't even know how you even come up with these stories." Kirishima said bemused as he did some stretches.

"Eh?! They're totally rea–" Luffy interrupted himself when he noticed a great deal of smoke coming from the far side of the forest.

"Sure they are." Kirishima said as he finished his stretches, not noticing the smoke.

"What's this foul smell in the air?" Pixie-Bob said as she sniffed the air.

"You see that?" Ojiro said as he pointed to the smoke.

"Black smoke?" Pixie-Bob said, noticing the blue fire that was making the smoke.

"Has something been set ablaze?" Iida asked no one in particular. "Maybe a fire on the mountain?"

"Somebody's here!" Luffy said which immediately put the students on high alert. "We got a couple new guys!"

"Wha-What's happening?!" Pixie-Bob panicked as she was lifted off the ground and started flying toward the woods. Before anyone could react, Pixie-Bob found herself at the end of Magne's weapon.

"What do we have here?" Magne asked calmly as she placed her pillar on Pixie-Bob's head.

"Catlady!" "Pixie-Bob!" Luffy and Izuku shouted at the same when they noticed the two new arrivals. Magne and Spinner were here.

Tiger had to stop Izuku from running headfirst into the villains. This gave him a couple of seconds to think and after a quick search. *Where's Kota?!*

"Let her go!" Kirishima shouted as he too tried to charge them, but after a quick kick to Pixie-Bob's stomach, he relented but didn't calm down. "You bastard." He said through gritted teeth.

"My, My, What a rowdy bunch we found ourselves here!" She said as she eyed every single person before her gaze, and Spinner's, landed on one student. "Straw hat." She muttered to Spinner.

"That's him alright." Spinner muttered before stepping forward and addressing the whole group. "How are you this evening, U.A High School? We are part of the vanguard action squad of the League of Villains."

"The League of Villains?" Ojiro said as he got into a combat-ready stance. "What are these guys doing here?"

"I could crush this Kittie's head so easily." Magne said as she pushed on her head. "How about it dear, should I?"

"You get Away From her!" Tiger shouted as he prepared to jump into action.

"Now, Now, Hold on Big sis Magne. You too Tiger, calm down." Spinner said as put both hands in an attempt to calm everyone. "When deciding if someone should live or die, we must be careful that we are abiding by St–" Spinner was interrupted by a thud from behind him. When he turned, his eyes widened when he noticed that Magne fell face-first into the ground.

Every single Class 1-A student immediately understood what happened and turned to Luffy. Only to see just his fist there.

"Big sis Magne? What're you do–" Spinner was interrupted from saying any other words by Luffy's fist, knocking him firmly into a tree.

"Bullet!" Luffy said as he punched the villain, before turning towards the knocked-out heroine. "Oi! You Okay?"

"Way to go Rep!" Kirishima cheered Luffy after the spectacular takedown as Tiger ran to Pixie-Bob's aid.

"As expected of our class representative!" Iida said as he robotically waved his hands.

"Pixie-Bob! Are you Alright?!" Tiger said as he crouched down and scooped her up from the ground. "Thank you Straw hat."

"No Problem!" Luffy said with his usual grin. This reassured Tiger.

"Tiger, Straw hat! I've talked to everyone using my quirk. Trust the safety of the other students to Ragdoll." Mandalay said as she grabbed Spinner off the ground. "Listen Straw hat, I need you to take Pixie-Bob to the cabin while I and Tiger hold off these guys in case they wake up. Can you do that?" Usually, she would've sent Tiger with the students, but after what Luffy just demonstrated, she felt assured that he could take care of them.

"Sure." Luffy said as he picked his nose, this did not reassure the heroes.

Luffy then proceeded to take Pixie-Bob from Tiger's beefy arms.

"Careful, treat her as if she were family." Tiger said as he handed the heroine gently. Luffy then proceeded to throw her on his back like a sack of potatoes. Tiger whimpered slightly at this.

"Don't worry, I'll keep her safe." Luffy said as he got back to his class as the heroes restrained the villains.

"Let's move!" Kirishima said as they started running towards the cabin.

"Wow, I can't believe you just did that rep." Ojiro said, still taken aback by what he had just witnessed. "That was Conqueror's right?" He said when he made sure the heroes wouldn't hear him

"Uh-huh." Luffy said, not really paying attention as he was too busy checking everybody's statuses with Observation.

"Feels better when you're on the other side." Mineta said as he struggled to keep up with the taller teenagers.

"I know right? That was super quick." Kirishima said before stopping when he noticed Luffy also stopped. "Rep?"

"Wait, we're missing someone." Luffy said as he struggled to find Izuku before cringing at the amount of pain Izuku was feeling.

"Now that you mention it." Iida said as he did a headcount of everybody. "Me, Kirishima, Mineta, Ojiro, Luffy, Koda, Midoriya. …Midoriya?"

"Oh no!" Kirishima said as he frantically searched for him.

"Oh crap! They got him!" Mineta panicked as he started running in circles. "He's probably already dead!"

"Glasses, Hold her!" Luffy said as he handed Pixie-Bob to Iida not so gently.

"Huh? Where are you going?!" Iida said as he made sure to hold her gently.

"Yeah! You can't leave in the middle of a villain attack!" Kirishima said stressed.

"Exactly!" Mineta said as he begged Luffy to stay. "Who'll protect us?!"

"This isn't such a good idea." Koda mumbled, still shy.

"I'm going after Greenie." Luffy said as he grabbed onto two trees. "I don't know what's happening to him, but I can tell he's in a lot of pain."

"But what if you ran into a powerful villain!" Iida said, feeling scared for his friend's life. "Since they attacked us, knowing that they are powerful heroes to protect us, they must have brought someone very strong!"

"I don't care." Luffy said as he activated second gear, feeling slightly frustrated with his classmates nonstop leading.

"But the teachers–" Iida's words were stopped.

"Iida!" Luffy shouted which stunned the panicked group, they were sure Luffy never used their real names. Not even once. "Captain's orders."

They were stunned at hearing Luffy speak with so much determination and authority. Luffy didn't even need to say anything as his face said it for him. After a couple of seconds of intense staring.

"I understand." Iida said as he steeled himself. He didn't like it, but the way Luffy said it, it reassured him

"Yosh!" Luffy said with a nad as he stretched back a fair amount into the forest before yelling.

"Gomu Gomu no Jet Rocket!"

The students watched as Luffy flew across the sky at incredible speeds. After he was out of their line of sight, Iida started moving as the others were still trying to spot him.

"Let's go!" Iida said, which snapped everyone out, and proceeded to follow him, not scared anymore, besides Mineta. They couldn't afford to be scared, not after Luffy placed their trust in them.

With Izuku Midoriya

*One for All 100%* Izuku screamed internally as he activated his quirk fully in his non-busted arm as he held onto Muscular with his broken one. "Smash!"

The hit he managed to land on the villain, not only created a huge dust cloud and cracked the mountainous terrain they were fighting on, but also launched Kota off the side of the cliff.

"AAAAAAAH!" Kota screamed as he flew over the side. Fortunately, Izuku caught him by grabbing him by the back of his shirt with Izuku's teeth.

"Gotcha." Izuku said as Kota looked over his shoulder. "Sorry about that." Izuku said through his shirt as he dragged Kota back to land.

"Thank you for–" Kota's thanks remained stuck in his throat as he realized that Izuku broke his entire right arm to defeat the villain. As Izuku panted and Kota looked baffled at his broken limbs, only one thought filled his mind. *Why?*

"Let's get back to camp, It's not far." Izuku said before hearing rocks moving behind him. Realizing what this meant, he turned back fearfully.

*No way, It can't be! I was at 100% the same as All-Might!* Izuku thought as he watched Muscular come back into the fight, looking relatively unscathed.

"Hey, not too bad Midoriya!" Muscular said as he slowly walked over to Izuku.

"No! Stay away!" Izuku yelled in hopes that the villain would listen to him. He didn't.

"Nah, attacking sounds more fun." Muscular said, shirtless.

*It's no good. What am I supposed to do now?!* Izuku thought. *I just need some time to think.*

"Tell me, why have you come here? What does the league want from us?!" Izuku said, trying to buy himself and Kota some time.

"Doesn't matter to me, I'm just glad they finally let me off the leash. As long as I get to use my quirk all I want I really don't care." He said as he grabbed a blood-red eye from his pocket. "Remember what I told you earlier? We've just been playing around, having fun. Until now. Now I'm serious! 'Cause truth be told, you're pretty strong. I see that now." He finished saying as he put his artificial eye into his empty eye socket. He then proceeded to envelope most of his body into a couple of extra layers of muscle.

"Quick! Grab on!" Izuku quickly ordered Kota as he just barely managed to dodge Muscular's attack. The attack sent ripples through the ground.

*It's like his quirk is supercharged!* Izuku thought as he again barely managed to dodge his attack. However, his attack left him stuck in the rock wall and Izuku stumbled on the ground, dropping Kota in the process.

*If I can just get back to camp, Mr. Aizawa should be there. Then he can erase this guy's quirk! Yes, that's it.* Izuku thought as he panted on the ground. *I just have to get him to chase after me, but I'm so tired from the training today, it won't work. If I turn my back on this guy I'm done for. I Have to make my stand and fight him right here and now!*

"Stay back, Kota." Izuku said as he picked himself off the ground. "And then, when it's time, run as fast as you can back to camp."

"You're attacking him again?!" Kota said, bewildered. "You can't do that! Let's just go, C'mon! You're punch didn't hurt him earlier, remember? Besides, both your arms are busted up!"

"It's going to be fine." Izuku said as Muscular unstuck himself and started running towards Izuku with a feral grin on his face.

*One for All 100%!* Izuku said as he activated it again in his broken arm.

"I'm Coming For You!" Muscular yelled as he approached Izuku.

"Detroit–" Izuku stopped himself when he heard someone shouting in the distance.

"Jet Culverin!" (Yep! Bet you didn't expect snake man to come so soon!)

Before everybody could even process what was happening. A black-red arm started bouncing around dozens and dozens of times around the entire mountainous area. This arm also bounced mainly around Izuku and Kota, as if protecting them. Not even a millisecond later, Luffy's punch made contact with Muscular's face sending him flying over the cliff, threading between Luffy's haki-coated outstretched arm, at unbelievable speeds. This could've been missed if you blinked.

With Mandalay and Tiger.

"Alright, and with that, we're done." Tiger said as he finished tying up the two villains to a tree. After taking a long look at the knocked-out villains, he said. "What happened to them?"

"What'd you mean?" Mandalay asked. "Straw hat took care of them. You saw it."

"I know that. I just want to know how." He said before noticing a strange object coming at them from the sky. "What's that?!"

As Mandaly managed to dodge out of the way of the object, they took one look at it and both the heroes realized who it was.

"No way!" Mandalay said as she looked at the guy who killed Kota's parents. "Muscular?! What happened to him?!"

They looked at the unconscious powerful villain for a fair bit of time before snapping out of their funk and proceeding to tie him up with the rest of the villains.

"Well, one thing's for sure." Tiger said as he looked at the dent in the shape of a fist in his cheek. "He's not gonna look the same ever again." (For those wondering if Muscular is dead, no. He's not dead in the same way batman doesn't kill. Get it? Vegetable.)

Back with Luffy and Co.

"What?!" Kota said as he fell on his ass, scanning the entire area with wide eyes. He felt the wind whirl around him as the arm seemed to snap back.

"What's happening?!" Izuku said, alarmed as he deactivated his quirk. After about two seconds they noticed someone approaching them.

"Greenie! Redcap!" Luffy said as he hovered in the air in his gear 4 Snake-Man form. In this form, Luffy looked considerably larger, not as large as All-Might but still quite big. He had flowing hair and a string of smoke seemed to dance around his arms. The most notable difference however was his black-red, haki-covered limbs. "Are you guys okay?"

"Wha– Who are you?!" Izuku yelled as he adopted another battle stance, before noticing something. Something he knew only one person could have. *Straw hat? Wait, Don't tell me… Luffy?!*

"L-Luffy?! Is that you?" Izuku said as Kota got behind him. They watched as Luffy flew over to them. *Is that haki?*

"Luffy?" Kota said fearfully. "You mean that guy? The straw hat guy? That Luffy?"

"Yeah, that's me!" Luffy said as he grabbed Luffy and Kota by the back of their shirts. "Let's go, we gotta get back to camp!"

"Luffy? What are you doing?" Izuku said as he looked at Luffy's haki-coated arm grabbing his ripped shirt. "Wait! Were you flying just now?!"

"Sure was! Now hang tight!" Luffy said as he jumped off the side of the cliff. He proceeded to fly using his feet as propellers as Izuku and Kota's screams filled his ears. "Just hang on, okay?"

"Hang On To What?!" Izuku shouted as he desperately tried to hang to conscience, after the hard battle he fought, he's mostly relying on adrenaline now.

"Luffy! What's the school status?" Izuku asked in an attempt to divert his attention from the fear of being dropped. "Also, What happened to you?"

"This is my fourth gear." Luffy said. "Pretty cool right?"

"Oh… Oh, Your fourth?!" Luffy said as he proceeded to scan Luffy from top to bottom with stars in his eyes. *So he does have more! Awesome!*

"The blue catlady is knocked out and there's a whole bunch of new guys." Luffy said, which snapped Izuku out of his fanboying.

"P-Pixie-Bob?" Kota repeated, suddenly grasping at what this attack meant.

"I see. The guy I was fighting with said he's after Kacchan." Izuku said. "But I don't know anything else."

"Kacchan?" Luffy asked as the cabin became clearer. "...You mean boom boy?

"Yeah. I'm worried about him, the villains must want him for a reason. I just fear what that reason may be." Izuku said, clearly worried. "I just hope he's okay."

"Ah, don't worry. He's strong." Luffy said as he began to slow down. "He's not gonna let some bad guys get him. I'm not gonna let it happen. After all, you guys are my crew."




"...Hey Luffy, How're we flying?" Izuku said after multiple times he had to check that he really was flying. The blood loss started to get to him as his adrenaline started to wear out.

"It's a mystery technique!" Luffy said as he hopped one final time before landing on the ground.

"Mystery technique?" Kota asked with a raised eyebrow as Izuku sighed in slight disappointment.

"Of course it is. I should've known." Izuku said. Unbeknownst to him, the rest of Luffy's group came at that exact time. "One day you're gonna have to tell me how you do that."

"Rep?!" "Luffy?!" "Awesome!" Were the responses of the approaching group when they noticed Luffy, Izuku jolted in surprise at their sudden appearance.

"You gotta be kidding me." Aiziawa said as he too joined the group. He wasn't sure if he should feel terrified or relieved. "Midoriya, what the hell happened to you? And Luffy, I'm assuming this is your other form? Gear 5 or something?"

"Nah this is just snake-man." Luffy said as he quietly deflated back into his normal form. "Now I'm outta haki for a couple of minutes."

"Mr. Aizawa! Guys!" Izuku said at the same time as Luffy. "I'm glad you guys are okay! Luffy told me, more or less, about how things are. I'm ready to fight!" He said as he stumbled, forced to use Kota as a crutch, who was too busy being terrified at Pixie-Bob's state.

"No." Kota mustered weakly, unable to take his eyes off the heroine

"Wow, Midoriya! You look like total crap!" Kirishima said as he offered himself to be used as a others following close behind. "What the hell happened?"

"I am glad you are alright!" Iida said in his usual tone, before switching to a kinder one. "Though, I suppose you have seen better days."

"Alright, enough chit-chat!" Aizawa said, both worried and frustrated. From the little he gathered, he understood that Izuku's going to be out of commission along with Pixie-Bob. Luffy's out of haki for the time being and they're quickly getting overrun by the villains. "Here's what we're going to do. Kirishima, Ojiro, Mineta, and Koda. You guys will follow me and we'll escort Pixie-Bob, Kota, and Midoriya to Recovery Girl. Since I'm the last one that talked to her, I know where she is and that way, I'll be able to keep you safe. 1 stone, 2 birds."

The protests immediately started. "Mr. Aizawa–" Izuku was quickly silenced.

"I don't wanna hear it, you're barely in condition to move, let alone fight. Especially with these guys." Aizawa said as he remembered the mud clone he just snuffed out. "Kirishima, you're allowed to use force to keep him here."

"...Sorry, dude." Kirishima said to Izuku as he took a tighter grip on him. "I hate it too, but we can't mess with the pro's work. We'll get them next time."

"Now, for Lu–" Aizawa said but was interrupted.

"Wait a sec." Izuku said as he struggled to not give in to the sleep that was desperately trying to take a hold of him. "If I'm not going, you should at least know this. Whoever these villains are, they're after Kacha– I mean Bakugou." he said, having to correct himself in case they don't know who Kacchan is. That was the last thing he said before giving in and dozing off. The adrenaline and endorphins finally disappear.

"Mr. Midoriya?" Kota said weakly when he noticed Izuku's body falling limply.

"Don't worry, he's fine. He just fell asleep." Aizawa said. *Bakugou? Dammit, this is getting more and more confusing. Why would they want Bakugou?*

"Bakugou?" Ojrio said. "Well, out of all people, I guess it's good that it's him."

"Hey!" Kirishima quickly reprimanded him.

"No, No! I don't mean it like that." Ojiro said in slight panic. "I just mean, he's the most likely to not give into the villains' temptations."

"We're not going to give him a chance either way." Aizawa said resolutely. "Luffy, How long till your haki is back?"

"Umm, I don't know." Luffy said as he put a finger on his chin. "A couple of minutes I guess."

"That's good, the shorter the better." Aizawa said before turning to Iida, slightly surprising the boy. "Iida, since you're the fastest, I need you to go to Mandalay and tell her that the villains are after Bakugou. And come back straight away! That's an order."

"I understand." Iida responded quickly and sternly, Luffy could be seen giving him a slight smirk. "I'll do my best, sir!"

"I don't want you to do your best. I want you to do it." Aizawa said to which Iida responded with a nod, and right before he was about to take off. "One more thing, relay this to her as well. Until Luffy arrives, the students can fight to protect themselves."

"Yessir!" Iida said before blasting full speed ahead towards Mandalay and Tiger.

"And finally Luffy." Aizawa said as he turned to him. "Go and beat as many villains as possible."

"Yosh!" Luffy said with a salute.

"Without killing them!" Aizawa said before he could run off. "That's very important."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it, I'll just crush their dreams." Luffy said which sent a chill down the spine of the people present, not expecting such a line from him. "Oh, yeah. Before I forget, there is a crying room somewhere in the cabin. You can put Greenie and Catlady there. It's supposed to be safe."

"Crying room?" Aizawa asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How do you… know…" Kota asked, baffled that he knew of his top secret.

"Just ask Redcap, he'll tell you where it is." Luffy said before running into the forest, swinging from one tree branch to another. Some would say that he was looking rather spectacular at that moment.

"Okay?" Aizawa said with a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead before turning to Kota. "Care to explain?"

"I'll tell you… on the way." Kota didn't expect that he would have to reveal one of his biggest secrets to a bunch of random people. He also didn't expect that he wasn't that mad at it.

A Couple of Minutes later.

"Go To Hell!" Bakugou said as he tried to blast moonfish off the face of the planet but instead was forced to dodge a pair of his many sword teeth. "Dammit!"

"Don't charge in so carelessly!" Todoroki said as he popped a quick Ice wall for some cover. He was forced to play support because he had to carry one of the 1-B students.

"If I don't, then how am I supposed to blast him?!" Bakugou snarled as he said this before ducking to avoid another tooth-sword.

*Bakugou!* Todoroki and Bakugou felt shivers as they heard Mandalay's voice enter their heads. *The villains are targeting you for some reason! Try to avoid combat unless absolutely necessary! I hope you can hear me! As for the rest of the students, only engage in combat when forced to! Try to hold out until Straw hat comes!*

"They're after you?" Todoroki asked as he was forced to make a gigantic Ice-wall to buy them some breathing room. "Why?"

"Hell if I know!" Bakugou said in frustration. "They're attacking me and I'm supposed to avoid them?! Hah! What a joke!"

"Joke? It's not a very funny one." Todoroki said, confused as to what the joke even is.

"Just shut it Icy-hot!" Bakugou said as he jumped out of cover. "I'm ready to beat this bastard! With or without the Rubberidiot!"

"Blood! I need more… Blood!" Moonfish said as he ascended at the top of the already huge Ice-wall. But before he could do anything, he heard a voice behind him.

"Gomu Gomu no–" Luffy said as he jumped above him and extended his leg.

"Ah goddammit!" Bakugou said in frustration as he and Todoroki started to let their guards down. "I wanted to beat the shit out of that guy."

"Battle-Axe!" Luffy said as he kicked moonfish straight to the top of his head, Concasser style, breaking his teeth-sword and knocking a couple teeth out of his mouth in the process. Luffy then proceeded to freefall straight into the ground.

"Luffy!" Todoroki said as he and Bakugou approached his flattened corpse. Only for Luffy to take his hand out of the ground and use it to pull on his own hair to pull it out of the ground.

"Oh? Hey guys!" Luffy said as he forced himself out of the ground. "Didn't see you guys there!"

"What in the Tom and Jerry?" Bakugou said he felt like he was a kid watching Tom and Jerry again.

"That was a 6-meter drop." Todoroki muttered under his breath as he stared wide-eyed at Luffy who was dusting himself off. (20 feet or the length of King)

"Oh yeah! Boom Boy!" Luffy said as his face switched to that of an emergency. "Greenie said the bad guys are after you!"

"Yeah, I know you idiot!" Bakugou said. He really felt like blasting Luffy right then. "Didn't your dumbass hear the message?"

"Oh! So everyone heard that!" Luffy said as he face-palmed. "I thought that was just my imagination."

"Yeah, you'd think that." Bakugou said, annoyed. He wasn't really annoyed at Luffy being an idiot, he's gotten pretty used to that. What annoyed him was that Luffy was the one who surpassed him, this idiot surpassed him. *But not for long!* He vowed in his mind.

"Anyway, we should get back to the cabin now." Todoroki said in his usual cool tone before turning to the knocked-out Moonfish. "He won't be getting up, at least for a while."

"Screw that! I wanna fight!" Bakugou said in his usual explody tone.

"Yeah! Me too!" Luffy said in his usual Luffy tone, as he pumped his fist into the air.

"Well, I won't be doing much fighting while carrying this guy." Todoroki said before entering into thought. *We should get back to camp and wait for reinforcements, but knowing these guys…"

"Oi Rubberbrain, leave the big guys to me." Bakugou said in a cocky tone. "You can handle the small fries."

"Nuh-uh! You can handle those guys!" Luffy said as he gritted his teeth and stepped closer to Bakugou. "At least, I can beat the big guys!"

"The hell's that supposed to mean?!" Bakugou said as he too stepped closer to Luffy, now butting heads. Todoroki could've sworn he saw the sparks fly in between their gazes.

*...Yeah, That's not happening. If I go with them, at least I'll be able to do some damage control.* Todoroki thought as he watched the altercation. (Writing this scene made me realize something. Luffy=Luffy; Bakugou=Kidd; Todoroki=Law.)

"Luffy, can you use your haki to sense our classmates?" Todoroki asked which stopped the squabble.

"Nope, I already used a bunch. I still have to wait." Luffy said which made the other two present boys realize something.

*Haki can be used up?!* They both thought in their minds. That was certainly news to them.

"You didn't say th–" Bakugou was interrupted by a bunch of trees being broken, Shoji screams of warning, and Tokoyami's demonic shout.

"RUN!" Shoji said as he ran past them. The students couldn't even begin to comprehend what happened because they saw Dark Shadow in a much bigger, much scarier form. Red eyes instead of the usual yellow ones.

"You're dead!" Dark Shadow's much more demonic voice roared as they approached the trio.

Thanks to Todoroki's cool mind and Bakugou's ever ready for combat mindset. They were ready as soon as they identified who it was.

"Cover your eyes!" Bakugou gave a warning shout before his hands started sparkling. "Flashbang!"

Dark Shadow immediately started to whimper under the intense light that Bakugou produced. It didn't help the fact that Todoroki had a ball of fire in his hand. And as soon as it came, it was gone. Dark Shadow steadily going back into Tokoyami, leaving behind only a very disturbed and distraught student.

"And once again I'm a terrible matchup for you, Birdboy." Bakugou said as he deactivated his flashbang and Todoroki released his fire.

"Thanks, you saved me." Tokoyami managed to get out between his deep intakes of breath.

"Wow! That was totally awesome! You were all like Boom, Boom! Crack, Crack!" Luffy said as he fawned over the panting student with stars in his eyes. "Do it again!"

"I don't think that's a good idea." Todoroki said as he, and the others, watched Shoji come back to the group.

"Are you okay?" Shoji asked in a low tone. Everybody's gaze proceeds to turn to Tokoyami.

"Shoji, I apologize." Tokoyami said as he stared in fear at his hands. "I'm still far too immature, anger consumed me and I let my quirk take over. The influence of the darkness, combined with my fury, spurred Dark Shadow into a frenzy. If Todoroki and Bakugou weren't–"

"Smack!" Tokoyami's apology was interrupted by Luffy slapping him in the face. Tokoyami, along with the rest, stared in wide-eyed disbelief at Luffy.

"What're you saying? It's not your fault you don't know how to control your power." Luffy didn't say it in a mean tone or a scolding tone. He said in a more confused/irritated tone. "This isn't the time for a big apology, not when the others are in danger."

Everyone continued to stare at Luffy. They were questioning some things, he looked like Luffy, he talked like Luffy, but he didn't act like Luffy. This is when they learned something important about Luffy, the fact that he can change at the drop of a hat, a straw hat if you will. From Lucky-go-Happy Luffy, to Calm and Serious Luffy.

"Look, if you're really sorry, then learn how to control it. Okay? You shouldn't be afraid of it." Luffy said as he started looking in a random direction. "My haki just came back, they're some girls nearby in pain. Let's go."

Luffy then proceeded to run off into the woods. The students took a couple of seconds before they one-by-one came back to their senses.

"Hold it Rubberfreak! Don't go picking all the idiots by yourself!" Baugou said as he started running after him. *What the hell was that?! He acted all high and mighty like a… like a… like a goddamn captain. Ah shit.*

"Don't run off by yourself!" Todoroki was the second one to run after them before handing the knocked out student to Shoji. *Luffy huh? Out of all the people, I didn't expect it from him.*



"...He's right, you know?" Shoji broke the brief moment of silence as he got a better grip on the 1-B student.

"I know… I know…" Tokoyami said as he caressed his cheek where Luffy slapped him. It didn't hurt, not now and not when Luffy slapped him. It was more like a 'wake up to reality' kind of slap.

"Let's go." Shoji said as he waited for Tokoyami to respond. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long.

"Let's." And like that, they started running off after the rest of the boys.

Aizawa's Group.

"It's here." Kota said as he approached the painting. The group around him looked confused and anxious. Kota obviously didn't like it, revealing his secret to so many people, but if it were for Izuku and Pixie-Bob, he would let it slide. Kota struggled to pull the door open, seeing this, Kaminari and Koda jumped to his aid. The other would've helped if they weren't carrying around unconscious people.

The group was hit with a wave of warmth and dimmed atmospheric light as soon as the door opened. Not wasting any time, The students placed the knocked-out people on the small bed, the bed being big enough so that they don't touch, while Aizawa just looked around the room to make sure it's safe. Once confirmed he said.

"Right, now that that's settled I'll go after Recovery girl, you kids just guard this place but don't go playing the hero. If you see a villain coming, just stall for time until I arrive. These guys aren't like the villains at the U.S.J. We're dealing with pros now." Aizawa said as he and most of the students went out of the cramped room. Only Kota and Mineta remained. They being the smallest, and Mineta's lack of combat prowess made them prime candidates for remaining there.

"Guys!" Mineta suddenly said to the students as they closed the door. "Just uhh… Don't die out there, okay?"

"No worries bro." Kirishima said as the door was inches away from closing down. "We won't let any scumbag villain approach this door. Even if it means our lives!"

And with that, the door closed. Mineta had to admit, the lights became much more alive when there's no outside light. As he stared around the room, his eyes landed on a rather distraught Kota who tried his best to not use this room for its intended purpose. *Okay Minoru! Time to be a hero!*

"So hey, umm…" Mineta said but struggled to come up with any words. *Crap! I didn't prepare for this! I thought being a hero is all about getting the hot babes! I'm totally underqualified.*

"D-Don't wo–" Mineta was interrupted.

"Shut up." Kota said. "If you got nothing good to say then don't even try."

"Yep! I was thinking just that." Mineta said uncomfortably and fast-paced. "I'll just stay here. Quietly."

And like that, the room fell into a mute silence for the next couple of minutes. Only the ragged breathing of Pixie-Bob and Izuku filled the room. *Wow, you really can't hear anything from outside. This is some serious soundproofing. I can think of all sorts of things to use this room for– No! Stop it! This is not the time for dirty thoughts!* Mineta thought as he shook his head violently.

"Watch out…" Pixie-Bob managed to say as she forced herself awake. With a quick burst of speed, Kota rushed to her side of the bed with teary eyes. "Watch out!"

"Whoa! Easy!" Kota said as he pushed her suddenly energetic body down into the bed. She looked around the room as if she was seeing it for the first time, she couldn't really understand what was happening. The last thing she remembered was Magne knocking her out cold, now she was here with Kota and… Mineta? Was that his name?

"Where are we?! What happened?!" She said, trying to sound calm and collected, but her shaky voice betrayed that. *Ugh! Why does my head hurt so bad? I feel like I have the migraines of all migraines.* She thought as she put her hand where it hurt the most. She jerked at the pain she felt when she touched the back of her head. She looked at the tip of her fingers. *Blood?*

"Easy! You got knocked out by some lady villain and we're in my special room." Kota said as he struggled to keep her calm on the bed. "At least, that's what they told me. They say you have to be calm and relaxed. So please stay in bed!"

"Lady villain? Special room?" She said after calming down from her initial shock, as he took one last look, she noticed Izuku Midoriya sleeping next to her, one hand looking shattered while the other busted. "Wha–"

"He-He saved me. H-He p-protected me even th-though I p-punched him in th-the ba-balls." Kota said as the dam broke and out came the waterworks. "He-he sa-saved me." Was the last sentence that could be understood as he burst out crying.

Mineta really wished he was outside right now.

"Saved you?" She said as she took one look at him. That's when the pieces fell into place. "Oh… Oh!"

"Come here kit." She said in a motherly tone as she began to hug the crying boy, accidentally knocking off his hat. She hugged him the best she could while fighting a migraine and the pain in her ribs. "That's what it means to be a hero."

"He-ro?" He said as he cried in her arms. That's when he understood what Mandalay's words really meant that one time.

"It's true that they ended up leaving you behind in this world, but they saved so many lives through their sacrifice, you'll see that someday." Mandalay said as she looked over a sulking, angry, younger Kota. "One day you'll meet someone who'll risk their life, someone who'll be a hero."

"My hero." He said as he began to calm down in her arms. Now only Kota's ragged breathing and Pixie-Bob's hushing filled the room.

*So that's how you do it.* Mineta said as he tried his best to not intrude into such a private moment, this proved to be a bigger learning experience than he first thought. Not long after they heard.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

Mineta hurried to open the door and was met with Recovery Girl who bore a face of steel. Not wasting any time she said. "Alright, everybody out! I need complete silence to do my magic."

"Yes ma'am!" Mineta said as he dashed out, not wasting one more second in that room.

As Kota left Pixie-Bob's embrace and passed Recovery girl, who was only half a head taller than him. He said. "Don't let him die, please."

"Don't worry sonny." She said as she passed him and went to check on them. "I'm a professional after all."

The last thing Kota saw before the door fully closed was Recovery Girl extending her lips and kissing Izuku on the forehead. Having tried his best to stay away from any hero work thus far, he hadn't seen Recovery Girl do her 'Magic' yet.

He had to put a hand over his mouth to keep his dinner in and visibly gagged at the sight. Some of the students present sympathized with him.

Luffy and Co.

"Okay, we're getting close now!" Luffy said to the back of the group, him being in the front, Bakugou and Todoroki running equally in second place, Shoji and Tokoyami being further in the back. "Whoa! Something happened to floaty girl!" Luffy said, referring to Uraraka.

"Then run faster dammit!" Bakugou yelled as Luffy jumped out of the woods and into the path. Bakugou, not knowing Luffy stopped, and ran head-first into him, crashing both of them into the ground. "Hey moron! What's the deal?!"

"Uraraka!" Todoroki was alarmed when he noticed Toga pinned to the ground by Uraraka. This caused Bakugou to stop thrashing around with Luffy and look up to see the two girls.

"Quickly guys! Help her!" Asui said, which gave the wake-up call Toga needed as she spun herself around and jumped off of Uraraka.

"Stop!" Uraraka quickly called to her in hopes of capturing her. Shoji and Tokoyami jumped out of the forest onto the path.

"There's too many people here and I don't feel like getting killed tonight." Toga said as she proceeded to run into the forest. "Toodles."

"Uraraka! Are you alright?" Todoroki said as she neared her. The other boys followed close behind.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Urarka said as she sprung back on her two feet, her left one slightly trembling after having her blood sucked out of it forcefully. "More importantly, let's get her!"

"Hold on." Todoroki said as he got his tone into a calm and collected one. "We don't even know what quirk she has."

"Tsu! What happened?" Tokoyami said as he struggled to get Asui off the tree she was pinned to.

"That girl, she was one of the villains. She was crazy!" Tsu said as she massaged her scalp after having her hair dragged.

"What pink cheeks said–"


"Let's get her!" Bakugou said before turning to Luffy who looked confused before turning annoyed. "Hey! What's the hold up?! Let's go!" He said, thinking Luffy was tracking her with Observation.

"I can't…" Luffy said distraught as she sent out a massive haki wave, specifically designed to find out where everyone is, focusing on the Toga's aura right now, he felt nothing. "I can't sense her. Dammit!" (For those wondering, Toga can hide her presence.)

"Huh? What do you mean?" Shoji asked as he looked at an annoyed Luffy. "You can't sense her aura with Observation?"

"No way. Really?" Uraraka said surprised.

"Yeah really." Luffy said annoyance clear in his voice as he continued to search for the girl.

"Maybe that's what her quirk is?" Todoroki said as he joined the growing circle.

"It doesn't really matter now. Let's get back to camp." Tsu said, getting her mind back on track and under control.

"Agreed." Tokoyami said. "Our mission is to rescue as many students as possible and escort Bakugou to safety."

"Yeah about that." Uraraka said as she looked around the group. "Where's Bakugou? Shouldn't he be here?"

"Huh?" Luffy said, snapped out of his concentration. "What do you mean? He's right… here…" Luffy said as he looked around the circle, along with everyone else, but when they didn't see the boom boy. "What the? I coulda sworn he was here."

"Nice trick eh?" A new voice startled some of the students. The voice belonged to Mr. Compress, a villain in a black and white mask dressed in a yellow suit with a top hat. He was looking down at them from a tree.

"I took the lad you're talking about with my magic. A talent like his would be squandered if he played a hero. We'll provide him a grander stage where he can truly shine." He said as he played with a blue marble.

"Magic? Whoa! Awesome!" Luffy said excitedly with stars in his eyes. "Do me! Me next!"

"You idiot! He means his quirk!" Urarka said as she slapped Luffy before turning back to the villain. "Give him back!"

"Give him back? What an odd thing to say, Bakugou doesn't belong to anyone, he's his own person. Don't be so arrogant." Mr. Compress said as he continued to toy with Bakugou.

"Ah! He has him!" Luffy said as he gave another blast with observation haki to find Bakugou. "I don't know how, and it's very faint, but he has him!"

"Then we'll get him!" Todoroki suddenly said as he sent an ice wave at Mr. Compress, making him jump out of the way and land gracefully on another tree.

"Why the aggression? We merely wish to show him that there are other options besides the fanatical world of heroes he is drowning in." he said as he started playing with two marbles now. "It's important to choose a path that aligns with your core values after all."

"It's not just Bakugou!" Shoji said, which alarmed his classmates. "Tokoyami's gone!"

"Yeah! He's got Birdboy too!" Luffy said, looking pained with a guilty look on his face. "Dammit! My Observation is all over the place!"

*He snatched two of our strongest classmates without a sound! What power is this?!* Todoroki thought as he desperately tried to come up with a solution. "If you're monologuing because you think you've beaten us, you're mistaken!"

"A bad habit of mine, I was once an entertainer, you know?" Mr. Compress said. "Taking poor Tokoyami was a bit of improv on my part. I saw his demonic form, truly a sight to see. Wreaking so much chaos and havoc, I just had to take him, you see?"

"Alright, that's enough!" Luffy said irritated he had it up to here with losing crewmates. But before he could do anything, he felt Todoroki's aura spark to life, and out of the corner of his eye he saw him move forward. "Wai–"

Luffy's voice was drowned out as a massive Iceberg sprouted from Todoroki, leaving a big chunk of the forest in ice. When he was done, his entire left side was frozen over, safe for his eye. The iceberg was so massive, you'd start trembling just by being near it.

"Apologies, but sleight of hand and escapology are my specialty, not combat." Mr. Compress said as he barely managed to dodge Todoroki's massive attack. As he flew in the air he pressed a button on his earpiece and said. "Vanguard Action Squad. Our little show has officially come to a close. Meet me at the retrieval points in the next 5 minutes for our final bout."

"They're going to take them. Our friends!" Todoroki said alarmed as he started running after Mr. Compress who hopped from tree to tree at impressive speeds.

"Not on my watch!" Luffy said as he and everyone else started running after him.

With Momo and Awase.

"Damn! This thing's just relentless!" Awase said annoyed as he ran away from a green Nomu with multiple arms but with a chainsaw and drills for hands. "How you doing Yaoyorozu?"

"I'm almost done!" Momo said as she ran away from the green Nomu. Awase didn't have enough time to warn Momo from an incoming chainsaw aimed straight for her neck. Thankfully, she managed to barely dodge it while working on her quirk and running.

"How the hell do you keep doing that?!" Awase asked, impressed and terrified at the same time. "That was like the 16th time you dodged it without even looking!"

"What? Really?! You mean it?" She said as she took her eyes off her arm and looked at Awase with hope.

"Don't sound happy about that!" Awase said as they kept running. "How long 'till that thing's done?"

"I'm just about done." She said as she pulled a gun with a really thick-looking barrel out of her arm. "There! It's done!"

"What is it?" Awase said as he jumped over a root sticking out of the path. "Looks like a normal handgun to me."

"This 'handgun' would put most cannons to shame." She said as she loaded in a heavy-looking bullet, packed with special gunpowder. "On 3 you ran ahead of me and support my back with everything you have, got it?"

"Umm…" Awase wasn't really sure what she wanted to do could actually work, but since he had no better ideas. "Sure!"


"1!" Momo said as she dodged a drill aimed at her heart. She slowly began to use her feet at 110% to put some distance between her and the green Nomu.

"2!" Momo said with a bit of a shake in her voice. *Oh boy, this is gonna hurt like hell.*

"...3!" And with that, Momo jumped ahead and with a flip, she was now facing a raging Momo coming at her with nothing but orders to kill.

Steeling her nerves, she put both hands on the grip and pointed it straight at the green Nomu. When she felt Awase's hands on her back, she closed her eyes and pulled the trigger.


First there was Momo's cry of pain at having both her shoulder's dislocated at the same time. Then there was Awase's cry of pain at receiving some major damage to his feet. He used his quirk to stick both his feet to the ground for a better support position. Unfortunately, he didn't take into account that all that blowback from the handgun had to go somewhere.

The dust on the ground rose several feet into the air at the sheer force of the explosion, a massive amount of leaves fell from the surrounding trees, and even a couple of branches splintered. And lastly, Nomu's body fell limp on the ground with a massive hole in his chest.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Momo said repeatedly as the gun fell from her hands. "Well, that Ow worked!"

"Define worked!" Awase said angrily as he did his best not to tear up in front of the girl. *What the hell?! She took most of the hit and she's acting like she just fell down the stairs!*

"Now I'm no expert!" Awase began as he caressed his feet. "But putting yourself out of commission ain't exactly the smartest thing to do!"

"Who said I was out of commission?" Momo said as she approached a nearby tree. The loose bark having fallen off. *Ok, I did this hundreds of times before! Now I just gotta do it without Lu!*

"Yo-You can't use your hands!" Awase pointed out what he thought was the obvious. "Not to mention the pain!"

"Okay, here we go!" Momo said as she hit her shoulder on the tree, hard. "OW! Ow, Ow!"

After taking a moment, she went at it again, this time with her other shoulder. Awase watched, stupefied. "OW! Okaaaaay! Oopsy daisy."

"What the… hell… did you just DO?!" Awase asked, mortified. He supposed that Momo's brain might have been affected after that gunshot.

"Excuse me?" She said as she came back to him while rolling her shoulders in a circle. "I just popped my shoulders back."

*I can't tell if that's really awesome or really stupid.* He decided to keep that thought to himself.

"What about him? Or it?" Awase said as he pointed to the fallen Nomu. Momo took one look at him and said.

"If he's like the rest, this shouldn't be enough to kill him." Momo said as she silently prayed she hadn't accidentally killed him. "Hopefully, he'll be back to normal once the police arrive here."

"Anyway, I have a very faint idea of where the villains are." Momo said as she looked at the meeting place of the villains. "I'll go, you go back to the camp. It should be that way. Just follow the path and you'll find it."

"What?! What do you mean?!" Awase was scared by her tenacity. "Your homeroom teacher said very clearly that we are not to engage in any kind of combat! I know you heard it! Everybody did!"

"That is true and I do not enjoy breaking the rules." Momo said as she thought it over once. Awase felt like he was finally making some headway with her. "But, If I don't fight the villains, how am I supposed to improve myself?"

*Yep, that does it. This girl is crazy, confirmed.* He said as he pulled himself off the ground. "Nah, you got it. Have fun. Send me a postcard."

Awase continued to walk for about 4 more steps before stopping and grunting very heavily.

"Do you need any help?" Momo asked innocently, she could tell he was in extreme amounts of pain, she didn't really need Observation to figure that out.

"Nope, nope. I'm good. I just need to… catch my breath. Yeah that's it. You go on ahead." Awase said as he prayed she didn't notice his tears of pain. *Pull yourself together! She took all that and she's ready for more. I have to at least do this!*

Awase was startled when she felt a pair of crutches lightly tap his hands. He looked over his shoulder and saw Momo extending the crutches to him. "Thanks." He said before grabbing them and proceeding to use them to hop to the camp.

"No problem." She said before doing a 180 and started running towards the villains. *Wait for me!*

"Oh no." She said like she realized something. *Did I become an… adrenaline junkie?! Did I become… Luffy?!* This crisis didn't last long as she started running again after 5 seconds. *Oh well, nothing I can do about it now.*

Mandalay and Co.

"How dare you treat me in this way, hero?!" Spinner said as he struggled to get out of the rope that tied him to the tree, along with Magne who looked like she was about to wake up, and a comatose Muscular. "Stain endures! Do you hear me?! His will is well and alive right here. I embody it!"

"Don't you have something new to say?" Mandalay asked as she and Tiger watched over the area. "I feel like I'm listening to a broken record. Always the same stuff."

"What even is your quirk, scum?" Tiger asked nonchalantly. "All we saw was that big sword. Is that it?"

"Get this offa me!" Spinner said as he did his best to break out, but to no avail.

"Yes." Kurogiri said as he suddenly appeared out of thin air. Startling Mandalay and Tiger. "Let's move you someplace more fitting."

Luffy and Co.

"Dammit! We'll never catch him if we all follow him!" Luffy said in frustration as he saw Mr. Compress moving farther and farther away. "We're too slow."

"Sorry rep, but we're still pretty exhausted from training." Tsu said as she panted along with the rest of the students as they neared to a stop. "We're not exactly in our best forms."

"Yeah, and our window closes with every second." Todoroki said as he lightly panted.

"Tch. If only I didn't use all my haki earlier." Luffy said as he kicked a rock in frustration " I could be flyin' to him, right now!"

"Flying you say huh?" Uraraka said in a slightly disbelieving tone. "Why do I feel like you're telling the truth right now?"

"That actually gives me an idea." Shoji said. "If Uraraka makes me float, I could use my arms as wings to fly."

"Yeah, I could… But it's pretty dangerous." Uraraka said, obviously not comfortable with the Idea. "What If you hit a tree or something?"

"Yosh! I know how'll do it!" Luffy said energetically. "Floaty girl makes us float and wings guy uses his wings to fly! Perfect!"

"Well, I can't carry a lot of people. Maybe 2." Shoji said, deciding not to comment on his nickname.

"Then I'll come too." Todoroki said as Luffy energetically nodded his head up and down. "It's my fault that the villain got away, I should come too. Plus, I can correct our trajectory with my flames."

"Cool, then it's decided!" Luffy said as he marched up to Uraraka. "Ok do it!"

"Huh?!" Uraraka said, her head was spinning from this quick meeting. "Wait! How are you gonna launch ahead? You can't just depend on Todoroki's flames from here.

"Actually, If I use my ton–" Tsu said before being interrupted.

"I got it!" Luffy suddenly said as he gathered Shoji and Todoroki, leaving the 1-B student on the ground, made them hug each other, and then came back to Uraraka before they could even process what happened.

"What?" "Wait a sec!"

"Ok cool, make them float!" Luffy said fast, but Uraraka was too taken aback by how fast the events were unfolding in front of her. "Now please!"


"No time for buts!" Luffy said as he grabbed her hand and forcefully used her quirk on the boys. "Awesome!" He said before throwing them into the sky. Then he proceeded to run in the opposite direction.

"Wait wait wa–" Uraraka was interrupted by Tsu this time.

"Hold it. Let him do it." Tsu said as she held a hand to stop her. (You have no idea how much I wanted to put the 'let him cook' meme here.)

"We're getting farther and farther away!" Shoji said in slight panic as they watched the girls become smaller and smaller. "Do you think this'll work?"

"I found out that when something involves Luffy." Todoroki said as if he accepted his fate. "Common sense and logic tend to take a break."

"Gomu Gomu no Jet Rocket!"

Luffy managed to grab both boys mid-flight and soar across the sky at speeds that would make Hawks jealous.

The last thing the girls heard from the boys were fits of laughter from Luffy, grunting from Shoji and an 'I told you.' from Todoroki.

"C'mon! Let's go meet up with them!" Tsu said as she grabbed Uraraka's arm and started running toward the villains.

"I can't believe that worked." Uraraka muttered incredulously. She stopped for a second to look at the 1-B student, contemplating what to do with him before deciding. "You'll be a liability if we take you with us. Sorry!" She said as she left the guy who can make air into a solid in the ground.

Dabi and Co.

"Huh? Lame. I'm the only one here?" Toga asked as she appeared out of the woods to the rendezvous point.

"Hey crazy, did you get the blood?" Dabi asked her. "How many different kinds?"

"1 Person's!" Toga proudly said.

"Just 1?! Hey, what gives? Weren't you supposed to take at least 3?" Twice said irritated. He had a very Deadpool look to him, but black and white, with tape measures at his wrists.

"That's just the way it went down. I thought those brats were gonna kill me." Toga said, slightly irritated as well. "Plus, Straw hat was there. I just couldn't risk it."

"Tch, Whatever!" Twice said while doing various poses. "It's important to keep your expectations low for tough challenges! I Bet I coulda done it!"

"Oh, put a sock in it." Toga said in annoyance.

"You're so mean! It's okay, I forgive you!" Twice said as he switched personalities.

"Both of you, shut it. You're too loud." Dabi said before noticing a figure approaching rapidly. "Huh?"

"Crash!" That figure turned out to be Mr. Compress with Luffy, Todoroki, and Shoji on his back.

"Hahahahah! That was fun!" Luffy said between laughter. "Oh, where are we?"

"Wait, I know these kids!" Twice said as he pointed at them. "Who are they?"

"Outta the way, compress." Dabi said as he flared blue fire in his arm.

"Got it." Mr. Compress said weakly as he used his quirk on himself to turn into a marble ball. Right then Luffy kicked Shoji outta the way and tackled Todoroki, effectively dodging a blue fireball.

"That was a close one!" Shoji said as he looked at the intense fire, couldn't stare for too long as he saw Toga lunge at him with a knife.

"Oh, I do love me some blood!" She said as she continued to slash him, but he managed to avoid them.

"Luffy! Shoji!" Todoroki said when he got split from Luffy due to another fireball. He couldn't do much as Twice was already on him.

"To beat up a little boy like you, you're on shigaraki's kill list. No, he's not!" Twice said as he prepared his steel tape measure but slipped on a wall of ice. "That's not fair!"

"Well, well, if it ain't the Straw hat himself." Dabi said in a bored tone as he continued to spew constant fire at him to keep him at bay. If what he knows about him is true, then he can't give him a second to breathe. "You really got in Shigaraki's panties, he's scared of you. But to me you look like fodder."

"Dammit, stop!" Luffy said as he dodge the blue flamethrower that was Dabi. "Enough!" He said as he used shave to get behind Dabi and face-plant him into the ground.

"Huh, there might be some truth to what Shigaraki said." Dabi mumbled from his place on the ground. "But not very smart are ya?" He said as he spewed blue fire from his back, making Luffy back off. "Nimble as well."

"Ugh, so uncivilized. Does nobody pay attention to scripts anymore?" Mr. Compress said after making himself into a human again. "No matter, I still have the stu– Huh?"

"Luffy! Todoroki! We're done! He gave away his best trick." Shoji said before turning back to the villains after punching Toga in the stomach to make her back off. "I'm not sure what your quirk is, but it had to do with those little marbles, right?"

"The ones you stashed in your pocket. So I'm guessing these are Tokoyami and Bakugou." Shoji said as he held up two blue marbles.

"Wow, way to go!" Luffy said, but something didn't feel right. More importantly, those marbles didn't feel right, were they really Boom Boy and Birdboy?

"Well, color me impressed." Mr. Compress said as the villains started to encircle the students. "Just what I'd expect from someone with so many hands. How splendid."

"Yosh! Time to beat these guys up!" Luffy said as he cracked his knuckles.

"No! We got what we wanted, let's go!" Todoroki yelled as he made an ice wall. "We don't have to risk it!"

"Moron." Dabi said as he prepared to shoot a blue fireball at them again but was stopped by Mr. Compress.

"Just one punch! That's all I need." Luffy said as he reared to go but was kept back by Shoji. "Aw c'mon!" Usually, he would have used a blast of conquerors, but since he used it before, he only has enough for future-sight Observation now.

"We're going!" Shoji said as he took Luffy up in the air by all of his arms to keep him from struggling. "Move!"

"Okay!" Todoroki said as he started running, he didn't get very far since he was stopped by a familiar purplish void. "Oh no."

"He's the guy from before!" Luffy said as he got out of Shoji's grip and prepared to fight. "Want a rematch?"

"It's been five minutes since the signal." Kurogiri said as 3 more portals appeared. "Let's go."

"Huff, If only I met some cute boy here." Toga said as she walked into one of the portals. "Maybe someone with green hair."

"Wait! Stop!" Luffy said ready to go after them but was stopped by Shoji's hand on his shoulder. "Eh?"

"There's no need. We won." Shoji said in a calm tone as Twice swan dived into a portal. "You don't need to take revenge."

"I don't like it." Luffy said as he crossed his arms in defiance. "Something smells fishy here."

"Hold on. We're not leaving without the kid." Dabi said he, Kurogiri, and Mr. Compress were the only ones left.

"Don't worry. They were so proud of looting through my pockets that I thought I'd let them gloat." Mr. Compress said which surprised the students as he half entered the portal. "But allow me to explain a basic tenet of magic. If I'm flaunting something shiny, it's because there's something else I don't want you to see." Mr. Compress took off his mask to reveal that he actually had 2 extra marbles in his mouth, these ones with Bakugou and Tokoyami.

He then snapped his finger to make the marble balls Shoji had into Ice.

"Is that my ice?!" Todoroki said, alarmed.

"During your brave attack, I prepared dummies and slid them into my pocket." Mr. Compress said.

"Dammit! He tricked us!" Shoji said as he and everybody else ran full speed ahead to them.

"I knew it!" Luffy said before turning to a cowering Aoyama in the bushes. Knowing what was about to happen, he gave him a thumbs up.

"One last bow, and then the curtain fa–" Mr. Compress was stopped by Aoyama's laser, hitting his mask, while also managing to drop the marbles from his mouth.

"Now!" Luffy said as he and Shoji reached for one. And Todoroki the other.

"I don't think so." Kurogiri said as he tried to punch Shoji and Luffy out of the way, he hit Shoji but didn't hit Luffy.

"Got it!" Luffy exclaimed happily with the marble in hand.

Todoroki tried to reach for his in a jump, but Dabi grabbed it before he could do it. "Isn't that a tragedy? Poor little Shoto Todoroki." Todoroki face-planted the ground as he went past the portal.

"Confirm it now, release them." Dabi said which Mr. Compress immediately complied.

Tokoyami appeared in Luffy's hand and Bakugou in Dabi's. Bakugou looked horrified while Tokoyami was wondering what happened.

"Checkmate." Dabi said as he and Bakugou slowly entered the portal, with Bakugou facing Luffy.

"NOT AGAIN!" Luffy shouted as he quickly threw an arm to the side. "Gear Second!"

Before Dabi or Bakugou could even react, Luffy's fist made contact with Dabi's sending him straight into a glass shelf filled with booze. Luffy looked around for about a millisecond, seeing that he was in a bar of some sort. But he didn't care, he looked for Bakugou and the portal.

Without any words, Luffy took Bakugou and ran full speed ahead to the portal. As he jumped in, he found himself in that bar again. He didn't teleport, he tried it again and again and again but nothing.

"I'm afraid that won't work." Kurogiri said, this suddenly brought Luffy back to reality, and realized where they truly were.

"Well, this worked out even better than I could've imagined." Shikaragi said he and the rest of the League were there. They were surrounded by every villain, except for Muscular and Moonfish.

As he gritted his teeth, he felt that he was back-to-back with Bakugou. His only ally here, ready to fight. *At least this time, I'm not alone.*

"I got a plan." Luffy said, not caring about the villains hearing it. "Beat everyone up and go back."

"Tch, I can beat every single one of these idiots by myself." Bakugou said as he got his hands ready to blow everyone to hell and back.

"Oh yeah?" Luffy said as his smile stretched across his entire face. "Show me."

"With pleasure." Bakugou's face, weirdly enough also adopted a smile, but this one was more feral than the one Luffy had.