
Ludso and Driddon

The feud between the two clans backdates hundreds of years, during the darkest parts of their history when slaves broke from their masters. The pain of losing their slaves was much deeper than anyone could have imagined, dividing the Island. Intermarriage between the two clans was forbidden, entertaining the idea of friendships was not tolerated. Despite the feud many people have disobeyed causing a loss of stability to the control of Ludso, although Driddon appears unaffected by the change, the conniving hearts of those in power attempt to corrupt the good heart of the Driddon Clan it is up to our heroin to save her people before the damage remains permanent. The people of Driddon must remain free, no matter the cost, all people deserve the freedom to choose their life without fear that their loved ones will be murdered. Civil unrest calls for immediate action, so many have died for the belief in the revolution, many more lives are at stake. Driddon’s peaceful ways are hanging on the line if the revolution should fail all hope will be lost, and their sacrifice would have been in vain.

Anagwin · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 1

Meghan felt that her world was so different from the world she was traveling to, in Meghan's mind she pretended that this quiet bridge was a time traveling machine, for the moment she passed over the Northern Pegasus Falls, which from far above the sky it apparently looked like the constellation itself, Meghan often thought about the Dr Albert Saunders theory. He believed "It is as if the stars aligned themselves so magnetically strong pulling the ways of gravity on Earth, so by the time the Earth had stopped shifting the waters followed the magnetic pull of the Pegasus constellation, even though the magnetic field isn't as strong as it once was, the moon keeps the tide in it's place long after the magnetic pull of the constellation had passed" Meghan chuckled to herself thinking 'Or so one historian said hundreds of years ago, no one has cared to prove it, for the story just makes this river even more special in the eyes of the people which surround it, including me' she sighed for the magical bridge ride was over, she was now surrounded by hundreds of skyscrapers, this was how she knew that she was in the City of Ludso.

Her heart was filled with excitement as she thought about the man whom she loved, despite all odds, she thought to herself, 'There he was calling to me, I'm so happy I get to see him once a week, for now this was enough for me.' Deep down though Meghan wondered how she could squeeze herself more fully into his life, she was his girlfriend after all, shouldn't she be a part of his life? Just as she arrived at his place, the giant gate swung open giving her full access into his home. As she parked the car by the front door, she took a deep breathe. Without any second thoughts she waltzed up those stairs as if there was no moment left to live, for the most thrilling moment of her entire life was seeing him again, his dazzling smile as he opened the door, his warm breath could be felt over her neck which made her shudder in delight as he pulled her closer into him, she nuzzled her chin into his chest, he took his hand to hold her bosom, when she giggled "Pierre w..." before she could finish he held her chin guiding her to his lips where he pressed his onto hers using his tongue he searched for the entrance into her mouth, she obliged bending to his will, her sweet scent filled him with pure delight, he needed her. Pierre whispered in her ear "how might I please you tonight?" Meghan smiled "firstly let's close the door" she whispered back, with a sparkle in his eye Pierre looked at her with wanting, she noticed his manner had changed but she couldn't work out what it was, she had never seen that look before, it intrigued her but it also made her nervous, as Pierre closed the front door Meghan swiftly moved to the guest room, Pierre followed her as if he were entranced by her beauty.

Meghan spoke words which pulled Pierre from his wicked thoughts and inquired after what she had said, Meghan smiled and repeated "well there is dinner to be hard I'm sure" Pierre sighed there was always something stopping him from getting what he wanted, this time it was food, he obliged and had his servants order the cook to prepare a dish. While the servants did their job, Pierre tried to coerce her into a night of enticements but at every turn she buffed him, he grew weary. At seeing his countenance fall she inquired "What is wrong with you? Do you not enjoy my company?" Her innocence both frustrated him and endeared him, Pierre had never dated someone like her, the idea excited him to insanity. A woman to be the first in his existence to jump at the idea of him choosing her for the night, this is the only reason why she has stayed so long in his company, but though is dating Meghan for something more sinister than her virginity. Pierre just sighed "one day you will understand, let's make one thing clear however, you would not be in my presence if I didn't find you mildly amusing!" Meghan felt his coldness for the first time, she hadn't bought displeasure to anyone before, she didn't understand. Meghan went to ask but as she did he left the room, she found herself alone for the first time in his house, she tried to follow him, but he had already disappeared.

Unsure of what to do, she waited, as she waited Meghan explored the room, often when she came by they either talked or watched a movie, she had never seen the glorious room she had spent so many hours in. The only majestic being she saw was the man which was taking over every thought she had. Meghan longed for a husband, she was beginning to believe that this man might be the one, the other half she was so desperate to find. As she searched through the room, she saw many artefacts, historical paintings and gorgeous sculptures which add to the feeling of the room. Meghan however was distracted by every sound she heard, her little heartbeat would jump a little but only to find the hole of disappointment, it wasn't Pierre coming back nor was it a servant coming to announce dinner. There were many things to keep Meghan distracted until her heart gave way to the truth, he wasn't coming back to her nor was food going to be announced anytime soon. Rather than keep her anticipation alive like a fool she decided to go in search of the kitchen, for perhaps Pierre was waiting for her there. Quickly she learned it was no easy task finding the kitchen in the mansion size of a house, Meghan stopped to really think about the kind of house she was in, it seemed similar to the Cooper's house, although not an estate but the design seemed to be the same, as Meghan thought about the house layout her feet walked following her gut, as her mind thought about the day that had left her feeling exhausted, and there was no Pierre to comfort her this time, this night was different from the other nights, Meghan didn't understand what had happened.

Meghan had, had a long day, for when she was at the Cooper's house, she thought the double story house was a mansion, for the area it is, however after being at her boyfriends each week she knows better. Still she felt lucky enough to be given a job, she was a maid who worked long hours to insure the family remained in a clean environment. Meghan took pride in her work, so much so the house keeper with the authority of Mr Cooper promoted her to head house maid, the youngest of the maids, although jealousy ran rampant for a little while, things calmed down. This day had been the best she had ever experienced, together as a team they got the house nailed faster than they had ever done before, Mrs Cooper was completely overwhelmed, so much so that she promised a pay rise for everyone if we continued to clean the house thoroughly and faster, the team now had a new goal, the pay rise would mean so much in the long run. The town quickly heard of the rising tide in their women, this was a cause for celebration, Meghan's parents hosted the best meal in honour of the team, the town were thrilled, but now they were under more pressure to not mess this up, this was a great opportunity for them to prove to the Cooper's why this town was worth keeping, they had the money to fund the area to get the kids doing better for themselves. The Cooper's since they moved in have done nothing more than to keep the Driddon family community, they've been trying to encourage great things without the cost of the community, at first their children were upper class snobs, but Mr Cooper was so unhappy with the fights, the vandalism and the tarnish of his name, for he worked across the bridge in West Ludso for Mr Boscamo, Meghan still wasn't sure who Mr Boscamo was, but he played a major role in Mr Cooper's life, if he didn't find a peaceful solution he would either have to leave Driddon and his wife would have to work exclusively for him as well or he would lose his job. Mr Cooper made every effort to make peace, Meghan could see he was about lose everything, for he would not force his wife to work exclusively for him, Meghan got the sense that Mrs Cooper would be in trouble. Meghan felt moved that Mr Cooper would give up everything to protect his wife, but that would mean he would never be able to travel over the bridge to see his parents in the nursing home, his family would have to alienate him. Meghan tried to comfort him but it was of no use, his sons were ruining it for the family, and they couldn't help themselves but make trouble, they felt entitled.

After contemplating for awhile, Meghan came up with an idea, she went to Sheriff John Boaze requesting 'please send all four of Mr Cooper's children into community service for a month, if one of them messes up they all must do the extra time, it is the only way forward, only they can mend the bridge between us" Sheriff John Boaze agreed later both Mr and Mrs Cooper agreed, they would begin in the morning. With that Meghan journeyed her way to Pierre. The day had yielded good fruit, yet she still felt lost by how Pierre treated her, she loved him, but what he wanted was beyond what she could ever give, she loved her people, she wanted to please them, acting this way would break the family, especially when he hadn't asked for her fathers blessing nor had he given it.

Meghan was completely lost, she thought she was heading down to the kitchen. Meghan wondered if she had missed something, at the Cooper's place the kitchen is downstairs, although she had made her way down a pair of stairs, it happened to be the wrong pair, Meghan looked around the floor she was on, it appeared to be the living quarters of the servants, which made Meghan feel even more uncomfortable, thus she hurried herself up the stairs. Meghan stumbled through the house for what felt like hours before she gave up and screamed for help in her panicked state she finally came across someone. Meghan immediately ran to a man who appeared to be a staff member of the house, Meghan begged him to help her out for she was lost and confused. The man smiled and obliged leading her to a door, with a smile he assured her this was the room she was looking for. Her heart sank as embarrassment filled her cheeks, for she knew she gave up to quickly, she was only a few paces away, Meghan thanked the man as she opened the door the feeling of shame and embarrassment were quickly forgotten as the smell of food filled her nostrils, she was absolutely starving, she had missed lunch due to the children, her stomach forced her into that room faster than she knew, within moments she was seething her teeth into a piece bread. She hmm'd in complete delight, as she went to bite into the bread again she heard a clock chiming, Meghan turned to find the cause of the sound alas midnight, she smiled to herself until it dawned on her, midnight she thought, I have to be up in four hours, work is at five thirty, gobsmacked she dropped the bread and ran out the room, she had to try to retrace her steps back through the labyrinth to her car. As she dashed through the house she smacked in Pierre who was on a very important phone call. Concerned with her well being he asked if she was alright, seeing her out of breath he assumed one of his staff had tried to violate her. His mouth seeded for murder, however her sigh bought him into focus for she said "I'm fine, the time! I had no idea, I have to awake in four hours, I have work." She ordered him to show her the way out, Pierre was not a man who was ever ordered to do anything, he went to correct her until he realised his client was still on the phone, ignoring her he picked up his phone and carried on his conversation as he did he was ordering a staff member to assist Meghan.

Meghan couldn't believe it this man was to be someone else, she thought he was a gentleman but the behaviour shown to her tonight was anything but. Meghan stood up composing herself and went to walk away, he showed no care towards her at all. As she walked away a staff member asked Meghan how he could assist her, she sighed and asked to be taken to her car as she had to leave. Meghan was lead to her car, she felt lost, all these negative feelings were coming up into her heart. This was not the man for her, she told herself. Meghan realised she probably needed sleep before she made any rational decisions.

Pierre watched as Meghan left in haste, he thought about what had lead up to this humiliating series of events, he just had to leave the room earlier, because he looked at his girlfriend through lustful eyes, he wanted to know why she couldn't see that. Pierre began to feel guilty for walking out on her, but if he didn't he would have forced her down, but that's not the way this needed to go, she needed him to stay with her, his revenge wouldn't be sweet if she left him, or if the Island of Driddon ever knew what had happened there would be war on his hands, the mess just wouldn't have been worth it. Once Pierre had cooled down and was able to restrain himself, he went into see her, but she had gone, he didn't realise that he had been gone for so long, he went to inquire about dinner and Meghan when his phone began to ring. It was work, as a big man of a large interior designer company surely his workers could have dealt with it! But here he was still making amends for the damage of the day.

Earlier that day he had been working on a big contract he was about to seal the deal on a new construction when one of his fellow workers came in late, his hair was untidy, his eyes drooped with large black bags under them, his suit was wet at the back and unkept at the front. He was to be a company player but now he was tattered and torn, Pierre felt so humiliated by his appearance, he had hoped that his work would outshine him, quickly his hopes were dashed, he pulled out his tattered and ripped briefcase, completely horrified for the work inside. Pierre tried to remain calm during the ordeal, 'as long as the paper work survived this would be so worth it' to Pierre's dismay the work was trashed, as if it were a child's colouring in pad. Pierre pulled Mr Cooper aside and he let Mr Cooper feel the heat, this was beyond humiliation this was a deal breaker. Dissatisfied with his fellow worker he dismissed him from the lunch, he spent the afternoon encouraging the client to not give up on his company, the paper work will be in to you by tomorrow.

That evening Mr Cooper entered Pierre's office, he explained that his children have become rowdy and uncontrollable lately, he and his wife were working towards a plan that would work. Pierre was dissatisfied with the answer, after yelling at him about is irresponsibility that he had shone to his family, he told him that he had almost cost the company billions of dollars, he warned Mr Cooper that if he couldn't watch his back his charity case would be pulled and they would have to move back into the City. Mr Cooper stood his ground and firmly told Pierre that his children were grounded, and would be doing a months wages of community work. Mr Pierre seemed suddenly satisfied, he told Mr Cooper that he would hope that their community service would cause complete discomfort for them. Before Pierre dismissed him, Mr Cooper clenched his fists and said "They're under Meghan Colesman and the Sheriff's care, believe me they're in the hands of the sternest people".

Pierre couldn't believe it his girlfriend had unknowingly put the family in their place, she earned respect in his eyes, he had been pushing for the Cooper's children to be punished for a long time, finally they got their just desserts. Pierre was over the moon, community service in downtown, he hoped they would suffer for it makes the best character building ever. It was almost time for him to head home he wanted to hold her tonight, finally the misfortunes of the Cooper family would stop humiliating him and his company, he had much to be thankful for but Pierre couldn't see it, he was not a gracious man, things happened the way they were meant to, Pierre was constantly battling himself from behaving the way he wanted to, but for now he had to be the Pierre she saw he was and not the Pierre he was born to be, the life he was pursuing couldn't be altered with feeling, but the Pierre she needed was a man with the biggest heart especially when it concerned her. Pierre needed Meghan under his control, he would not rest until that conquest was fulfilled. However gaining control over Meghan was not like anything he had ever come across, he was not familiar with the women from Driddon, they were not filled with fear or desperate for love like the women he had known or had ever controlled. Meghan was a woman who was lacking nothing, this made her a target impossible to control, but he would find away to cause a lacking that will cause her to look to him to fill the gap she had lost.

Over the course of the evening it became clearer to Pierre that she had strength he'd not seen within a woman, a defiance that was strong, she had to be broken first for no woman had ever treated him this way, here he was waiting for her to want him, to need him like he does her. The more she pulled away the more he felt like his day was a complete failure, what added to that failure was the phone call he received as he had her in his house. He didn't play the host very well, he was supposed to be winning her over to his side, but he noticed the discontented look she gave him before she left. He had to win her, this was the only way. Frustrated with her he walked into his study when again his phone rang, it was his client for the fourth time today.

Earlier that day, Pierre had his assistants file the paper work for the deal of Hosnia, which was the largest film industry in the world, and their base was in Ludso, not only was Hosnia a large company but they had a partnership in the fashion industry. Pierre's eyes were greedy for more power and wanted his company to outstretch through Ludso he wanted his company Cedenaire Corporation to be more than just interior design, he had much bigger plans, this involved winning Hosnia, only then could he rest knowing his reign over Ludso was deep, he would control the media, control what people would wear, control who would be seen a star, he would control the future of Ludso. For now his company controlled how the houses would be dressed, but he wanted more than just interior design. Pierre had heard that Hosnia was going under, the most influential company, it was his fault, he loved the feeling of success, and soon he would own the company he sought after, and no one would ever know what he had done. For now he had play their game to keep them happy, all he had to do was play along as they entered his trap. Which meant hours long conversations on the phone all day long, to clean up a mess which doesn't really exist.

Pierre had been on the phone for so long, he had assumed Meghan had gone home. He was shocked to have walked into her, his mind was in two places, his client and her. His anger boiled, for how dare she growl at him, he had no idea she was even there, he felt his heart harden towards her as she commanded him around like he were a servant, this was the behaviour he disliked from everyone, and it would change. However for now, he wasn't quite ready for her to know the truth about him, so he would remain as Pierre until he was sure she would be controlled by him, for she had the means to ruin, he must play his cards in the right way, Pierre's eyes narrowed as he watched her run from him "soon I will catch you my bunny" Pierre mumbled into the phone, his client wasn't sure what he had said, Pierre muttered "nothing."