
Chapter 2 Transmigration

As the first light of dawn began to filter into the room, a teen slumbered soundly on his bed, completely unaware of the world around him.

Suddenly, the shrill sound of an alarm pierced the air, shattering the stillness of the morning and rousing him from his peaceful slumber. With a groan, he reached out to his phone and tapped the stop button, cutting off the piercing noise.

Drowsily, he made his way to the shower, his mind still hazy with the remnants of sleep. As the water cascaded over him, he began to come awake, his thoughts slowly coalescing into coherent patterns.

After finishing his ablutions, he turned his attention to breakfast, setting the rice cooker to work and popping open a can of sardines, which would serve as his meal for the day.

With his hunger satiated and his hair slicked back with a liberal dose of gel, the young man wore his school uniform and prepared to set out for another day of learning.

His name was Jeff, and though he had died in his former world, he had somehow been transmigrated into his body in another multiverse, where he would continue to pursue his dreams and ambitions.

Despite the apparent similarities in his new life, it slowly began to dawn on Jeff that things were not as they seemed. Though he had the same name, family, friends, and school, something fundamental had changed.

His beloved anime, One Piece, was nowhere to be found, and his favorite music and Hanime, Boku no Pico, were conspicuously absent as well. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but Jeff slowly began to accept the reality that he was truly dead.

As he got dressed in his school uniform, Jeff took a moment to reflect on his current living situation. He was renting a room in a boarding house owned by his mother's friend, a kind woman who had reduced the rent to a mere 500 pesos per month due to their close relationship.

Though it was a far cry from the comfortable life he had enjoyed in his former world, Jeff was grateful for the opportunity to start anew and make the most of his second chance at life.

As Jeff made his way out of the boarding house, he encountered his aunt Rose in the midst of her morning routine. With a warm smile, Jeff greeted her.

"Good morning, Aunt Rose."

Rose turned her gaze towards Jeff and reciprocated the greeting.

"Good morning to you too, Jeff. You better hurry along now or you'll be late for school." The urgency in her voice was clear as she reminded him that it was already past 7 and time was of the essence.

Without hesitation, Jeff bid his aunt farewell and set off on his journey to school. Upon reaching the school's stadium, Jeff saw several students gathered around, chatting and playing games.

After a quick scan of the area, he climbed up the stairs to the second floor. His classroom was the second room to the right of the stairwell, making it easy for him to find.

As I entered the classroom, a sense of relief washed over me as I noticed that our teacher was not here yet. My classmates seemed to be indulged in their phones, seemingly uninterested in anything else. I made my way to my seat at the 11-st classroom, passing by my fellow classmates who were either scrolling through social media or chatting with each other.

Finally, I reached my seat next to my best friend, Mark Belgira. Mark had short black hair, an average nose, and slightly dark skin due to his family's farming background.

Despite this, he was always cheerful and approachable."Jeff, have you finished the assignment?" Mark asked me, while simultaneously playing his favorite game, Mobile Legends.

"I haven't started it yet. Wait, there's an assignment?" I was caught off guard and looked at Mark, trying to recall if our teacher mentioned it before. Suddenly, it hit me.

"Ahhh, now I remember," I exclaimed, feeling a sense of enlightenment.

"My, my, Jeff, have you been wandering around aimlessly again?" my girl classmate teased with a laugh.

Jeff was left speechless by her words, but he didn't dwell on it too much as it was sometimes his usual approach with his classmates who didn't do their homework or didn't study for an oral exam.

"I did not wander outside, I'm a very dedicated person, in my studies" I spoke in a serious tone, showing no hint of lies.

"Yeah, right," she replied sarcastically. I sat down on my seat, which was three seats away from the blackboard.

I watched mark my friend play Mobile Legends, and the hero he was using was Tigreal, his main hero.

My friend was playing Mobile Legends and was in his base with his team protecting it from the enemy Lord. They were on the verge of being defeated when a miraculous thing happened - he clicked on "conceal" and became invisible.

He then moved the joystick towards his enemies and activated his ultimate skill. After that, he clicked on "flicker" but the unexpectable happened he didn't catch any enemies. I was amazed by his skills. However, shortly after he used his ultimate, he was hooked by Franco's first skill and was stunned by his ultimate. The enemy team then attacked him and he died.

"Wow, you really are the god of Tigreal," I exclaimed in an admiring tone. However, when I looked at his score, I saw that he had a disappointing record of 1/19/3.

Looking at the scoreboard, it was evident that their team had a score of 8/46, with the enemy team clearly dominating.

"Wow, best tank ever! You have an assist of 3," I continued with a hint of sarcasm in my voice, but with a delightful expression, as I patted his back.

Mark rolled his eyes and grinned, knowing I was teasing him.

"Shut up man, at least I'm not the one who forgot about the assignment," he retorted.

"Hey, my friend, I suggest you play Candy Crush instead of Mobile Legends. You're good at tapping," I suggested to my friend with a serious look.

"Just shut up, Jeff," Mark retorted again, feeling irritated by my jokes.

As we chatted, our classmates started to trickle in, and soon the room was abuzz with chatter and laughter. It was just another typical day in our small school.

Just as I was about to continue, the teacher finally arrived and the class began. The subjects repeated over and over: English, Filipino, Science, Statistics, Basic Calculus, and Reading and Writing.

I've been wondering for a long time why Basic Calculus is called "basic" when it's so damn hard. Did the creator of this subject get hit by a donkey while making it and come up with this name?

Finally school ends and now we can go home, mark and I pick our bag to go home. Mark house was a little far away because they live in the mountains. After we are in the two way road we finally bade our good bye then I directly went home.

Rose was not here, so I just went in my room to watch tik tok in my phone. I took off my uniform and hanged it in the wall, then I jumped in my bed and picked up my tablet. Watching tiktok when the time reached 6:00 pm when I was about to cooked my rice A ding sound was heard.