
Lucky Damon

He Is Damon a devil in the flesh .

Debby_Sabitue · Kỳ huyễn
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58 Chs

Smoky Shadow.

After the incident at Lucky's company, he headed home, leaving Dylan to manage and clean up the mess Ziyad had created.


In the middle of the night, Abigail and Lucky were fast asleep when suddenly, the temperature in the room plummeted. The sudden chill disrupted Abigail's sleep, causing her to struggle for breath, each inhalation labored and almost as if the air was being snatched away from her.

What could be the cause of this?

A shadowy, smoky figure loomed over Abigail, its oppressive presence making her cough violently. Abigail didn't fully grasp what was happening, but she knew that if this continued, she might not survive. She was paralyzed, unable to move or even open her eyes, as if an invisible force was holding her down.

"Lucky... Lucky, where is he? What's happening? Someone, please stop this..." Abigail's thoughts raced in a desperate plea. The oppressive force was too strong, rendering her unable to summon her powers to combat it. She felt utterly helpless, the weight of the shadow pressing down on her, suffocating her will to fight back.

Lucky sensed a drastic change in the air of the room.

Opening his eyes, he looked beside him to check on Abigail, and what he saw shocked him.

"Ziyad, what the hell are you doing? I won't spare you this time—you've crossed all limits," Lucky spat, fury evident in his voice. He tried to stand up, but found himself immobilized.

Holy Shit

"Ziyad, what the hell have you done to me? Free me now!" Lucky commanded, his voice laced with desperation and anger.

Ziyad responded with a mocking laugh. "Hahaha, you think I am a fool? You think I wouldn't cast a spell on you before doing this? You're silly. Today is going to be the last day of this stupid rat on earth." His laughter echoed ominously as he continued his dark ritual, infusing Abigail's brain and cells with a malevolent energy. The dark spirit he invoked began to disrupt her cellular functions and target her spiritual core, aiming to destroy her from within.

"ZIYAD, stop this! Do you want to die? If anything happens to her, I will kill you. ZIYAD, STOP!" Lucky yelled, his voice a mix of fury and desperation as he watched Abigail gasping for air.

Abigail, on the other hand, could faintly hear Lucky calling out someone's name, his screams echoing in the background of her fading consciousness. It felt as if she was being pulled into a dark void, the sensation of falling making his voice grow fainter with each passing second.

"I can't die like this," she thought, her will to live surging through her. "I don't want to die. I must not die."

Desperation and determination coursed through her, fighting against the dark force trying to snuff out her life.

"This can't be happening to me. No, it can't. Someone must do something. I'm not going to die. I'm not going to d... di..... die." As Abigail whispered these final words, her breath ceased, and silence enveloped the room.

Lucky lay frozen, shock paralyzing him as he realized she wasn't breathing anymore. The horror of the moment struck him like a thunderbolt, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Hahaha, she's gone. Finally," Ziyad's voice echoed with malevolent joy as he looked down at Abigail. "Aren't you happy?" he taunted, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Lucky's rage boiled over, his entire being consumed by an uncontrollable fury. His skin flushed red, his eyes burning with a fiery intensity as he locked his gaze on Ziyad, who had pushed him beyond the brink of his patience.

"ZIYAD, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Lucky roared between gritted teeth, his body trembling with unrestrained fury.

"I just took her life. Can't you see?" Ziyad replied nonchalantly, straightening up with a smug look.

"For now, goodbye. My job is done," he said, attempting to disappear into thin air. But as he tried to leave, he felt his body stiffen, unable to move a muscle.

"What have you done? Let me go!" he demanded, panic flickering in his eyes. But all he received was a death glare from Lucky.

"I will make sure I bury you today," Lucky replied with deadly calm.


BOOM! The room exploded in a flash of energy, the force of Lucky's unleashed power sending shockwaves through the air, a testament to the depth of his wrath.