
Lucky Damon

He Is Damon a devil in the flesh .

Debby_Sabitue · Kỳ huyễn
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58 Chs


"Who's this, please?" he asked, his tone tinged with suspicion, and the response was met with another eerie laughter.

"Mr. Lucky Dymon. How have you been?" Zara's malicious voice asked, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she winked at Abigail.

"Who the hell are you?" he demanded, his voice laced with frustration.

"Calm down, baby boy, there's no need to rush things. I called to discuss some business with you," she calmly replied, her tone dripping with sinister intent.

"Get straight to the point and stop beating around the bush. What do you want?" he demanded, his voice tinged with annoyance.

"Ohhh, how sharp of you to cut to the chase. But how can you be so sure I want something?" she teased, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Woman, don't waste my precious time, please. I have a lot of things to do," he retorted impatiently.

"Ah, you're quite the sharp-tongued one, aren't you? Alright then, I'll spare you the suspense. I'll get straight to the point of what I want," she replied, her tone taking on a more serious note.

"Better," Lucky grunted, his voice filled with concern and anger.

"If you want your lovely wife back, come to Black Dragon to get her," Zara declared sharply, punctuating her statement with her eerie laughter.

"No, Lucky, don't come! It's a trap!" Abigail's urgent voice rang out over the phone, causing Lucky to freeze in shock.

"Abi, ABI! What the hell did you do to my wife? Leave her out of this. I promise you, if you lay a single finger on her, I will rip out your tongue!" Lucky's threat reverberated through the phone.

"How about I do that to her?" Zara sneered, yanking Abigail's hair forcefully, eliciting a pained cry from her.

"Abigail! Don't you dare touch my wife. Don't test my patience, you this woman!" Lucky's warning was filled with raw emotion and fury.

"Lucky, lucky, don't come here. I can deal with this myself. They're going to kill you if you come. Don't come, Luck—" Abigail's desperate plea was cut short as Zara abruptly ended the call.

"Oh my gosh, this will be so much fun," Zara remarked with a sinister smile, her eyes gleaming as she stared at the ringing phone in her hand.

"Don't drag him into this matter. Let's settle this between us. Let him be," Abigail pleaded, her voice tinged with worry.

"That's not possible, dear. We haven't gotten what we need, so we can't let him go. And let me tell you something, if you guys try to do anything stupid, you should be ready to say goodbye to this world," Zara warned with a chilling finality, striding out of the cell with an air of superiority.

"You bitch, get back here! Release me now!" Abigail shouted angrily, but Zara and her men had already vanished into the darkness.

Attempting to summon her powers, Abigail found herself thwarted at every turn. Her abilities were confined, drained away by some unseen force. Frustration boiled within her as she struggled against the unyielding chains that bound her.

"What the fuck is this? I need to get the hell out of here," she muttered, pulling at the chains with all her might. Each movement only resulted in a loud clacking sound, echoing through the empty cell.

"Argh... This is so frustrating," she groaned, feeling the chill of her wet clothes and hair seeping into her bones. Without her powers, she couldn't even warm herself up.

"Fuck... Things mustn't go this way," she muttered to herself.


Ziyad strode along the dark forest path, clad in imposing war attire. His black obsidian war suit hugged his form, and his hair was neatly gathered up.

Secured at his back, his swords awaited their moment, nestled within their scabbards. With each step, he exuded an air of command and determination.

As he prepared to teleport to his destination, a sudden surge of energy halted his movements. He attempted again, but the invisible force resisted his efforts.

"Ziyad," a gentle voice called his name from behind. Without needing to glance back, he recognized the speaker.

"Ziyad, please don't go. It's too dangerous," Zhian's voice echoed gently through the path, causing Ziyad to furrow his brow.

"What did I warn you about? I told you not to show me your face," Ziyad growled softly, his hand instinctively resting on the obsidian dragon carved into the hilt of his sword, ready for action.

"Ziyad, I know you're angry, but hear me out. You need to calm down. Things aren't as they seem. I didn't betray or lie to you. I kept things from you because I didn't want to lose you. Please, baby, try to understand. You know how dangerous those in the Black Dragon can be. Let me explain, please," Zhian pleaded, stepping closer to Ziyad.

"You don't want to lose me? You really don't want to lose me? Stop with all these cheap lies of yours, I've had enough. Did you know my brother may lose his life all because of your so-called concern? Even though he doesn't believe a single word I'm saying, I will still help him because I know deep down in his heart that he loves me. So you're actually a nobody to stop me from going, and if anyone tries to do that, they should be willing to pay with their blood. Be it you or anyone else, they're gonna pay with their blood!," Ziyad stated firmly, retracting his hand from the hilt and beginning to walk away.

"Ziyad, wait, listen to me," Zhian gently shouted, placing his hand on Ziyad's shoulder, only to receive a hard punch to his cheek, causing him to stagger back.

"Don't ever use that filthy hand of yours to touch me. YOU DISGUST ME!" Ziyad yelled, his anger palpable.

"Don't test my patience, Zhian. I don't want you to be the first one I will kill," Ziyad warned, grabbing Zhian by his collar with a fierce grip.

" If you try to stop me or retain my powers again I won't spare you" he spat pushing him away.

Turning his back to him, he walked six steps away and try to teleport but he couldn't, he tried again and he still couldn't.

Groaning in frustration he rush to Zhian and gave him another hard punch, with another and another until his nose starts bleeding

" Don't think because you're the only one who could retain my powers of teleporting means you can do as you like. I'm warning you zihan, MIND YOUR BUSINESS" he yelled pushing Zhian to the floor but he only smiled at him.

Walking away, Ziyad was about to teleport again when he heard Zhian call his name and say, "Ziyad, forgive me in advance." Before he could react, he was hit with a swirl of forceful powers, causing him to lose consciousness. Just as he began to fall, Zhian teleported to his side and caught him.

"I'm sorry, Ziyad, but I can't let you risk your life. This war is for your brother and not you. I can't risk losing you in the name of trying to help him. I will make sure to keep you safe from any kind of harm. You will only be with me, I never intended to hurt you, I love you so much ziyad" Zhian whispered in his ear before teleporting both of them to an unknown place.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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