
Luck comes finding me

Everything is organised by our fate and we get what we deserve

Umaya_maya · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs

Second inning

I ran downstairs shouting I'm starving and I asked my parents ''did you'all make my noodle'' they panicked and said'' oh darling we forgot because of these work'' I asked ''so what are we eating'' they said ''no idea honey'' I said ''okay'' and went to the dinning room and they shouted 'SUPRISE' there was pizza, coke, fries and my favourite lava cake I said ''thank you mommy daddy. I ate and ate after I ate I couldn't walk properly because I ate too much.

Next day Andrew came to vist me we talked about some nonsense and I asked ''are you hungry'' he said ''hmm a bit'' I grabbed his arm and ran to our dinning room he asked ''why are we hear'' I showed him pizza, coke we ate and I gave him the last lava cake he asked ''do I want'' I said ''no, I ate'' he pulled my chair closer to his chair and asked my to sit. I sat he said ''open your mouth'' I asked ''why'' he said ''open!!!'' O opened and he fed me with the spoon of lava cake I smiled shyly and ate at that movement my heart was dancing.

Me and Andrew became so close lately we did everything together. One day when we were in that park, we fought over something and I angrily tured and went to go but he pulled me near him and gave me a kissed my lips I also gave him. After that I was shy so I smiled and ran to my home he followed me my parents went to visit my sick grandmother so no one was home after entering my house Andrew pulled me and pushed me to the wall I stared at his glowing eyes and he said me ''I felled in love with you at first sight and do you wanna be ma gf'' I nodded and smiled it was so lovely we talked about how we felt love with each other and he went home at 8.00p.m my parents came home at 8.30 I thought that we was so lucky that our parents wasn't there.

I felled in love with him at firat but I didn't think a handsome, popular boy will like a girl like me but I was wrong I was so lucky.

We dated secretly for 2 months and my parents called me downstairs I went and my parents said ''we need to talk'' I gasped and my whole body went cold I sat and softly asked ''what happened mom dad'' and they asked ''are you two dating Andrew and you'' see I haven't lied my parents so I nodded and then they gave a sweet hug and they said they new it all I was in an utter shock. I panicked and said ''oh I almost forgot to tell you'all Andrew was listening all this time forgot to hang up he was so excited as me we was so happy and the next day morning Andrew's parents had said the same thing. My parents and Andrew's parents knew we loved each other and we are dating and they liked us, we was in air floating with joy.