
Luck comes finding me

Everything is organised by our fate and we get what we deserve

Umaya_maya · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


We got the news that schools are gonna start next week so Jeremy and Leo came. Me and Andrew decided not to tell anyone about our relationship for sometime, we thought of telling them when the time comes. By the way Hafsa became much closer to me, she told me all the thinks Zoya was planning, to hurt me I asked Hafsa whether she is betraying her so called friends. Hafsa said that she did not like bullying people but she had to do because if she didn't do that, same thing will happen to her and now she thought of joining me so she can be a good person again. I asked ''if Zoya and her friends bullied you what will you do?'' she said ''I understood, we should have a good personality then no one can do anything'' I smiled. We became bestfriends like in no time.