
Luck comes finding me

Everything is organised by our fate and we get what we deserve

Umaya_maya · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Bad or Good

Today with joy, excitement with everything I was going to go school and the news reporter said from now onwards our country is unser lockdown because of this pandemic situation I was devastated. What can I do??? nothing so I went and changed my clothes. It was lockdown but my brother went to play wiyh his friends I was scrolling down in Instagram when Andrew texted and ask me for my whatsapp phone number at first I was excited but if I give it to him straight away as he asked he'd think I was waiting till he ask so I texted ''for what??'' he replied ''just to text'' I texted ''you can text me in Insta right???'' he replied ''with annoyed emoji'' I gave him my number and after two days someone texted ''Hi, what's up?, Boring and What are you doing??'' I replied ''who are you??'' He didn't text for that he texted me something and I blocked him and Andrew texted ''unblock me, it's me'' I replied ''you texted me from whatsapp??'' he replied ''yaaaaa and with embarrassed emoji'' I unblocked him and asked whether he is insane. We texted for a long time I even didn't know that it has been almost 2 and a half hours, he texted ''when I'm with you, I feel something strange'' I replied ''maybe because I'm a girl'' he texted ''I have texted lots of girls but this strange feeling comes when I'm with you'' I replied ''now I m not with you'' he texted ''but your texting me'' I replied ''okay then I want text you anymore, bye'' he texted ''I didn't mean it sorryyy'' with some other 10 texts I don't know why he is like this with me.

I wanted to go out especially to see my guy friends, I got a call from Andrew and two unknown number I thought those were Jeremy's and Leo's so I answered they said we are down I said ''what'' and I went and saw all three were standing they said shall we go and roam I said sure (at that time I thought I lucky because just now I thought about this). I had a great time with them by the way Jeremy and Leo's parents had decided to go to their hometown until pandamic finish. Our parents decided to leave to Australia but me and my brother refuse so they decided not to go I was happy and I went to say Andrew my parents changed their decision but I wanted to prank him so I made my face and said you are gonna be alone we are going something unexpected happened he asked ''how can I be without you'' I asked with confusion ''uggghhh.... whha.... what did you say??'' he went to type something and he erased it and went offline. Andrew didn't come online for whole 2 days, I was a bit upset I wanted to know how he is but I was feeling embarrassed so I asked Jeremy and Leo to check with him and inform me, they both asked me why can't I ask I said ''I'm feeling shy'' they said ''fine we will check''.

I texted him at night even tho he is offline. Jeremy and Leo said he didn't answer their calls, I couldn't wait so next day early in the morning I went to his house Andrew's mother was there she said ''good morning dear, how are you???'' I said ''good morning aunt, I'm fine thank you'' she showed me the way to Andrew's room she thought this is my first time here that means Andrew haven't say his parents that I had come here I said ''thank you aunty'' she left me there but Andrew wasn't there so I looked at his photos, he said ''umaya'' I turned and saw him and started screaming he pushed me to the wall and closed my mouth before his parents come but luckily there parents had gone to my house. We stared at each others eyes I don't know how to say that feeling, however, I can say that it was a sweet moment but I pushed him away he went, changed and came. I asked why was he offline all these days he said ''he was pity'' I asked ''what??? because of whom'' he turned other side I knew he was upset because of that days thing but I acted like I couldn't remember anything and he said ''I wonder who messaged me all these days'' I said ''I should go'' because I know I had text him the most and it was embarrassing to stay there while he is looking he said ''no nooo you aren't going anywhere'' I said ''my mother said to come soon'' he said ''everyone says that when they want to leave'' I looked at his photos pretending I didn't here him but inside me was shaking. Andrew started reading my texts first he asked ''why was I so worried about him'' I said ''cause your my friend'' he asked ''you sent me about 500 texts because I'm your friend???'' I said ''not friend because your my bestfriend he said ''hmmmmmmm okay'' I asked ''shall we go out'' he said ''hmm I'' I knew he was going to say can't so I pulled him out he came with me. There was a park like it's a kind of a park because only children go play there, there is a quite big lake so we went there sat in the ground looking at the beautiful scenery and we put some songs in my phone he new all of them we laughed took photos actually for a moment I felt like we are dating.(Am I so dumb??? <3)

He came to my house, even his parents were there, our family and Andrew's family is becoming so close I really appreciate that. Andrew came to my room with me cause our parents are embarrassing us, I went to the washroom when I come Andrew was laughing at a picture of mine it was in his hand means I'm done (when I was small I had taken that photo it was so ugly and ....) I asked ''where did you find it from'' he said ''it felled from a book'' that was the exact place where I kept that so I said ''give it!!'' he said ''can't'' he was sitting in my bed so I thought it would be easy to take that stupid picture of mine so I started pulling his hand he was doing the same thing and I felt into his body we was so close there was only 1 to 2 centimetres of gap I got up ASAP when my parents knock on my door and he left I almost forgot that he took my photo. I called him and asked ''why did you take my photo your home he laughed and said ''listen to me'' I angrily asked ''what now'' he asked me ''you trust me??'' I asked ''what?????'' he asked ''do you trust me?'' I said ''hhhuuugggg...yyy... yeah'' he said ''then follow my steps go down and check your couch'' I did it, my photo was there so I said ''sorry'' he asked ''for what'' I said ''for scolding you'' he smiled and I said ''thank you, bye, see you, and goodnight'' he said me the same thing.