
Lucius the one and only

A man with aspirations that had to be dashed away in his world.Being thrown into another can he achieve them this time around? "Well you should actually see what i do instead of spectating here then come on you plebeian" --Lucius

Gaeul_Geun · Khác
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1 Chs

Chapter 001

I am a man with a plan, well I was until I was not. Well, the point is I have lived my life trying to be the best I could be, but a bit too late if I say. I had finally started to live when there was not much living left may I say.

Well, the main point is I had died very unfortunately so too, how you may ask? Ah yes, I had erm unfortunately died heroically trying to save someone, no just kidding I had a heart attack due to being stuck in a elevator. That would not have been such an issue if not for the fact that I had claustrophobia, along with the fact I was there for hours with no way of contact.

I have no knowledge if that is how long that passed, but I did pass on yes I did. Well now where was I yes where do we go from here well we shall see yes where these doors do lead.

The doors were labelled as such, The land of rich playboys and super soldiers. Another had the words written a land of vast capturable critters. Last but not least a world of magic and danger.

Here's a hint for you who are not as intelligent as I, yes the worlds seem to be Marvel whose variation is unknown, pokemon or something along the lines and lastly some magic world of sorts. Now what is it I desire hmm well the best would be a world full of magic with the mystery of the unknown.

I know why would I do such a thing well, where's the fun if I know what lay ahead even so too much? Turning the handle I walked through only to be endowed with an influx of memories flowing into my mind allowing me to have an understanding of the world before me.

The world yes one familiar to many of you, the world of the boy who lived. Yes, it is that world called Harry Potter. Ah, wonderful a world full of blood supremacists and dark wizards. Well, I do love magic so this is a challenge I would love to partake in I regardless of the risk.

My status in the world to your information is as follows based on these memories. I am to start my education during the same time the famous Harry Potter is to. Along with my literal status being of mystery as I do not know it but it must be grand as I do. Last but not least I have a home awaiting me by Severus Snape yes as I was found by the only grumpy potions master on his doorstop one fateful night.

Based on my memories the guy himself is not bad, not as great as I of course but good enough. Along with the fact he has taught me accordingly over the years I am over prepared for the coming years to an extent. Mind you not powerful but competent there is a difference. I have the means to ends but to an extent.

Well, now why am I here, we'll have time to go shopping. Yes by myself as Father Snape did not want to accompany me, this is but a shame I must say. Well, no more of those stupid spectators I must continue with my grandeur.

Lucius shooing you walks down diagonal alley towards Gringots, the building was tall and stood there with a historical presence. Lucius entered walking down the hall of the bank towards the main goblin himself. Lucius spoke "I Lucius am here for a blood inheritance test to see if my blood is as grand as me" Pausing tensed his face "Actually let me rephrase I have come to revive the greatness which holds to some levels compared to me".

The goblin ahead scowled saying "Follow him he shall take you to a room for the procedures" pointing to a goblin, turning to face Lucius again "Remember there is a fee to be paid as we can not have anyone taking a test every day".Lucius looked the goblin banker straight in the eyes "You think so low of me? Well no one can truly comprehend my greatness but of course, I shall pay".Walking towards the goblin who was waiting for him Lucius left following the goblin into a room. Opening the door the goblin asked Lucius to take a seat as he retrieved a device for the blood test.

The procedure was simple to place a blood drop into a small pool stone basin. The words on the water would represent one's heritage, the words on the surface of the water shone shocking the goblin. Lucius on the other hand chuckled stating "An obvious outcome".The words written were there clear as day Slytherin.

Paying the fee to the goblin and being escorted to his family vault after all procedures were taken care of. Lucius headed into his family vault to see what awaited him. Inside lay an egg a ring and a very large amount of gold, well the word large would be an understatement immeasurable would be better. Lucius walked up took hold of the ring and donned it onto his finger grabbed the egg and turned his head towards the goblin "Do you sell storage pouches?" The goblin who escorted him replied "Well of course but they cost quite a lot" pausing and looking at the money with a money-hungry grin continuing."Well Lord Slytherin should have enough for any pouch of his choosing" Lucius spoke "A black pouch that may be out next to a wand holster is optimal and yes in black of course".

Walking out he spoke, "Deduct it from the vault and fetch it for me and we shall head out".Putting the egg away Lucius walked out gringots while glancing at his ring pondering on its capabilities.

Well, guys like I said I am the best am I not?Lord Slytherin, what a surprise no? Of course not, we'll have time to see what kind of invaders and Nivea for wizards are up to at Hogwarts. Well, Hogwarts is also better known for many things, Azkaban Two, let your snake out day among other things.


Finishing the rest of the shopping as not much was needed due to his dad doing most of it beforehand he went towards Olivanders. A wand shop of years of history dating back decades, walking in Lucius snapped his neck towards one direction. A wand box shot out flying towards Lucius's hand, slowing to gently land firmly on his hand. Olviander walked out from somewhere," What a peculiar sight this is yes, a strong connection and one never seen and such a unique wand at that".

Inquiring Lucius asked respecting Olviander before him for crafting such pieces of art "What is the combination of this wand may I ask?".Olviander spoke slowly replying "The core is of solidified unicorn blood procured in means unknown and the wood of the fabled world tree Yggdrasil".In his hands lay a wand shaped like a bony finger with the wood of a metallic sheen of grey on white.


New to writing so any criticism helps

I am doing this for fun mind you hope you enjoyed
