
No Matter What

Word Count: 768

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x reader

Warnings: !!! If you have not seen season 4 of Lucifer or have not seen much then do not read this, although there are few, there are still spoliers!

A/N: Feel free to drop me a request, and enjoy the story!

Summary: Even the Devil needs a shoulder to lean on every now and then. You’ve told him you would always be there for him, but he out right refuses to believe that.



You cautiously stepped out of the elevator, eyes darting around the trashed penthouse. He hadn’t been answering your calls or your texts. No one had heard from him for days. All you knew was what Chloe, your sister, had told you. What she told, had made you all the more worried about him. After you had finished making sure she was okay, you had rushed to Lux.

“You didn’t run off to Vegas again did you?” You called out.

Something crunched under your feet, and you looked down. Broken bottles lay scattered across the floor. You stepped over broken glass as you slowly approached Lucifer. He didn’t turn to look at you, didn’t even acknowledge you.

“It’s just me, Y/N.”

When you still received no response you sighed. You moved around the penthouse, putting what you could back into place and cleaning up the shards of glass littering the floor. You made your way over to Lucifer who was still to deep in his thoughts to have noticed you.

“Hey Luci, how are you doing?”

He turned to look at you surprised, as if he hadn’t realized you were there. That only worried you more, and he forced a smile, that you didn’t believe for a second was real.

“Y/N! Hello darling, what are you doing here?”

You decided it was best not to beat around the bush so, you got right to the point.

“Chloe told me what happened.”

His smile dropped instantly, and he downed the rest of his drink. His shoulders dropped.

He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

You couldn’t help but smile slightly and grabbed the cup from his hand. He let out a noise of protest but silenced himself whenever you poured him more whiskey.

“She told you how I’m a monster then? Or maybe she left that little detail out? Tell me, my dear, have you come to see the freak show?”

You shook your head, and your voice was firm and unwavering with your next words.

“You’re not a monster.”

He scoffed, giving you a quick glance. He couldn’t seem to meet your eyes.

“You didn’t see her expression, the fear, the .”

Your heart broke, and you sat down beside him.

“Lucifer you are not a monster, nothing has changed, you’re still the same Lucifer, you’re still you.”

He stood up so fast that you had to sit back, so he didn’t bump into you. That seemed to be the wrong thing to say because now he looked pissed.

“The same me!? Does this look like me to you!?”

Your eyes widen comically wide as his skin turned red and deformed, his wings were not the same beautiful white ones you remembered. They were now like something from a horror movie, large, bat like, and an angry red color. You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until your lungs started burning for air. You let out a shaky breath.

“Your sister and you share a shocking resemblance, I believe the detective had the same look as you.” Lucifer laughed a humorless laugh.

Lucifer turned away from you and you stood from your place on the couch. You hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out how to approach this. What could you possibly say to this? You struggled to get a grasp on what you were feeling.

Fear? No, not fear. Disgust? No, that wasn’t right.

There it was, Lucifer stood before you in a form that would make anyone lose their sanity. Had you not known him for so many years, maybe you would have felt your mind slip into insanity. However, all you felt was shock. You squared your shoulders and walked over to him. You grabbed his face in your hands, turning his head, so he would look at you.

“This look isn’t fear Lucifer, it’s shock, I’ve never seen this side of you.”

He tried to turn his head away but you stepped into his line of sight.

“But it doesn’t change my opinion of you. I’m not afraid of you Lucifer Morningstar. You can’t scare me away that easily.”

He stared at you for a moment, regarding you with an expression that was hard to make out. He slowly turned back into his usual form, and you smiled. His hair was slightly messy, his eyes had bags under them, and he looked at you with such vulnerability it made your reslove in your next words that much stronger.

“I’m with you no matter what Lucifer, heaven or hell, and I mean that literally. I will  be here for you.”