
Chapter 1: Learning to Meditate

Stretching his back, and uncurling from a fur that was wrapped around him, Luciel looked around in the cave he had spent last night in. He knew that this wasn't going to be great for his further body development if he was to sleep on the stone floor that was provided to him, even with the seven stacks of fur piled together. The lumps made him nearly cry as he felt like an old man already while still a baby.

The tears in his eyes slowly faded though noticing that he was alone, the act of making a fuss was really lackluster if no one was there to see it. Looking at the damp, cold cave with a little interest the baby found marks that scared him. All along the walls of the cave he could see finger marks, leading him to believe that red haired dwarf had carved out this cave with his bare hands.

The baby sat down on the ground shivering, he needed to get stronger than he was right now to survive just being this brute's pseudo child. With fear for his life, the baby called out to the AI in his mind making a few notes.

"Filth mark down meditation, martial arts, and information as the three main priorities for survival at this moment."

A blue screen popped up in front of his face making him startled as a series of words started forming. Green text in the main language of the world was spirling then being translated for him, Luciel wasn't sure if this was the work of the AI or not but he had never seen this before.

Mission Created:

Learn three skills: Meditation, risk assessment, and a form of body tempering technique.

Quest Rank: H

Time Limit: None

'That wasn't me.' Filth spoke in Luciel's head, confirming his suspicions and he nodded, watching the screen go away.

Since he had a place to start Luciel sat in a comfortable position, breathing in heavily and filling his lungs as he tried to focus on his inner mana. It was almost instantaneous mainly because it was something that didn't exist inside him to begin with. Imagine waking up with a third arm sticking out of your body, you'd notice immediately no matter where it was placed. He was a bit shocked still at the ease of it, the only reason he had such an easy time though was because his body absorbed a ridiculous amount of mana already.

He focused on the swirling energy inside of him, making sure to gulp down large mouthfuls of air, this was the easiest way to pull mana into your body, and tried to compress the gaseous energy. This was what the wizard called creating a core, which would work like a magnet, and battery pulling in mana from the surroundings and absorbing them. Thinking before continuing he thought of something, "Filth, this reminds me of breathing techniques from martial arts, find a suitable one to help with meditation."

'Basic Qi Breathing Technique instructions loaded, begin stretches to make sure of optimum efficiency!' The baby rolled around a bit doing some of the stretches his body could actually do with his stubby little limbs. 'Now please enter the lotus position to begin instructions!'

Luciel looked at his legs and shook his head sounding a bit annoyed, "Filth, I can not get into the lotus position, update for my body."

'Enter the fat baby laying down position please!' The voice of Filth seemed rather joyous after insulting him, but he laid on his back like he was instructed though pictures showing up in his vision. 'Now place your fatty hands on your Dan Tien.'

The baby grumbled at the remarks of the AI, and did as instructed, then followed the instructional GIF that was playing mentioning what he needed to focus on while breathing. Focus on the point right above the navel, taking in deep breaths and holding it for a moment letting the impurities of the body flow to the top like a crucible, then exhale slowly letting the impurities go back into the world.

Rhythmic breathing slowly filled the silent cave as an almost invisible sliver of black escape Luciel's lips with each breath. A small crystal was forming right above his navel, rough and ridged at first but getting slowly ground into a spherical shape. The child didn't notice this though as he slowly entered a trance for tens of minutes, before falling into a deep sleep. He had already done much for a baby that day, especially with no food.

The red dwarf came into the cave not too long later, noticing that the baby was now laying in the middle of the room with its hands on its tummy. Fearing the worst he horridly started throwing things into a big pot, and lighting up the wood under it, "Don't tell me I've had him a day and he's already died of starvation!" The big man was nearly crying as he added healing herbs into the mixture.

The smell of medicinal herbs filled the small cave and the red dwarf added massive amounts of mana to the mixture to make the process of cooking only last minutes. The fire bloomed all around him, the skin of his turning the same red as his hair which miraculously didn't turn to ash.

Grabbing at a cup, a cold breeze came up from it letting out steam as if the cup was made out of dry ice, before he added the mixture to the cup. Sadly if anyone has cooled down something, then tried exposing it to a high heat knows already, the cup exploded making liquid fall to the ground.

Using his now bloody hand, he grabbed another cup, this time filling it before cooling off the mixture. Satisfied with the results, he hurried to the child and started feed him slowly.

The baby groggily accepted the food, slowly draining the cup of its contents. In the last gulp, the Luciel finally opened his eyes looking up at the now red giant, dripping blood everywhere.

Not too far away, a bird was giving a worm to its children, hopping around on the nest. The little ones taking chunks out of its still moving body, as their mother tweeted along happily seeing the male hard at work. She really didn't know if he was the father, but didn't have the heart to tell him.

The male bird fluffed its feathers, taking a glance at the female bird with the full intent of getting lucky tonight. It was then a cry was heard, a demonic wail of fright that could only come at the end of life and they both flew away. 'We can just make more children' both thought as they ran away.