
Lovingly In Love

"Why do you always create stories that end happily? Are you blind, hypocritical, or a woman living in a high-walled palace who can't see the suffering around you? Don't you think you've exaggerated the meaning of the word 'love'?" - Aron Henderson ***** "Do you know what your problem is? You lack patience. Be patient! Let love come to you and bring you happiness." - Juliet

violetpayne · Thành thị
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Chapter 7

Aleeza had just entered the well-kept and tidy courtyard of Shooting Star orphanage. Not many knew that Juliet, the name Aleeza used as a writer, used all the proceeds from her book saled for the needs of an orphanage that was the only one in the area.

In the past, Shooting Star orphanage had appeared very rundown with buildings that were on the verge of collapsing at any moment. Yet, it housed over three hundred children under its roof.

Shooting Star had a few donors, but the money from these donors was used for daily expenses. The caretakers of the orphanage were not paid at all. The large number of children and the scarcity of donors made the dire condition inevitable.

However, everything changed when Aleeza arirved. She helped develop the individual talents of each child and endeavored to provide supporting facilities, even if they were quite simple. For instance, she provided paint and canvases for the children who enjoyed painting, or a box of pens and thick books for those who liked writing.

Furthermore, Aleeza divided the children into small groups based on their interests and talents, then gave each group activities related to crafts that could be sold. What Aleeza did clearly made Shooting Star orphanage no longer depend on the generosity of donors. They began to support themselves.

As for the money from her book sales, Aleeza used it to build decent housing for the orphanage residents. Now, the orphanage had transformed into a beautiful, spacious house with a large garden full of flowers. They even transformed the side yard into a fruit and vegetable garden with a fish pond. Now, none of the orphanage's children went hungry.

"That's Sister Juliet!" one of the orphanage kids shouted, making the others rush to Aleeza's car.

They had learned that Aleeza's arrival meant there would be many gifts, especially food and toys. So they were very enthusiastic, especially the younger children.

Aleeza smiled as she stepped out of her car. "Wow, my beautiful and handsome little brothers and sisters. Who wants food and toys?"

The kids immediately chimed in, saying, "Me!" Some of them even jumped with joy.

"Alright, everyone will get their share. But promise not to fight."

After hearing the children make a firm promise, Aleeza walked to the trunk. Some of the older kids who were in middle and high school helped Aleeza unload the gifts and distributed them to the younger children, who lined up neatly without any instructions. This had become a cultural norm among the children at Shooting Star orphanage.

After each child received their share, the head caregiver of the orphanage, who had sent Aleeza a message inviting her to chat in his office, approached her.

The head caregiver of Shooting Star was a man in his early seventies who still appeared healthy and fit. He had dedicated his life to taking care of abandoned children since his own child and wife died in an accident.

"So, what's the emergency, Mr. Adrian?" Aleeza asked bluntly as they sat on the sofa in the head caregiver's office. "I thought the kids might be sick. But it seems they're fine."

Adrian sighed. "It's related to the land we're occupying. The landowner intends to evict the orphanage buildings to build a new factory."

"Didn't you say before that the landowner had completely given this land to be used for building the orphanage?" Aleeza asked with surprise.

"Yes, that's correct. The problem is that the one who handed over the land has passed away. The person now demanding the land back is the child of the previous landowner."

Aleeza's mind raced. "Wait, don't you have any agreement documents regarding this land?"

Adrian's expression turned grim. "That's my mistake. I didn't think ahead and neglected the agreement documents for handing over the land to build the orphanage."

Aleeza clenched her fingers together. "Didn't that person provide any alternative place?"

Adrian simply shook his head.

Aleeza started to get worked up. "Who is this person? Can't they see there are hundreds of children here? If this orphanage is evicted, where will the children go?"

"The eviction notice was written in the name of the company." Then Adrian handed a letter to Aleeza. "We've been given two weeks to vacate."

Aleeza was shocked after reading the letter. She read it multiple times to make sure there was no mistake. It turned out that this land belonged to the Henderson Group, and the eviction notice was signed directly by the CEO himself, Aron Henderson.

Aleeza was sure something was wrong here. She knew Aron to be a kind-hearted person. It was impossible for him to do something so heartless, especially considering that the Henderson Group was not a small company. Losing this land would have no significant impact.

"Have you met with the CEO in person to discuss this?" Aleeza asked afterward.

Adrian nodded. "We've tried, but the CEO refuses to meet with me. I could only talk to his assistant."

Aleeza frowned, her fear growing as she waited for the answer. "What did this assitant say?"

"Well, he just told me that Mr. Aron Henderson's decision is final and that he won't meet with me."

Aleeza fell silent. Her mind was filled with many thoughts.

"Mr. Aron Henderson is not at all like his late father. Mr. Jason Henderson was a very kind and generous man. He used to be the biggest donor for this orphanage. But for the past three years, the Henderson Group has stopped providing funds, for whatever reason."

Aleeza listened attentively to Adrian's story.

"But it's not just this orphanage that has suffered due to the leadership of Mr. Aron Henderson. Several residential areas near the Henderson Group's factories have also filed complaints about the factory waste being discharged recklessly, causing severe illnesses. Moreover, many small companies have suffered significant losses and even went bankrupt after collaborating with the Henderson Group. Meanwhile, the CEO acts as if he doesn't care and refuses to acknowledge the losses caused by the company. He hides behind his assistant's back."

Aleeza grew even more anxious hearing this, but she needed to know more. "But isn't it possible for them to take legal action and demand that the CEO meet with the affected parties?"

Adrian nodded. "They've tried that, but the CEO still won't come out. They almost went to the media, but fortunately, the local government, the police, and the board of directors who disagreed with Mr. Aron Henderson's leadership agreed to hold a large meeting."

Aleeza immediately recalled the meeting that Tyrell and Keiran had discussed. "What is that meeting going to discuss?"

"The plan to replace Mr. Aron Henderson's leadership with Mario Henderson, the third child of Mr. Jason Henderson."

Aleeza could now piece together all the information. But what didn't make sense was Carter's involvement. What was going on with Aron's best friend? How could she betray Aron, who had trusted him so much?

"But is that even possible if there's a will from the late Jason Henderson that chose Aron as the company's successor?"

"It's possible, especially considering the numerous losses that have occurred. Besides, the community, the local government, the police, and the board of directors have all agreed." Adrian sighed. "You know? Dozens of lives have been lost due to Aron Henderson's actions. Just this fact alone should get him into jail. But because of Jason Henderson's considerable contributions, they'll only remove Aron from the company."

Aleeza's body felt weak. She slumped back on the sofa with a sad expression. She couldn't imagine how devastated Aron would be if he found out about all this, especially if he learned about Carter.

"Juliet, why does your face look like that?"

Aleeza straightened her back and tried to put on a smile. "It's nothing. I'm just saddened by the issues affecting this orphanage."

"Aleeza, we've known each other for more than just a year or two. I've come to consider you like my own child. I know your sadness isn't related to the orphanage's fate."

Aleeza's smile slowly faded. Besides her family, only Adrian knew that Juliet's real name was Aleeza.

"A few days ago, I got married. It was just a small ceremony. That's why I didn't invite you," Aleeza finally revealed.

"It seems like that's not the issue causing your sadness," Adrian guessed.

Aleeza smiled. Adrian was known to be very sensitive to other people's feelings, so his foster children often confided in him. Aleeza was no exception and often shared many things with the friendly-faced man.

"The man I married is the CEO of the Henderson Group. Aron Henderson."

Adrian's face showed surprise. He seemed to want to ask something but couldn't find the words.

"You must have many questions. Feel free to ask," Aleeza encouraged him.

"Is he really as heartless as people say? An unfeeling man?"

Aleeza smiled at Adrian's question. "Not at all. In fact, Aron is the kindest person I've ever known." For some reason, tears welled up in Aleeza's eyes. 'Kind' was too shallow a word to describe Aron, but Aleeza couldn't find a better one.

"You mentioned that you pretended your family was having financial problems. Does that mean you intended to marry Aron?"

Aleeza nodded. "I had already fallen in love with him when he sent a letter to Juliet."

Adrian looked deep in thought. Hearing Aleeza's story and seeing her cry for the first time, he clearly felt that the accusations against Aron Henderson were completely wrong. "Could it be that, all this time, Mr. Aron wasn't aware of the losses caused by his company?"

"Aron hardly ever leaves the house anymore because his aching leg has gotten worse. He doesn't even know that there's a big meeting at his company in two days."

Adrian clenched his fists. "In that case, this can't be allowed to continue. You need to tell him right away."

"The problem is, Aron really trusts his assistant. He's the only person Aron truly considers a friend. He would be deeply hurt if he found out about his friend's betrayal."

Adrian understood. He approached Aleeza, gripping her hand tightly. "It's better for him to know now than to find out when it's too late. At least now he still has a choice. To fight or remain silent."

Aleeza parked her car haphazardly in front of the house and rushed inside. At the front door, she crossed paths with Ines, who looked prim and proper. Aleeza did her best to force a smile, even though her body felt shaky with adrenaline. She had to find Aron immediately.

"Where are you going?" Aleeza asked casually.

"Oh, I want to go shopping. Do you want to come along?" Ines offered.

"I think not," Aleeza replied.

"Alright then. Sort out your husband properly so we can get his signature soon."

Aleeza simply nodded in response and walked back to her room. Without knocking, she opened the door and threw her bag onto the bed. Then, she stood silently in the middle of the room, observing Aron's back as he sat facing the balcony.

"You're back?" Aron asked without turning around.

Aleeza only realized she had been crying when her vision suddenly blurred. Without a word, she approached Aron and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

Aron, who had been reading a book, was surprised by Aleeza's sudden embrace. Especially when he felt Aleeza's wet cheek against his own.

"Are you okay?" Aron asked, bewildered.

"Can we go somewhere? Build a small house in a peaceful village. Just the two of us. You and me."

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