
Getting Close

#Chapter55 Getting Close

I sat with Christian for a while just crying he kept saying how everything was gonna be okay but I couldn't see how it was going to, Bobby came by and said we needed to take turns on lookout if we were gonna stay here. Christian said we'd take the first shift then half way through we can all switch i didn't look up from the ground the whole time they spoke

It's around 1am Christian and I were still awake talking and looking out for people while the other two slept

/"It always seems like we're put together to do this stuff/" I smile walking around

/"We must make a good team/" he smiles back as my phone starts ringing

I pull it out to see it was my other best friend Tanya, she's never awake at this time but I pick up anyway something telling me it was important

/"Hello/" I say to hear her crying down the phone /"Tanya what's happened?/"