
Loving Lucien

[This Book Is Complete] Starlet yearns for her husband to love her but the way he was coerced into matrimony makes him hate her instead. Their two and a half years of marriage has been a miserable one for Starlet. She has had everything she has ever wanted as the daughter of the richest man in their society but what she wants most, her husband’s heart has been closed off to her. Despite the hurt he has put her through Starlet feels she can make him love her. She refuses to see any other outcome. Although the idea of her husband looking elsewhere for female company has been so far, internet articles and images of him being with another woman spark something in Starlet. Up to this point she has been taking the punishment her husband has been giving her but she has had enough. She decides that she had to show him her strengths and make him love her. She forces him to write a post nuptial agreement (which only fills him with more bitterness toward her) and underhandedly gets rid of his mistress. Somewhere along the line her husband begins to warm up to her. She feels that they may have a good married life together. Their past however make Starlet question the affection he shows. If it is true or calculated. She struggles with the decision to keep him bound to her or if loving him truly would be to let him loose. She wonders if he would be happier without her and with a woman who claims to be his first real love.

AnotidaMandemwa · Thành phố
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60 Chs

Chapter 35

Starlet wasn't feeling nauseous anymore so she was shopping. She had left her child with her parents and had decided to do something mundane. She picked up a dress and examined it. She had a few parties lined up and she wanted to look her best. She had thought about waiting for her friends to be free. Charlotte was pregnant and didn't like being on her feet, away from the toilet, or away from her kitchen for very long. Xiamie was in Paris for a fashion show and Octavia was away with her husband. She had no one.

She wondered if she should have chosen a demanding career like the four but snickered at the thought. Her job might look like a lot of free time but sometimes it was frustrating. Sometimes ideas flowed to her easily but they were not easy to shape out in the clay. Sometimes the idea was stupid and she realised it after the clay was dry. Sometimes she didn't have the right paints or the vanish was wrong for the piece.