

Cyriacus_Nathalia · Thanh xuân
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38 Chs


Cleon, hold on, my head is spinning, i said as we entered his wing. I quickly sat on a chair and closed my eyes.

I saw a bottle of luminaberry wine and an empty glass nearby, looks like you too have been having fun i said as i turned to look at Cleon who has already sat opposite me.

What happened after i left Evelinde?

I followed Cedric and some of his friends to the tavern we went before, and we were drinking and talking, when suddenly a palace guard came and told Cedric and i that we've been summoned. We followed the guard to the throne room and was met with the king and council members.

Cedric was first asked about who Sylvan was and what we went out to do yesterday, thankfully no one could identify Sylvan so we both said we couldn't remember and that the event of yesterday seems to be all foggy in our memory. That was when the king asked for you to be summoned.

Is that all? he asked.

Yes Cleon that's it. Will Sylvan be in trouble though?

I doubt that Evelinde, since i said he's a friend i don't think they would want to know the identity of the person who i dare to call friend.

What is it then Cleon?

What do you mean?

I mean, i feel as if you are uneasy about something.

He looked at me for a while, Evelinde i feel something is about to happen, and whatever it is, can only bring one thing.

And what's that?

Chaos, Evelinde.

The day following the magical competition unfolds like a tapestry woven with threads of joy and camaraderie, as the kingdom gathers once more to revel in the spirit of unity and celebration. Within the grand halls and sprawling courtyards of the palace, the air is alive with the buzz of anticipation, as both residents and honored guests from neighboring kingdoms come together to continue the festivities.

As the sun rises, casting its golden rays across the landscape, the palace awakens to a scene of bustling activity. Tables adorned with colorful linens and fragrant flowers stretch as far as the eye can see, laden with a sumptuous feast fit for royalty. From delicate pastries and fresh fruits to savory meats and exotic delicacies, there is a culinary delight to tempt every palate.

Musicians and entertainers weave through the throngs of guests, their melodies and performances adding to the vibrant atmosphere of the celebration. Jugglers toss brightly colored balls high into the air, while dancers twirl and sway to the rhythm of lively tunes. Artisans display their wares, showcasing intricate crafts and treasures from distant lands, adding to the spectacle of the day.

I walk around the palace in awe as i marvel at the scenes unfolding before me, i picked a cake from a tray as a maid walked past me holding a tray of cakes.

Eve, you look amazing child.

Thank you Martha i said as we both hug each other.

It's been a while child, how have you been?

I've been fine Martha. You don't look bad yourself i said as i noticed her change of clothing from the usual cook outfit.

Oh thank you child, aren't you the sweetest.

Well well well, ladies what are you gosssiping about? came Cedric's voice from behind us.

You naughty child, who is goosiping? Martha chided him lovingly.

Hello Cedric, i greeted.

Hello Eve, you look good he commented.

And you are not looking bad yourself Cedric.

Thanks Eve, oh and Martha, my mom is looking for you.

Really? let me go see what she wants then. You kids take care and have fun.

We waved as Martha left us.



Have you seen or spoken to Sylvan since?

No, i haven't, is anything the matter?

I haven't seen him since that night and it is so unlike him. Normally we go days without seeing each other, but he always leaves a message. This time around however, nothing.

Not to worry, i'm sure he's fine. If there is any trouble Elowen would have informed Cleon.

Speaking of the prince, where is he? asked cedric.

I don't know, i woke up this morning all alone. But i'm sure he is fine, he often disappears so i'm used to it.

Eve, came a voice behind me.

Father, i said as i turned to see who it was.

Sir Caleb, Cedric greeted with a bow.

My father only nodded.

What is it father? i asked.

I need to talk to you Eve.

Eve i will see you around, said Cedric as he left us alone.

What is it father, i'm surprised you are willing to be seen publicly like this with me.

I never imagined you would choose this path of destruction.

I'm ashamed, more than I can bear, that I have any part in your birth.

But, he cotinued, if this is truly the path you've chosen, then so be it. I don't expect much from you now, but if there's anything you can tell me about the prince, any secret or weakness that could be used against him, I need to know. When the time is right your contribution won't go unrewarded.

I looked at him as if he's gone mad.

Wait, let me get this straight, i began. You've been ignoring me all this while, you publicly denied me and cut all ties with me and the only thing you have to say after all the damage you've done is to come ask me to tell you ways to bring down the only person who has ever cared for me?

And you think that i will just open my mouth and start spilling Cleon's secret to you?

You know what, i know i should be angry and probably go all crazy on you, but i don't even have the strength for all that. So as for your request i have nothing to say to you and please you've made it clear to the entire kingdom that you and your family have nothing to do with me, i would like for it to remain so for all our sake.

I was about to walk away when i saw my mother approaching us. What have i done to deserve this madness i thought to myself.


Mother, i greeted. She looked at my father briefly without saying a word before turning her attention to me.

I see that the rumour of the prince treating you like royalty is not just a rumour, she said.

What do you want from me mother?

Oh nothing. What could i possibly want from someone like you. Take a look at me Eve, my life has been so much better since i left you both. Why would i want to spoil what i have by associating myself with the likes of you.

I get it mother, then why are you here.

I saw you and your father talking and decided to come see for myself if the rumours are true.

I don't know what rumours you are talking about mother and honestly, i don't care.

Of cause you won't care, you are now the dreaded prince's favorite plaything, i can see now why you feel all high and mighty. However Eve you better watch yourself and that prince of yours. Anyway, enjoy all the pleasures he has to offer you while you still can.

With a mocking smile she turned and left and not too long after my father left with her after giving me a disappointed and disapproving look.

What did i even do to deserve such parents, i wondered.