
Lover's Life On Line

"Scarlett, don't be scared. Its just me." He assures me, sliding a hand on my nape. Dangerously, sending shivers down my spine. "No, it's not you. You are not the one, I always knew. And if this is your true side, then maybe I did not know you at all." Not Everything Is Perfect. And if it is, it's not a thing at all. Scarlett Holmes. Has a perfect life. A well-to-do lifestyle. An understanding mother. The best friends, everyone envy. And the looks to die for. But, the New Yorker still longs for something. One true love. After all, who's life is complete without it? A bonfire trip to an isolated forest brings back old memories. But, also gives her what she was truly waiting for. Now, the question is. To get what she wishes for, will she sacrifice her everything that is worth admired for? Lives will turn upside down. Secrets will unfold. Hearts will break. Tears will be shed. A psychopathic killer on the loose. A lover she trails. Risking the lives of her friends. What will she choose? So, just in case. You want something. Always remember. "Be Careful What You Wish For."

xoyashire02 · Thanh xuân
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32 Chs

Chapter Twenty


Scarlett's POV

Twenty centuries later, I can finally make out the lining of the lake house. Yes, we had no say after what happened earlier. And by twenty centuries, I'm being overly exaggerating. It's been hardly twenty minutes. I don't know, why I can't achieve a comfortable silence with him. To answer the question, he's a stranger. But, the silence and the moments I share with him are more than ordinary. It's like, we are cutting the words that we should say. Like, he knows things I should be aware of. Since, when have you been this intuitive? And my inner voice is back again, with another taunt. I look at him and with the inclination of his head, I'm assured he's seen my destination too.

"Walk straight. No turns." He adds in monotone.

Though, his instructions aren't needed, but I appreciably pass a nod. A part of me has started respecting this stranger and at the same time that part shocks me. So, when I turn to give my regards. My words are left hanging, as I'm met with nothing but thin air. He's gone. Like, a storm he came and like a calamity after storm, he left. I gulp, swallowing the bitter emotions rising within me. Who is he to affect me? I mutter to myself and keep up my stance. Then, why do I feel so unsettled? I question again and this time I don't have the heart to lie.

My soul wanted him to stay.

His presence made me feel safe.

It's normal, I mean he saved my life after all. Took care of me. I comprehend, about the herbal liquid, bandage and the shirt. Oh Lord, no. I inwardly cringe shrugging away that moment. I shouldn't think about him like that, I don't even know him.

I scan my surroundings, this forest. This place, how it has changed me. How much it has shown me.

For better or for worse?

Just like a provoking thought, I hear the bushes move. And instinctively my eyes go wide, thinking it must be a wild animal. I'm just going to turn to give myself a glance. When the rules, hit me like a flashback. "If the bushes move, don't turn to look at them."

Taking a deep breath, my chest heaves. I keep moving. Just another ten minutes, I convince myself. Then, I'll be in the safe presence of my friends. They won't let anything happen to me. Cutting me out from my self-motivation, the feet move. No, not human feet. Definitely not. Dread fills me, as it sinks. Animal paws. It growls and gives me a piercing stare. One so intense, I feel like a mere target. The attributes, make my thinking go in a frenzy. I'm assured, it's a dog. A wild and dangerous predator. I reluctantly take a step forward and it growls again. The hairs on my arms stand, as the goose bumps follow my entire body.

Big mistake! My brain screams and I'm scared, that it doesn't hear me.

Then, I don't move; not even a muscle. I gulp, fearing the end. This is it. I turn, slower than the time that I have left.

When I look at the huge creature in front of me. The tiniest bit of hope, which I might have had to survive also dissipates. It's as dark as night. The saliva dropping from its razor sharp teeth are proof. That it'll even chew my bones. My sanity losing its way. There's pin drop silence. My heart that beats louder is the only sound heard. I continue walking back carefully.

Two steps.

Three steps.

It has no clue. Then, I take a swift turn to run. His paws brush hardly against the land, as it follows hard on my tail. But, I know I can't outrun him and that's why I scream.


My arm scratches past a sharp edge of a log and I hiss in pain from the impact. But, I still don't stop. Life's more important and I can't give up. It hurts like hell, and there's blood on the sleeves. I scream louder. My legs that have learned to bolt by now, don't stop themselves. I see, how close I'm to the lake house. Then, my heart drops, as I remember.

I can't let it chase me there. I can't drive death towards the people I love. I can't.

Suddenly, my arms find their new place, as they harshly hit the rugged forest land. I look back at what I have fallen over and the recent source of hurt. My left foot stuck between huge rocks, doesn't let me move. "No! Not now!" But, the rocks don't listen to my plea.

I keep on trying to get my leg out of the bunch, but it's badly stuck. I place my hands over my thigh and pull with all the force, I've got. The pain that reaches my feet worsens. I pull harder and it wouldn't budge. In the havoc, I forgot when my eyes have drained tears. Their taste overwhelms me.

Might be the last time, I cry.

It leaps in air ready to get its prey. And I finally realize, I haven't seen death so closely. Its yellow eyes, they are the last thing I see, before surrendering my will. Holding my arms as a weak shield to my face. I finally give up.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

I quickly look at the source of the noise. The creature seems to halt too. Then, I see a stick padding across the leafy surface and the sudden heap of rocks that ambush my belittle version and the large predator that looks dumbstruck. He's hit with a stone directly at its head. It growls ferociously and I jerk back shuddering. The stones don't stop, one after the other and it yells back in pain. I block my vision too, worried the rain of rocks would harm me. I almost start pitying the huge creature, which was just about to kill me. It has started shrinking backwards and then the intimidating master steps out and stands right in front of my helpless self.

Jack with his back to me, yells at the creature. He claps his hands aggressively and maintains a noisy aura. He glares at it and takes one step forward, stomping his way to the ground. To my shock, it seems to cower at his actions. He takes another step yelling, clapping and doesn't back down. It's like, he's driving away a cat not a huge bear-like creature. His actions are quite passive and he seems to be scaring the creature with his bold exterior. It's like he wants it to know, that he doesn't fear it. There's not even a single muscle of panic in his body.

Then, the strangest thing that my eyes have ever seen happens. It sulks towards him and he doesn't flinch. Why isn't he retreating? What the hell is happening?

"Jack, move!" I shout and he wavers a hand at me to quiet down.

I gulp keeping quiet. I try shrugging myself out of the rocks. But, he gestures me to stay still. What in the world?

The creature merely inches from him and I'm going to yelp a scream. When it rubs its head across his extended hand. My mouth drops open at the sight. Jack smiles wryly and gives it the caress the creature was waiting for. I gape at the both of them. Shock runs like tremors in my body. He pats its head.

"Good boy." He compliments, like it's his pet dog. He pats the creature to settle and it looks at its new master with puppy eyes. Five minutes ago, I had seen my death in those eyes.

Jack walks to me all calm and relaxed. He removes the rock that has impaired my foot. Then, before I can stand on my two feet. He holds onto my hurt foot and scans it for any severe damages. I nervously let him check me. Though, I'm far from calm. The creature is just a few feet from me and I'm direly trying to control my ragged breathing. I look at it cautiously, worried it'll attack Jack with his back to it.

"He won't," Jack says, to my recognition. "They don't attack you, unless you try to run away. That's when they get the idea, you're the weakling and they can prey on you." He instructs, looking at my vulnerable form.

I grit my teeth. He called me weak again. But, this time I can't argue. I was weak and needed help.

"When you act aggressively, the tables turn. Then, they believe they're the prey and you're the predator. They are very smart creatures," He says, softly rubbing the bruise forming on my ankle. "They can sense your fear and attack you considering you, a meal. But, when you act the opposite," He blows his warm breathe on the injured plane. "Keep calm and composed. But, make noises to scare them, whilst making a sharp eye contact. They know, who the boss is. That's when you win and they lose." He concludes, drawing another breath. Then, he lets go. I begin to stand up and wince.

"It's not a fracture. But, yes it's slightly bruised and a possible sprain." I look at him, like he's grown two heads.

How can he be a doctor and an animal trainer at the same time?

I had entirely forgotten about the creature around us. Jack has that effect on me. I nod, looking at it. After patting it one last time. It cuddles closer for more and he gives a genuine smile. One that reaches his eyes. I take a deep breath.

His smile is breathtaking.

I find myself smiling too absentmindedly. He's so good with animals and they love him too. It howls a final time and it's sad. Then, rushes back into the deeper part of the woods.

"Animals are more human, than humans." He mutters lowly, under his breath.

I wasn't supposed to hear that. Because, when he looks up, there's a flash of tragedy in his eyes. The wind blows and it's gone. That poker face is back and those cold eyes staring at anything but me. He walks in front and I follow limping my way towards him. Even though, he sees my struggle he doesn't slow down.

"Wait up." I manage and he ignores me, like he hasn't heard me. I frown.

Why is he like this? So caring one second and cold as ice the next.

I sigh, irritated. Then, finally we step onto the porch and before I could give out a final victorious smile.


That's definitely Bree. Followed by many other surprises.

"She's here!"

"She's okay!"

But, the most surprising one of them all is. His voice.

"Scarlett!" Tony jumps out of a big black jeep and runs towards me. Before I can grasp at what's happening, I'm engulfed in a suffocating hug.

"Oh, thank God! You're okay." He says, almost breathless. He takes deep breaths beside my neck.

"I thought I had lost you." He utters, terrified. Even my body shivers. Yes, Tony. I thought, I had lost myself too. I wonder, reminiscing those horrible moments of my life. Scared beyond avail and craving comfort. My arms find his back.

"Tony." I murmur, my voice almost breaking.

"It's alright now," He assures, running his hand through my hair, calming my shivering body from that utterly terrifying nostalgia. "I'm here, okay? I won't let anything happen to you now," He forces the words out, trying his best to not shrink me with his rough tone. "I promise."

Yes, it's okay now. I'm safe, now.

Because, I'm home.

Hello, people!

Yes, I'm back. Quicker than usual. You guys didn't update me about the new character in the book. Do you guys even like him or not? Come on. I try so hard to please you people. Don't I deserve some opinions? Sorry, for that. But, kindly read, comment and like!


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