
Lover's Life On Line

"Scarlett, don't be scared. Its just me." He assures me, sliding a hand on my nape. Dangerously, sending shivers down my spine. "No, it's not you. You are not the one, I always knew. And if this is your true side, then maybe I did not know you at all." Not Everything Is Perfect. And if it is, it's not a thing at all. Scarlett Holmes. Has a perfect life. A well-to-do lifestyle. An understanding mother. The best friends, everyone envy. And the looks to die for. But, the New Yorker still longs for something. One true love. After all, who's life is complete without it? A bonfire trip to an isolated forest brings back old memories. But, also gives her what she was truly waiting for. Now, the question is. To get what she wishes for, will she sacrifice her everything that is worth admired for? Lives will turn upside down. Secrets will unfold. Hearts will break. Tears will be shed. A psychopathic killer on the loose. A lover she trails. Risking the lives of her friends. What will she choose? So, just in case. You want something. Always remember. "Be Careful What You Wish For."

xoyashire02 · Thanh xuân
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Chapter Thirteen

The Camping Prep

Saturday: Camping Day!

Scarlett's POV

I brush my fringes, with my fingers.

They still remain unruly. I glare at them through the mirror.

"Yes, mom." That's the only thing that, I'm saying since I woke up this morning. I put my phone down as I take a deep breath. In and out. Yes, just like that.

"Sweety, are you still there?" My mom's sweet voice purrs from the phone and I put it back on. Here we go again with that assault.

"Yes, mother. I've kept extra clothes." Then, I copy her tone. "You never know, when they come in handy." I give myself a mental salute. As I finally manage to get my unruly hair mess into a French braid. Whilst, talking to mommy the sweetest.

My inner self scolds, she checks because she cares. Of course. I love you, mum.

"Scarlett..." She warns and I chuckle again. "Mom you do realize, that it's not the first time, I'm going camping with my friends?" I add. Just one more strand out and... perfect!

"I know, baby. But." Oh God, she remembered something again. I mentally groan, as I do a quick turn over to check myself. Hmmm, not bad.

"Your toothbrush. Did you keep your toothbrush?" She asks. I nod. Then, face palm myself.

"Don't nod, darling. I can't see you. Answer with yes or no." What?

"Yes, mom." I obediently state again. As I walk out of Bree's room, as she whistles at me. Oh Lord, when did we get to know each other?

"Your boots?" She asks. "Wearing them." I answer quickly. "You forgot your favourite lip gloss." She tells me. "Mom, please don't tell me." I hear shuffling. "You're rummaging through my drawer?" I ask, dreading the answer, which I already know. "Don't change the topic, do you even like this?" Can't exactly say no, she brought me this shade.

"It's too dressy for the rough holiday, we're having." She makes an hmm sound and I state, "And there's something called privacy." She chuckles. I groan again.

"What about that mosquito repellent? You kept it right?" I sense the worry in her tone.

"Two boxes. Liquid and spray." I reply, being accurate. I'm such a nerd. "Mom, anything else? Because, I think that's the end of the check list."

"Of course. Just one thing." She admits like a cliff hanger. "Chili spray?" She asks, as hesitantly as she can. Oh God, that's it.


"It's for you safety!" She argues.

"Mom, I'm going camping with my girlfriends!" I retort.

"I'm. I'm just saying." She mumbles. "You never know, when it'll come in handy."

"They're straight. Please." I reply. "Okay, okay. But, just in case. I put one box in your handbag." She tells me. "You can't be serious!" I half shout, as Bree purposely bumps into me by the stairs. I give her look and she winks back at me. I roll my eyes.

"End of the discussion. And tell me how's Gloria doing?" She orders like a mother. "Don't tell me, you're driving the poor soul nuts." She assumes. "Scarlett, why don't you help her? You kids are already so much work and she already has three of her own. God knows, what ruckus you all have caused."

That's my mother's way of saying. Get lost and make yourself useful.

"Okay, mom. I'll take care of myself. Good bye." I end the call. I give out a sigh, now that's over. Let's get the bags in the car. As I walk down the stairs, my mood turns down a notch.

Because, the boys. As in Baylor, Bree's brother and Ethan are the officers of COD. Eddy's reading them out the cheats and Andrew has them all ears, with his new information about the Beetle's collection. The girls are pre-occupied with themselves. Michelle is perfecting Bree's mascara and moves back to admire her handiwork and again goes down with the task. Whilst, Robby is warning the girls about how, excessive mascara is dangerous for the eyes. Ashley and Florence are taking snaps. I smile after I see that. At least, Florence is taking a break.

I divert my attention, to our soon to be married couple. Hazel is stirring a bowl, full of batter in the kitchen and Roman reaches to just get a taste of it. I giggle, as I see her slap his hand away.

"Those two are so cute." I gush, as I hear him say, "So are you." I turn to see Ethan looking up from his game. I smile. He has a way with compliments. After all, he was a player once.

Ethan's up for another one, "Scarlett, you look –" But before, he can complete what he wanted to say, "Hot." Baylor answers for him. Did I mention that he's been hitting on me, since our last spring formal? I blush. Ethan throws a cushion at him. "I was going to say great, dork." Baylor scowls a, "Hey!"

But, I'd give myself some credit. My jeans shorts, one side off shoulder purple tee and black hiking ankle boots make a good outfit. All thanks to Bree for being my fashion police. Yeah, but the zebra print wrap around my neck was my idea. Okay, now concentrating at the matter in hand. The bags. In the car. Now.

I walk towards the front door to find like ten suitcases and five handbags. I groan. And it's a one week trip. I pick up the one, I assume is the least heavy and grab two handbags on my way. Let's just say, I'm trying my best not to fall and break something or as a matter of fact, me here. Opening the door, with half my leg, half my arm and half my hand. I mentally curse, no to do the task before.

As usual the smartest Scarlett, my inner voice taunts.

I grab the keys from the key rack and manage to walk out of the house, towards the minivan, we are taking. Thank my lucky stars, it's parked in front of the house. As I finally open the car, to unload the baggage from me to the car. The strong push, I give to the bag to settle it further inside the van, makes me lose my balance and I topple over. Almost waiting for a harsh impact, which doesn't occur.

I open my eyes and turn my head, to find my favourite pair of dull blue eyes looking at me. I crease my forehead. His hands on my stomach, to stop me from falling; isn't helping my embarrassment to calm down. I frown harder.

"You should have told me, Scarlett." He says, giving me that tight lipped smile.

I move back from his touch and regain my composure. "Yeah, yeah. Okay, laugh all you want." I say, clearly annoyed. But, mentally cursing myself for being so clumsy.

"Laugh? I'm confused here. Why would you even say that? Because, the only thing I feel right now is anguish." Anguish? I roll my eyes. He continues, "You could have hurt yourself, Scarlett." Oh, so he's scolding me right now.

"Quit acting like my dad." I snap and move away to pick the bags, that fell during my almost topple over. Tony takes them from me and places them in the deck.

"You clearly don't want me to answer that." He retorts back, as if challenging me. He opens the left back door of the van, to get the handbag; I accidentally pushed too hard and fell on the seat.

"As a matter of fact, I –" I'm cut off by, "Mom, yes I've got them! Stop screaming for hell's sake." Baylor rushing towards the van with two suitcases in hand. He pushes them inside and turns to give me a weird grin.

"Oh, my my. Did you put these bags in the deck all by yourself?" He asks, amused? I'm puzzled. "Not really." I reply quickly, before he assumes something else. Yet, he pays no importance to what I said, because the next thing he says makes me do a double take.

"Never mind, that. Hot and strong. I was thinking about asking you this, since so long." Was he trying to rhyme? "Letty, will you go out with me?" I gulp. He didn't just call me that. No one had ever called me that. No one except him. I close my eyes.

I hate that nickname.

Did he even notice, that we are not the only ones standing outside? Has he ever thought, how Tony's going to deal with him after what he just said? I don't think so. Otherwise the confidence would have faltered.

"Ain't gonna happen, cow face. 'Cos you dating her would cause you to break her heart in the end. Which would eventually result in me, breaking your face." Bree answers, her brother snidely. Oops, wrong time Baylor. "Or maybe, that won't be necessary. As Tony would just be enough to take care of you. And trust me, when I say this. I will not save you." She adds, as Tony finally appears behind me after the whole episode. She gives Tony a twisted smile.

"Next time, keep your tentacles to yourself." Tony warns and Bree turns to give her brother a back off smile.

Baylor snorts a "What-ever" in return and walks back inside the house. Bree gives a wicked winning laugh, as she proceeds to place her bags in the back. But, Tony. Ever the gentleman, takes them first and places them. Though she does mutter,

"Hey, I can do it." Which sounds quite daring, like I did. I smile, we sisters have that in common, don't we? And likewise, he replies with, "No need."

So, it's our turn to scowl together. But, she does place her both hands on her waist, as she admires him. I roll my eyes. She did like him in middle school.

"I'll get the rest." He says, as he walks back. Giving Bree a weird look.

Soon, all the bags are loaded. Roman shuts the back door of the van. Tony steps aside. Now, for the sappy good byes. Michelle and Andrew, as usual the awkward ones out. Figuring out whether to hug each other a good bye or not. Ruby is a crying mess beside Robby, that's their farewell. As for Ash and Ed, they seem quite chill today or more like PG-13. Roman pecks Hazel on her forehead, as she gives him a warm hug. Then, after a confident wave, she settles in the driving seat. Amie and Eric, as usual arrive on the nick of the time. Or I'd like to call it the way, they like it, "Fashionably late", perhaps. Amie takes a seat beside Haze. Florence is saved from the byes, as she has her head on Ruby's shoulder, whilst browsing on her phone. Completely unconcerned with the world around her.

"Bye, horse-nose." That's Bree's loving way of saying goodbye to her brother. Yeah, it's true. They have typical animal refer-to-lines for one another. I giggle, they're adorable. "Be back, never. Sisnotser. I meant, monster. Nope, sister." He replies, with that innocent excuse of a smile. Not really happy, with this banter.

"Shut up, Bails." Ethan scowls at Baylor.

"Okay, just-the-boyfriend." He flips off, casually. Okay, I admit that was too cold to be a joke. "Wrong. Her soul mate." Ethan grates.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself." Baylor scoffs. Ouh, that was ruthless and that is why, he's rewarded with the coldest glare Ethan could shoot. Baylor backs off saying, "It was a joke! Take it easy, dude." Bree eases the tension, as she adds, "Yeah, hun. He's just playing." Ethan just shrugs, nonchalantly.

Sensing the awkwardness of the situation, Hazel announces, "You guys don't plan on making this farewell an all-nighter do you?" We shout our No's. "Then, get your hot bunches in here!" We're laughing like maniacs, as the girls get in. Just before, my turn. I'm pulled away. Tony hugs me, out of nowhere. I go very still. Because, back hugs are not my thing. I turn, to give him a bear hug.

"Take care of yourself, Scarlett." He warns, like a parent to a six year old. I roll my eyes.

"I'll be fine. You take care and don't forget to take your meds." I remind him, a hundredth time. He has his own history of panic attacks.

"Okay, Dr. Granny. Have fun, but not too much fun." He grins. "You too. Okay?" I smile.

"Get in, granny." Bree mimics his accent and I laugh harder. As I wave the boys, one last time. As I enter the van and Tony closes the door.

I sit back and try to relax. The engine roaring catches my attention and the journey begins. I sigh. The airport from Bree's place is about fifteen minutes. Then, our flight to Arizona is about four and a half hours. The woods aren't that far. So, by night fall. We'll be in the comfort of Florence's lake house. A long way to go now.

I hear, the girls talking. Hazel, Amie and Bree are deep into conversation. Ashley dozes off. Michelle, being the smart one, is pointing out the mistakes. Ruby is sitting at the backseat and seems indulged in knitting. The girl's obsessed with knitting. I hum a little, as Michelle puts "Girls just wanna have fun" on the stereo. Then, shifting my gaze to the girl, we actually planned this trip for. Florence is quite quiet. I hit my shoulder on purpose with her. And she laughs and includes me into a conversation.

"Cindy Cooper said yes." She's got that smile again. I shake my head, still not liking the idea one bit.

It's not long, until we reach the airport. Getting the girls, to stay together and all boarded, was never this hectic. Well, because the last time. We went on our camping trip. We were eleven and our mommies came with us. This time, it's just me and Hazel screaming like 40 year olds. I almost have a fit, when I see Bree bluntly ignoring me for her favourite "Estée Lauder". And when, she sees me losing it. She goes on with me.

"We have a flight to catch, Briana." Michelle says, clearly mad.

"Oh, like you weren't fanning over your favourite Versace purse, Mich mich." Bree retorts, there we go again. "Don't you dare call me that!" Michelle is the easiest to get on and now's not the time. "Girls! Now's not the time for cat fight." Hazel adds, as she gives her sister a look and a convincing smile to Bree. I think, the peacemaker thing is in the blood. They both do stop arguing after that. Well, until we've boarded the plane that is.

Thank God, we've ALL made it inside. I take a deep breath, as I finally settle back in my seat. I give one last look towards Florence. She's lost in her own world. I know, there's nothing that I can say, to bring back things, the way they were again. But still.

Hope's not a crime, right?

And although, this should be my one and only reason to worry. I just can't let go of the uneasy feeling settling inside me; as the trip began. And I'm not sure, whether I should love or hate this feeling, that's consuming me. Where my subconscious constantly warns me,

"You don't know, what's coming for you."

It's strange really. What difference is my life going to make, in an old vacationing forest house? Slowly, my heart drowns as it screams,

"This trip will change your life."


Is universe giving me a sign? I shake my head, this is ridiculous. I take deep breaths and follow Ashley's therapy. Maybe it's the plane, maybe it's the takeoff. There can be a lot of maybes. I look outside the window. This is the only place, where NYC looks at peace.

And just as the plane meets the sky. I close my eyes. The weight in my chest seems to lift and I'm light as a feather.

Because, this darkness is my escape.

It's my safe house.

Hey, my dearest readers!

I'm back early this time! I kept my promise and just a hidden spoiler information. The next chapter, is in the main set location, where the actual suspense begins. So, stay tuned. Quick updates are coming up and the story is beginning with new people.

Oops! There goes another spoiler!

See you sooner then soon.


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