
Lover's Life On Line

"Scarlett, don't be scared. Its just me." He assures me, sliding a hand on my nape. Dangerously, sending shivers down my spine. "No, it's not you. You are not the one, I always knew. And if this is your true side, then maybe I did not know you at all." Not Everything Is Perfect. And if it is, it's not a thing at all. Scarlett Holmes. Has a perfect life. A well-to-do lifestyle. An understanding mother. The best friends, everyone envy. And the looks to die for. But, the New Yorker still longs for something. One true love. After all, who's life is complete without it? A bonfire trip to an isolated forest brings back old memories. But, also gives her what she was truly waiting for. Now, the question is. To get what she wishes for, will she sacrifice her everything that is worth admired for? Lives will turn upside down. Secrets will unfold. Hearts will break. Tears will be shed. A psychopathic killer on the loose. A lover she trails. Risking the lives of her friends. What will she choose? So, just in case. You want something. Always remember. "Be Careful What You Wish For."

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32 Chs

Chapter Eleven

Heart Breakers

"The world is a good place. When you know, less of it."

Scarlett's POV

"Hypocrite." I reply, thinking deeply. Everyone looks at me crazily.

"What? You asked, what a person is called when they act different than what they speak." I say, making sense.

"Really? It sounded more like, Florence." Ethan snickers from the driving seat. Me and Tony take our time, glaring at him. Florence is unusually quiet which is, way out of ordinary.

"So, where are we going again?" Bree asks, bringing the topic back to which we just fought for an hour, ten minutes ago. I sigh. Here we go again.

"Pizza Company." Ethan argues.

"Veggies!" Bree makes a point.

I roll my eyes, at this pace we won't get anywhere. I wouldn't have been this irritated, if I wasn't starving. I pass a look of pure annoyance to Tony and he nods shouting,

"That's it!" He pauses, as he thinks of forming a sentence that doesn't sound mean. "How about Florence tells us, what she wants to eat?" Tony asks, with a tone that sounds both calm and one to not argue with.

"What?" She questions, completely zoned out. I frown. What's up with her?

"Sister? Where to?" Tony asks again. He passes me a look and I smile. I just love, how he respects his sister; even when most of the times, she's a devil to him. Florence nudges my shoulder and I look at her. She raises an eyebrow, silently asking me. Okay, I change my statement. I love both of them too much. I mouth "Philly Steaks".

"To Philly Steaks." She orders like a queen and I laugh. Tony joins in. She looks at him and he looks away. She holds my hand, softly rubbing the scar resting on my hand.

"How'd you get this?" She asks in a completely normal tone. I know, inside she's planning ways to drill someone's head for this. I've known her too long to fool me. I take a deep breath. She stops rubbing.

"Je te fais mal?" She inquires worried. (French of: I hurt you?)

I shake my head and say, "No, it's a week old. Plus, it's my first time cooking memory." I chuckle to lighten the mood. She nods unsure, but lets it go. Thank heavens, for this new change. Ethan coughs deliberately to make the awkward silence go away.

"So Williams, you ever gotten lucky?" Ethan asks and I look at him from the corner of my eyes through the rear view. This question definitely has a hidden motive. One we're not going to like. Tony smiles with a puzzled expression and says,

"Of course, like that time, when James called in sick and I got the tour of the British Corporation." He pauses, as he sees Ethan shaking his head.

"Not that lucky, dude." Ethan clarifies and Tony nods finally getting the point. Innocent thoughts.

"Oh, yeah. I was the luckiest when I got my mate, my chevy." He says, smiling brightly. I hide the hint of smile reaching my face. He's cute, when he talks about his car, like it's a living thing. "No, dude. The kind of lucky I got, when I earned my time with Carrie." Ethan says, with a weird wolfish grin over his face. I frown and I hear Bree scowl. He hasn't given up on his bragging player ways, has he?

It's not Ethan's not changing attitude that shocks me, but the way Tony glances at me through the rear view and says with a small smile playing at his lips,

"Yes, I've been very lucky." I gulp, what's that supposed to mean?

Ethan not liking his response much, continues his annoying banter.

"Honestly, man. The best thing about Carrie was her b –''

"Shut up, Ethan!" He's cut off by an angry Bree.

"You have a problem with my ex-girlfriends?" Ethan says, looking at our unimpressed faces.

"There's more to this world, then you just graphically describing women." I answer, reaching the hilt of this discussion. Not even getting the slightest of a hint. He continues, "Sure, there is. I mean, there's the part where I kissed her beautiful –'' He doesn't get to complete.

"If you don't shut your trap, right now. I swear, I'll cut the part of you, that makes you a man!" Bree is definitely furious. She's literally breathing heavily, beside me. I rest my hands over her wrist and signal her to calm down.

Ethan snickers as he murmurs, "At least, she called me a man."

I look back at him, he's literally asking for it now.

Tony lashes back though, "Someone was confused."

Me, Bree and Tony join in the laughter, as Ethan glares at him saying,

"Get out." Weak threat, much? I can't stop laughing, until I hear this song play. Bree surely gets it and says, "Turn it up. Turn it up." Tony obliges.

It's Dusk till dawn, by Nigel Reigns.

I feel Florence stiffen beside me. I shuffle a bit, considering she's uncomfortable. But, she puts her hand over my arm and mouths me a desperate stop. Worry captures me, the look of pain in her eyes. I've never seen it there and this breaks a part of me. I'm just going to ask her, if she's okay? But, she silences me by placing a finger over her lips and gestures by looking around. Meaning: we have company. Just then, Nigel Reigns choruses along this part,

"But, you'll never be alone.

I'll be with you from Dusk till dawn

I'll be with you from Dusk till dawn

Baby, I'm right here

I'll hold you when things go rough

I'll be with you from Dusk till dawn

I'll be with you from Dusk till dawn

Baby, I'm right here.."

A tear drop falls from Florence's blue eyes. She gulps, looking outside. Shaking her head lightly and fisting her hands. I'm scared, they'll turn white. I want to make the pain stop. But, when I'm closing in. I remember, how Bree never lets anything go unnoticed. So, I sit back normally. With Nigel screaming, "Dusk till dawn" from the sound system, with Florence screaming internally beside me and with my conscience screaming friendship. Bree is busy, scrolling through her phone, completely unaware of the screaming worlds beside her.

"Can you feel where the wind is?

Can you feel it through

All of the windows

Inside this room"

She shudders beside me, like she's feeling every word to its limit. Like she has heard it before.

"'Cause I wanna touch you baby

I wanna feel you too

I wanna see the sunrise

On your sins just me and you

Light it up, on the run

Let's make love tonight

Make it up

Fall in love, try..."

There's definitely some message, he's giving in this song that's all I can conclude. Especially when he provokes,

"Go give love to your body" a couple of times.

It's like a unison, as the car comes to halt with the song. We're here.

"Weird. Who broke his heart?" Ethan asks, out of nowhere. Florence quickly rubs her face away from the sobbing mess, she has become. Since, Ethan is turning to look back. Luckily, the make up she's wearing doesn't get spoiled, so nobody knows, she's been crying. Unless, someone closes in on her red nose.

Bree speaks next, since I'm finding my vocals to speak.

"Who broke, who's heart?"

"Reign's heart. Who was that stupid?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows at Florence. Uh oh.

"Florence, you didn't have anything to do with it, did you?" Ethan interrogates, haughtily. I see, Tony is all ears too, since his shoulders tense. He definitely doesn't like this discussion. I take a deep breath. Preparing myself for the flood of tears or cold retreat or confession time. But, I'm left with an almost open mouth. When Florence says the next words,

"Not at all. Like, you said. I was just a one-night stand." In a completely natural tone, like she wasn't devastated two minutes ago.

"And who knows better than you, that they don't have an impact at all. Also, I wasn't his first, neither his last. So, it happened. I admit. But, it happened and it ended." Bree looks at her proud.

"No regrets." She admits with a smirk.

Scarlett, don't open your mouth. I curse internally.

"Wow. Nice one, Nista." Ethan's definitely proud. "Now, that the air's finally cleared, ladies. Kindly stay put. 'Cos me and Tony buddy, are going to talk out the manager for the table." He says and thankfully leaves. Followed by him, Tony also opens the car door, without a word and continues with Ethan. Leaving Bree, me and Florence in the car. Well, until she decides this.

"I don't think, that hot headed manager; would listen to those two lunatics. So, I think. I'll come back and tell you, when I'm done." She says, to which I gratefully nod. As she leaves, I turn to Florence and hug her with all my might. I've been wanting to do this for quite a while now.

"Choice. It all began with it." Florence quotes, as I pull away.

"You didn't have one?" I ask, my tone between question and consideration.

"Oh, I had one, alright." She blames herself and gives a failing smile.

"It's just that my other option was so inevitable, I couldn't choose it."

"What did you do?" I ask gently, knowing it couldn't be as bad as she's making it sound. She looks up at me and for the first time, since she got here. I see the old Florence in her eyes and not some dressed up successful fashion designer.

"I messed up. Big time." She answers and a part of me is drawn back. She never really admits that. The Florence, I've known never messes up. She's a perfectionist. And once in a blue moon, even if she does. At least, she doesn't admit it. She has enough people and money to take care of it. She doesn't (as she calls it) "fret" about it.

"He hurt you, sissy? Because, I know you never hurt the ones you love." I answer, all faithful. "Didn't you hear me, Scarlett? I messed up. I did it. I hurt him. I am horrible. I am stupid. It's all because of me. He was willing to risk it, and I wasn't. I was selfish and he wasn't. I am so..." And her voice breaks at this point. Tears start flowing again. Oh no. Not now, she needs to let it out. All the guilt enclosing her, is building up pressure.

"Shh now." I rub her back. "It's okay." I rub her hands. "You'll be okay." I run my fingers through her silky black hair.

"Please, sissy. Tell me. Maybe, I can see the sense through what you did." I console. She nods and nods again. Not trying to convince me, but herself.

"I know it's hard to open up at this point, especially when you feel guilty. But, I know you Florence. You're so strong." She looks directly into my eyes, as they say, how grateful they are for my presence.

She starts to speak,

"It was 2 a.m. on new year's eve. I forced my night to end. I was too drunk, standing on some bus stop at Rue de Rivoli. It was a stupid decision, considering I was so wasted, I couldn't stand straight. My manager had offered to take me home. But, I knew his intentions weren't right. Better to make a mistake than a regret. I stood there for ten minutes straight waiting for the bus. I'm not sure about the minutes. But, I stood there for a long time. Well, long enough a drunk could handle in their Jimmy Choos. No car even did some courtesy and I wasn't leaning for help. I could be easily taken advantage of. Suddenly, I couldn't take it anymore and started walking. The cars honking and some civilians cursing in French made me realize. I was in the middle of a road –''

"Wait up. You were in the middle of a road? Are you crazy?! You could have died!" I shout furious, with her careless behavior.

"Well, I didn't. So, let's continue." She says, cutting it short. I nod partly, still mad at her for this.

"Okay, so I did get hit. But, thankfully the car stopped in time. I remember, he cursed when he first saw me. When I asked him, sometime later he said it was too dark, he couldn't see me. Otherwise, he wouldn't have cursed." She says, dreamily. I cough to get her attention back.

"Anyway, he stepped out of the car still cursing. And I started feeling heavy suddenly. It was too dark, I couldn't even make out his outline. But, when he came to light. My stomach answered. I emptied all the contents of dinner and my uncontrollable amount of drinks over his pant and his shoes."

"You puked over him?" I ask, incredulously.

"Yup. He cursed again. But, you know he held my hair so softly. He had a foul mouth, but he was a sweetheart. After this, when I got up to finally catch sight of his face. I started seeing two and I said something along the lines of, you're two no wait you're four and I fainted."

"I woke up on the backseat of some car and I literally shrieked seeing a man wearing black at the driving seat. I was going to scream kidnap, when a guy turned over to whisper quiet to me. And I was like."

"You can't shoo me!" Florence.

"Listen, I'm sorry you woke up in the back seat of a car, rather than a bed. But, you see. We are stuck in a situation here. And if it makes you, feel any better I didn't get the comfort of my bed either." Nigel.

"Slowly, realization hit me."

"You're the singer. Nick Reigns? Right?" Florence.

"Yeah. NIGEL Reigns." Nigel.

"He had paparazzi surrounding his house. Somebody informed the paps, he rescued some drunk limping girl from the road that night. A.K.A me, so they wanted to click some shots. We were hiding out the back. He offered me some juice and aspirin he found in the car and I requested, he dropped me home first. His guard thought it was a wiser decision, considering I was the one causing problem. And meanwhile, the paps would calm down. The idea worked and he dropped me back. He asked me out though. I should have said no. Because, only two months were left in my contract termination."

"You said yes." I say.

"I did. I took the wrong choice. We had the best days of our life. You know that song, "Dusk till dawn" he started writing it, then. We were so happy. But, that happiness was going to end soon. The problem was, only I knew. So, one day he got serious. More serious than he's ever been with anyone. So, serious that he offered me to come with him on his world tour. It was his greatest click and he wanted to do it with me. He said, we'll go public in the tour and get married as soon as we finish it."

"Oh God." I put my hands over my mouth.

"Scarlett, he had a ring with him too. It was a true commitment. He wanted to get engaged. That's when I told him."

My head was screaming NO. NO. NO.

"I told him, that I couldn't, because I was already engaged. And that, this was a scam, because his track music records sat me up. So that, he doesn't get involved with anyone else. He called it a hoax, but then I told him about my manager and how this deal was good for my career. I made all the crap, along the way and slowly and slowly. His face changed to one of heart break. He believed it. Maybe, the track music company might have said something about this. You know, these companies how possessive they are about their young singers."

"The last words, he said. They still echo in my ears."

"No matter what you do. You'll never be alone. I'll be with you, always. You won't be able to forget me, no matter who you're with. And that will kill you slowly and slowly. Just like you did." Nigel.

I sit there with my words lost. Oh my God, Florence. What did you do?

"My flight was in a week. I had plenty of time to pack. My other contract starts six months from now, till then I'm free. It's in New York, if you're wondering. That's the actual reason, I left. But, I couldn't tell him the actual reason. He might have quit, or even if he hadn't, I wasn't popular enough or strong enough to be his long distance girlfriend. New York was always planned. Paris was always planned too. But...."

"Nigel wasn't." I answer, what she didn't say.

"Nate wasn't. I called him by his real name. Nathaniel Quinn." She answers.

"Florence, this is wrong on - " Our conversation is disrupted by an impatient knocking on the car's window.

I pull it down.

"You guys, it's almost midnight. But, say thank you since I did it."

"You did what?" I ask her, partly annoyed with her disturbing this conversation. Especially when it got to the part, where I talk.

"I got the table. I told you, those two lunatics were good for nothing." She replies very happily. From the back, I hear Ethan shout,

"There was a waiting! We got the table on our designated time!"

"Ignore him." She says and winks at me and Florence.

We leave the car and Florence walks ahead. I nod which partly means, we'll discuss this later. Just as we are going to enter, I'm pulled back. I look at the hand, stopping me from trailing behind Florence. Bree. I look back at Ethan and Florence disappearing in a crowd.

"How will we get to them?" I ask Bree, who's smiling at me mischievously.

"Oh, easy. I know the way." Bree says. "But, that's not what you should be thinking about. You should be thinking about, telling me why she's upset."

"Who's upset?" I question, feigning confusion.

"Tsk tsk, wrong answer, Scarlett." She smiles. Oh God, she's intimidating me.

"You see, my dear kitten." She explains, haughtily. I narrow my eyes, at how she fakes Florence's voice, when she says kitten.

"I'm the drama queen in the group and the one who lies and gets away with it." She does. I can't mess with the best.

"And you my kitty, are a horrible liar." She has that glint in her eyes again.

I gulp as I answer, "Bree, you're mistaken. I - "

The phone ringing cuts me off. She looks down at who's calling her.

"Fudge." She curses, I sigh with relief. It's probably, a message asking her where she is. Yes. I'm free! Whoosh.

"This discussion is not over." She reminds me, as we get to our table. Florence sees my nervous face and looks at Bree with a hard look.

"Briana, what did you do?" She's clearly not happy. Before, she has time to reply. Ruby, Michelle, Hazel and Amie emerge and settle down. I hold Florence's hand and rub it lightly. Asking her to chill.

Ethan's voice is the loudest, as he announces a toast. I hold up my glass with water, like others.

"I'd like to toast on, Florence getting back in one piece, after leaving the "Besties" for three years." We laugh at this part.

"I'd like to toast on her, for just getting back. Because, who ever leaves Paris?" Tony and I glare at him, as the rest of our group stays quiet.

"Anyhow, I'd like to toast on her, for achieving great success and while at it. Having a good shag." He lightly dances at this part. Well, he earns a leg hit by Bree. As she fakes smiling innocently and Ethan saying, "OW!" He looks hurt, but covers up well.

"So, cheers to heartbroken singers and their heart breakers!" Ethan concludes.

We all say it together.


Hello, Readers!

Tell me are you a heart breaker or have you been heart broken? Because, we're all one of both. Comment below, you are which and I'd be glad to see your responses.

So, how did you find this chapter. Kindly notify since, your words are my greatest help. I hope, you liked the origin of Florence and Nigel's love story. They're too cute, if you ask me. And no need to be sad. Wanna know a secret? They'll meet again. Best love stories don't end like that.

Again, thank you for your support and faith in me. And, I'll post again. As soon as possible!

Much love. Toddles!

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