
Loveless- A final Fantasy story

Project-S gave birth to the one of the greatest heroes and the greatest evil to ever exist. However, there was another born from the project. Two SOLDIERS born from the same project. Two brothers fated to one day fight for the sake of the world.

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16 Chs


Before the crisis- My friend, do you fly away now? To a world that abhors you and I? All that awaits you is a somber morrow, no matter where the winds may blow. 

My Soul, corrupted by vengeance hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey. In my own Salvation and your eternal Slumber- Loveless Act III


Subject results.


Headed by Professor Holland. The Injection of Jenova's cells into the body of a woman named Gillian Hewley. This product bore fruit, in the creation of two young boys.


Headed by Professor Hojo. Involved injecting the specimen's DNA directly into the embryo, each in varying levels. And like Project-G Bore the fruit of two young boys.

Analysis- Pending further investigation. 


In the beginning, there were two. Two boys born of separate mothers, but united by the DNA that coursed through their veins.

The Oldest of the two Generated from the cells, an incredible biology, however, his adaptation process was incomplete. Not as expected.

The youngest of the two, however, adapted and grew perfectly. 

While both born within mere moments of each other, the oldest of the two seemed to be no different from a regular specimen upon first glance, while the other child showed clear signs from birth of success.

It was due to this initial observation, that the scientists of Shinra turned their attention and focus to the youngest of the brothers, while the oldest was deemed a failure. 

That is until.... One day the oldest of the two showed signs of an amazing change. His short spiky black hair started turning grey. 

A small patch of Grey hair, right at the front of his forehead. 

At first believed to be a sign of trouble. The young boy's biology was examined closely, and upon observation it was discovered that his body, while having not fully acclimated as his brothers, had indeed grown past what they had initially believed. 

Put through the same tests and experiments that the younger brother had gone through, as well as the trials and the training.

In due time the brothers joined their fellows on the battlefield, quickly making a name for themselves.

One as a collected warrior, that fought with grace and fluidity. And the other for his ferocity.

As such, the two were each gifted a blade. 

To the older brother went the Red Blade Muramasa, a sword befitting his tenacity and for his strength.

And to the younger brother, the Blue Blade Masamune, a blade befitting a fighter with grace and a calm and collected nature.

These brothers were the first of a kind.

The heroes of Shinra.

The first class.


The Successor of Project-S- Sephiroth!

And his brother- Samuel Exodus.


" Oh man, what a boring day." Exodus muttered. His short black hair blew softly as the wind brushed past his face, pushing up his short bangs. Exodus wore a simple black coat, similar to sephiroths without the shoulder armor, and underneath the standard pants and boots of the first class soldiers.

" Come now, Exodus, is it not a fair day? For how long it has been since the four of us were together?" Genesis spoke softly, as he read from his cherished book. Loveless.

" Hm! A few months at least." Angeal stated.

Exodus opened his eyes and stared up at the older man as the shadow of his great sword the Buster Sword began clouding the sun shining on his face.

" Angeal, still not using that sword of yours?"

" Of course not."

" What a waste, a beautiful blade like that should be put to the proper test." Exodus stated.

" Is that a challenge?" Angeal asked, grabbing his other sword from his hip.

" Nah... I'm tired today."

" Hm! You, tired? I'm not used to hearing that." And finally, the last member of the assorted quartet joined the men. His long grey hair flowing in the wind majestically.

" Ah, it would seem all of our cast members are finally on set." Genesis stated. " When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end, the Goddess descends from the sky. Wings of light and dark spread afar. She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting."

" Hm! Loveless, the prologue." Sephiroth muttered softly.

" Good ear." Genesis stated. He closed his book and grabbed his sword from his sheath.

Seeing this Angeal and Exodus both stood up.

"You know Genesis, I don't know why you love that book so much." Exodus spoke. He grabbed his blade and slung it over his shoulders.

"Well, my friend, perhaps if you read it, you'll understand." Genesis stated whimsically.

"I haven't felt like reading much lately.... But." Exodus drew his sword, discarding the sheathe. A blade Similar to the masamune, bearing a black hilt with a red wrap and a gold guard, but shorter in length.


" I've definitely needed to express some rage."

" I see...." Genesis spoke.

Genesis looked to Angeal, who in turn looked towards Sephiroth.

Their eyes all locking briefly.

[Ad Infinitum-Solborn]

Exodus was the first to move slamming his blade down in Genesis long sword-style Rapier.

"Hmmmm!" Genesis grunted as he was pushed back by the red blade.

"Hahaha!" Exodus chuckled with excitement.

Genesis pushed Exodus away and slashed at him with his blade, forcing him on the defense and momentarily giving him a moment to breathe. That is until, Angeal and Sephiroth joined the two of them.

Angeal came crashing down on Genesis with a standard sword that soldiers used. A simple black broadsword. Meanwhile Sephiroth and Exodus parried each ithers sword strikes before Angeal and Genesisinterjected themselves into the brothers fight.

Quickly switching partners, Exodus clashed blades with Angeal.

"Hm! You having fun yet?" Angeal asked with a smug look on his face.

"Yeah! Can't remember the last time I had the chance to fight someone on my level. You guys always know how to make things interesting." Exodus stated.

"Well then, let's kick things up a notch." Genesis spoke. He raised his red and gold sword up into the air and moved his hand alongside it and the blade lit up with a beautiful red light. Genesis lunged at Angeal and Exodus and dropped his blade down right between theirs forcing them both to retreat back to avoid the sudden blast.

As they did, Sephiroth descended onto Angeal pinning him down with his blade.

"Hragh!" Angeal grunted as he forced Sephiroth back.

Sephiroth cracked a small smile before pushing Angeal once more.

"You'll have to try a better than that, my friend." Sephiroth muttered lightly.

"Hm, all hail Sephiroth, eh?" Angeal asked the man.

Sephiroth smiled a little before turning on his heel and deflecting Genesis' sword away with a simple swing of his blade.




Angeal,Genesis, Exodus and Sephiroth all clashed, slamming their blades into each other, locking themselves in a tight four-way-deadlock.

Slowly the green and vibrant grassland around them started to disappear. The simulation they were running had been terminated, signaling the arrival of the Second Class SOLDIERs.

This slightly annoyed the parties involved who all withdrew their blades.

" Oh man, what a bummer." Exodus grumbled.

" That's too bad." Sephiroth spoke.

" Yeah." Angeal said in agreement.

" The seconds are back already? A shame. I guess we'll have to pick this up at a later time. Until then, my friends." Genesis muttered as he walked towards the exit to the simulator.

Exodus exhaled a sharp sigh. " Hey, Angeal, Sephiroth, let's walk and talk. I want to get your opinions on something before I leave for Kalm." Exodus stated.

" Sure. What's on your mind?" Angeal asked the man.

"It's about Shinra and this war we're in. We've been fighting Wutai for years now? And... I mean what's the point?"

"What do you mean?" Angeal asked the man.

" When war first broke out we were told it was because Wutai was planning to attack us. But.... on my last mission we bombed a village."

Exodus, Sephiroth and Angeal left the simulation room and started walking through Shinra Hq.

" Yeah? And?" Angeal asked.

" There was nothing there. No threat, no warriors. Nothing." He stopped. " Just people. Women, kids, simple people just living. Not a single ninja in sight. What was the point of that?"

Angeal and Sephiroth were both quiet. Neither knew how to answer that question.

"Well, I'm not really sure what to think. " Angeal stated bluntly.

" Gah!! Maybe it'd be better if I just sit the next run out. Get my head straight. Maybe I'll go to Costa del sol or the gold saucer. Take a vacation, you know?"

"You've already been on vacation once this year. Already you want to go back?" Sephiroth asked.

"Hell yeah. The food and drinks at Costa del sol were amazing. Their drink? Remarkable. Better than anything I've tasted here at least." Exodus stated. "Well, anyway. I've said what I needed to say. I've got a town to visit."

"Kalm, why?" Sephiroth asked.

"Security detail. Apparently there's been some movement in the Junon area. I'm being sent out with Verdot." Exodus explained.

"The Turk, huh?"

"Yup!" Exodus exclaimed. " Well, this is my exit. I'll see you two when I get back." Exodus stated.

" Yup." Angeal muttered.

"Hm." Sephiroth hummed lightly.

Exodus waves to the two men as he walked towards the departure bay.


Walking to launch pad Exodus was greeted by the leader of the Turk organization, Verdot.

" Exodus, a pleasure." Verdot spoke. Verdot was an older man with short wavy brown hair, with one long bang, who wear a clean black and white suit. The standard look of a Turk.

" Likewise." Exodus responded.

He and Verdot stepped onto the helicopter and Exodus patted the side. 

" Come on. Let's get to work. We got a job to do." He said.

The Helicopter slowly lifted off of the ground and took off out of Shinra Hq, its destination, the small town of Kalm, a beautiful and scenic city just outside the border of Midgar.

" So, Exodus, wanna tell me why Shinra saw fit to send a soldier along with me?" Verdot asked.

" No idea. Aren't you supposed to be the spymaster? You tell me." Exodus muttered.

Verdot laughed at that.

It was true, The Turks were Shinra's personal spy agency. Unknown to most of the world, even among Shinra, there are very few who know what these men and women actually do. 

" Tell me Verdot, what are we actually going to do? I doubt Shinra's sending me out just to play bodyguard for you."

" Ha, well, that's really all there is. We're just going to monitor the area for a little while and report anything weird back to Shinra."

" Really? That's it? Well, I guess it's not too bad. But still, I was hoping for some fun at least." Exodus stated. 

" Careful what you wish for. You just might get it."

" Heh! Yeah!"

" You know, You might just enjoy the quiet nature of Kalm." Verdot stated.

" Oh yeah?"

" Yeah. Kalm is a nice place almost all year. The green still grows, the town is always busy, the food is great, and the people are a joy."

" You know an awful lot about this place. You sound almost excited. I never see you like this."

" Yeah, well, what can I say Kalm is like my home."

" Is that right. Any family back home?"

Verdot looked to Exodus with a slightly amused face and remained quiet.

" Heh, smug asshole!" Exodus stated.


" We're here." Verdot spoke up.

Exodus looked from the floor and turned his attention to the city below him.

" Bout time." Exodus opened up the side door. " I'll see you down there." He said, he then leaped out of the helicopter. 

Verdot shook his head.

Exodus landed right in the middle of a grass field near Kalm. 

" Heh, not a bad city at all." Exodus could see the homes and business built atop the large stone wall clearly, admiring their beauty from the distance. " Let's get to work." 

With a breath and a bit of exertion, Exodus jumped to the top of the city walls, and landed directly in front of the city's entrance, much to the surprise of the guards who stood armed at the front gates.

" Whoa!"

" Who goes there?!"

Exodus looked at the two men and nodded.

" Take it easy, I'm here on business from Shinra. I'd ask you two keep your mouths closed and not tell anyone else I'm here. I'd hate to have to come back." Exodus told the two.

" Yes sir."

" Of course."

Exodus laughed and gave the two men a pat on the shoulder before moving into the city. After all a secret mission was supposed to stay a secret.

Exodus moved to the rooftops, passing over them was easy when you felt as light as a feather. Seeing the Helicopter passing over, Exodus followed it, until finally he arrived at Shinra's landing pad.

" Verdot, what took you so long?" He asked.

" We don't all get to jump out of moving vehicles unscathed. Need I remind you; we are still normal people." Verdot told the man. " Now, let's get to work, the sooner we finish the better."

Verdot and Exodus, along with the rest of their crew set up shop, in the city of Kalm. Moving in equipment into one of the many buildings in the city. Exodus was still unaware of the full scope of the mission, only that he there was supposedly enemy activity nearby and that Verdot needed protection to carry out some mission.

" Alright, Verdot, we're set up. Wanna tell me what I'm doing here now?" Exodus asked.

Verdot sighed.

" Very well. We're secured. Recently, we've been getting reports of Wutai soldiers near Junon's under city. As you know, Junon is very important asset in Shinra's military. The cannon is one of our main weapons and important in keeping out enemy invaders. As such it is essential for Shinra to look into and discover whether or not these reports have merit or not. But we do not gamble with maybes. You are to go to the undercity and investigate the rumors there, along with Reno, who's already there. Find him, he'll be your guide through everything. There's a vehicle outside the city waiting to take you there, now."

" Got it." Exodus muttered. He turned on his heels and quickly departed the small inn. " The undercity of Junon, huh? We aren't exactly liked all that much down there. Guess, I should try and do things carefully, huh." Exodus muttered.

Exodus made his way to the city limits where a vehicle was waiting, just as Verdot had planned.

" A bike? Really? Alright then, guess traveling inconspicuous is out. Whatever, let's rev it up!" Exodus slung one leg across the black bike and turned on the ignition switch. He twisted his wrist twice revving the bike up, before taking off into the wild lands.
