
Loved By The Ghost

Ryu climed the stairs. None of us dare to stop him. “Is he jealous?” “I’m not his girlfriend. Don’t ask me!” Mario’s protest to Bobby. I took a step to follow him instantly. He opened Manuela’s room. He was investigating. “You must stop!” Like an idiot, he didn’t hear me. He kept searching. Touching many things. He liked someone crazy. Mario’s correct. He wa in jealous. “The cameras on. They will easily track on us” I said. “Is there something you try to find out?” “No!” He approached me. “I just wonder to know. How can a women get eight, perfect score and dating a director” I was laughing. “You love her!” “I don’t love her!” he shouted. His voice was loud enough to be heard. Mario’s and Bobby quickly run on me.

Rahel_Andrea_Go · Khoa huyễn
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14 Chs

Meet by The Fate

"This is my number, in case you need my help" said Emer.

He takes his leave as soon as possible. He steps forward to the big apartment near the hotel, where Richella stays. His silutete under the moonlight seem so tall, his white face grab much attention. Some amaze on him other try to remember where they ever seen him.

After Emer's leaving, Richella sit on the chair observing construction area. Her mind wandering to the memory card she has found. She keeps on her pockets.

Suddenly, an ambulance passes by. Its serine is off, but two passengers sit on the front seat. It stops on the construction area. After the guards open the gate, they disappear.

"Nothing special about it. A big construction always provide best safety procedures for their workers. Ambulance is always standby 24 hours each day. Anytime they get accident, they can reach nearest hospital in less than fifteen minutes"

"Do you think so?"

"Yes, Metro city is the best area in this country. It not only built their kingdom of money but also care about all people here"

"It sounds good. As if, is it the best company in the world"

"It is young Lady, their owner won some prizes this year. So you no need to worry. Everything is under control here. Just enjoy your time here."

~Best company in the world? Then why do they need to control everything?~

In his study room, Emer reads Manuela's profile. She is kind of introvert person. She likes anything about art and something classic. She was graduated from reputable university. Her love journey was begun a year ago.

"Her design seems…"

"Not like her" Emer cut Linah's word. "Someone must influenced her, Neeed to find out more."

"Or, she is someone different" said Linah.

Dawn is coming, two hours siting on the café makes her better. She is going back to the hotel.


"Yes, Miss?"

"I can't use my phones here. Can you help me?" asked Richella to one of receptionist.

"For sure" said the receptionist.

She helps Richella to check her phone. In less than a minutes she explains.

"The provider, Miss. It's not support in this area. You must use our provider. Didn't we tell you before? You've been here more than a week right?"

Richella takes her phone.

"Oh, I forget about it" she said. "But how I can get compatible provider?"

"You can use our wifi. You are coming here for competition right? Metro city is completed with wifi in every areas, you can just connect it. Did you get your password Miss? I think, it was send few days before your arrival via email"

"I don't remember. Can you just tell me?"

"No, each of us have our unique password for securities reason. My password will be different form yours."

"One person one password, same provider. It sound like, our move is being control?"

Layala is frozen, she doesn't know if the guest will ask such kind of sharp question to her. She lost her word. She watch Richella with a lot of curiosity. Her next word stop her guess misunderstanding. Or she will loose her job.

"Never mind. No need to answer my question"

Layala breath happily. Richella steps away. Her job is save. Deep down in her heart, she is thinking. Should she report it to her manager?

In her room, Richella open the curtain. Three o'clock in the morning, she is not sleepy at all. The moonlight seem so close from seventy eight floor, especially when you turn off all the lamp.

Next morning, Richella go to the restaurant very late. Her head seems dizzy.

"Tea will help you" said Ryu coldly.

He just like robot like lately. He talks only if it is needed. When it is not necessary, he just keep quite.

"Looking for someone?" asked Ryu forwarded. "You turned your head few time even, I'm in front of you"


"She is not coming since last night"

"Really? But I saw her last night?" argued Richella.

Ryu doesn't answer. He brings dirty plate and leaves Richella.

"He must be going crazy about her girlfriend" said Mario. "Very clear, he likes Manuela, yes?"

"Who knows?" said Bobby. "Maybe he just jealous with her. She got eight perfect score. He is director's son remember? How can a director's son loose in this competition."

"We haven't get the result guys"

"No, it's her! It is very obvious, Manuela will win. That's why, we are here enjoy the time like a tourist, yes?"

They are correct. Manuela got eight perfect score. Even Ryu's father gave her agreement to her design. Is it hurt Ryu's feeling?

Richella feets touch something fluffy when she arise. It's barking. When she checks

"A puppy?" she is surprise.

She takes it out. A white fully puppy is barking softly.

"Green tea?" Richella reads his name. "Why did your name is green tea? You are not green at all!"

"Do you think so?"

Richella moves her body.

"It's my dog"

"Oh, sorry. I don't mean questing the way you name it. It just…."

"I know, it's white like a snow but I named it green tea." Emer reply. "I, found it in front of tea store. They offer free green tea sample for those who pass"

"Then you name it Green tea?"

"Yes, correct. I name it green tea"

"But it's doesn't like stray dog" Richelle's argues

"I don't know. I have try to find its home for three month before decided to adopt."

Richella puts Green tea down. It runs to his master. His master cuddles his head and talks to Green tea, not to run like this.

"What's bring you here?" asks Manuela. "Don't say we meet by accident"

Emer think for a while. He tries to search the best word to describe his arrival.

"I heard they have best croissant and it is free for tenant. I came to try it"

"Make sense. Take your croissant, let's have a tea"

Emer nods. He head to the table. Suddenly, his phone rings.


"We got a problem, Sir" said someone there.

"What is it?"