
Dressed to Match

"Nah, four days ago you were in blue and white and so was I."

"Have we met before?" she asked with sincere ignorance. I nodded and brazed closer.

"Not exactly, I saw you at V.U High School Enugu…so, do you choose to be everywhere I go or what?" I asked with an exaggerated furrow.

"No. I should say you follow me around," she answered shaking her head slightly.

"Nadah, you followed me to that snack joint where you bought what I also had for lunch: Pepsi and burger."

"Do you also keep a diary of what I eat?"

I laughed at that.

"I'll rather say that I have a good memory, of a beautiful lady," I said with, slight bow.

"And here you are, just following 'a beautiful lady' again."

"Actually," I started with, "I came for an interview." And I think I placed emphasis on the interview.

"I see. How was it?" Her interest was deep and she tilted her head to the side, a hair strolled carelessly to her forehead, and I tempted to push it back but she did that with her little finger before I even contemplated.

"Well, I don't know. Based on the questions and the interviewer's disposition, methinks the job has already been given out before the advert was placed." I responded solemnly. Gathering myself I said, "by the way, my name mid-sentence I stopped and wondered what she wrote on a piece of paper.

"I gotta go." She said abruptly and handed the paper to me. "Call me, will ya?" she was already on her way up the stairs. I raised the paper to my temple in a mock salute to indicate that I will do just that.

I got home feeling triumphant. Meeting her had made my day, talking to her glorified me and having her number gave me back the joy I had lost at the interview.

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