
LOVE YOU till the end

After failing to save a terminally ill patient who happens to be a member of the aristocrat and her boyfriend breaks up with her, she drops in at a bar and eventually ended up in bed with a total stranger. She feels horrible and things gets complicated when the patient seeks her help. She asks that she marry her wealthy son, Darius, whom she wasn't in good terms with. Although the members of their Aristocratic family refused, after so much persuasion, Celine agrees not because she wants to but was threatened by her uncle who promised kick her and her sick sister out. She concedes to marry him but plans to annul it after the death of the patient as she wasn't one to be trapped down by a man but things take a turn for the Alpha female when karma comes knocking; she's one month gone and a life was forming within her.....she was expecting?? How would she fulfill her end of the bargain with such a big secrete? And there's no more chance to escape because the cold and aloof billionaire was now, head over heels for her.

Mary_stica2406 · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Rays of light peaked through the window and the cool breeze billowed raising the flowery curtain. After endless turning and rolling on the medium sized bed, she fell down on the hard floor, right on her butt and groaned.

" Where am I ?", she asked herself trying to gauge any familiarity in her surroundings.

The room was painted pale cream and pink, the furnitures looked dull, the fan was a little rusted at the edges and even the window panes. It looked like an abandoned room.

"How did I get here?", she asked until she noticed her present condition. Her groin area ached and there was dried blood between her thighs. She wasn't even wearing clothes.

" Ahhhh", she screamed and broke down in tears.

" I have been raped", she said gasping as she covered her mouth, slowly crouching and leaning on the wooden table.

"Who could have done this to me?", she said crying further.

Slowly she recalled ordering the taxi to drop her at the bar, she ordered shots after shots of tequila, how she was brought in by the bartender.

" The strange man!!", she uttered suddenly remembering how he approached her and how she gave in to her desires although she couldn't recall his face in the darkness.

" I'm such a fool, how could I give myself out so cheaply and that to a man I never knew?", she kept groaning to herself, slapping her forehead and wailing.

She had lost her virginity to someone she barely knew.

Pacing continuously in fright and anger, she tried to figure out what to do next.

What if he had some kind of illness?

Why would he leave without addressing me?

" Such a jerk. After he raped me and took advantage of me?, Why did I have to be so dumb", she wailed.

(Ring ring!!!)

She hurried to pick up her phone, " What is the matter Christian?, what do you want?", she asked, trying to adjust her voice.

" The patient is up now and demands to see you pronto", Christian said.

"And what does she need me for", she asked while scurrying around to find her dress and bag.

"I don't know just get here immediately before she creates a scene", he said before hanging up.

"Damn it?", she said as she searched around her room for her dress and shoes only to find it shredded into pieces.

"What!!, is that man an animal?", she yelled frantically.

"Oh no he tore it up, what a monster....", She groaned quickly ordering a floral dress online and making an immediate transaction.

She ordered for it to be brought as soon as possible and made to clean up herself until she noticed a packaged bag and check beside it.

She tore it open and saw a pale pink bodycon dress, lingerie and shoes with basic materials needed for makeup, tooth brush and paste with a brush, lotion and body wash materials. she was stunned.

" What?!... he is actually considerate", she said smiling but got angry when she noticed the cheque and letter, "does he consider me a slut?", she yelled while shredding it into pieces.

She decided to sue the motel after coming back from the hospital.

After dressing up, she attempted to pick up her bag when she noticed another fat ward of cash lying beside her bag.

She scoffed in disgust.

"Men will always be men....Placing a price on my virginity, we will see about that", she said shaking her fist in the air.

After a one hour drive, accompanied with her endless bakering and ranting. The taxi man felt relieved to drop her off from the hospital, driving off immediately.

Celine ran into the hospital and dashed into the terminally ill patient ward.

A nurse was inserting a needle connected to an oral drip filled bag hanging on a pole, she went further to adjust the cannula while using a thermometer to gauge the patient's temperature.

Celine noticed a young lady probably in her twenties reassuring the patient with soothing words.

"The surgeon is here," The young lady informed.

"Hi, my name is Tessy," She said with a wide smile and with an outstretched arm.

"It is a pleasure meeting you and you are?" Celine asked, probably intrigued about the young lady's personality.

Why wasn't she present when the surgery was about taking place?

That were the thought running through her mind as she eyed her suspiciously.

"I'm her daughter", Tessy replied and Celine understood why they looked familiar.

"Oh, now I see why you guys look familiar" She said and immediately the patient had a cardiac arrest.

Three doctor rushed into the ward and gently placing her on the stretcher before rushing her towards the theater.

They inducted defibrillator failed to send electric pulses so they had to do it manually, a nebulizer was already attached to her nose and anesthesia machine inducing sleep.

The pneumograph and Pace maker were already in place in case of any second alternative.

Celina, being a perfectionist was already with the chest compressor and defibrillator in place to avoid past mistake or any unusual occurrences.

After several trials,she managed to revive the terminally ill patient. The nebulizer was replaced with an oxygen mask and the patient was wheeled back to her ward; be patient,clunked unto Celina's arm looking all petrified and hinged up. Opening and closing her mouth like a fish brought out of water.

"I...I...I... Want...you..... to....", the patient struggled to speak.

"You want what?", she asked leaning forward to pay rapt attention to her,

"Need.....to.....talk.....to....you," The patient stuttered with a quick relapse to the bed.

"Get strong and regain your energy and we would discuss more on whatever you have in mind" Peeling off the woman's firm grip on hers.

The patient smiled wildly at her and said,


"I beg your pardon?", Celine asked,gently tucking her to bed while stroking her silky and glossy hair which had some strands of grey hair depicting old age and her fox eyes held pain and emotional turmoil not excluding untold wisdom,cunningness and wit.

"My.....name.....is.....Doris," she said making a little gesture.

"Okay mam.....", Celine replied, while taking notes on changes in he body and also drugs to be bought before handing it over to Tessy, who rushed out to get it.

"Call...me...mother", she said with a faint smile.

"okay mam, I mean mother.....", Celine complied and smiled sweetly but when her back was turned to her, she rolled her eyes.

"I need your help dear", Doris requested with pleading eyes. " I want you to get married to my son ", she said.

"What!", Celine screamed as if a terrible statement had just being said.

"Please my dear, although we are not in good terms, I still see you as the right one for my son", she said.

"I didn't introduce myself, I am Mrs Smith, The wife to Mr Smith", she said.

"Wait, you mean the Multi billionaire Mr Smith ", Celine asked mouth agape.

She couldn't believe that she had performed a major operation on an aristocrat.

"So what do you say, will you marry him?".

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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