
New life

Its been two week since my father and mother got divorced. I do not know what to think.Although I'm 16, I do not know anything about love.I never made love. never feeling what love is. maybe ... because of what happened between my mom and dad.I am the only child. that's why only me saw what happened between them both. they are always fighting. not worth it. but thanks, they never ignored me. one day, they fought badly. I was so scared. my whole body will be shivering when they hear that they both fight. they are fun talking about divorce. when they both get divorced, I do not know where to go.I decided to stay with my mother. but it's all gone. My mom left me on my dad. he said father would take care of me well. she left me with tears. Dad was silent when I asked about my mother. father decided to move to New Zealand. I just agree. here, I do not even have many friends because I'm a quiet person and I prefer to be alone.

"Ariana, i will got out for a minute, do not forget the door lock, prepare the school for tomorrow's school."Mr. Hans knocked slowly at the door of his room and outside his voice.

"I can not go to school tomorrow, I'm so tired, yet we just arrived here 2 days ago" ariana begging.

"You're going to go tomorrow because it is the first day you're in a new school, keep your discipline and keep your father's good name.i will go out now. sleep well. "

Ariana complains. he knows his father would never compromise if it involves schooling.

she sits on a chair at the makeup table. Then she pensive for a moment as her eyes glide toward the whole room.

she likes his new room. quite spacious and different from its old chicago room. she complained slowly. new school, new room, new home, new friend ... but .. is there anyone who wants to make friends with me?

in chicago, everyone says she's bizarre and starts setting aside her. It all started when her parents were in conflict when he was 12 years old. she started to stay away from people and began to be quiet.

she saw the reflection of her face in the mirror. Her yellow blonde hair length of shoulder level seems to fly flying in the wind blows of the fan. Her face is free of all skin problems. clean white. with two droplets on both sides of the cheeks that sweetened her smile . but she did not remember when she last smiled.she is beautiful. hybrid korea and chicago.

she closed his eyes and began to imagine the new school atmosphere. ahh .. thump it!