
Love X War

On the surface, Damon is a role student in a school full of superpower users, he is favored by all his teachers and even the working staff, everyone thinks that he is a model student, but behind their backs, he breaks rules as he pleases for his own convenience. But that is not all that he was hiding from everyone; he didn’t reveal his powers as well, and he let the students around him believe that he is a weakling. One day Damon was forced to marry Justine, the elite girl who is worshipped by many students, in order to save her country from war. Justine is the daughter of a royal family, she got both brains and power. However, she is loyal to her country so she agrees to the marriage reluctantly. How will this marriage turn out? Will it bear fruit? Or is there a separation at the end of their road. ----------------—credits-------------------- Cover artist: Kuya. Cover designer: MaDa.

MaDa · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs

The Principal’s Plot

Damon spent a year in the military's training facility back in the USA before he was enrolled into the school.

The military personnel working in the facility were torturing him day and night to show them his powers, but he wouldn't reveal it, they kept on bullying him till they gave up to his stubbornness.

So all he did while he was in the facility was physical training and routine experiments, days, months, seasons have passed by till one day the principal came visiting the facility.

After he heard all about his story he decided to pick him up and enroll him in his school.

The principal seemed like a bright warm light that has descended from heaven to salvage him from this cruel mortal realm. Damon almost thought that maybe his late father sent the principal to save him.

After the plan that they took back to Nightingale Island has landed, and they went back to school, Damon ran off to the principal's office and busted into his room without even knocking, Justine ran behind him with all her might to catch up to him and find out what he meant when he said it was the principal's fault.

"You planned all this, didn't you?" Damon says furiously as he is pointing with his finger to the principal sitting in his chair.

the principal claps slowly with his hand twice and says,

"It seems I was found out- "


"I am amazed by your sharp senses, I wouldn't expect any less from my top student" the principal continues.

Damon was so irritated by the principal so he says in a tone full of hostility,

"Are you mocking me? Why do you always interfere in my business"

Justine was standing there restlessly hearing them out, she tried to put puzzle pieces together to find out what was going on, but she couldn't pick up anything at all.

She couldn't get over her curiosity so she screamed out loud to interrupt their conversation, then she turned towards Damon and said,

"Can you explain what is going on here?"

"Don't you find it strange that we landed on Texas among all other many states-" Damon explains.

"Also my mother was waiting for us at that certain time in that specific airport among all other airports in Texas-"


"She even knew when we were going back and was waiting for us outside the airport."

Even after hearing all those speculations, she didn't get what was going on, on the contrary, it confused her even more, and the principal noticed that.

"Let me tell you what happened in detail, Justine," the principal says that with a calm voice.

Justine steps forwards towards the principal's desk and listens to him eagerly.

"As Damon said, I planned for everything; I chose Texas specifically so that he could meet his mother who lived there-" the principal explains.


"I even called his mother and told her about the airport name and the time you would arrive-"


"I made sure that nothing about your visit will be leaked to the news, otherwise a crowd of people would have been waiting for them at the airport and he wouldn't have a chance to reunite with his mother-"


"I also told her about the time you were getting back."

After hearing the principal's explanation she was impressed by how much effort he put to help Damon mend his relationship with his mother she thought to herself,

" the principal must be really treasuring Damon to be doing all that for his sake"

The principal continued saying,

"Anyways I did all that for you, you should be thanking me rather than glaring at me like that."

Damon couldn't let go of his anger so he said harshly,

"I appreciate your thought, but I can take care of my own matters, I would rather you not to interfere with my family again"

After he said that he left the room stomping his feet on the ground and panged the door behind him as he went out leaving Justine alone with the principle,

"I am sorry about my husband's behavior just now," Justine said that in an apologetic tone as she was bowing down.

"Y-you don't have to apologize I am used to it already," the principal says while gesturing to Justine to stop bowing and stand up straight.

The principal stands up from the desk and walk towards the window by his side then he looks up to the sky as he says,

"But I am glad"

"Glad?! What do you mean?" Justine asks.

"Well, you are already apologizing in place of your husband, it seems he finally found someone to show him the right path-"

The principal then turns towards her and says in a serious tone,

"Even though he might seem like a spoiled kid right now, he will protect his family at whatever cost even of he sacrificed himself"

Justine already felt that from Damon without the principal telling her, even though a half month didn't pass on their marriage.

She puts a faint smile on her face and says,

"I know, Sir"

The principal smiled back at her with his aged face and says,

"I am glad"

Then Justine excuses herself and walks outside the principal's room with calm steps closing the door gently behind her, unlike Damon.

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