
Love Without Prejudice

Three years after the rumbling, tensions are high between refugees fleeing to Liberio from the increasingly unstable new Eldian Empire, and the surviving Marleyans. Armin has a crazy plan to fix it. What do Levi and the mysterious daughter of General Magath have to do with it? And can they make it work?

Allison_Fischer · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

A Most Awkward Proposal

Levi's grip tightens around his cane as his leg spasms and sends a spike of needling pain up and down his brutalized leg. He's forced to take a break from his short walk to the half rebuilt city hall of Marley's old capital, where Armin had asked to meet him for tea after returning from three years abroad. The former captain should have made his "commander" come to him, but he doesn't want Gabi and Falco to get roped into whatever task the genius boy is about to ask of him. Armin had insisted it was just a friendly meeting between comrades, but Levi knows better. He's had enough experience with schemes cooked up by brilliant blondes to know when he's being lured into one. The 15th Commander of the Survey Corps had returned to Marley, along with most of his former squad and the warriors, after three years of traveling abroad to tell the story of the war, only to find it on the brink of another conflict.

Tensions have been rising between the Eldian refugees fleeing from the increasingly unstable Paradis Island, and the surviving Marleyans. Many of the citizens still hold resentment for the "island devils", and blame all Eldians for Eren's mass genocide. It had started with shop owners refusing to serve Eldians, and quickly escalated into citywide protests and public brawls. It's only a matter of time before someone gets killed and the city devolves into chaos. Levi suspects that whatever scheme Armin plans to rope him into, it will be an attempt to de-escalate the situation. The last thing he wants is for those kids to get caught up in another war. So, with a deep breath and a tight grip on his cane, Levi struggles the last few blocks to city hall to hear Arlert's ridiculous plan.

He finds Armin in the restored gardens behind the building, seated with poise at a white wicker table with a porcelain tea set resting on top and an empty white chair on the opposite side. The years abroad have been kind to the brat, it seems. His face has lost even more of the boyish look since the last time Levi saw him, and he appears to have grown another shitty head taller. Armin would almost rival Erwin in height now, and even his skinny frame has filled out more. The brat grins, eyes flashing with that hope and brilliance that always reminded him of the man he had chosen not to save, and holds out a steaming cup of tea for him to take.

"Captain! I'm glad you agreed to meet with me. It's been a long time since we've caught up. How are Gabi and Falco doing? Your leg seems to be doing much better. You were still in a wheelchair when I left."

The faded, worn chair creaks as Levi takes his seat. He accepts the cup and takes a generous sip, staring over the rim at Arlert's nervous chatter. It's good to know he hasn't completely lost the ability to scare the wits out of his former soldiers.

"It's just Levi now, Armin. You performed my retirement ceremony, remember? The kids are fine. Leg is still shit but getting better. Now cut the shit and tell me what you really want."

Sweat beads at the boy's temples, which he wipes away with the back of his hand before clearing his throat.

"Right. Well, the city council has asked me to do something about the unrest between the Eldian refugees and the Marleyans. I've come up with an idea, but I can't make it work without you."

Levi takes another long sip from his tea. It's better than any he's been able to get for a while, and he suspects Armin brought it back from some far off country and served it with hopes to bribe him. A glance at Armin's feet, where a simply wrapped round package sits partially hidden, confirms his suspicions. It must be a shitty, desperate plan, if the boy is resorting to bribes.

"Spit it out."

"How do you feel about getting married?"

Levi chokes on his tea. The scalding liquid goes down the wrong pipe, forcing him to cough and pound his chest. He fixes Armin with a sour look as he answers.

"Skinny blonde brats aren't my thing. Besides, I thought you were gonna marry your little murderess?"

Heat floods Armin's cheeks, whether from embarrassment or anger, he isn't sure. Levi doesn't have anything against Annie, really. She'd done what she had to, just like all of them. There isn't any point in holding a grudge, he just wanted to get under the boy's skin. Armin ignores the jab at his fiancée. He'd always been the most level-headed of the new Levi squad. So much so that Levi had almost called bullshit after hearing how Armin attacked Eren when he insulted the gloomy brat.

"Not me. I'm talking about marrying a Marelyan. We would hold a big open ceremony. I know it seems...antiquated, but a marriage between two important figures from Eldia and Marley might help ease the tensions. If the people see that others are able to move past their prejudices, they will follow the example."

"Who is this important figure from Marley? Their military was all but demolished by the rumbling."

"General Magath had a daughter. Not many people knew about her. Apparently, he fell in love with a woman from one of Marley's conquered nations. They got married, but after the baby was born she ran off and disappeared. The daughter was working in Fort Slava during the rumbling, but she came back after to help with the city's restoration efforts. She teaches at Gabi and Falco's school."

Levi crosses one leg over the other and stares at Armin over the brim of his cup as he takes another sip. General Magath's daughter, huh? He struggles to bring the man's face to mind. Levi only spent a short time with him, and he hadn't been in the best condition at the time. The man had died to help them stop the rumbling. Would his daughter blame the Eldian "heroes" for his death? In all likelihood, she felt the same way about the island devils as most other Marelyans. He's not opposed to the idea of marrying in the effort of peace, not like he has any romantic connections to anyone. If all it takes to secure a stable future for Gabi and Falco is to tolerate a woman's presence for the rest of his life, well, he's done much more difficult things.

"This is the worst plan you've ever come up with. What does the girl think about all this?"

"I haven't talked to her yet. She's agreed to meet me in about an hour. That gives you some time to find a ring and make it back here. I was hoping that if you both accepted, we could get the proposal out of the way this afternoon so we can announce the wedding in tomorrow's newspaper."

"You want me to get down on one knee and do the whole shitty thing? Why do I have to do that if we both agree already?"

"Because we want people to see it, so they'll be less likely to assume the marriage is a ploy."

"It is a ploy."

Armin shakes his head in exasperation, and Levi longs for the days when no one-except Hange, crazy as they were-would dare make a face like that. Does the shitty brat think he can't still beat his disrespectful ass?

"Yes, but if everyone knows, or suspects it, then it won't work. Please Levi, I know it's not your cup of tea, but I need you to at least try to make it look genuine."

Levi sets his cup down on it's saucer with a clink, crosses his arms, and looks away with a huff.

"Fine. So if she agrees, you'll have her meet me here this afternoon?"

"Yes. There's an event tonight to celebrate the success of the rebuilding operations, so there will be plenty of witnesses."


The wicker chair creaks as he lifts himself up with the aid of his cane, and he holds out an expectant hand. Armin laughs, pulls the package out from under his own chair, and hands it over. He can smell the rich aromas of several rare tea blends, even through the wrapping and lid. It must have cost Armin a fortune. Only about twenty percent of the plant life destroyed by the colossal titans had regrown in the last three years. Food shortages are just as severe now as when Wall Maria first fell, and things like spices and tea leaves are a luxury.

"Thank you. I know this is a heavy burden, but it will be worth it in the end."

Levi tucks the tin under his free arm and pins Armin with a knowing stare.

"You sound like Erwin when you talk like that. Any ideas where I'm supposed to get a ring? Rebuilding the jeweler's shop isn't high on the council's priority list."

"Check the market. It's not very romantic, but some of the refugees are selling their valuables in exchange for rations."

"I'm sure she'll love it. What's the brat's name? It won't look very authentic if I have to ask her before I propose."

Armin's grin morphs into a disapproving frown, and Levi ignores the tiny pinch of regret in his stomach.

"She's your age, Levi, hardly a brat. Her name is Lorilynn and the council members said the kids at the school are fond of her. You should at least attempt to be nice."

Levi scoffs as he turns and walks away. He must be losing his touch, letting himself get scolded by a know-it-all half his age. Odds are, the woman will refuse to tie herself to a devil like him, he'll give whatever unfortunate woman he buys the ring from her precious memories back, and Armin will have to come up with some other way to keep the peace. What woman in their right mind would choose to marry a scarred, crippled, war traumatized soldier? Armin must have finally caught some of Conny's stupidity, if he thinks this desperate plan will work. Either that, or Lorilynn is just as insane as the rest of them.

"I'll be back in an hour. Tell her to come find me by that fucking awful statue at the center of the garden if she agrees. That should be public enough."

He doesn't give Armin a chance to answer as he turns the corner. The council members give Levi a wide berth as he weaves his way through city hall and back onto the street, but most of them dip their heads in reverence as he passes. Half of the city still considers him nothing more than an filthy Eldian, but the other half worships him and his comrades as heroes. Levi would much rather everyone despise him. He's always hated being the center of attention, and being worshipped for killing the boy who turned himself into a monster to save his loved ones doesn't feel right, no matter how screwed up Eren's logic was. After a brief stop at his apartment to change into his suit, Levi heads to the market, all the while thinking of what the hell he's going to say to propose to a woman he's never met.

Lorilynn's POV

Lorilynn pats down her powder blue wool sweater vest for the hundredth time, and fiddles with the top button on her crumpled blouse. If she had known when she agreed to meet with the commander of the scouts, that their infamous Captain would be proposing to her just a few minutes later, she would have changed out of her work clothes. The black knee length pencil skirt she paired with the top is the only flattering thing about her appearance. It hugs her hips and and makes her waist look more narrow, but the baggy top hides everything from the waist up. Her strawberry blonde hair is an awful mess, with several pieces slipping from it's braid after a long day of chasing children around the school yard. She had rushed straight over as soon as class let out for the day, so that she could meet Armin in time. Now, as she pulls the hair from its braid and combs her fingers through it with haste, she wishes she would have risked being late. Lorilynn has caught glimpses of Levi when he walks Gabi and Falco to school, or from the corner of her favorite bakery as he came in for a cup of tea whenever they had some available. No matter what time of day she saw him, Levi always looked sharp and clean, not a wrinkle or smudge in sight. For him to propose to her in this crumpled state is downright embarrassing, but there's nothing she can do. He's already waiting for her.

Several people mill about as Lorilynn reaches the statue in the center of the gardens. The stone face of Levi staring down on her looks even more menacing than in real life, and the faces of his comrades look on in silent judgement. The statue was built a year after the rumbling, to commemorate the heroes who saved the world from Eren Yeager's wrath. She notices that the stone Levi is unscarred, and not missing any fingers. It's hard to miss when the man himself is standing in front of her in the flesh. The blinded eye and pink scar that stretches from his temple down to his chin are the only blemishes in his pristine appearance, but the raven haired man eyeing her with crossed arms and a severe expression is still nothing less than beautiful to her. The cane she'd often seen him walking with is absent, and Levi stands as tall as his small stature allows. She has a few inches on him, but it doesn't help her feel any less intimidated as she approaches with reddening cheeks. What is she supposed to say? Does he know she's the one he's supposed to propose to? Does he even know her name? She can't introduce herself in front of all these people. They're supposed to be a couple in love. Should she hug him? Kiss him? The thought makes the flush in her cheeks worse and her fingers tremble. Before she can decide what to do, Levi holds his good hand out to her and she hears him speak for the first time. It's a lovely voice, deep and rough at the edges, and brimming with self-assurance.

"Hello, Lorilynn."

Lorilynn accepts his hand and Levi pulls her against him. His other hand cups her cheek and turns her face so that he can lay a chaste kiss on the corner of her mouth. When he pulls away, Lorilynn's face is so hot that her round glasses fog up. It takes every ounce of her willpower not to stutter.

"Hello, Levi. You look very handsome."

He does, truly. The crisp black suit jacket and snow white under shirt hug his chest and shoulders in all the right places, and make the splashes of blue in his steel eyes more obvious. The usual cravat is gone, and the top few buttons if his shirt undone, revealing the expanse of his pale throat and just a peek of the collar bone. Lorilynn is hardly a stranger to handsome men. She'd had more lovers than she cared to admit during her world travels. None of them come close to the beauty of Levi. If she didn't know better, she'd say he was carved out of the same stone standing behind him, instead of soft, vulnerable flesh. Wrapped up in her perusal of Levi's body, Lorilynn almost misses the next words whispered next to her ear.

"Since you're here, I take it you've agreed to Armin's shitty plan?"

Lorilynn nods her affirmation, not trusting herself to speak without stuttering. Levi tugs her down to sit next to him on the statue's ledge. His arm, still wrapped around her waist, presses her chest against his while his good hand clasps around one of her clammy ones. To all the passersby, they appear to be sharing sweet nothings.

"I want to make a few things clear to you, before we go through with this. Though our marriage will be in name only, I expect you to remain faithful. Any affairs will create a scandal, and then the whole charade will be for nothing. You have my word I will not stray either. If we do this, you will be committing yourself never to sharing a bed with someone or finding love. I know someone like you is probably unaccustomed to making sacrifices. Are you prepared for this?"

Her eyes narrow at the not so subtle jab at her background. What does he know about her, to say she's never made sacrifices? Lorilynn bites her lip to hold back a snide remark, and nods her acceptance again. No matter what he might think of her, Levi had agreed to this marriage the same as her, and they are doing it for a good reason. She has to think of the children. All those innocent, war scarred souls who deserve to grow up without the threat of more conflict looming over their heads. Yes, for the children, she will do this and do it well. Besides, even if he looks down on her now, they would be living together for the rest of their lives soon. That's plenty of time for them to get to know each other and at least form a companionship.

"I want to hear your acceptance out loud. This isn't something to take lightly."

Lorilynn takes a steadying breath and lifts their clasped hands to lay a soft kiss against his thumb. Sunlight reflects off her glasses, concealing her true feelings as she gives Levi her best smile.

"Yes. I understand the terms and accept them. I want peace, and I'll do anything I can to keep it."

Levi stares her down. The harsh angle of his brows and downturned lips make his cold stare all the more intimidating, but she refuses to back down. He must have found some conviction in her coffee colored eyes, because the next moment, Levi slips off the ledge and kneels at her feet. From the inside pocket of his jacket, he pulls a simple silver band with a small green stone. The subtle glances from the dozen or so people collecting in the gardens turn into all out stares. Some even point and whisper as Levi presses a kiss to the back of the hand still in his grasp, and makes sure the entire assembly can hear him this time.

"Lorilynn Magath, I never thought I would find someone to share a future with, never thought I'd even live to see the end of the war. And yet, here we both are. Will you grant me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Lorilynn bites her lip again as her eyes flash momentarily over the crowd. Most stand silent with shocked expressions, but some of the women grin and coo at the display. Is she really the only one to think his words stiff and unconvincing? That is hardly the proposal she would expect from a couple in love. Then again, can she really expect any more from the war hardened Captain? Lorilynn does her best to imitate a surprised, lovestruck face.

"Yes! I can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend my life with. I love you, Levi."

It's not a lie, mostly. She'd never considered marrying any of the slew of men she's dated. After the last relationship had ended in embarrassing failure, Lorilynn swore off men altogether and resigned herself to being a lonely spinster. She also truly loves that Levi is willing to help secure the fragile peace in Marley's rebuilding capitol. There's a subtle twitch in Levi's good eye as he slips the ring on her left hand, stands, and despite his limp, pulls Lorilynn to her feet. The next moment, chapped lips press against hers in a fumbling, too fast kiss. The moment she returns it, Levi pulls away, quickly hiding a grimace that makes her heart sink. Is he so disgusted by just that small skin contact? What had she done to make him despise her? She's only known him for five minutes.

Cheers erupt from the gathered crowd and the flash of a camera pulls her out of her thoughts. A news crew that she suspects was hired by Armin asks a flurry of questions. Where did they meet? When did they start dating? When will the wedding be? Should they be expecting any little Ackermans in the near future? Lorilynn becomes increasingly embarrassed with each question, but Levi answers all of them with smooth lies. The only indication that he's stressed by the publicity is the iron grip of his hand around her fingers. If he squeezes much harder, she's sure they'll snap. After what seems like an eternity, Levi at last insists that they must take their leave, and all but drags her away. He removes his hand the moment they leave city hall.

"Armin wants the wedding to happen as soon as possible. Can you acquire something decent to wear within a week?"

Lorilynn blushes and tries to ignore his pointed stare at her crumpled clothing.

"I'll manage."

"Good. Armin will contact you about the date and the planning. I'll start packing everything to move into your place after the wedding, if that's agreeable to you. My apartment is too small for four people."

"Oh, that's right. Gabi and Falco live with you. Yes, that's fine. There's plenty of space in my home. I guess I'll see you next week then."

Lorilynn extends a friendly handshake. Levi glares at the appendage as if it had personally offended him somehow and turns on his heel. She watches him go with a sinking feeling growing in her gut. If this is how he's going to act when no one's watching, being married to him might be more difficult than she thought. Lorilynn shakes herself out of that depressing line of thought and turns in the opposite direction, towards her home. She needs to change into something more comfortable before joining up with the other rebuilding volunteers.

One Week Later.

Lorilynn takes several deep breaths as she tries to quell the unease in her gut. One of her older students, a former Eldian warrior named Gabi who had helped save the world and is under Levi's care, fusses about Lorilynn's uncooperative mass of hair. Gabi is her maid of honor, partly to aid the narrative of unity between herself, a Marleyan, and the Eldians, but mostly because Lorilynn has no other female friends. Well, none that are still alive, anyway. Poor Gabi is in way over her head. She'd never learned how to do intricate formal hairstyles. There had never been a need to learn. Lorilynn lets her fumble with the strands for another minute before pulling away from Gabi's hands.

"It's okay. We'll just leave it down. I don't think Levi will care either way."

Gabi chuckles and twists the strawberry tresses into a simple braid, then steps around to look at her handiwork.

"You're probably right. He's not the type to care about fancy hairstyles."

She looks away, biting her lip in hesitation, then meet's Lorilynn's gaze with a fierce determination.

"He's a good guy, I promise! He takes care of Falco and I, even though I killed one of his squad members. I know he's a little rough around the edges, but please don't think poorly of him!"

Lorilynn laughs and holds her hands up in a gesture of peace.

"Relax, Gabi. I don't think poorly of him at all. I've seen the way he hovers around you two like a worried parent. After everything he's been through, I don't blame him for acting a little cold. I know he's a good man. He would never agree to this otherwise."

Gabi's cheeks color, and she moves behind Lorilynn again to tighten the laces of the corset back of her champagne colored gown. Lorilynn had felt wearing the traditional white would be inappropriate somehow.

"Hey, at least he's handsome too, right? If you have to be stuck looking at someone for the rest of your life, he's definitely not the worst you could do. He's built like a brick house too, insists on working out every day even with that leg."


Lorilynn flushes scarlet all the way down to her chest.

"That is a wildly inappropriate way to talk about your guardian. When did you start thinking about boys like that, anyway?"

Gabi snorts and bends down to fuss with her train.

"I'm almost sixteen, Miss Magath, and I didn't mean anything by it. Just saying, at least he's nice to look at."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say any of that. Besides, there won't be any looking from either of us."

"Hey, you never know. What's that saying? Familiarity breeds..."

"Contempt, sweetheart."

Lorilynn chuckles at Gabi's attempt to encourage her.

"The last thing I need is more contempt. Thank you for trying to cheer me up, Gabi. But, I'm fine, really. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to marry him. It's not about love, it's about securing peace. As long as we can be civil with each other, that will be enough."

Gabi finishes straightening out her train. The champagne lace with black embroidered flowers spreads out behind her. Her favorite student hugs her from behind with a sigh.

"I just want you to be happy, Miss Magath. You've been so kind to all of us, and you work so hard to help rebuild the city. You deserve more than just a civil acquaintance. Don't you want to be with somebody who loves you?"

Lorilynn smiles, tears welling up behind her glasses, and she lays her hands over Gabi's.

"You can just call me Lorilynn. And just between you and me, I've never had much luck in the love department. If I wasn't marrying Levi, I'd just be getting my heart stomped on by some asshole I thought I could fix. I've had more than enough 'love' in my life. Don't worry about me, sweetheart, okay? I'll be just fine."

The door opens and Armin pokes his head in the door. He gives her a bright, encouraging smile.

"You look beautiful, Lorilynn. It's time. Are you ready?"

Gabi lets go and grabs a small, but beautiful bouquet of gold crysanthemums, her favorite flowers. They had been hard to find, and rather than cut them, Lorilynn had dug them out roots and all. The roots are wrapped at the end in a strip of silk soaked in water. She plans to plant them in the window sill box in front of her house as soon as the wedding is over, and hope they take to the fresh soil. Lorilynn takes a steadying breath as Gabi lifts her train off the ground, and holds her head high.

"I'm ready."

Armin nods and holds the door open for them to walk through. He leads them to the garden entrance. Several white painted benches sit in neat rows on either side of the cobblestone aisle, which leads directly to the foot of the memorial statue. Everyone turns to stare as she enters, but she has eyes for no one but Levi, standing at the end of the path. Armin quickly takes his place next to the former Captain, and Lorilynn feels a gentle squeeze as Falco takes hold of her elbow. She knows it's him because he'd volunteered to give her away during the rushed planning, but she doesn't break her gaze from Levi as Falco guides her forward. The dark haired former scout wears a royal blue suit with a dark grey undershirt that makes the blue of his eyes shine bright and fierce. A silk cravat that matches her dress, with black stitching on the edges accentuates the paleness of his throat. His hair is slicked back, with a few stubborn ebony strands falling down into his eyes. It had grown much longer than the statue version of him standing tall behind him kept it. Without the hair framing his face, she has a clear view of the sharp angles of his high cheekbones and the sturdy square shape of his jaw. The suit hugs tight to his chest and thighs. Levi is the shortest man in the room, but he seems to tower over Lorilynn as she reaches him. Falco lets go of her elbow, to be taken by Levi's firm grip as he pulls her to stand at his side. A hundred pairs of eyes burn into her back as she turns her attention to the head of the city council, who'd agreed to perform their ceremony.

"We welcome everyone here today to witness the union between Levi Ackerman and Lorilynn Magath. Does the lovely couple have any special words to give each other before exchanging vows?"

Lorilynn opens her mouth to say no. What kind of special words could two complete strangers have for each other? A tight squeeze on her elbow as Levi turns to face her and takes her hands in his gives her pause. She looks curiously into his ever stern, stormy eyes as he tells the councilman he does have a few words to say.

"Lorilynn, I promise to remain faithful for the rest of our days together, and to treat you with respect."

She bites her lip to suppress a snort of disbelief. That's all he has to say? They're hardly vows that would convince everyone that she and Levi are a loving couple. He may as well have just let the councilman get it over with. A glance at the crowd confirms her thoughts. They look between each other with confused and disappointed expressions, some even whispering under their breath. This isn't good. If she doesn't so something, this whole farce will be for nothing before it even begins.

"Do you have any words for Levi, Lorilynn?"

The councilman gives her a hopeful look. He too has noticed the crowd's reaction. Lorilynn notices that Levi's stern expression has morphed into a scowl, and the tips of his ears are pink. She squeezes his hands, hoping to ease some of his embarrassment, and to let him know that she'll fix it.

"Yes, I do. Levi, you are the most beautiful man I've ever met. When I first met you, I was struck dumb, and a little embarrassed by my crumpled state of dress. My students, Gabi and Falco, have filled my ears with nothing but praise for you since they started school with me 3 years ago. I know you to be a good man, and I am lucky to share a future with you. I promise, I will never stray, in body or soul, and I will do my best to make our years together pleasant."

Levi stares at her with wide eyes, his chin tilted up to meet her gaze. She hopes he can see the sincerity of her words. The councilman claps his hands and they turn to face him.

"That was lovely, dear. I'm sure you will make a fine wife, and Levi a...loyal husband. Now, let us move on. Is there anyone here who would speak out against this union?"

Levi glances back at the crowd with a glare. She wonders if he's daring them to speak, or if he's hoping someone will. His grip on her fingers is almost painful. No one speaks, and the councilman moves on to their vows. Lorilynn's heart jumps into her throat. This is it. In a few short moments, she will be tied to the cold, intimidating man standing before her until she's buried in the dirt.

"Levi, do you take Lorilynn to be your wife, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, until death do you part?"

"I do."

There's not a trace of hesitation in Levi's deep baritone.

"Lorilynn, do you take Levi to be your husband, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, until do you part?"

She plasters a smile on her face that she hopes is convincing, and hopes the crowd will mistake her sudden tears for ones of joy.

"I do."

"Then, by the power vested in me by the Marleyan government, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Lorilynn gasps as Levi wraps one arm around her waist, dipping her a little to overcome their height difference. His other hand threads into her hair at the back of her head, and presses their lips together in a hard, close-mouthed kiss. She suspects he's trying to make up for his unconvincing vows. The kiss is so stiff and dispassionate, however, and Lorilynn wonders if he hates the idea of kissing her that much, or of he's just inexperienced. Not more than a few seconds later, he starts to pull away. Lorilynn, again wanting to leave a more convincing impression of romance on their witnesses, winds both hands into his soft black hair and pulls his lips back to hers. Levi's whole body goes stiff as she drags his bottom lip between her teeth, coaxing his mouth open so she can dart her tongue out to play with his. He tastes like black tea with an undercurrent of some rare spice she can't place the name of. After a moment of hesitation, Levi's lips finally soften and begin to move against hers, following her gentle guidance. His hands almost crush her against his stone chest as he bites her lip hard. Shit. She's really pissed him off hasn't she? Lorilynn whimpers, too quiet for anyone but Levi to hear, and he breaks the kiss to shoot her a heated glare that their audience mistakes for lust. A stranger seated near the back of the gardens laughs and jeers at them to get a room. The councilman clears his throat as Levi practically drags her from the room.

"Thank you all for coming to witness the union of these two wonderful people. I invite you all to join us for the reception, which will be held in the town square in an hour. Food and refreshments will be provided."

The moment Levi has her out of the crowd's line of sight, he pins her against one of the buildings stone pillars. His furrowed brows and sharp storm like eyes make her heart race. She had forgotten for just a moment that Levi is a dangerous man, probably the most dangerous man alive now that the titans are no more. He doesn't yell, but the underlying threat of violence in his rasping baritone still serves to frighten her. Still, she's never been the type to back down from anyone, especially a man.

"What the hell was that shit?"

"What shit are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb. The vows were one thing. What was that shitty kiss about?"

Lorilynn scoffs and shoves at his chest. He doesn't budge.

"I was just trying to fix your shitty kiss. We want people to think we're in love, remember? Not that you hate me."

His grip on her shoulders slackens, and he allows her to push him back as he turns his face away. Lorilynn catches the faintest trace of pink on his ears again.

"I don't hate you. Don't pull a stunt like that again."

Lorilynn smiles as she comes to a realization.

"Levi, was that your first real kiss?"

He refuses to answer, which of course gives her all the answer she needs, and turns around to head towards the street, where a carriage is waiting for them.

"Hurry up or we'll be late for our own reception. They have to announce us or some stupid shit like that. "

She shakes her head in exasperation and lifts her dress to jog after him. He's kind enough to help her into the carriage, but refuses to look at her once they're seated.

"Is shit your favorite word? You use it in almost every sentence."

"Yes. You got a problem with that, princess?"

Lorilynn gives an amused huff and tries, unsuccessfully, to catch his eye.

"Princess? Is that your idea of an insult? My father was a low ranking military man, until half of Marley's forces were destroyed in the Liberio incident. My mother was from a conquered nation and ran off almost as soon as I was born. I'm about the furthest from princess you could get."

Levi crosses his arms and at last turns to face her with his ever present scowl.

"Do you usually talk this much? I might have reconsidered my decision if I'd known you were going to talk my damn ear off."

Lorilynn ignores the insult, and grins back at him, eyes flashing behind her round lenses.

"No you wouldn't have. You care too much about those kids to do that."

He shoots her a withering glare and refuses to speak for the remainder of the ride. The square is already bustling with people when they arrive, and cheers erupt from the crowd as they exit the carriage arm in arm. Gabi rushes to her side to pin the train of her dress into a simple bustle, congratulates them both, and is swept away to a food cart by a blushing Falco. Levi guides her to the center of the square, where a rudimentary dance floor has been set up. Many of the women in the crowd swoon and sigh as Levi lays one hand on her hip, holds her left hand with the other, and leads them into a slow waltz as sweet dulcet tones drift across the square from a band hidden by the crowd.

"You can dance?"

Levi glowers at her as he swings them around the dance floor.

"Is it so unbelievable?"

"No. You just don't seem like the type."

He scoffs and forces her into a spin that makes her dizzy, before pulling her back into his arms.

"I'm not."

"Who made you learn then?"

Levi dips her at the waist until she almost touches the floor. The crowd cheers and begins to join them.

"What's with all the damn questions?"

Lorilynn grips his shoulders tight. At this point, she's just along for the ride.

"Well, you are my husband now. Shouldn't I know a little bit about you?"

Levi gives her a sour look and the barest roll of his eyes.

"Fine. My Commander taught me. He wanted to make sure I wouldn't embarrass him at formal events."

"Armin taught you?"

"No. Commander Erwin. He was the 13th commander of the scouts, and the one who recruited me."

She tries to keep the pity from her eyes at the word was. The name is familiar to her, one of the many etched onto the base of the memorial statue in the gardens. Her father's is there too.

"Were the two of you close?"

Levi's grip on her waist tightens and Lorilynn worries she may have pushed to far, but then he sighs and answers.

"Yes. He was one of my closest friends."

She bites her lip, wanting to ask how he died, but not wanting him to close up and stop talking to her. So instead, she asks another question that's been on her mind.

"Were you there, when my father died? I didn't have the courage to ask before the rest of your comrades left to spread their story.

"I was there when he left, but none of our group saw him die."

"I see. I was hoping someone could tell me whether he died quickly at least."

Levi stops twirling them around the square and looks at her with furrowed brows.

"Do you want the truth, or do you want it sugar coated?"

"The truth please. I can handle it."

"Tch. We'll see. Don't blame me if you end up crying on your wedding night. Your father stayed behind to destroy the other ships so they couldn't stop us from getting to Eren. They exploded with him inside. He most likely died instantly, but it was probably incredibly painful."

Lorilynn blinks away the tears welling in her eyes, determined not to cry in front of Levi.

"Ah. Thank you for telling me. I'm... glad it was quick at least."

The music pauses as the band prepares to play the next song, and Levi pulls them to a stop.

"Come on. They've set up a table for us with food. I think Armin wanted to do a toast too."

He leads her through the crowd to a small rectangular table with a dark green table cloth and two plates of roast pheasant and potatoes. Lorilynn smiles as he pulls out her chair for her and thanks him as she takes a seat. She eagerly tucks into the food. It's been a long time since she's had any meat. Most of the world's livestock was killed during the rumbling and had to be imported from Paradis or Fort Slava, which made it far too expensive to afford on her part-time teaching salary. The council had paid for the entire wedding, and she wonders if the cost will end up being taken out of the funds meant for rebuilding. She hopes not. As soon as she finishes her plate, a server appears to take it away, and the crowd on the dance floor parts, revealing Armin standing at the center. The music stops and all eyes turn to him. Standing behind him are the rest of Levi's comrades, save Mikasa, and the former warriors, and Gabi and Falco. They all wear the same excited grin, and she chuckles as Levi sighs next to her. Armin holds up his hand, at which the chatter quiets.

"Thank you all so much for joining us tonight. I'd like to take a few minutes to toast our lovely couple. Lorilynn, I've known Levi for many years now. I can tell you that even though he seems rough around the edges, he cares deeply for people close to him. He will always put your needs before his own, even if you may not realize it. Levi, everyone I've spoken to has told me how generous and kind hearted, and patient Lorilynn is. I have confidence that she will help you find the peace we've all worked so hard to gain. I wish a long and happy marriage for the both of you."

Lorilynn watches Levi from the corner of her eye as the rest of his squad toasts to his happy marriage. His lips turn up into the beginnings of a smile when Conny cracks a stupid joke about not terrorizing her with his cleaning habits, and his eyes soften into something that almost resembles warmth when Gabi threatens to beat him up if he's mean to her favorite teacher. It's obvious to her that he holds a soft spot for his friends, and that gives her hope for building a friendly relationship with him. He's not actually made of stone. It's just a thick mask he wears to protect himself from pain. She doesn't blame him. All of the scouts had suffered more than any person should have to in their lifetime. If she had faced the same ordeals as him, would she have been strong enough to keep going, or would she have crumpled under the weight of her despair? Lorilynn can only hope that with time, he will open up at least a little. The real struggle for her will be the wait. She'd botched plenty of relationships because of her inability to be patient and let things progress naturally. That can't be allowed to happen. If she screws it up there's no getting out of it this time. She'll be tied forever to a man she's pushed into despising her. Lorilynn glances to Levi again, who looks more relaxed than she thought he was capable of, and makes a promise to herself not to push him too hard.

The rest of the evening passes in a blur. Several people, some who's faces she recognizes, and some complete strangers, sweep her onto the dance floor. Levi refuses to move from his seat for the remainder of the evening, and politely declines the drinks offered to him, leaving Lorilynn to accept them in his stead. By the time the last person has delivered her back into Levi's arms and said their goodbyes, everything around her is spinning and blurry, even through her glasses. She leans heavily on Levi as he drags her back to their now shared home. Jean, Conny, and Reiner had helped him move most of his things over during the week while she was working, though he didn't have much. They reach the front door, and Levi asks for the key. Lorilynn giggles at the faint blush in Levi's cheeks as she clumsily digs it from between her breasts, which had been pushed together by the corset top of her gown. She pushes him aside and struggles to open the door, missing the lock several times, until Levi scoffs, plucks the key from her hands and carries her through the door with a low grunt. He's so strong, but the walk back without his cane while supporting her must have put serious strain on his leg. Lorilynn rubs her arms and frowns, feeling guilty. She approaches Levi from behind as he limps over to the dining table to light the oil lamp resting there. Only the wealthy could afford electricity before the rumbling, and after, the infrastructure required to maintain it had been destroyed. There weren't enough resources left to bring electricity back to the once modern city. Lorilynn places a hand on Levi's arm.

"Why don't you sit down, Levi? I can rub some of the tension out of your--"

Levi pulls away from her touch as if she had burned him.

"Don't touch me."

Her hand hovers in the air for a moment, before falling back to her side.

"Is something wrong? I'm sorry you had to help me back to the house. I shouldn't have had so much to drink."

Levi turns to face her, and the fury in his gaze, burning bright cobalt in the flickering light, sends shivers up her arms and down her spine.

"What were you trying to pull, with the vows and that kiss? What, you felt sorry for me making a fool out of myself? Or maybe you thought you'd butter me up, so you could slum it up with the filthy island devil?"

"What? No, of course not. I was just trying to make sure it was believable. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

He keeps going, too irate to listen to her.

"It would be a great honor for me right? To get a kind word or touch from my better? Well, I hate to break it to you, but that's never going to happen. I don't need or want your pretty little lies. We are not lovers. We aren't even friends. Nothing has changed except that we're stuck living together, so you keep away from me and we'll get on with our lives. Now, tell me where to find a blanket so I can go sleep on the couch."

That's right. They only have the bed in her room. Levi had never gotten around to buying one for his apartment, since he rarely used them anyway. She steps back from him and wraps her arms around her waist to keep from shaking. If Levi notices the tears welling in her eyes or the stammer in her voice, he doesn't mention it.

"You can take the bed, Levi. I need to bathe before I try to sleep, so I'll take the couch."

"Right. Gotta wash the Eldian stink off you."

He storms away before she can respond, the door slamming behind him. Lorilynn is left in the dining room, confused and shaken.

"Eldian stink? What? I just wanted to sober up a bit."

Where did this sudden talk of island devils come from? Surely, he doesn't really believe she thinks of him that way. Why would she agree to marry him then? No, she must have just embarrassed him or pushed him too far. She'll give him some time to cool off, and they can have a proper conversation about it in the morning.

Resolved, Lorilynn lights a fire in the kitchen to heat up the water for her bath. Once she's washed, and the haze of wine has faded, she thinks of ways to approach the conversation with Levi until the water is too chilled to sit in any longer. Then, not daring to risk Levi's wrath by going into the bedroom, she pulls her freshly laundered work clothes from a basket waiting to be folded and slips them on. She pulls out an old quilt, one of the only possessions left behind by her mother, and gets comfortable on the plush velvet couch. As she drifts into sleep, Lorilynn decides that she'll get up early tomorrow and cook a nice breakfast. Levi can't stay too angry with her after some delicious food and a steaming cup of Earl Grey...right?