
Chapter 9

When I arrived at the next lesson with Jim in the Royal Treasury, he held up his hands in apology. "I know, I know, I'm sorry! I really couldn't get away!"

I sat down in front of him, placing my finished books in front of him with unnecessary force and glaring silently.

"I sent you Nate, didn't I?" He clasped his hands in front of him, getting on his knees and pretending to beg "Oh great future queen spare me!"

I couldn't help it. I laughed at that. "Fine. You are forgiven."

"Whew!" He mimed wiping a nervous sweat from his forehead and got back to his desk. "Did you really fire every single corrupt official in the duchy?"

"First of all, I didn't 'fire' anyone. They excepted an 'early retirement' as a reward for their hard work." I shook my head as Jim rolled with laughter. "And no, I didn't get rid of all of them, just the four with the most power. Without their support, and newer, more honest management in place, the whole corrupt system will collapse on itself."

"And hopefully not take the Duchy down with it?"

I shrugged. "Never said my work was over. All I've done so far was the easy part." Looking around the room, trying to appear casual, I asked. "Is Nate not coming today?"

Jim smiled. "Ah, she notices at last. Actually, that's on purpose. I gave him a later time to show up." Leaning forward, he looked surprisingly serious. "Tommy told me about the argument you two had after he saved you from getting punched in the face."

"Hallers…" I sighed, unsurprised.

"He worries about you to much, which is shocking really." He chuckled. "I didn't think Tommy knew how to care about anything besides perfection at work. He really isn't one to make friends."

I felt a worrying pain in my chest at those words. "We're not friends. I provide an constantly improving and complex work environment. He supports that. That's all. There's nothing personal about it."

Jim sighed. "Sure, just keep telling yourself that, kid."

Running a hand through his hair, he continued. "I know you had your plans, and they involved you putting yourself at risk… but I'm not going to lecture you about that."


"You DO have an impossible task, and honestly there are going to be risks in any path you take if you genuinely want to save your home. I don't know the best way to accomplish that, or if it even CAN be done. So how can I tell you not to go all out?"

I felt relieved, "Thank you."

"That's not what I wanted to talk about with you about." He hesitated once more. "Nate… he cares deeply about the people around him. And he's lost so much already… too much for someone who is the same age as you."

I frowned. "So I should feel sorry for him? Let him boss me around?"

"You know that's not what I'm saying." He rolled his eyes. "Just know that you're not the only messed up person out there, and try to understand. The world is a lot more complicated then you think. You putting yourself in danger may seem reasonable and simple to you, but to him… it reminds him of regrets and things he wishes he could forget."

"…" I knew better than anyone the secrets people held. I shouldn't be surprised that Nate carried some of his own. "I'll think about it."

"Thanks." Jim looked relieved. "He's a good kid, a little too quiet sometimes, but I don't want you two falling out over something silly."

"What's silly?" Walking through the door, Nate entered, smiling.

Jim waved a hand. "Nothing. Let's get started with the lesson."


We began our discussion in earnest. I kept an eye on Nate, but he didn't seem to give any indication that he was still upset after our last encounter. He met my gaze back openly, smiling with a wry expression while pushing me to defend my own viewpoints on tax rates.

It was a lively discussion, and as usual, Jim handed us both a hefty reading assignment after the end of it.

"I think you get some sort of sick enjoyment out of making us suffer." I groaned, mentally trying to figure out how to schedule enough time free to manage the workload.

"Don't be ridiculous." Jim laughed mischievously "I simply enjoy the chance to enrich young minds."

Neither Nate or I looked convinced.



He laughed again. "Making you suffer is really just a side benefit."

Shaking my head, I started to leave, only to be stopped by Nate.

"Do you have a moment to talk before you go?"

I thought it over briefly. He seemed sincere, and not as if he wanted to start another argument. "I can spare a few minutes."

We left together, an awkward silence hanging in the air between us.


"I just wanted to apologize." Nate started off right away, startling me. " I only have a vague idea of your circumstances, and tried to judge you for not doing things the way I might have done them." He headed over to one of the palace gardens, sitting on a bench. "You are honestly trying to protect your people, and I truly respect that."

I didn't sit, standing in front of him, considering his words. "I forgive you." After a brief hesitation, I added. "I apologize as well for involving you in a situation that made you uncomfortable, before you understood what you were getting into. I should have taken the time to explain what my plan was before starting the meeting, and gave you a choice as to whether or not you still wanted to be a part of it."

Nate nodded. "If it makes you feel better, I probably would have still stayed and helped… but I would have still stopped the attack."

"Yeah, I expect you would have." I chuckled. Relaxing slightly with the air cleared, I sat down on the bench next to him, although I left plenty of space between us.

"… You remind me of my brother, you know." He was smiling, but the expression was somehow deeply, incredibly sad.

"Your brother?"

"George. He was only older than me by a couple of years, but we were nothing alike." He chuckled. "He was so passionate about everything. Our country, our people, how to make everyone's lives better; He would find a project that would help someone and then he'd be off, not stopping for anything or anyone until he had finished it. He just cared… so much."

The comparison made me slightly uncomfortable. "I don't care about others." Everything I had done was done with the singular purpose of saving myself. Even improving the duchy was just to prevent us from losing our home for when Ronan finally broke off the engagement.

Nate raised an eyebrow. "Really? Then why was your first concern when you talked about going a more official route to stopping corruption in the duchy about the families who would starve? And it mattered to you so much you were willing to put yourself in harms way? Is that really how someone who doesn't care acts?"

"…" I shook my head silently. I couldn't see myself as anyone's savior.

"Anyways, I think that's why I reacted so strongly that day." He was trying to force a smile, but it crumbled as he continued talking. "George always said that the Cause he was working for justified the risks he was taking. He was my older brother… I believed him."

He trailed off, staring off into the distance, and I couldn't help but ask: "What happened?"

" He died. " Nate whispered the words, his eyes filled with pain. "And I couldn't save him."

Clearing his throat uncomfortably, he stood up, forcing a slightly crooked smile. "Sorry, maybe one day we'll talk more about that… but I don't think I can today."

I followed his lead, standing up and pretending not to notice as he discretely wiped a few tears from his eyes. "Well, I better go home…"

"Just one last thing!" Nate took a deep breath, seeming to steady himself. "Even with our disagreements on silly things like tax rates and extortion and blackmail as a governing technique, I really would like to put that behind us and help each other out in the future." He stuck out his hand. "How about it? Can we be friends?"

I started to reach out to shake his hand, but hesitated.


I was being led out of the ballroom, someone's arm was around my shoulder. My father? He was muttering about how terrible this all was, but I couldn't understand him. My mind was filled with shock over Ronan's betrayal.

How could he break things off the engagement now? Who was the woman he truly loved?

I had always thought he loved me, and now felt very foolish for the assumption.

Just before we went through the exit however, my tear clouded eyes caught sight of someone familiar… and in that moment I felt the my entire body freeze with shock.

Edith, standing next to Prince Ronan, her hand on his arm.

"Isn't that Edith, your friend?" I heard my father ask.

"Yes." the words I spoke were barely audible over the ringing in my ears as the world closed in around me and I faded into darkness. "She's my friend."


I pulled back my hand.

"No. Not friends. Not again. " I muttered, more to myself than Nate. "How about 'pleasant acquaintances' instead?"

He paused at that, his hand lowering for a moment. At first he seemed taken aback, even wounded by my words. But as he studied me, the hurt in his eyes slowly faded away and he started to nod his head. A type of understanding sadness took its place in his expression and he stuck out his hand once more, smiling.

"If that's what you need. Pleasant acquaintances it is."


As he walked me back to the carriage, our conversation turned to less rocky subjects.

"Have you contacted the weaver in Tilendra?" He asked, matching his much longer gait to my own as we walked.

"Yes!" I grinned at him. "Thanks to you I just have one last step before I can move on to the second phase of my plan."

He looked worried at that. "I saw the first phase of your plan. It was terrifying. I shudder to think what the second phase will be."

"Nothing so dramatic." I waved a hand. "Just ensuring that I become completely financially independent. "

"Just that, huh?" He laughed. "Why do I feel that you might take on the whole world next, and probably own it by the time you're through?"

"Not the whole world." I shrugged. "Just most of it."

We arrived at my carriage. Nate waved my footman aside, reaching out to open the door for me himself.

"I'm not sure whether to be excited for you, or scared for everyone else."

I stepped inside, smiling at him through the window of the carriage as he closed the door behind me.

"Why not both?"


I sat at my desk several days later, waiting for a meeting with nervous anticipation.

What if she's completely different then what I remember? I mean, Rig was the same but I doubt even a different lifetime could change that man! What if this doesn't work?! What if Hallers can't find her?

That last thought made me chuckle to myself. No, Hallers would never be so unprofessional as to not complete a task, even an impossible one. I wouldn't put it past him if she didn't exist in this lifetime to simply pull her out of another, just so the job would be done properly.

With a quiet knock, Hallers entered, introducing the woman who followed him with just the slightest hint of a satisfied smile. "Mrs. Maline has arrived."

I nodded approval, and as she walked though the door, I grabbed the armrests of my chair tightly to hold myself back from jumping up to greet her.

She looked the same as when I met her.


I stood nervously in front of the older woman, my hands clenched tightly in front of me. She seemed a gentle person, with grey hair and few wrinkles that were outshined by her kind eyes and smile, but it did little to put me at ease.

This was the last interview I had gotten, my last hope. I had learned from past experiences to keep my head down, speak only when spoke to, and NEVER mention my past as a nobleman's daughter.

"You're the duke's daughter, huh?" She asked, startling me.

"How did you…" I trailed off, terrified of the implications. Would she kick me out? I needed this job desperately.

"I once made a dress for you when you were seventeen." She nodded with a smile. "I remember, you designed the thing yourself, very impressive."

"…" I didn't answer, barely able to breathe as nervousness overcame me.

"Can you sew?"

"Yes, but it was mostly embroidery work." I answered honestly. "But I'm willing to work as hard as it takes to do this job perfectly."

She smiled at that. "I think you will. Even back then I thought you were a dedicated person. I'm willing to give you a chance."


"So stop standing there as if you've seen a ghost and grab a needle. "She laughed at my shocked expression. "We have work to do."


I gently stood up, shaking her hand politely before motioning her to sit. "Mrs. Maline, I'm so glad to meet you, please, make yourself comfortable."

She stared at me curiously as she sat, curiosity in her eyes, without a shred of recognition. I felt a stab of disappointment, and chided myself silently.

Don't be silly, it's not like she's forgotten you! She just hasn't met you yet in this lifetime!

"I assume you are wondering why I asked you here." I started things off generally, trying to put her at ease.

Maline shrugged. "Begging your pardon, but I assumed you wanted a dress made? Why else would you ask a simple seamstress like me up here." She grinned. "I doubt it's simply for the pleasure of my company."

I waved at Hallers, who poured tea. "You are both right and wrong. I did not ask you here to simply make me a dress, but I also did not ask you here just for tea, as much as I would enjoy just sitting and talking for once."

"Then why…?" She stopped, confused as I stood to take a formal dress out of the trunk in the corner and brought it over to her.

"What do you think of this?"

Taken aback, she quickly put on an expression I recognized as her professional face. I had Hallers bring a dress form for her to drape it over, allowing her to study it closely. She walked around it, getting a general feel for the design, stepping closer to check the seams and construction, nodding occasionally. It took quite a while but I watched her happily, thinking of the few happier memories I had from my previous life while working in a dress shop with her.

"The design is unique," She finally spoke up. "The cloth… it's from Tilendra, correct?"

At my nod she whistled with appreciation "Well made, difficult to get on this side of the border. Simple, but elegant, some of the lines could be cleaned up a bit. The sewing was well done, the seams are all passable although not perfect."

She stopped walking around the dress, stopping at the front with a final sigh. "I'd say it's a wonderful dress, Milady. Well designed, well made."

"Thank you." I answered modestly.

"…" She stared at me in shock. I also felt the prickling gaze of Hallers at my back as well before he quickly controlled his expression. "You designed this?" She finally asked.

"Designed and sewn." I spread my hands, grinning.

Maline's eyes widened as she looked over the dress carefully again. "I have to admit then… You are very talented, Milady!"

"I can't take credit for that, I'm afraid. I simply learned from the best."

Maline laughed. "I hate to disagree with nobility, but that's impossible."

"And why is that?"

She pointed to herself. "Because I am the best."

We both laughed at that, although for different reasons.

"So why show me this?" She finally asked.

"You could make this design, yes? Perhaps even improve upon this?"

Maline nodded. "Yes, but I thought you didn't want a dress?"

"I don't want one dress." I sat back down at my desk. "I want to open up a business, a clothing shop, and hire you as the head seamstress."

"…" She sat down silently in her own chair, staring at me as if I had grown a second head. "I don't want to be rude Milady…"

"You can call me Lenora." I interrupted, ignoring Hallers disapproving sigh. "We're going to be business partners after all."

"That's yet to be determined. You may have talent, but I doubt you understand the ruthlessness, the determination it would take for us to make it in the clothing industry."


Maline, usually so calm and collected, sobbed in the corner of the sewing room.

I patted her shoulder, unsure of how to comfort someone who was normally so confident. "I'm sure it was a mistake."

"It's no mistake." She snapped bitterly, wiping her tears. "Mr Haggot stole my designs, my contacts, and gave them to another seamstress. I trusted him, thought he valued me as a business partner, but instead he cut me out!"

"Isn't there anything you can do…?" I drifted into silence as she shook her head sadly.

"Nothing. He took everything. I have nothing." She sniffed. "This is the world of business, girl. Backstabbing, betrayal…. If you ever want to go into it, although I don't recommend it… find someone you can trust."


"So you don't end up like me." She sighed, looking around the shop. "I guess, this is goodbye."


I looked Maline in the eye, not hiding my determination. "I know exactly what the business world is like. That's why I need someone who can help me. Someone just as talented as I am so we can make a good product, but mean enough so between the two of us we can beat out everyone else."

"…" After a few beats of silence she burst into laughter. "Well, you got two things right." She admitted. "I'm talented and I'm mean."

"And you won't stab me in the back." It wasn't a question, but a statement.

"How do you know I won't?"

"…" For a moment, I didn't answer.

She had never betrayed me in my last life, but if I had learned anything, it was that the ones you never suspect, the ones closest to you who could tear you down the fastest.

It wasn't… couldn't be friendship. There was no true friends in this life, I learned that the hard way. But perhaps there was something else, a certain professional integrity. I trusted Maline for the same reason I trusted Rig to gather information, or for Hallers to do… anything. They built their lives around being the best in their work, and if I couldn't trust that, what could I trust?

That was it… that was the reason. I let out a silent sigh of relief. Not emotions, not weakness, not friendship.

Never again.

"You are a professional." I finally answered.

She looked at me with renewed respect. "I most definitely am. " Taking a sip of her tea, she continued. "But even if your designs and my sewing can make the best dresses around, what advantage will we have to sell them?"

"That's the easy part." I pointed at myself.

"You're going to sell them?" Her question was skeptical.

"Without even trying. You see, what do you think happens when the daughter of a duke, the fiancé to the crown prince, shows up to a party wearing a completely different design of dress?" I leaned back in my own chair, sipping my tea with a smile.

Maline's eyes lit up. "They'll copy you?"

"They will. And if I tell them that I got the dress from an exclusive shop?"

She nodded slowly. "I- That… that just might work."

"Not might." I grinned. "It will definitely work."

I could speak with absolute confidence. After all, it had happened before. In my previous life, in the years leading up to my downfall, I had been desperate to impress my inattentive fiancé. I started personally designing my dresses and having them made. It had cost a fortune, and in the end ultimately failed to even win me an extra glance from my betrothed, but each new design had sparked multiple new trends across the nobility. The young women would flock around me, asking where I got my dress, my jewelry. They showered me with compliments and called me their friend.

Of course, once the engagement was broken, each and every one of the women who had called themselves my friend were nowhere to be found. They had used me for their own gain, and I had been too naïve to realize it until it was too late. But that was fine.

In this lifetime, it would be me using them instead.

"I've struck a deal with a weaver in Tilendra, we'll have good access to high quality cloth. With that, your skills and my influence to sell them, we'll soon be busier than we can handle." I set down my tea, leaning forward. There are of course much more details and paperwork to it then that, but that's the offer."

I held out my hand.


Maline groaned. "I hope I don't regret this." She shook my hand. "Partners."

We began drafting the framework of a business. I named it "Prosperity" after everything I hoped to have, everything that this shop would bring me. The beautiful plan to escape my terrible fate.

And so, in my small office in the heart of the Duchy of Armeny, began the start of the newest, most exclusive dress shop, rumored to sell the finest gowns in the country.