
Benjamin make-over

*Saphira's POV*

It was Friday morning and I granted myself a lazy day. I took a shower when I woke up and went to get some breakfast in the kitchen. I was wearing a purple sweatpants and a purple Hoody. Mom was already at work. So the only sound I heard was the sound of the ocean.

It always gave me a sense of peace.

I took some cheese out of the refrigerator and sliced a tomato for a tasty grilled cheese sandwich. Tomorrow I would see Benjamin again. I was falling for him and falling fast. It wasn't like he made it easy on me.

But I didn't know how to go about this. He didn't date and my cousin had become my rival.

Then the doorbell rang. Maybe it was grandma to check up on me. I opened the front door and blinked my eyes a few times. It wasn't my grandma, alright. It was Benjamin. That... I didn't expect. I didn't say anything, I couldn't pronounce a single word.

I just stood there, like an utter moron. "Good morning, Evangeline." He said smiling at me. "Err... Good morning... uh.. Ben." I eyed him, still confused.

"Aren't you going to let me in?" he asked while waving his hand at my front door. I looked down on my outfit of the day and eyed him again.

"You look just fine, don't worry," he said pressing his lips together to prevent from smiling. I frowned at him and shot him another look. I held the door open.

When he walked past me he sniffed, my still wet hair. "Hmm..." he said and touched the tip of my nose. I walked back to the kitchen to finish off my sandwich and Benjamin fallowed, when I finally found my words again.

"What brought all this on? I thought you Weren't supposed to come home until tomorrow?" I asked dubiously. Benjamin sat himself down at our kitchen table.

"Yes you're right, I wasn't. I was supposed to study, I have tests coming up," he said smiling at me.

Then he placed both his hand on his eyes, shaking his head and started mumbling.

"Your such a terrible distraction," he said almost inaudible.

"What made you come down here?" I asked while flipping my grilled cheese sandwich and turned around to face him.

All of a sudden he was behind me and I bumped right into him. He placed both his hands on my hips to steady me. I looked at him, dazed like always.

He smelled so delicious. Ben released me with one hand and held up the hair ribbon he took from me last time.

"I came to give this back. I figured you might miss me.. Err.. It," he said smiling sheepishly now.

"So, just so I get this straight," I said while nervously fumbling with the buttons of the white blouse he was wearing. "You woke up, early in the morning... Took a flight from Boston to Malibu... To give me back my –" Benjamin interrupted me.

"Yes, and... I wanted to see if you thought of a way I could make it up to you... For uh.. Last time," he said while stroking my hair. I got Goosebumps all over. I tried to think of something. "I have an idea, you can take me shopping," I said while biting my lip.

"You want me to take you shopping?" Benjamin verified looking confused. "Yes, call it a Benjamin makeover. You choose what I wear." There was a smile playing on the edge of his lips, so I think he liked the idea of that. "Alright," he agreed.

"On one condition," he said. I raised one eyebrow at him. He smirked in response. "Well, I figured if it's going to cost me. Then you change your hair. You know... As a part of the Benjamin makeover," he said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Change my hair.. How?" I asked guarded. "The way I prefer it, natural state." He said winking at me. I could live with that... "Fine," I agreed.

"While you're busy making breakfast, make some for me as well. I came straight from campus," Benjamin said. He went to sit at the kitchen table again, as I finished our grilled cheese sandwiches.

We ate in silence. When Benjamin was done eating, he placed his elbows on the table and rested his head on his hands. He just stared at me, while I was still eating. I couldn't chew or swallow. I felt so self-conscious.

I decided I was done. I took our plates and threw away what was left.

"Go get dressed," he commanded. "I'll wait for you down at the beach," he added with a softer voice. I ran upstairs and went straight to my closet. What was I supposed to wear?

I decided to go for a little black dress. It was the one thing Lynn said always works. I was in a hurry, so I just used some natural lip-gloss and went to our beach.

He was standing there, looking at the ocean. When he heard me approach, he turned around and walked towards me. "Do you know what I just realized?" Ben said holding my chin up so I could meet his eyes.

"Your blue eyes are just like the ocean. I could swim in them forever," he said grinning. I smacked the back of his head with my flat hand.

Benjamin was chuckling even louder now. He took my hand and walked me towards his car.

We were at Malibu Country Mart and Ben insisted on me getting my hair fixed first. It was funny to see how the hairdresser seemed to think he was my boyfriend.

"You've got a very pretty lady here," she said to Benjamin.

I don't know if he was just trying to be polite but he went along with it. "Yes, she is. I am truly lucky," he said. I flushed of course.

Then we went shopping. Benjamin seemed to make a sport out of making me dress in something, looking at me and then covering me up again.

"Poor Lynn," I said when he made me wear a deep red heart shaped dress. "Are you always this troublesome?" I Teased him. "I do like this on you," he said while tracing the heart shaped top of my dress.

"I just don't want you wearing this outside of the dressing room. Especially not, when I'm not around..." he said tracing my arms now. "Let's get you dressed in something else, before I get too carried away."

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