

eric ordered some drinks for him and was enjoying his drink when he heard a familiar voice near him and when he looked around, he noticed a similar figure in the bar dancing between some bunch of people and they were cheering and shouting for him.

he knew who the person was after seeing the bracelet worn by them and decided to confront when he got home. Allen on the other hand didn't know what his brother was planning and continued moving on the dance floor.


"You say the truth, or I forbid y....." before eric could finish Allen cut him off in between and spoke " I.... admit... it was me" Allen lowered his head a bit and raised his both hands in surrender and smiled cheeky to make the frown on his cranky brother face disappear.

"So, u finally admitted.... huh." eric smirked bringing down the shiver in Allen's body. he knew this time it wouldn't end well with his brother. he tried forcing a smile on but failed after hearing the words from Eric's mouth. he was frightened because he was not allowed to go to bar of all places and never to rebel against after doing the deed.

but he made both the mistakes, first things first he hid that he went to bar and second, he refused to admit his mistake of going to the bar without informing. he was doomed this time, as he was praying for the punishment to be light.

When they heard the door open and the person burst in was the secretary who managed erics schedule. he was a complete havoc and a roller costar. you could never guess what his next step is he could even manage all the work by himself without disturbing his boss.

he would only enter the villa when it's something important and required an urgent look from eric. as Allen saw Gavin walk into the living area, he felt relieved and was over the moon coz his savior was her Allen jumped and dance in his heart.

like eric understood what Allen was feeling he flashed his eyes towards him and smirked a little and said "don't you think that you could get away just because i have some work. ill deal with you tonight." eric then flashed his eyes towards Gavin and he confiscated Allen's phone.

"NOOOOOO! YOU CAN'T BE DOING THIS" Allen whined, yelled and when he was done throwing a tantrum and knew that his brother won't backway, he gave up, made pout and walked from there complaining and throwing hands and legs everywhere in the air like a child.

eric grinned as Gavin started speaking while handing the phone to eric "sir the punishment for young master Allen this time..."

"Just confiscating his phone, laptop and video games will do else don't let him leave the house until he doesn't provide a satisfactory explanation."

" Ok sir " Gavin said and showed the documents to eric which required his attention. as eric was going through the documents eric informed him about his meetings and schedule.


today wasn't the good day it has never been since the tragedy hit the family shattering them away.

today Eugene was not stable at all so the old couple decided they would stay with her at her villa with Clara accompanying them. they even asked Clara to take a day off from work because they knew she herself was not in a good mental state.

the Smith family then got to their cars and the drivers drove them to Eugene's villa where the drivers helped then get off the car and accompanied them to the main gate. when their work was done, they departed and went to park the cars.

Eugene was very weak she couldn't stand on her own, her body was getting weak and fragile as the time passes by, she wouldn't eat anything or express herself just stay in her room or doing work all the time.

standing behind the door of the room in the corner he watched the whole family struggle to help Eugene. she refused everything and asked them to take a rest.

he felt very sad about it watching her in a situation like this he muttered under his breath so lightly that no one could hear " why are you like this? you always smiled when I was in front of you." tears welled up in his eyes and threatened to fall.

he lost his composure and closed the rooms door and hid inside so no one could see him. Eugene on the other hand managed to get back to her room but as soon as she closed the door she fell on her knees and started rubbing her skin.

she scratched and rubbed her hands so fast that her hands became red, and skin started to peel off. She then sunken herself in her knees that were near her chest and covered herself in it. she stayed like that for long time and then finally she drifted to sleep in the same position.

Smiths were outside, in the living room stayed together to discuss how to ease Eugene's pain. when they thought of blind dates, they knew that their daughter would never agree to go on the blind date at any cost.

she loved her man, and she still does and could never get him out her mind. when they thought about all this, they felt the pain and decided not to do anything that could lead to their daughter's mental retardation.

they then decide on giving Eugene a change in her living environment by making her come to their family house and tell her to spend her weekends there. all of them agreed and calmed themselves and soon the sadness they felt drifted away.

even they could never forget their son; brother, they too were sad, but they stayed composed for Eugene. as the old couple went to their room, they asked Clara to ask the maids prepare something for them to eat and told her to go to her room and rest.

when she entered the kitchen, she was surprised that the lunch was already prepared. she then shook her head in disbelief and rubbed her eyes, squinted them but still couldn't believe. she then realized that the maid could have made the lunch and went away after their work was done.


Eugene woke up from her sleep while breathing heavily gasping for air. she tried keeping her hand on her chest which was paining unbearably she tried rubbing her chest and with other hand she massaged her temples to reduce her headache, but nothing worked for her.

she slept on floor, near the door, crying in pain she was hurting really bad. watching all this was the same mysterious boy. when she woke up and had anxiety attack her eyes became hazy and blurry when she saw someone moving in her room.

the boy walked up to her, his face was so close to her she could hear him breathing and hazel brown eyes were visible clearly to her. he looked alike. he looked same as her husband. and before she could react to anything her vision got black and she passed out.

all she could hear was someone shouting and weeping but then she fainted so she couldn't make out what the boy wanted to speak. the boy shouted and took her hurriedly to her bed. he then rummaged through her cupboard and drawers to find her medicine.

he ran around the room in panic. when his attempts to find the medicine failed he sat on the chair near the bed and held her hand in his and finally the tears made its way from his eyes when he saw her lying on the bed motionless, pale and weak.

he then after several minutes got up from his seat and filled a glass of water and covered it with a lid, then disappeared in thin air. soon after Clara walked in the room to call her sister for lunch but when she watched her sleeping, she just smiled and left the room.

"She is sleeping no need to worry, let's have lunch" Clara said as she sat on her chair with her mom sitting in front of her and dad in the middle. they didn't have any appetite to begin with.

RING! RING! RING! the phone started ringing nonstop. Eugene got up from her sleep groaning as her headache pierced through making it feel like her head was cut in half.

her hand searched her phone when she felt her phone touch her hand she grabbed and picked up the call without glancing at the caller ID.


"Mam it's an emergency in the office" the voice from the phone spoke frantically. after hearing the voice, she took her phone from her ear to her eyes and saw the caller id it showed secretary.



the couple was in their living room with a tab in their hands they sat close to each other as if not wanting to part with the other. both Eugene and Luke were going through wedding venues the more they go through they couldn't decide on.

the first picture they went through was an indoor wedding venue which was a church with beautiful purple and white flowers decoration with candle and lights to beautify the look, the aisle was in white carpet with little flower baskets on both sides it looked beautiful, but Eugene didn't like that.

they then went through another picture it too was an indoor venue in a banquet hall with a stage in center the aisle was in blue color with light in its sides, the front was covered in white and pink flowers with some red ones in between the curtain had a white and pink color the venue looked elegant, but Luke didn't like.

they both went through so many more pictures like that but couldn't select anyone. they then came upon an outdoor wedding venue it was beautiful. near the sea it was decorated with white and purple flowers with, pink tulips and curtains were of white and purple color, the aisle was beautifully decorated.

now that they were done with the venue Luke got up from the sofa kissed his wife's forehead and headed to kitchen to prepare coffee for both of them and asked Eugene to rest on the sofa.

soon after Eugene got up from the sofa and she headed to kitchen to see what her husband was doing she loved watching Luke when he is cooking and I the kitchen, she felt loved watching him and him watching and smiling back her. she was glad she married him and thankful that she loved him, and he loved her back.

"I love you hubby" she said making her way to him and hugged him from back and then spoke again " thank you, for loving me" the man chuckled but still replied to her "love you too dear " and " thank you too for marrying me."

he then slid her in front of him making her hit the platform, but the platform of the kitchen didn't touch her since the man kept his hands behind her waist. he kept the cups of coffee aside and pulled his wife up on the platform and started kissing her.

his wife accepted the kiss and allowed him to enter her mouth his tongue wondered every part of her mouth and they deepened the kiss more, soon they broke the kiss, and he trailed his tongue and lips to her jawline and started kissing her.

their body heat rising, and atmosphere became steamy. without breaking the kiss, she got his shirt open, and they rushed to the room. Luke laid his wife on the bed and got rid of the clothes they were wearing and then he fell over his wife kissing her neck and followed to her lips.

their fingers laced together and embracing each other. the morning sunlight escaped in the room Eugene's eyes twitched as she opened her eyes she saw a beautiful man with her in the same bed it was her husband who was looking and admiring her.

" Good morning, love you! love " Luke said. "Morning! dear " Eugene replied " sleep some more" Luke spoke and brushed her cheeks.

" what's the time?" Eugene asked.

" We still have time lets sleep some more" and they hugged each other and drifted to sleep again.

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